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Art Bitlah Hazrat®e-Adas Moulana Shalt Hakeem a Saheb Beastifel Sumate F559) = AES CONTENTS Topic ‘Sonnats of Joma 26 22. | Some Sunnats of Eating. a Swnnas pon Awakening Sunnas and Duas ypon Entering and 24, | Sunnatspertining to clothing. 1 Leaving the Tilt. 25. | Sunnats ofthe Has 3 ‘Dua when leaving the home, 26, | Sunnats when Ticatingand Visiting — | 34 Dus when entering the home, the Sick. ‘Sunnats wpon entering the Mani 21. | Snnas of Traveling % Suanate of ening the Marit. 26. | — Sunnats of Nika. 3° ‘Sunnatsof Miewaah. 29. | Walimah. a ‘Sannats of Wah, 20, | Suanae when child is bre. a Frasidh(Compulsory acts) of Wade, 31. | Sunnae a the tne of Death and ° ‘Sunnat method of Ghush after Dest Faraaidh(Comptory at) of Ghus. Sennats before Sleeping. “6 ‘Sunnats of Aran and Iqaama, Few Suonats of Social Lie, 8 Fiy-one Sunnats of Salaah- Swnnae when one Troubled by 50 leven Sunnats of Qiyaam, “Thoughts of Kur and Sine, ‘Seven Sunnats of Qiraat. 35.| Sunnats of Pondering 30 igh Summa of Ro 36.| Afewimportint teachings ofDeen, | 51 “rele Sunnas of Saab 37. | —tuehaseah, st “Theten Sunnats of Qa. 38, | The Dun of likhaaesh, 33 arasidh(Compultory at) of Salas 39. | Salant Hasjae 54 Differences i the Salat of Females. 40. | Some Habits ad Qualies of Nabi | 56 ‘tiquetes of Salah (Male and Female). (dege4f ) and Miscellaneous Suns, 6 Set tet tes {PtP t Pete 22 ett RE EEL Oita tei iitelees ehe d 6 4 { SUNNATS UPON AWAKENING are Immediately upen avelening ub the foce ord } ‘he eyes with both the palms in order to remove the effets of sleep (Stemaa! Trmiahi) @ _ When the eyes open in the morning recite this dua: geal Gi wax vee ah als nai Trane: All poise is due 1o Allah who brought us to Ie ater ving grorted ux decth ond to im wl we be osurectod Bukharl. Ab Cawood Maslin) ® When oweckening fom sleep cleanse the mouth with © Miswank: usnad Ahmad Au Dawsod p98) The vse of the aiswaat should be cepeoted when moling Wodhu. Using the tia upon owokening is © Sport Sunnat (Baa Mashood-Commentary of Abu Dano Vl! p6.35) ® When wocring one's ovsers, ra pt on the right Tag, then the ls one. When puting on @ hurt or ‘hifi pt onthe right slore and hen the lone. The some procede shouldbe foloned when wearing 4 seat Whon weorng shoo, fn ton he ight shoe When removing any garment or shoe, fit rernove the Ie then the ight Tia The sunnet method when removing any garment rom the body ukhar Trad “he hepteron Citing end Shamacl mit) @® _ Before immersing the hands into any utensils, ‘wath them thrice thorough Temi: Yl a ® Forthe purpose of stnjah, take along water and | Seale gacb Sf Sig gy Bo haces ame Sein carie pawtacaton ton weep Sata tu) hen wt sant ee eeicchcratte mate ee eee corsa he etd ond te Guo ecan sien See israr acm tara (el te eee antemchonaeweaeansPeaer ee eer Biaeicaee fa amor i Dine ere ee Coe amen | BCS tele The Bolowd Not: ie Tower onesl towards he ground es much o esl ponte and thereat remove the garment Cems, A event © " Wien coming ou! om the tall, sep ou with the right foo ft ond then ec this ine wat (ib 58 SBI es GS Trane: © leh! snk orgivenes rom you Al pose it de fo Aloh whe removed fer me which wor harmil and gronted me soley @” Bolore etn he tat remove ony Hing eh, upon which any verses of aur'aen ofthe nome of Rosin (4 sve Ouse. Tower covored wih cosh nd se, tl be perms io omer he tle! while weonng 1} a] ‘ @® _ When relieving onesel, do not face the Qibtanor | @ When elieving oneself, do not speak except out fu the back toward it shat, Timid, tn Maja) ‘of absolute necessity. Also, donot engage in any Zi whilst in the toilet. ehbaae, abu Dawood: pg. 3) @ _Becextemely careful ond ensure that droplets of Utine and stool do not splach vpon one, az most of the punishment ofthe grove is due to not protecting ‘oneself from urine splashes. (aur, to Majon) @ _Donottouch the private pate wth the right hand ring itnoa. Uso the lot hand for this purpose. (Bahar, Abu Dawood) @ _ Where a tele isnot availabe, relieve oneself 3 Behind some bararso that one snot expoted to other ‘Abu Dewsod, tn Majah) | | | | ® Scorcher oh round vhen ion onset the oper) 40 thot the wine dows net sesh but Ia rcthercbsorbedino ne ground. rrmi, Ab Dawood @ " Sitond wnat. Donat urinate whe stoning ‘mans ® _ Alor inating, fone needs to dy hinle he should doo behind some barter (e, wal ee) ‘sein 2e0e @ Perf mune according othe simat ot home @ Perform the sunnats at home before going to the agi Ihe notime fri, he sme cols be potomned in the tm eno’ en, oo Sas br neglected precio pak ene ame ang | DUA WHEN LEAVING THE HOME @ _Whenleovinghome forthe mayor any ohar place, rite his Du: mid A vod on a) AHI Ys DT de LIES a gy Tran: eave vith the name of Ala, Iho plced iy tat iA The shang to bali oon Gnd io cary out ighteous deed sony or Ach | emt volt a6 | Proceed wh cin Do noun. (This pecs | To going to the sasid only). lon Majah) DUA WHEN ENTERING THE HOME @ When returning home, upon entering, fist groot those in the home with Selaam. Thereaier recite his Ou a Pet (abu voces) CAS 55 IB SLES dln Trans: © Alla, osk of You 0 good entering and @ | ole leovng With the name of Alo have we ented ‘ond withthe nome of Allah do we leave ond upon Aloh have we pieced our ust SUNNATS UPON ENTERING THE MAS}ID Torr wth he right foo nathan Chapter on Salah po.61) Torecie digg. onto ps. 56) recite OurandSharecfeg. hd 55 he LENG Ls (or Mejia, Foy dnt Qader: Vt, 76 338. ‘precio be dt een at oon mayan) — AGES SII Gavel Trans: “0 Alc, open he doors of Your mercy forme". |G Moke inetion for Pkt hari ow. 442 SUNNATS OF LEAVING THE MASJID ® _Toleove the Masi withthe lt fot. ae Sc ® o@ (Gaktari: Chapter on Selah .61) | ® Twrecte dig mune. 50 “| @) To recite ourcod shareef eg. I ig ORR ss eesopaygsta ed ane 10.) | rapdnal Qader) iN 3545 ge LENG’ si | | | | | | | | j Trans: “O Allah | osk You for Your grace.” SUNNATS OF MISWAAK | © is Sanat to ves the maak othe time of every Vudu (bu Dawood V3 ps. St Trahecwat Tarhed) "ho Saneat method of holding the Misweak Gecording to whal Hazrat Abdullah bm Masuod (uedie% ) has narrated is as follows: Proce the small ger of the right hand below the Mamaak lace the fu below the heod ofthe moweak ‘Tho romeiing hres fingers wil be laced above (sham Vo. 1s 9885) SUNNATS OF WUDHU Ther ore eighteen sunratsin waa By fling these sunnts, one's wu wl be perfected ‘Make the ntnion of aah 03 “Lam petoring Wadhe to make selagh permissible.” Meat: Chapter regarding Intention in Wah, 73-12) @ Roce geet Gat HN Al py In some nacations the following words have oo been rorrcld which could be recited | @ okay ola ule Ail bal ail ey lee (ara Ma's Tabtaams pa. 37) candin some nartions HALAS; dilyty is oko mentioned. (Majma'uz Zawaa’id) 7 tis Somat trea the lowing Cue whist pefoming Wud, EP BSG EES, A eal (Amal Yau Wal ate o rasa 853 BSN @ Wath both hands upto the wists (dt Cond: e918 rarated by 8 Agama) @ Cleon the teth th mawoa. cw docs nt Vow o mimo, th oth wh te ger | tuaragt Ete; a. 3738) | @ Gorge the mouth vice. ebuDavoad vot Ins.14) © _ Put woter int the nosis ond clean the nosis by blowing thrice. (Abu Dawood: Volt, pg.14-15) one is no fasting, govle and put water into the nosis thoroughly. (sb Dora p.19, Maro ale. 397 @ Wash eoch limb tice outar Vl 6.27) © Moke emia of he beord. (To pass wet ngers through the beard) when washing the face tate: The Sunat method of making thie ofthe boord I that aller wothing the face thc, foke wel inthe alm, bing i inf the chin and rb cutwerd om Prete, posting the fingers trough to bord end soy (sham Volt, wo. 87) hy hg TARR ® When washing the honds and fet, make Khia! | | | | er aes tnee ‘Beautiful Sumats of i> ees Tho Galvod Nets of the fingers ond toes (Abu Dawood Vt In. 19) @ Make stasah of the one head once. (Sraayah; vot ro. 132, Sham Vo.) @ Together wih Hasan of the head, moke Mosahof the wor. (ara Vo! 73-16, Shan Yl 1p 89) @ Rubthelimbs when woshing them tera @ Woke wudnin quick succession nar @ Moke waanu in sequence (Midayan:Vo.1) © _Tobegin from the right side. author Chapter of besinning onthe right in Wd, 28) @® Commence maroh ofthe head from the front. (outbare VOL1, po 31. narrated from Abdo Ion Zaid 4 8c2)) @ Make mesahof the nope. Do not make Maseh of the throat. This isa Sah limovaion.Naraaq: p41) ‘Alter waaha recite the Shahewd 9-40) 40 Ad the rect his au: , ht lA Sa 9) calle a CT ee 187 Trani: © Al, include me emorgs those who repent ‘excessively nd amongst those who puriy themselves. Note: Regarding the cbove Dua, Mulla Ali Qari (ebatis] hor written in Mirasst, commentary of

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