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 Congreso  Internet  Freedom  for  Mobile  Users  Resolution  

Whereas,  Latinos  are  less  likely  to  have  a  home  Internet  connection  and  are  more  likely  to  rely  on  the  
mobile  Internet  to  gain  online  access  using  mobile  devices  [i],  

Whereas,  mobile  Internet  access  provides  the  Latino  community  with  the  transformative  opportunity  to  
organize,  tell  our  stories,  and  access  information  that  is  relevant  to  our  community,  

Whereas,  there  is  only  one  Internet  and  rules  protecting  the  free  speech  rights  of  users  should  protect  
users  regardless  of  whether  they  access  the  Internet  through  fixed  or  mobile  platforms,  

Whereas,  The  FCC  passed  open  Internet  rules  for  fixed  Internet  access  but  did  not  extend  the  same  rules  
to  mobile  users  accessing  the  Internet,  allowing  mobile  carriers  to  block  third-­‐party  applications  and  
slow  down  Web  content,  

Whereas,  The  FCC’s  decision  splits  the  Internet  in  two,  adopting  one  set  of  rules  for  fixed  Internet  access  
and  another  set  of  rules  for  mobile,  

Whereas,  strong  open  Internet  rules  should  be  applied  to  allow  mobile  users  to  access  the  content,  
applications  and  services  of  their  choice  online,  without  discrimination,  


Whereas,  Latino  organizers,  organizations,  media  makers,  and  residents  of  all  ages,  nationalities,  
languages  and  economic  and  immigration  status  rely  on  the  mobile  Internet  to  share  and  access  

Whereas,  an  open  Internet  allows  Internet  users  to  communicate  directly  to  the  public  without  
permission  from  corporate  gatekeepers,  


Whereas,  without  strong  open  Internet  protections  that  ban  discriminatory  practices  from  mobile  
carriers,  Internet  service  providers  have  a  strong  incentive  to  block  or  slow  down  users’  ability  to  access  
the  content  and  applications  of  their  choice  online,  

Whereas,  in  recent  months,  our  community  has  witnessed  why  Internet  freedom  is  critical  to  a  
democratic  and  free  society  by  the  struggles  of  the  citizens  of  Egypt  and  Tunisia  to  use  the  Internet  and  
their  mobile  devices  to  fight  oppressive  government  regimes,  


Whereas,  without  strong  Network  Neutrality  rules  that  prevent  discrimination  on  the  mobile  Internet,  
Latino  wireless  users  will  have  less  control  to  communicate  freely,  

1. THEREFORE  BE  IT  RESOLVED  that  the  organizations  represented  by  delegates  of  the  2011  
National  Latino  Congreso  urge  the  FCC  to  protect  Internet  freedom  by  adopting  strong  open  
Internet  rules  that  protect  mobile  users,  by  banning  discrimination  on  the  mobile  Internet;  
2. FURTHER,  BE  IT  RESOLVED  that  the  organizations  represented  by  delegates  of  the  2011  National  
Latino  Congreso  call  on  Congress  to  pass  legislation  to  protect  Internet  freedom  by  adopting  
strong  open  Internet  rules  that  protect  mobile  users  by  banning  discrimination  on  the  mobile  
3. FURTHER,  BE  IT  RESOLVED  that  the  organizations  represented  by  delegates  of  the  2011  National  
Latino  Congreso  reject  any  efforts  by  Congress  to  pass  legislation  that  would  strip  the  FCC  of  its  
ability  to  enforce  open  Internet  protections.  
[i]  Livingston,  G.  (2011).  Latinos  and  Digital  Technology,  2010.  Washington,  DC:  Pew  Hispanic  Center.  

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