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The Skinny…A daily double-shot of digital goodness.

The Skinny is a synopsis of current digital marketing and social media trends. The Skinny’s mission is to deliver the buzz
to you in a few minutes or less so you can be in the know and focus on what matters most- your work.

Even if You Didn’t Want to Know…

 Insight Express Digital Consumer Portrait has looked in to where people use their mobile phones, and the numbers might

surprise you too.

 38% of people use their mobile phones at sporting events, 9% use them during church services, and 22% use

them during a movie.

 These numbers show how important mobile technology has become to consumers.
Google Docs Improves Commenting, adds E-Mail Notifications

 Today Google is releasing an update to Google Docs that upgrades comments

and adds simple e-mail notifications by mentioning e-mail addresses in


 Google Docs has already had commenting functions, but the new features

make the collaboration experience more robust.

 Comments will now include a timestamp and profile pictures, and the ability

to edit comments.

 The other interesting addition to comments is the implementation of e-mail

notifications via @mentions.

 Just like the Twitter or Facebook @mention, users can now add others to a

discussion just by @mentioning his or her e-mail address.

Facebook Holds Its First “Hacker Cup.”

 Facebook’s Hacker Cup is known to be the Olympics of Hacking.

 25 finalists from 10 countries attended the event.

 They were treated with a trip to tour the Facebook campus and they had an

opportunity to compete against each other.

 Hackers were tasked to find solution to complicated computer science


 Each round included three problems that had to be solved. Participants had

to choose a correct answer.

 Ten Facebook engineers developed three problems for the final round.

 Facebook hosted the competition just for love of the game, and the Hacker

Cup will be held annually with Facebook planning improvements to the

event every year.

“Creative without strategy is called 'art.' Creative with strategy is called 'advertising.' “ –Jef I. Richards

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