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Comic Creator by Myra Brown and Julia Evans

Renaissance : Early ltalian History



Coption: What does the tenn Renaissance mean? nJrebirttr A)new century C)*ai coption: what fonns of literacy is expressed with the Renaissance?
A)poetry B) letters c)writing

Coption: Most of the Renaissance art was.......? Coptiol' riga bic.f Tllp"q h".l!" Bqgi.lelg" !fayger_yo!1/i,1 1'^"'
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A)paintirfil;curptures, and sketcrres
s) instrumgn6-, *J
metaricr, anJiron.
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Coption: What did they believe the tenf,Renaissance should be used for? Cgpiion: True or False: Rornans held the key to trutlt in the obvsenation ofnature ?

True Or False ?
A)period of darkness BJtime of sorrow C)spiritual time

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