Jesal's Mistaken Identity

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Mistaken Identity

His heart pounding rapidly, George slammed the dusty, ancient door of the 1538 mansion and
rushed towards his red Nissan Micra. As he drove up the road, he saw 2 strange, strong men then
a 3rd person appeared. The 2 strange men didn’t know that the mysterious man was there.
“ Huh!, sorry sir but we will have to take you to questioning” explained the policemen.
“ B-b-b-but I didn’t do anything!” replied George as his face was swelling up.
“ Expeliamous!, Wingardium Laviosa!” yelled the mysterious man. George fell over and then he was
flying like a young bird that doesn’t know how to fly.
“Ahhhh!!!!” George cried.

VROOM!! VROOM!! George strutted towards the prison cell. Every day George was starving to
death, lonely, and never got any visits or calls from his family because they didn’t know, and even
if they did they would be shocked and wouldn’t go next to those demonters or wizards. On
Wednesday 14th July 2004’ George got a suit and lots of delicious food and asked to the guard of
“Why am I getting all of this stuff, all of a sudden?”
“Because you’re going to the Ministry of Magic for questioning.” replied the guard. At lunchtime

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