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Have you heard people say that experience is the best teacher? Eric does not believe that that is
always hundred percent true especially in this generation, what experience do you need to get
your head squashed under a lorry wheel? If you are already married or you are planning on
getting married soon; here are some tips on keeping the love fire burning, nevertheless some of
you experts in the “field” could still tell me ( what does not work for
you in what I put forward in this document.

Husband make it a point to tell your wife that you truly love her, come on now how would feel
if you did not hear it from her for a month or two? And please make sure you really mean it do
not do it for the sake, am sure the only reason you married her was because of her beauty so
always tell her she's beautiful and compliment her not only on her looks, but also on her
accomplishments, talents and abilities. Always be sincere, confident and proud of being her
husband not forgetting that there are appropriate times and places for affection. Kissing and
intimate touching does not usually go over well in public especially here in Africa; may be
because am not married but do not be too shy to hold her hand in public because you shouldn't be
ashamed that she's yours, you may not be in place at times to do all she wants but never lie since
this can taint the relationship.

Has someone ever done something to you that you felt like barking at them? Am sure you have,
but never argue in public and cause a scene. This will humiliate her and she'll think twice about
going out with you again. Similarly, if you and your wife have an argument, don't do or say
things to her that are mean and spiteful. That will make her think that you're a maniac. Well if
you ever flirt with other woman at any time, I will definitely doubt you too; it means you're not
loyal to your wife or your relationship with her. Most women will view it as cheating and you
just might lose her. Do not be stupid or even start getting lazy about how you look just because
you think she's yours. Continue trying to impress her because she might just lose interest if you
begin to slack off remember you never leave your partner be hide, marriage is an institution we
just do not walk out from, if you're with your friends, never ignore her and start talking with
your friends or walk off with them as if she's not there.

Husbands tend to fear their wives friend but become friends with her friends it gives you more
things in common with your wife eventually, her friends will love you. Make a good impression
on her parents even if you don't particularly like them, they can be your greatest allies in the
long run and always be thoughtful, the small things matter the most, men in Africa often find it
hard to be a gentle men to their wives probably because of the culture but holding doors open
for your wife, being polite and helpful can add a thousand candle lights to your love, think of
asking your wife if she's cold when it's cold out but do not ask because you read this document
rather have a jacket or a sweater handy so you can give it to her.

When she isn't feeling well, or home sick; bring her some soup, hot tea or flowers but do
consider your wife’s tests and preferences. Make her happy by buying her little gifts, small
things like a single flower or a bag or her favourite candy or a chocolate bar will go a long way.
Some husbands do not remember important dates this is a big deal with women. Birthdays,
anniversaries and other milestones are all opportunities to show her how special she is to you.
She will be very impressed that you have been paying attention. Be thoughtful; touch her
regularly because even the slightest touch can make a woman feel special. Hold her hand, give
her a hug or gently touch her face--these gestures will all make her feel protected and loved, I
know that many men are so lazy at writing but always try your best to write your wife love
notes; they don't have to be long and poetic if you're not the type but try to make them cute and
show her that you care. I personally would love this and am very sure that this is one way to be

Every woman loves a bit of alone time with her partner so book a whole day for the two of you
to be alone; my friend always say a day to date your wife; no children coming with you it’s just
mum and dad alone why should you wait for these silly days; valentine remember am talking
about keeping the love fire burning you cannot afford to let it grow cold even for a single second
would you? Trying watching a movie at home, massage her back and be intimate sharing your
everyday events and thoughts with your wife. Being open and communicative makes her feel
like you want her in your life so listen to her advice even if you don't agree. Keep an open ear.
The number one complaint many women have regarding men is that they don't listen. Even if
you're not particularly interested in what she's saying, listen, and then acknowledge that you
were listening. Let her know that you are the one that she can talk to about anything and be
there for her through thick and thin and she will feel comfortable with you and trust you.
Lastly, if you want her to be yours forever, let her know you're there for her when she needs, and
men please! Please! Be by her side and most importantly make her feel loved, special, safe and
protected. Your wife wants to be your queen so treat her as such and you'll have no problem.

However I write these entire not as a formula for those in the institute of marriage these are just
my thoughts and a little bit of what I have heard from wedding services so test every word and
see for yourself what is right and what will work for you and your wife yet at the end of the day
if you do not have the Love giver (speaking of the Christ Jesus) in your life you cannot make
anything happen.
I know it has not crossed your mind why some text is bold and in italics but here is the summary
of it all so you could run through it all really quick if you too lazy at reading bulk.

Husband tell your wife that you truly love her, tell her she's beautiful and compliment
her accomplishments, talents and abilities, be sincere, confident and proud of being
her husband for affection. Kissing and intimate touching does not go well in public
but never lie, never argue in public and cause a scene don't do or say things to her that
are mean and spiteful or ever flirt with other woman; it means you're not loyal to your
wife. Do not be stupid or even start getting lazy about how you look, continue trying to
impress her because marriage is an institution; if you're with your friends, never
ignore her or walk off with them but become friends with her friends, eventually, make
a good impression on her parents and always be thoughtful, be a gentle men holding
doors open for your wife, being polite and helpful; think of asking your wife if she's
cold so you can give her a jacket or bring her some soup, hot tea; Make her happy by
buying her little gifts, remember important dates this is a big deal and are all
opportunities to show her how special she is to you, be thoughtful; touch her regularly
because these gestures will all make her feel protected and loved, try your best to write
your wife love notes; make them cute and be romantic. Every woman loves a bit of
alone time with her partner no children with you why should you wait for valentine?
Sharing your everyday events and being open and communicative makes her feel you
want her in your life. Let her know that you are the one that she can talk to about
anything, she will feel comfortable and trust you, men please! Please! Be by her side
most importantly making her feel safe and protected.

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