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Reflection 2

I have learned the constructivism and ı really like it. The ideas that the
thought support makes sense to me because it mostly depends on social
practises, collaborative and cooperative practises. It is true that humanbeings
learn beter when they are involved to the thing. So this experience makes
students more alert and taking part in activities so they will be responsible both
their own learning and their peer’s learning process.
Actually ı grasp the topic and hardly have difficulty in understanding
anything about this subject.
What ı can focus more is how to make use of this thougt in my teaching
process ı think. This makes me brainwave on this and lots of ideas come to my
mind that ı can apply to my class. However ı should focus more on this.
Constructivism is the best thought that makes sense to me. Because it is
very logical. What ı want to do is to make my students learn something by living
it and taking part ı mean experience the thaing that they learn. So ı will
certainly use this thought in my classes and make my students more active in
their own learning process. I can use such kind of activities that make them
coopearate and make social practises, which is crucial for their learning. I will
just direct them so they will find their own way, at least they will give a try
although they make mistakes . ı will try to da my best.

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