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Dear Friend,

Stop the assault on

polar bears --
give today.

I have terrible news: The world's biggest oil companies have teamed up to strike down
America's largest wildlife preserve.

Hiding behind their lobby group, ExxonMobil, Chevron, Shell, BP and 11 other oil behemoths just filed
suit to abolish the 120-million-acre polar bear preserve set up last year in response to a campaign by
the Center for Biological Diversity.

Please help us stop Exxon and BP from destroying America's largest wildlife preserve. Donate
today to our Polar Bear Protection Fund.

The polar bear wildlife preserve is bigger than 48 of the 50 states (it's nearly 25,000 square miles
larger than California). It's bigger than the entire national park system. And it's desperately needed to
save the polar bear from extinction.

Due to global warming and industrial development, scientists predict that polar bears will disappear
from Alaska by 2030 and could be extinct worldwide by the end of the century -- unless we take action
to save them.

With your help, the Center is ready to jump into action. We'll file a legal motion to intervene
against the Alaska Oil and Gas Association lawsuit. Then we'll file motions showing that the oil
lobby's case should be thrown out.

Exxon and BP aren't shy about why they want the polar bear preserve abolished: They want to bring
industrial oil drilling to Alaska's pristine coastlines and offshore waters.

Please donate today to the Polar Bear Protection Fund. The Center's lawyers and scientists are
ready to go toe-to-toe with the oil industry, but lawsuits are expensive, and we can't get into
court without your financial help.

The Center can stop Alaska's North Slope from becoming as industrialized as the Gulf of Mexico.
We've held off all new offshore drilling permits there since 2007. To stop this latest attack, though, we
have to step it up, and we need your help to do it.

For all that's wild,

Kierán Suckling
Executive Director
Center for Biological Diversity
P.S. The 120-million-acre polar bear preserve is essential to protecting other imperiled species
including the walrus, bearded seal and beluga whale. Please help us stop this unprecedented
assault on the nation's largest wildlife preserve: Donate today to the Polar Bear
Protection Fund.

Polar bear photo courtesy USFWS.

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