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How Do Your Career Beliefs Impact the

Achievement of Your Goal(s)?

The fundamental premise on which this workshop is based is that people

make a number of assumptions and generalizations about themselves and the
work world based on their limited experiences. Whether accurate or not, these
assumptions affect the way people behave.

If people believe something is true, they act as if it is true. What appears to

be inappropriate or self-defeating behavior may become understandable when
one discovers the assumptions and beliefs on which they are operating. The
approach that people take in making career decisions and launching their job
search depends on what they believe about themselves and the world of work.

If their beliefs are accurate and constructive, they will act in ways that are
likely to foster the achievement of their goals. If their beliefs are inaccurate
and self-defeating, they will act in ways that make sense to them but may
hinder the accomplishment of their goals. This workshop can help participants
initiate an exploration of the career beliefs on which their behaviors are based
and re-evaluate the direction in which they are headed.

--John D. Krumboltz, The Career Beliefs Inventory

Sponsored By Enoch Pratt Public Library

Facilitated by Charles J. Hicks, II, Ph.D. / 410-466-9023
How Do Your Career Beliefs Impact the
Achievement of Your Goal(s)?

Workshop Agenda
/ Topic / Objective Activity Resources
A  Opening / Overview Introductions Exercise Nine Dots
 Get Acquainted ACCI – Score / Profile ACCI
B Career Voyage - Present / Discuss Video
 Challenges
 Opportunities
0:45 
C Career Myths Present / Discuss HO/VG
D Job Search Activity Brainstorm / Present / Discuss
 Working well  Purpose
 Not so well  Requirements
1:15 
E Job Search Activity Brainstorm / Present / Discuss
 Enablers
 Obstacles
1:30 Resilience HO/VG
 What is it?  How resilient are you?
 7 Resilience Factors  Expanding Resilience
F Next Steps / 410-466-9023

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