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Network theory

Why networks?
Provide us a different kind of explanation for peoples: popularity, influence, or success
Organizational similarities such as cell phones
Why it is that trade alliances and military alliances, political coalitions, etc work the way they

Provides us a diff way to examine how those things happen

Network definition
Dynamic, evolving, patterned, set of relationships (edges, ties) amount at least two or more
actors (points, nodes)

* --- *

Difference between attritubes verses relationships

Attributes: characteristics or nodes of an actor

Key piece of network theory. Got people to look at network theory to explain something that
wasn’t being explained well before
Strong ties vs. weak ties

Ties is the relationship

Strong and weak is the attribute
Strong ties for example with parents, gf/bf
Weak Ties for example teacher, dentist, etc. spuratic ties.
The Strength of Weak Ties

d c

a Star

f b

how networks work. A would be the professor.

If A would to ask to borrow a car, A can ask anyone because A is linked to all of them
If C, D,E, etc were to ask to borrow a car, A would be the only person to ask
E d

F c

Loop or cicle

G b

G f h I

G went to the concert with F because H told F about it. And I brought H etc


C and D: moneys in the middle : Broker


For E and F to want something from A or B, they must go through C and D

-------------------- relationship (a line)

--------------- direction (arrow) (what direction is that relationship)

* * * Attribute (e.g color = group)

Social networks: brokerage

within same group

consultant- broker outside

a is the outsider
gatekeeper-broker at boundary controlling access
a receptionist is like what A is when you go into an office

c is the outsider

liaison-broker not part of either group

(individuals, econ orgs, nations, etc)

(friends, trade, geo-political, etc)

Why social networks aren’t random

“homophily” –groups and culture matter (reciprocity)
Tendency of individuals to associate and bond with similar others

“clustering” (or triadic closure)

Two strangers with a mutual friend often tend to become acquainted
Social networks don’t tend to be random
Triads tend to “close up”
Kinda how you become friends because your friend invites their friend you don’t know but you
all get to know each other.

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