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Discuss the importance of religion in society today.

Imagine a bloody, violent and gory war between two factions fuelled by fortitude and chivalry. This is not a tale
out of Arthurian legends neither is it a scene out of the Lord of Rings trilogy. This is a scene from the 12 th
century crusades. Religion has been the centre of human existence for as long as we have existed. The 12th
crusades, the Arab-Israeli war and other conflicts in history only prove to show its importance then. I believe
that religion still has its importance today in society. Religion reached deep into the hearts of the devotees and
disregards their identities and their social statuses, transcending all social boundaries. Religion also compels us
to question our roots and help in self-discovery.

Religion still plays in integral role in society today since it is still the rudimentary foundation of our laws. The
laws put in place in society today are very much the same laws that our ancestors had with the exception of
slight modifications to suit our present lives. These laws are closely based on religion. Some aspects of religious
conduct expected of devotees govern our laws. For example, Islamic laws and the Ten Commandments of
Moses also condemn such acts. It is by no coincidence that our laws condemn murder and theft. This
relationship between our religions of ages past and our existing laws is one that is tightly linked. Detractors may
argue that other factors also contribute to the way our laws are made. However religion still plays a significant
role in our law making. Take law making in Singapore of example. Despite being a secular society, In order to
pass a policy, lawmakers need to seek the consensus of religious leaders before the legislature is passed. This is
done to ensure that the policies are not against any religion. I feel that even though laws and codes of conduct in
our society today are not necessarily based on religion, it remains of great importance in society today,

The most commonly asked question by humans is probably “What is my purpose on Earth?” We are always
questioning our purpose and our identity. Religion offers one greater meaning and purpose. We were not placed
on earth to drift mindlessly, but to fulfil both small and large missions as set forth by whatever doctrine we
adhere to. Buddhist devotees seek to reach nirvana and attain enlightenment; Christians seek to become more
and more Christ-like. Religion naturally prompts one to find out more about oneself. This self discovery is
becoming increasingly important today when the advent of global brands in the world is creating a homogenous
culture in the world. People are losing their individuality to consumerism and globalization. In this aspect,
religion has not lost its importance but rather religion has a even greater importance in spurring self discovery

Religion serves as a source of hope for people. In a world that is ravaged by selfish ambition, a great divide
exists between the North and South hemisphere. We often see that it is in these poor and ‘less developed’
countries where the most pious of devotees live. The countries in Africa despite being plagued with HIV and
aids are home to great revivals. The Muslims living in the war-stricken Middle East also visit Mecca on long
pilgrimages. Religion remains very much relevant in our society today because it serves to provide something to
believe in. The idea that a higher being is at work in the universe is comforting for many and creates a
placating effect for many. Our world today has become so sceptical and there is a real need for such hope and
peace much more that it was needed before. Cynics claim that religion only serves to provide false hope and
point out that religion is merely opium for the masses. I concur that the hope that religion brings is groundless
however, religion does have an enigmatic therapeutic effect on the masses.

At the same time, the importance of religion has been displaced by the introduction of Science. Science seeks to
provide logical reasoning for everything possible. The advent of Quantum physics and Molecular biology has
caused more people to be sceptical about religion. The Big Bang Theory directly contradicts the religious belief
that a Higher Being created the world. Education today emphasizes the importance of Science in career
opportunities and more youth are encouraged towards further studies in Science. This prolonged study of
Science eventually causes us to doubt religions and it also causes us to try to rationalize religion. The basis of
religion is Faith which is defined to be belief that is not based on truth. It is impossible to give reason for
religion. While Science may seem to be of greater priority compared to Religion, religion still has its importance
in our society today.
Religion’s place in society today has also been taken over by secularity. Religion played a central role in society
in the past. Today, many nations have become democratic; theocracy of old has become a rare sight. The
development of democracy and other ideas have broadened the perspective of humans. We are more open-
minded and less conservative. Man has become less superstitious and less dependent on the belief in a Higher
Being. The overall decline of religious piousness can be attributed to the spread of ideas of agnosticism. The
learned man has more to question as compared to the less informed man. Hence, religion may not be as
important as it was in society today.

In conclusion, religion still plays a very important role in society today. Religion may lack importance in certain
aspects in our society today, but it is this unchanging nature of religion that allows it to remain important to us.
Even today, we are still facing similar problems that our forefathers faced then. The very nature of Religion that
saw our ancestors through their life will continue to see us through our lives.

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