Follow Up Findraising Opportunity

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Recently, I emailed your organization offering a tremendous opportunity to form a partnership

with the SHAKLEE-H.E.A.S fund raising team! By forming a working partnership together fund
raising will be more enjoyable, more eventful and more competitive! Fund raising can be a
happy successful experience or it can be heart breaking to say the least!

As you know, fund raising has become a highly competitive and skilled business, especially in
today's economical climate, loss of jobs or having to be concerned about losing one’s job. Money
is of major concern and fund raising unfortunately is not high on many individuals priority list!
As a matter of fact, when expecting individuals to donate part of their income, the fund has to be
considered extremely important, necessary and many times very rewarding to the donor!!!!

Before continuing, please permit me to reiterate an earlier statement I made in the previous email
I sent you, when forming a working partnership with the SHAKLEE-H.E.A.S. experienced fund
raising team----YOUR-COST-WILL-BE- ZERO!!!!....Yes I said ZERO!!!! Having said
that....let’s get on with the justifiable reasons for success as a partner!

The Shaklee Corporation is one of the Nation’s most respected producers of “ALL NATURAL "
healthful vitamins, minerals, supplements and enhancements in the United States with proven
results! Every product produced by SHAKLEE is guaranteed to do as SHAKLEE says it will do
or your money back....guaranteed!!!! SHAKLEE products are not available for over the counter
purchase, never were and never will be! However SHAKLEE products are available and
distributed proudly through dedicated sales representatives such as myself and the entire
H.E.A.S. (healthiest enhancements assisting sports) sales staff!!!!....Millions of people around
the globe and here in the United States are committed to and have been SHAKLEE product users
since 1956 the year a Dr. with the name SHAKLEE formed the FIRST ALL GREEN

Most importantly, SHAKLEE produces nothing but “TOTALLY SAFE” products for the entire
family from infants to grandparents....As a ”GREEN” company, SHAKLEE has the most
effective, "GREEN " household products available in the market place for the most articulate
Mother of the house that insists on "GREEN" cleanliness throughout her house!!!!  And when
using the SHAKLEE products, they absolutely SAVE you money GUARANTEED! SHAKLEE
has products specifically designed for the most demanding beauty care product user! SHAKLEE
also has a great product line for men, for the elderly and for the toddlers of the house, each
proven effective and successful!!!!

Speaking of SHAKLEE’S desired and effective product line, I know you will be interested in
hearing that SHAKLEE has an outstanding line of effective and rewarding supplements for the
most demanding athletes of the family....from little leaguers, to high schoolers, to college
athletes....yes Olympic world class competitor. You may be surprised to hear that SHAKLEE,
since 1980 has sponsored the U.S. Ski Team and the U.S. Snowboarding team plus various other
world class athletes competing in the field of sport of their choosing!!!! And the SHAKLEE-
powered world class athletes has brought home 102 medals of which 60 are gold!

If you still are not completely convinced SHAKLEE and the popularity of
the SHAKLEE products will be of tremendous assistance in competing for the donors valuable
dollars, let me add another enticing endorsement of enormous proportions!

Everyone is familiar with the name “OPRAH" and the millions of faithful watchers she generates
on a daily basis! Listen to this....Recently the "OPRAH " show had the President and CEO of
SHAKLEE Mr. Roger Barnett as a guest  on her show and she willingly divulged to the millions
of listeners and to Mr. Barnett that she is a regular user of Shaklee products....and she .....LOVES
THEM AND SHAKLEE!!!!....There is no better endorsement of a product then hearing it on
the....OPRAH Televised Show!!....Directly from "OPRAH" herself!!!!

I strongly urge you to seriously accept our offer to partner with the SHAKLEE-H.E.A.S.
fundraising team by going to my website HEAS.MYSHAKLEE.COM, register as a member, and
leave a request for one of my experienced dedicated staff to contact you with all of the amazing,
interesting, effective and successful details....It will be the most rewarding decisions you have
ever made in support of your fund raising endeavors both now and in the future!!!! However
should you desire, please call me direct as I always welcome hearing from new friends and
customers of H.E.A.S.

 Assisting fund raising friends, that’s our goal!

 Don Heasley, U.S.NAVY Retired

CEO    H.E.A.S.

Healthiest Enhancements Assisting Sports 

(815) 814-6018

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