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-Sitting On A Restaurant-

Syafira : Can we eat now?

Izyana : Yeah! I’m starving..

Syafira : Ok.. Then, let’s eat.. Waiter!

Fatiyah : Yuhuu... I’m coming! Yes Miss, may I take your order..?

Syafira: Hey! you look familiar..

Izyana: Is it you Fatiyah?

Fatiyah : Err.. Ya.. you sound like Yana.. Yana right?

Izyana : Ya! I’ts me.. Hi Fatiyah.. Its been a while..

Syafira : Yeah!! We miss you so much..

Fatiyah : Hehehe... So what are you girls doing here?

Syafira : Nothing.. we’re just hanging out.. Today is holiday, remember?

Fatiyah : Oh yea.. I forgot.. Well..this is how it is when you work at a

place like tis.. you’ll have to work even for holidays..

Izyana : Yeah..we know.. We felt sorry for you..

Fatiyah : Don’t be.. I’m ok though.. So what do you girls want to order?

Syafira : Me first.. Emm.. I want to order 1 slice of chocolate cake and 1

glass of cold chocolate with whipped cream on top..

Izyana : yummy!!!chocolate…I want it too…i’ll take 1 slice of chocolate

cheese cake and 1 glass of cappuccino..

Fatiyah : What?chocolate???You have got to be kidding me..

Izyana : What??Nothings wrong with that..Just get our orders please…can


Fatiyah : Ok.. I’ll be right back..

0rders delivered…

Syafira : Wooo.. I can’t wait to eat my chocolate cake.. I just love


Izyana : Me too.. I’ve been crazy about chocolate since primary school.

Fatiyah : Yuck!! Do u know that chocolate can make us fat?

Izyana : No! you’re wrong.. Chocolate doesn’t make us fat.. It will only

affect our brain, skin and our feelings.. It doesn’t affect our


Syafira : Yes..She’s right.. Chocolate stimulates our body and increase our

memory level.. It will also reduce and control our stress.. Isn’t it


Fatiyah : Really? Doesn’t it makes us fat or damage our teeth?

Izyana : No.. It doesn’t.. The things that make us fat is something that is

high in cholesterol, oil and fat.. Also, our teeth are damage by

the carbonated drinks..

Fatiyah : Still..its sweet though.. Sweets damage our teeth, throat and

our body.. Sometimes It also gives us headache and stomach


Syafira : That is so wrong.. The fact chocolate is sweet, is undeniable.. But

it won’t effect our teeth, throat and body.. To avoid risk, drink

some mineral water after eating chocolate or any other kind of

food.. Additionally, chocolate reduce the amount of pimple on

our face and controls the rate of excess oil that is released..

Fatiyah : Really? Well, I never knew that..Plus, chocolate do cost a

fortune.. To buy 3 bars of chocolate is already RM 15.. I don’t

want to waste a lot just to taste one.. In fact, I never thought of

trying it..

Izyana : Fatiyah, not at all of them cost that high.. Only some of them
are expensive.. and those are branded ones..there are lots of
kind of chocolate…you just have to choose the right one..Choose
one that is less in calorie, sugar and fat but rich in goodness..

Fatiyah : Emm..I don’t know..maybe you’re right…But I still don’t believe

it until everything that u said are proven..

Syafira : Magnificent..No problem.. Right Yana.. We’ll treat you some

chocolate after this.. Oh man.. U have got to try it, ok???

Izyana : Yea.. I agree..

Fatiyah : Emm.. Ok..Right after I finish my work..k..In about half an hour..

Syafira : Haha..oukey..

-The End-

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