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“Teale ineoaaoren “Thi th fet boc te Roa Nisa (Colton of St Diss pps a ae Ben Gs epimers man an ms nse Pua itcovs tition or euldaved ohnrw brs Bui antic ita of a eonge ne esr in auton o Budi Frcicsn geal Fueane and ove tocar tavacneweinatin seams Pasay 9 sss hy ean nto conden ot ab, edt xe igo ovesove a, Pog hnogute may ott tai eaupoivst anletcugh eh doommert un be vp, began “hat aa lt oh sin pion aroha Buadnestning Baie 5 patan cea stim ran so emele berg wis rei esta ei pm anteng wih maken? Unban bennett ie ston othe eg ok rece "tak dnl tn Zoi ~ gn thority onan atin and arash at proton comacnt fom sk Eom ating snes mre “lohan Pesan 8 paren Pte Land Pasa, ale oe ofthe via o te Bath, CaaS wile he seine ‘born in wrt of natin an the sesh fan Ray tee aon head hash sen of Onarga 7 ates cnt tens of pene, sig on gi tote Sang can ve deat tin wee oc dea eles. Page 8 eeencnntnou ston a ye an inact ve lable ae Tangerang than mal ineta amt, Paszae 9 et tothe abject of medion, focssns on the develpaet of sod wll and loving “Thase nine passage, im efiant conta, ze hagueney chante n Thera soumta nan today Cayand onda Reise chant Pasege 1 daly, ean atematien tose efige ie Tipe Gao, Monks wi often cast Pasages 39 a blessings Wan lay people ee, and eqnely Use verses om Passage 9 as eenon ‘hemes ‘Ts pauages contend Ln thle Bock ons ae afl eden bath to wally Badd talaga mode Tosa pacton Homa to th Elessd Ona, the Wesing Onn ‘the Sarma Perfection adaned One 4, Sararpttayary ~ Going for Refs in the Tue See {go to the Buddha for rfage [go fe the Dhamma for seige. 1 gots the Sangha fer rohige ‘Asner le Ig thy Buea for vege ‘Asoo tne Ip tthe Deseo me ‘Sound tina Ip tothe Sergha for sehige ‘Aird tame goto ne Basa fr retope ‘Athena goto tha Dhamma for catige, ‘Nthied tne oso he Sangha For refuse 1 Seramtayay Buscharnsaranar gacehs mi, shammarsararamy gacoha m: Sargnamsararammgaecna ra. Duriyamp budeham sararam gaocha mi dutyamp! dhammarp sararam gagcha rm. Suityamp! sarghamaararmgacsham Tatiyarrpi buednamn sararsengacors tn tatyamai daammam sarataingacchs {aya sa‘gharnsararem gaccha mi 2, Dam Sikbhupats Ths Tn Teining Roles undreace tue rang oe to seta fom tang Trndeae the raining lem reftaln farm sain Tundra the raining rule to soften fom seu ern unde the raining oleto retaken ting les underae the raining ole to seftan fom stonicatng femmented & diilled beverages that ado crclesmnes, [underasth raiming let sftein fom eating the wocng tine [ar noon & bore dev [andere the taining met ean Bom dance eininn mel, & matting ahem Candee the raining ole torefisin om wearing garlands and beading myoolf with pean & connote [andere te atnng let 2etalnotn high monroe sat Pade Tundereace te training roe to edn om accepting golds mares, 2, Dasasikkha padam 6 tip t8 voramar}-sikkha padam $02 sams diya m Aoinna eins veramart-skene padaimsars 4 yam Aoranmacarya veramarl-sikkha padarsarna Aya Musa vada veramars-sikkha padam sama diya m Surg merayarnailapams dat thane veramarsiiuhd padam sama diva m. Vikelabnojana voramaq-sikkha pada ty sama aya me Naoca-gita-va dita-vieikadaseana veramar-cikkha padam sama diya mi Mate-ganaha-silepans-aha fags mangana-v brikanay {ha ne vetamar)-slkeha paca a8 cy 9, Voom sayana-mana sayana veramary-sikknapadarnsama cya m, Tov daterwartajalapay Igoaliane verartany sink pacar sal Gly re 8, Dvainaatara The 32 Pare Inte body there i har ofthe aad, Tat ofthe boas, nals, eth, an els tendons ons bone mato, ae ties, membranes anes, ngs Tes vectiny wll iootines, oe, teces, al, ‘gmp, bead, ta eas, oll up, sue, ‘al the jie wns, vas, 8, Ovatineaka ro ty imasimim ka ye ‘marrsarn nharu 804 af th §08 att Himifjam vakkam hadaya yakanam klomakampinakampapphasam ania mmaniagunam usan'yam kari aam mathal ungarn SOS, pilamn sembarp pubbo antamseds meds. Seu vasa khel osingna nka lasik mutant §07. 4 Sancta Pein The Novio's Questions ‘Wher coat ‘Atanas op ed. [Tharsao has four enters forth aablsng of beings as ten bith o otha appt athe nae sa plas {ope bom, Which tow? Physica food, ros or refines contact ws We seco conscious Me ted and exelectulinenton te fost, = SM2HL68 Wht iste? ‘ave fom feta heal noma ‘Wha iste? “To thew pee of fing plata, pf at plese nor pin) ‘What i et ‘Toe oor note tut {see the ceenation o sen the esaton of sexs the path of peat esangto the eseton oes Whe i the? Toe i aaareees fom, tena peooton farestons,consscumess. Whe sent ‘The tinker one modin[oys, vs 000 tenga bod nls] ‘Whar wasn? oe cevon rasrors or Atarenin noramunees,anagts or quae parsnoe aps, sei, concoMeaTO, AMA ‘What ight? ‘Tench lett epa gt vow, lg esi elt peo, ih ction, Ht elMhood, gi efor, gt nindhubass, ret conomtrton] ‘wha een? ‘Toa nips abode for beings [ven setione of eonsciousnase and two phar ‘rate are beings wht dlossty ofhedy and ae of pareatlon sash athunan beings seme devat and sme buns In the wer rain. Th the hat edlon ct consioaanes Tore are beings wih dtm of body andsinetlanty of paeapion, sac ae the devas ofthe Brahma hosts caveat by the tt [tana], This eth eso tien of conarccenee, ‘Tose are beings wih sngslantyof body and dent of parcaptin, euch athe Radirt Devas. This the thied aaron of eonsciusmase ‘Toone are Delage with sngnanty of boy and singular oF peeeplon such asthe Beainaly Lustrous Devas, This the Foun salon of conseronstess. ‘Toare are binge who, th tho camplete ansoendng of partons of pela] for, witht dlsppearenss of peosplces of esctanes, and not hopdng ateptions of divaaiy,tlnking,"infias spas, artes stthaaebat ofthe nfitudeoFapace. Tey fith stall ocessioust ‘Teas are beleee ke swththe somite arsenslng ofthe sphere oft ntde of pay, tll, nae oonssonenas! lee atte epher othe snide of nmsouenaw, Thi ete enth esto of sonsiouanes, ‘ines ate bongs wn athe sept manecening ofthe pare ofthe sade of snastoumess, thinking, "That te ethan suing athe alr of aes Tle ith vet aon of eons ‘Tos sphere of on pacilent bans ang, sac, te phate of natherpaeeptin noe an pean. Thaw ata to spare. Maha Nidana Stan, DN 153] ‘wae tea) Bode ta te qualtiag one Secale an ceahart [the ght vow of onebepend eal the Het ral of one beyond trang, tele patch of co bgone rating, heist action of ne beyont malin the igh Ikeood of ouebesond trang he nt eta of ene beyond tag, teste ainsi ofcoabajend tain the right conoscsalion oF em beyond training, ba rght knowiodge of ona bepend traning, the righ leas of one beyond training { MahasCatartaka Sita, MOLT} Kuma rapanha 1. “Ekarpnt ma king? "Sabbe satta aba rat t hike. S.cTiq nama wit? “Tigse vecana S.cGauen na ma win? ?2"Cata anyasacoa n” S5."Panioa ndira kil? “Pancupd o& nakhandha 8.“Cha nama kin’? "Cha ayhatukam a yaianani”. 7 Satta nf ma hi? “Sata bojhanga” Brat ra nama wi"? “anyoatLhargiee mage” Sheva n& ma Kitt? “Nava sattzva oa 10. "Dasa nama Kip"? "Casahargen samanna gato araha vuscallt, S blangala ate Mote [ Read tena tations Meda Tha ) [Note The ata abn appear at $n.) {nave ear thal atone tine the Blesed One was tayng in Svat a els Grove, Anathapntias pak. Then a cetain devg inthe fr exzeme ofthe nigh her ‘strane radian ighing up the erie of Jet Gov, approssha ha last Cn. On eeheachina, having Pome dono thw Based Ona ahs ond one sd ae she stood to oe side, ae addressed him with a vase any seas arsstamses betas give Dioghrto pretation, asking wal-beng Tal thea oss pretation (ie Dat Notconserting with fools consuting mh the wise, paying homage sn thos wort of homage: “relethe highow prtetion ‘eng actvaed having made mer ne ps, ‘unscnes onary ‘Ts ae bight protetin, road inowindg, dil, ‘wrlbeartnet deli, Spal epokan ord ‘Tess the higher proteton, Supt for ones paras ‘aslstance 2 one wis and cles, ‘Santa in anaes ‘Teste ges prteton, Gane Ing in aca, solataney oon oc¥tives, ‘lodathat aa banal ‘Tots te igus protection voles, stetaning oom em; effing fom intoxicants, being heedful of oe qualita of them ‘Ts ts hight proteton Repedt hnilty, conteniaart, gratis hazing the Diane on timely ceesione "Tt gas potest, Patlens, composure, Sevag conten ate, Aloustng the Dhamma ontinely coven: “Toss tha hishast protectin, Assan, oaiboy, vat Noble Tat, realaing Unbiedegs ‘Toss highs protetin, ‘A mindctat, whan toushed bythe way ofthe weed, Ieundiaen, orowess, dusts sere ‘Tass bigest protetin, Bvarywhare undated ‘when ating this wap, Deople go evaryner in wal.beng Tale ster ges petetion 5. Mafgalasuitam 4, Eva me sulayr ckamsamayarp thagavé sa valth yam vibarat jetavane anathapinjkassa & rd me. Atha kho afatard devata abhikkantl ya ‘atiys abrikkantavana kevslakagpatpjelavanarobhe seta yena bhagave lenupasarkam\upasa kama Braga Vantarpabhiva dats ckamantampat {hasi. ekamaniamp{ hita khos4 davats bhagavantary 98 haya ajhabhas- 2 Tpanuseva manusca oa, Mafpala i a0inayU re gkarhamana soltha nar brah: margalamutta mar 3, "Acavana oa balenam, parts nafioa sevard, pi oa poaneyya nam §01. eiam mangalamuttamarp 4, FPanrpadesaya so ca, pubbeca katapunnata gitasnmms panehy 60200. seam margelamaiiamam 5, "Bg husaccara 8 ppanua. vinayo ca susinainte, gubha sia ca ya vaca. clam mangala muttamam 6, "Mais piu unat [ha nam pultaad races earyano, ns lulg ca kammanta. elam marga.amultamam, 7. *Dunafica cnammacar ya ca, ha taka nafica sargaho, ghavaja ni kareiari, etary aryalasialatate 8, "Arai wrat pa pa. majapana oa sa yam gppama do ca dhammesu, sta margalamuitamam. 9, *Gitavovcanuatooa, sani oa bata WAUle kglena dhammassavanam $63, eta rymargalamuttamam 10. “khan ca sovacaseata .samars nafica Seseara m kglona dhammace saccha stam margalamatamam. 11, “Tapoca brahmacariyanica, an yazacea ha dassana, njbba nasacsnie riya ca, tam mangalamunamary 12, "hurt nasea lokadhammer, citar yassa na kampat ‘sabbattha sctih mgacchant, tar tesarp mafyalamuttaman"i. 6 Ratea Suma ~ Tease [ote Tie ata alo appoas at SIL] ‘Whatevnapete have ator hes, onthe ear inthe key — aay you al bebe {ele intent hat | ap, ‘Teas spirits you should all bo etetve. Show kladneso te manta Day Benight ne ee oferine sp bog ined, pote! tae ‘Whavever wea — hate or bayond vehslewe waguist vacua inthe hsevang lost, fru, equal a Tans, "Tost, lean exquiste Gear inthe Bada Bythur pun may tare be well-being, ‘Ton euguste Date ~ oning peer diocovared byt Sayan Sag in contectzatin ‘Thyra isnot ts aguatat Dhan, ‘Tot, lean exguiata seme intho Phas. Bythls uu may tare be yl bin, ‘What the mont Avsicraed One ete sepe ortemedated nog [No equal o that concentration canbe foun. “Ts ta, lean exquiste oeseue inthe Phar. BBythis uth may tome be we bin, ‘Tor ight persons the for pai — prlaed by thon at pecs: ‘Ten, dstplasof the Cos Wel-Gong, dase orgs [What ager to then be aves al ‘hig to, isan eaquiate boesre into Sirgta. bgthis tun may tare be welt, ‘Tease who, devoted, the-minde, apply tmorsee b> Gtanate meses, gh anng nk geal peo he Des “Tag to, isan guint Uoceus mths Sgt Bythis mur may tare be wellbeing, ‘Jape, 0] panes nme ar, ‘Cell you Le et etn oF sey, ‘who avg eomeechanded the noble the oe “Tel to, lan egusie baer Inthe Seek Bythls wun may tare be vl bin, ‘Thsoe who han sean clay the noble nae ‘wal-tmgneby the one of dap decemment Fegucdssof via [ltr night nae tar edocs ‘ell come tom elgh tte of becoming. [2), oto, an eee eas ne ENA, Bythis buh may the be wellbeing. Asthe moment ofemaaing ght one shandnca toe thas any views, noe, ‘ary taco o previ & pesto [3] (One Is completely release from the four ata of erg ein, (4) sn inspibieof commiting thet eae wrong] “Fl to, lan sche baer Inthe Seka Bythis wun may tare be welding, ‘Whatever bed dod onemsy do Inbody, pace, or Inn ~ ons cant hide an capability aserbed to one who has sea te Way This, ton Lean sigue ues Ine Stet bsytnis mum mag tare 08 woe, Like a fees grove wt Sowering tons ‘the fet month bts hoot oF amen, > isthe Povemoel Deak tet, Turtha highest bane, madi to Unbiesing “Tels to, lean exquisite inthe Eada, Bythis wun may tare be wel!ein, Forest, fonenast nox, forest givin, orenoortabieng, smnecolod, he Tas toe ont Daina, “Tog ton, lan eaculst aezrs inh Bude Bythu buh may are be wellbeing, Boe ote stone ang bth |depacsl ond fe mips tomand ther becoming, thay, witha goed, no dasa fe growth, ts prada," ot lke teams ‘Tht, lean excuse tocsrsindha Sera Bythls uu may tare be yl} bin. ‘Water oie ave getter hes, cone ear inne ey ets pay omg tthe Buda, the Tathagata wonshipped by betas haan € av May tate be wellbeing. ‘Whatevnapete have ator hes, onthe eat inthe dey — lets pay boenage tothe Dhar {the Talagata worchippodby bongs han ede ‘May care be wellben, ‘Whatever sii ve geared hes, Senths ew inane y= Jet pay benage fo he Sg Sthe Tahaoaa weschippedby beings haan © dv ‘May cate be ‘ae. 6, Ratanacutam 1. Yanidha cha ni sama gata ni, shu mani §01 va yan va antalikkhe sabbeva bhi sumang bhavantu.athoo! sakkacca surantu Cha 81a. igsma hi bra fsa meth sade, metarkevethia ma MUsiya Pap Ye iva ca rattoca narant ye balim tase hina rakkhatha apparattz 3, Yamba sitargidha va hutamia-eaggesu v3 yam falanampa Stam, ra no samamatthi tathe gatana,idampl buddhe ratanam part am, tena sacgena suvattn: Mt atana chammana samaith kfc idampl dharime ratana marta, tena sagzena suvalthi Not, 5. Yambusanaser the parvarray using sama dhima nantarikaffamahu; sama ding tena sarno na vijab.idarrpi dhamnme talanam pagar tena sagoena suvattni hot, 6, "Ye puggala att ha satamoasartha . cat eta ni yuan ont te dakihiney a sugatassa sa vaka, stesu dinna a) mahapphals Ni) \gampi sarghe ratara mpartam etena sacoena suvalthi het, 7, ‘va Suppayuna manasa’ dal nena, kka mino gata masa sanamhi; tepatipatta amatamuigayha.laddha mudna nebut tm §c2 BURKAra Na Mamet sarghe ratana mnaiam elena naccana siaaith het 8, ‘Yathindakhtlo patravissita S03 siya, oatuooh va teh asamea kampyo. tathtpamam sappunsamvadd mi, yoanyasaaea n) avecoa passat. damp sanghe ratana mpar tam elena saccaria suvalth hot 9, ‘Ya anyasassa n vibha vayanti, garni rapaifiena sudesita ni binat pi te nna bhusar pamalta'sna te bravaryat | hamama diyant) 10, Sandvassa dassanasampad@ ya $08, tayassu dhamrna jarita Bhavan ‘sakea yadit {hI vcikicchttaAca, slabbatamya y yadatin! kine 11. Gatfiapa yeni ca vippamutte,enacca bhi hi nani §03 abhatba katury $08, Want sarge rataraipan wi evra saowtia suvatt Hou 12, Kino goo kammma 807 karcli pa pakate wyoha vod Usa Setast VE. abhabba §08 50 tasea pajicchadé ya G09, abhabbald dl hapadasea vuttd. ‘ame sangne ratanamparsiametena sascena suvalth het 13. Vanappagumbe yatha $10 phussitagge gimhe nama se pat hamasmim§1t gimhe. lathtbamam Ghammavaramedesayi £12, nlbba naga mimparamarn hia ya. damp bude ratanam pagiiary elena saccena suvaly nto. 14," Vare varanagvarade vaid har anullaro drammavaramagesay) dampi buddhe ratanam pagar eiena saccena euvay Noto. 18, Khifum puta mmm neva nati samonavarn viatanlta yatke Dhavasre tekhinptra avid hichands, ribband dhire yathe yam $12 padipo, 16, Yaardha Bias sara gaiani, chumma mn va yan va aptal skhe lath gatarpdevamanussapijtam buddhamnamassé ma suvatthi hot, 17. Yartoha bain sara gatin\ Hhummd ny va YBN) va antalikkh 2 latha gatarndevamanussaptitars dhammarpnamassa ma suvalihi hot. 18 Yaoteha bia ni sama qatan\, Shumman ve yan va antalikkhe latha gatarjdevamanuscaptitar sarghari namasea ma suvatthy hot. Notes 2. trap: A tallharcived pay pasted ae arate ro alge. (0 898) 2-The pers whe haa seashd tie tage race willbe ran tact seven mot ies, (Go bac] These thos qualia te utara abandonad whan one guna coats fet spss of Unbinding at Sosem-anty Cha mcmet whan ena eer the aa tol Aven). (Go bs2) 4. Pour states of deprivation: br as an ana a hungry shade any Ganon, ofa canien ofl. ihe Buses comnology, none ote states selena. (So ack] 5h sx pst wrong: muting cons moths, murdcing one's aha, nurdating an Arshant (faly Avskaned individual), wounding Buh, onus a sshisn a te $Stngha, or ehooeingsepons ot than a Buddha a one's nero each (Go back] 17. Poles Kanda Hungry Shades Ourada Walle ‘aide me vate ey sand, Sat evorout, At er pets hey send, returning to thal old Pras et yl sol pt Qd8 leh eave, ote aban ie ‘sh he Kanno of eng beings ‘eax too» who fel saps fr has dondroletives ive timely doucions of ope food 6 dese sqm, cea tang! "May thie from alates ‘Mayor paver be aps" And those who have gaheodthae, “hs ase had of te Tae va aprecaton gl thee basing Torta platifl Fonds cil May car skives tive ong becanse of wham we hye gained [this gh} Wena tomn mene tnd the done eno without ew Forte in le ean] aes ‘no feming, no rng ot ets, smo coma, po wading it msney. ‘Toye on eh esha, ngs sates ‘sa ater taming onal Few dono the valli, enon dose bat i ven here erent dea ‘arivea fl oF wate fllthe ceva full vem dose ati given hare beret be dea. "Be gove toms se aced onmy behalf ‘hey were my relatives, companions, ends ‘ofterings ahold be given forthe dad ‘when ore eet Gn Hinge da inthe pase Fore seeping, sowig no othe anton nets the deal se rete ast tha wa, uu whan thoes glen, el aed nthe Sangha stows for the longo batt and hsyproft immediatly, Tnthisway the proper dty to calativasas been shown, (gest honat hae been dane the dea sv moneshzve been given strength ‘Toa mart you've ago ‘ent anal, 7.Tirokut tasuttam 1. Trokuty esu u{hane.sandrusingna akesuca Guaratia nasishk hands a oxntus na Rakam ghar Pahite annaganammrsknapaonoye upatt te fa toca mou Sarat atta harp kammapaccays 3. Eiamdadand ha nam ye Mont anukampata sucimparfia mid lena, kapplvamy panathejanarn ‘amve nat namhotuesulrita Motu Aa tayo. panieannaga nary sakacoarpanumosate, 5, Ginamjvantuns fam-yesam netolaona mace} akaroa katt COR. d'yaka ca anipphala 6 Nam tattha hast QO! ithe goraukhettha ha vat ‘ania ta dt natn, raftiena kavckay are S02. Suinnana yapant, patt kelancave gc8 cant 7. Unnameudasargvut thar yatha ninnaty pavatas evameva ito ainsam pata Ramp upahapa 8. Yaina vevana pea, parloment sa garam evameva ito annaip pe natn uoawacpal pata namelskiniqar da. pubbe kataranusearam. 10.'Natrrupmamus soko vB ya care pan evan na lampetd namattha ya, amit hand AB yo. a1."Ayahte kh dakkhing done, sarghamt Suppl hi Gigharata rte yansa, ha naso upaka peat 12, 89 ta tuhammoea ajar moaseiton pete pas oa kot@ Ul 8 balanea Srituntnamanuppaainnam 903, tumbary pushars sazutansanappa kant 6. Wie Kanda ~The Revere Band ‘esp underszcnd,athe wat ine "un ase or daty eg ‘hla wil prow foray needs Toray rat Te danced by thee, "cov of bt, fing or aeidents" ‘Wn ame teeth tthe orld rete fund etched aay. But ne materhow wel tesored, dsp underground, a tha waa ins, st ont all alwaye sare one's. ‘ep fan gots shed os place, or cons memony guts confused ‘waa serpers male of ith it, ‘pintssteal Or tate iran of tht ‘Wh enesma ete, ‘Bot wha man or wean hastis aide awelbaceed rand oreanmoas, = Fesrany,& secon) Vitusegeete asrze, ‘heSunaha, ‘ine tao, ects roots athe, veld lens ‘Thats evvll toned find Theat be wrested a, Teflowe son alone ‘Wan, hag ets word, for wherever Yours 3, ru take ith you. Tole find oot nid in ewamen wih obs, |& camet bestobm by thes So, pendent, you rou aa me, ‘he hind hae Po you along, Tptsthe hind that ese hey want tw begs aman divine a ee eee ager enshchertat, ee Toate siucelenets nae, betes Senet aay cenlsneay ones So power ists the aoconplctnert of mart ‘That win the rade, pralsethe hind emer ready mass, 2. Nidhikamtbsunam 1. Nidhi niches purse, gamnbetre odakartke, atthe kiaee sarmuppanne, aha ya me bnavissat fe, Tajess va durunaosay sorats p/|isaave ve Iacea va pamokikha ya, dubphikkhe a paca su va; etadattha ya lokasmy nicht nsima nid ya 3, Tavassunihito 607 santo. gambrrre ocakanike na sabbe sabbada eva,tassa tamupakappat. 4, Nay vz [nang oavati sanna vasea uimuyrat aga va apanamenti yakkna va p harani nar 5. Appiys vp daya da, uadharant apassato; yeca punatikhayo hat sabbametam vinassat. 6, Yassa ua nena silena, sanyamena damena ca, righ sunihito het, nia puaassa va ‘ata pitarioe pr $02, aiho jet thamhi haar 8, Eso nich sunt, ajeyyo anuok miko. pahayagamartyest clareaas ya gacchat) 9. Asa cha raramanhasam accra harano nich bayira tha ahi ra purer, yo nich ange mike. 10, Eas devamanussa namy sabbska madads nahi yamyadeva bhipatthant, sabbametenalabphat 11, Suvarets susarala. eusart Mn surtpatd 805, on paccapan va ro, sabbametena labohat. 1a, Padesaia ari Ssatiyarys cakkevauisukiatt ayer devarajjamp sib besu. sabbametens faba, 1, Manuscika ca campatb, devalokeca ya rat, YE ca nibba nasampaib. sabbametena labhal, 14. Mittasampadam gamma, yonisova $04 payutjata, ili vimutt vasibha vo, sabbametena labbhas. 16. Pat ieambnidl vimokhina oa, ya ca 8a vakapa rami pacdekabadm buddhabhan-sabbametena iaebhat. 16, Evarpmahatthika e2a, yacidarppurracampa a, lasmg chia pasansari, pargia katapulifatan. 2. Beep prac ofthe Doan [Se beet) 2. Clear knowing ~kaeedge of previous lives knobledge ofthe pasing anay and erstg Gebithy of beings knowledge ofthe end of te mental eae ‘uso, becoming, views ignoransa Kelas aloes fom the oes oF bith [Go bask] 3. Actunen = amen wi regard ote Chamna, tos aening to langue, oleae. These Cou alenis re found some, bu nota, Arana. [SO ack] 4 Emacsiptions, The Baa Nida Sunt [DN 5] dese eight mancipations a lls bossa of farm, one aber, Tha tha fet enceetpcin "Ne pesipiont oF oma italy, ne abe fom ener. Tiss the sound emanation "che tent only onthe beatiful The ie the third emancipation. With the complete ranseandlng of peospions of [Fhgecal] frm, wth the dieappemans orpaceplots of ele, and not heeding perceptions of divas, thie, fink spice one ara and retain the ae the ine of pac. Thisistho fourth enansiatcn. With th oanpta transcending of th phar ofthe nfniude of pace, ting, Init cmoxierss cha ana nd reaualze inthe shee othe veins of exesioueese This the Ht emancbaten "ya the rapt needing ofthe ephae oft infintudo of eensroumeny, thinking "They inet! one enters er eine the sphere of nathngeass. This isthe kth ananepation “yer te complete manssnsng or the sphere ornettlegoess, oe enter soa remain he sphere ore petopton nornn-persepion, Tose ke sen emanelpation ‘in the oemplete tansending of he sphere ofnelther perogpien narnen-peeplon one ees andremens in he cesalen of peroepon and Celt. Thisistho oighth ananeipaien “No hen a monk tals the wht emanations n forward order, in wveon are, in Ferra aa eves order, when ars ot and nese oe ‘arn ierever eas, however hy eas a for a long ase Wa oho tough he ending ofthe mental frmenttions he ees and eae ne fermeataio-tee rele of arenes ced louse of diocermec, having dvvally now K and eat tine hee and no, be Issuld to be amon felesoad in both wage, nda for sre sea in both way highs or amereaubloae ian th, tte enon.” [So back] 5. Puvate Awakens awakening sa Private dah, one who can px Aweaenine wont eying on te eases tars but wo cannot fxmulate te Dnanmasn ‘he way a Fall Budd an, (Go ack [Nota Ts ata sn appoue at S13.) Telsisto be cone by one sled ake ‘Who mareato bral Tr ongh to these of rea Becapabls uri, & araghforward, uy Ins, amt net conrad, content & easy to appr, seth Fw desing abl, seit poset acai, arent lode, Beno grand for oppor, Donat die agree ming ‘tt the Wie ould er ete, nay al bens be arp at hear, “Whatvar beings thers mayb ve orator, ibe notion, eg a sbi be, She seen ae 8, om a seeing om ‘Mayall being: be happy a baat “Laramie doce anatar or dala yore mbar, for through gar or Eaton ‘wish fr anor to Aasemotoar woul rk he if to protect ar ik hee ony ei, ‘am sea on eae les heat ‘elt ragarato al bangs, ‘Wi good vil forte ect costo, cova a tints boa: Above below, all cea ‘anoberuod, witha hasty cehera ‘Wathe sesds, elein, sting on yi ao, aslongasone lsat, ons id be rool on tle minds, Thlatscalad aaiblima biting hats & no ‘Nottaken with war, bub witaoae & ovemmate im vcon, having evbaad deoze real pears Ville inthe wa, 9, Mettasuitary 1. Karartyamatihakusalana, yantasantam padam abhica mecsa, akkS Ujgea sunulog0T 93, susacoaasea mudu anatimant 2, Santussako ca subharo ca, appak coo 33 Sallahukawl ssantindr yoca nipako Ga, appagabbha kU esvananugi dao, 8, Nasa knuddamseare sibel yena viANOpare upava ceyyur sukfinova kremino hortus sabbasalta 802 ohavantu suk tate 4. Veven parsonuctin, tase va tna vara vanavasese Taha va yeva manana 03, mainima rassaka arukatnda 8. Dithe va yeva adit ha S04, ye va 803 de vasand aida bhi va §0esambhaves’ va Q07,sabbasatta bhavantu sukhitata 6. Na pare para mnikubbetha, natimahnetha katthaci na kafel S08 bysrosana pal ghasanna. na nnamannassa dukiha miocheyva: +, Wats yatha riyarmputlama yuza ckaputtamanurakkne. exam eabbabhiesu, manasambnavaye aoating fam 8, Meuahca sabalckasri, ma nasambhavaye aparims tem udoramachoca tinyanoa, acaba dhary averarragapatia 9. Ti tnameararnnisinna va 809, saya ho ya vala saa Vtamidano §10, erampsatima nit t heyy, brabmamera malta nica gna hi 10. ditt hihea anupaggamma, slava_ daseanena sampanno, ka mesu vinaya $11 gedha guna hi tuggabbhaseyya puna ret.

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