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Let' s embrace another morning and enjoy its ever new air.

With the fragrance of tea, it smells different. But it feels great, full of friendship.

Our door is always open. We are waiting for you open-armed.

拥抱过就有了默契,你就会爱上这里。孙燕姿-Stefanie Sun
After a big hug, you'll feel close with us. And surely you will love this place.

Our guests, no matter where you come from, please feel at home.

相约好了在一起,我们欢迎你。王力宏-Wang Lee Hom

We promised to get together here. So welcome!

We cultivate Chinese Evergreen in the garden. All the time, it is producing a new legend.

为传统的土壤播种,为你留下回忆。周华健-Emil Chou
In the soil rich in traditions, we plant. Hope everything we plant here leaves you a great experience.

Our guests, no matter we've met before or not, please feel at ease.

Even if you have been here for many times, you won't feel bored 'cause we have vast new things for

北京欢迎你,为你开天辟地。成龙-Jackie Chan
Welcome to Beijing; we've done a lot for your visit.

流动中的魅力,充满着朝气。任贤齐-Richie Ren
Its charm in ever changing is full of life.

北京欢迎你,在太阳下分享呼吸。蔡依林-Jolin Tsai
Welcome to Beijing; let's breathe together in the sunshine.

Let's establish new records here in China.
Our door is always open. We are open armed, ready to embrace the world.

5000-year-old China is flashing a youthful smile, waiting for the day.

天大地大都是朋友,请不用客气。黄晓明-Huang Xiao Ming

Our guests, no matter where you come from, please feel at home.

画意诗意带笑意,只为等待你。韩庚-Hangeng from Super Junior

We paint pictures and write poems to express the joy for your coming.

Welcome to Beijing; like moving music, our hospitality will warm your heart.

让我们都加油去超越自己。莫文蔚-Karen Mok
Let's try to challenge ourselves.

Welcome to Beijing; people who have dreams are all bravo.

If only you keep the courage, miracles will happen.

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