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Scie moe and Temrmk}9Y Creale Periecli 0 n

lnstallafion and Operating Manual ••• •• ~.c.,.'

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For .split Pressurized Hot Water System

SyslellTli Controller ~

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Read !he instruction carefLHly please before' operationI'

Operation manual of solar water controller SR868C8/SR868C8Q


Can ten t s- -- --- --- -- --- -- -- --- --- --- --- -- --- --- --- -- --- -- --- --- -- --- --- --- --- -- --- --- -- --- -- --- --- -- --- --- --- 1

1. Safety inform ati on ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3 1 . 1 I n st a II at ion and com m iss i on i n g - --- ---- ---- --- ---- ---- --- --- ---- ---- --- ---- ---- --- --- ---- ---- --- 3 1 . 2 Ab au t t his man u a I -- --- --- --- ---- ---- --- --- ---- --- ---- ---- --- --- ---- ---- --- ---- ---- --- --- ---- ---- --- 3 1 .3 Li abi I ity wa iver --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3

1 . 4 Imp art ant re mark - --- --- ---- ---- -- ---- --- ---- --- --- --- ---- ---- -- --- ---- ---- --- --- ---- - ---- --- --- ---- - 4

1 .5 Desc ri pti on of symbols---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4 1 .6 Descripti on of operation b utton ------------------------------------------------------------------ 4

2 . Ins t a II at ion -- -- -- -- -- --- -- -- --- --- -- --- --- -- --- --- -- --- --- -- --- -- -- --- -- --- --- --- -- --- --- -- --- --- -- --- - 5

2.1 I n stall i ng the di spl ay unit of cantrall er --------------------------------------------------------- 5 2 . 2 I n st a II i n g the can t r 01 unit - --- ---- ---- -- ---- ----- --- --- ---- ---- --- --- -- ----- ---- --- --- ---- ---- --- --- - 5 2.3 Pre pari ng before wire can n ect ion --------------------------------------------------------------- 6

2 . 4 Pow e r can n e ct i on -- --- --- --- ---- ---- --- --- ----- --- --- ---- ---- --- --- ---- ----- -- ---- ---- --- --- ---- --- 6

2 . 5 Term ina I c on n e ct i on - --- --- ---- ---- -- ---- ----- --- --- ---- ---- --- --- ---- ---- -- ---- ---- ---- -- ---- ---- -- 7

3. Com mi ss i on i n g-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9 3.1 Set tim el week ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------9 3.2 Me n u stru ctu re-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1 0

3.3 M en u d escripti on-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------11 3.4 System des cri ption--------------------------------------------------------------------------------12

4. Can troll e r fu n ct i on s- ------------ --- --- ------------------ --- --- --- ------------------- -- --- - 1 3 4.1 Access mai n men u -------------------------------------------------------------------------------13

4 . 2 Ac c e s s sub men u -- ---- -- ---- ---- ---- -- ---- ---- --- --- ---- ---- --- --- ---- ---- --- --- ---- ---- --- --- ---1 3

4.3 Main menu DT 0 & DT F Temperature difference function-----------------------------14 4.4 M a i n men u- T H ET tim i n g h eat i n g-------------------------------------------------------1 5 4.5 T EM P T em peratu re m ai n m en u----------------------------------------------------------------18

4.5.1 EM Emergen cy collector temperatu re

(em erg ency switc h- off tem peratu re of call ector) ----------------------------------19 4.5.2 C MX Maxi mu m Ii mite d c all ector temp eratu re (call ect or cool i n g fun cti on )---19 4.5.3 C M N low tem peratu re protecti on of collector --------------------------------------- 20 4.5.4 CF R frost protection of c all ector -------------------------------------------------- 21 4.5.5 SMX Max i mum t em p era t u re of tan k ---------------------------------------- 2 2 4. 5.6 R E C Tank re-cooli ng fu n cti on---------------------------------------------------------- 22 4.5.7 C- F Cel si us an d F ah re n h eit t emperatu re tra nsferrin g --------------------------23

4 . 6 FUN Aux iii a ry fun ct i on - -- ----- ---- -- ---- ----- --- --- ---- ---- --- --- ---- ---- --- ---- ---- --- --- ---- -- 23 4. 6.1 DVW G Anti- Leg ion ell a fu n cti on -------------------------------------------------------- 24 4.6.2 CI R C Temp eratu re c ant roll ed hot wat er ci rcu I ati on p um p------------------------ 25 4.6.3 n MIN Sola r c ircu lati on pump speed adj u sti ng (R PM speed c ant roll i ng )------- 26 DTS standard temperature difference

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Operation manual of solar water controller SR868C8/SR868C8Q

(for c i rc u it pu m p' s spe ed a dj u st i n g )---------------------------------------------- 26 RIS Temperature increase rate

(for c i rcu it pu m p sp ee d adj u st i n g )----------------------------------------------- 2 7 4.6.4 0 H Q M Th erm al en ergy me asu ri n g----------------------------------------------------- 27 4 . 6. 4 . 1 F MAX F low ra t e-- -- ----- ---- --- --- ----- -- ---- ---- --- --- ---- ---- --- ---- ---- --- --- ---- ---- -- 28 ME DT Type of heat tran sfer Ii qu i d---------------------------------------------------- 29 ME D% Can ce nt rat i on of he at t ran sfe r Ii qui d ----------------------------- 2 9 4. 6.5 I NTV Pu m p interval fu nct ion------------------------------------------------------------- 30 t ST P Pu m p i nterval- tim e-------------------------------------------------------------- 31 t RUN Pu mp ru n n i n g ti m e ------------------------------------------------------------- 31 4.6.6 BYPR High temperature by-pass function

(tan k t em peratu re autom ati cally adj u sti ng )----------------------------------------- 31 4 . 7 H N D Man u a I m ad e- --- ---- -- ----- ---- -- ---- ----- -- ---- ---- ---- -- ---- --- ---- ---- --- --- ---- -- ---- ---- 32 4 . 8 PASS Pass war d s etti n g- --- ---- --- --- ---- ---- --- --- ---- ---- --- --- ---- ---- -- ---- ---- ---- -- ---- --- 33 4.9 LOAD Recovery to factory setting------------------------------------------------------------34 4. 1 0 0 N 10 F F butt on - -- ---- ---- --- ---- ---- ---- -- ----- ---- -- ---- ---- ---- -- ---- ----- --- --- ---- ---- -- ---- -- 35 4. 11 H 01 ida y fun ct i on - -- --- ---- --- ---- ---- --- --- ----- --- --- ---- ---- --- --- ---- ----- -- ---- ---- --- --- ---- -- 35 4. 12M a n u a I h eat i n g -- -- -- ---- ---- ---- -- ---- --- ---- --- --- ---- -- ---- --- --- --- ---- ---- --- --- --- ---- ---- -- 36 4. 1 3 T em p e ra t u re que ry fu n ct ion --- --- --- ----- ---- ----- ------ ----- ------ ----- ---- -- ---- 36 5. Protecti on fu ncti on ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 37 5. 1 Mem ory Prot ecti on------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3 7 5.2 Ant i- dry h eati n g Protect ion ------------------------------------------------------------------ 37 5 . 3 S c re e n prot e ct i on -- --- ---- -- ----- ---- --- --- ----- --- --- ---- ---- --- --- --- ---- ---- --- --- ---- ---- --- --- 37 6. T rou b I es Sh oat i ng-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 37 6. 1 T rou b I e prot e ct i on -- -- ---- -- ----- ---- --- --- ----- --- --- ---- ---- --- --- ---- ----- -- ---- ---- --- --- ---- -- 37 6 . 2 T r au b I e c h e c kin g - ---- ---- -- ----- ---- --- --- ----- --- --- ---- ---- --- --- ---- ---- --- ---- ---- --- --- ---- -- 39 7 . Qua lit Y G u a ran tee -- -- ---- ---- --- --- ---- --- ---- -- ---- ---- ---- -- --- ---- ---- --- --- ---- --- ---- -- ---- -- 40

8 . T e c h n i c a I d at a --- ---- ---- --- --- ---- ---- --- --- ---- -- ---- ---- --- --- ---- ---- -- ---- ---- ---- -- ---- ---- --- 41 9 . Del i ve ry s c op e -- -- -- -- --- --- -- -- --- --- -- --- --- --- -- --- -- -- --- --- --- -- --- --- -- -- --- --- -- --- --- --- -- -- 42

10. Device matchable to this controller-------------------------------------------------------------42

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Operation manual of solar water controller SR868C8/SR868C8Q

1. Safety information

~.1 Installation and commissioning

_o When laying cables, please ensure that no damage occurs to any of the constructional fire safety measures presented in the building.

o The controller must not be installed in rooms where easily inflammable gas mixtures are present or may occur.

o The permissible environmental conditions can't be exceeded at the site of installation.

Before connecting the device, make sure that the energy supply matches the spec ifi cat ion s t hat cantrall er requ ires.

o All devices connected to the controller must conform to the technical specifications of the controller.

o All operations on an open regulator are only to be conducted cleared from the power supply. All safety regulations for working on the power supply are valid.

o Connecting and lor all operations that require opening the regulator (e.g. changing th e fu se) are on Iy t a be cond ucted by sp ecia list s.

~.2 About this manual


This manual describes the installation, function and operation of a solar thermal controller.

When installing the remaining components e.g. the solar collectors, pump assemblies

and the storage unit, are sure to observe the appropriate installation instructions provided by each manufacturer. Only trained professional personnel may only perform in stallat i on, el ectric al can n ecti on, com mi ssi on i ng an d mai nten an ce of th e devic e. Th e professional personnel must be familiar with this manual and follow the instructions contained herein.

~.3 Liability wai ver

The manufacturer cannot monitor the compliance with these instructions or the circumstances and methods used for installation, operation, utilization and maintenance of this controller. Improper installation can cause damages to material and persons. This is the reason why we do not take over responsibility and liability for losses, damages or cost that might arise due to improper installation, operation or wrong utilization and maintenance or that occurs in some connection with the aforementioned. Moreover we do not take over liability for patent infringements or

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Operation manual of solar water controller SR868C8/SR868C8Q

infringements - occurring in connection with the use of this controller- on third parties rights. The manufacturer preserves the right to put changes to product, technical date or installation and operation instructions without prior notice. fts soon as it becomes evident that safe operation is no longer possible (e.g. visible damage). Please immediate take the device out of operation. Note: ensure that the device cannot be accidentally placed into operation.

~.4 Important remark


We have carefully checked the text and pictures of this manual and provided the best of our knowledge and ideas, however inevitable errors maybe exist. Please note that we can not guarantee that this manual is given in the integrity of image and text, they are just some examples, and they apply only to our own system. Incorrect, incomplete and erroneous information and the resulting damage we do not take responsibility.

~.5 Description of symbols ~I

l:xll Safety instruction:

L..!.l__ The safety instructions in the manual are marked with a warning triangle. They

indicate measures, which can lead to personal injury and safety risks.

Operation steps: small triangle " .... "is used to indicate operation step. Notes: Contains important information about operation or function.

~ .6 Des cri pti a n of ope rati on butt on

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Operation manual of solar water controller SR868C8/SR868C8Q

No. Button description
1 Power indicating light
2 "On/off' button
3 "Clock" button
4 "Holiday" button(SRB6BCB have no such function)
5 "Heatinq"- manual heating button
6 "Recovery" button
7 "ESC", exit program setup
B "SET' confirm button
9 "+" Parameter adjust button
10 "_" Parameter adjust button
11 LCD display screen 2. Installation

Controller can only be installed indoors, far away from dangerous place and away from the electromagnetic field. Controller should be equipped with an additional plug, which should have minimum 3mm distance between the pole of the plug or effective compliance with the provisions of the installation. For example, switch or fuse, please note that it should be separated between the wires, and use AC power.

2.1 Installing the display unit of controller

.... Take away the back cover plate of display unit by screwdriver, see picture CD

.... Fix the back cover plate on wall; see picture ®, (Note: don't drill hole on the cover plate)

.... Insert display into groove of back cover CD®, installing the display unit on the back cover plate see picture @


./ I


Picture 1

Picture 2

Picture 3

2.2 Installing the control unit

! Note: the controller can only be installed in an area having an adequate level of protecti on.

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Operation manual of solar water controller SR868C8/SR868C8Q

Fixing the hang-panel of controller II>-Choose a suitable site

II>- Mark the position of hole

II>- Drill the fixing hole, insert the expansion screw II>- Fix the hanging plate by using screw

II>- Press the control unit on the hanging plate

80 m



2.3 Preparing before wire connection

, Please switch-off the power net before opening the controller cover, and note


the regulation of local electricity supply.

Open! close the cover of terminal

II>- Loosen the screw CD®, move cover upwards and take away the cover

II>-Close the cover: downwards close cover II>-fix cover by using screw CD®o

2.4 Power connection

Power can only be switched on when the house of controller is closed, an installer must m ak e sure th at the I P prot ection c lass of th e controller is not dam ag ed du ri n g installation.

Depending on the type of installation, the cables may enter the device through the rear hole of the case @or the lower side hole of the case @

Cable come from the rear @: remove the plastic flaps from the rear side of the case using an appropriate tool.

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Operation manual of solar water controller SR868C8/SR868C8Q

Cable come from the below@: cut the left and right plastic flaps using an appropriate tool (e. g. kn ife) and break th em out of t he case.

Notes: the flexible wire must be fastened on the case using the clamps provided



2.5 Terminal connection

Before to open the terminal, please be sure to switch-off the power supplier and pay attention to the local electricity supply rules.

• Terminal layout


Ok:l!FI!i~ pons.

" Reset" button: This button is on the terminal connection panel, when system program is out of working, press "Reset" to recover the program of system to the factory settings.

• Power connection

Power connection terminal is: Input ports Ground line terminal is GND

• Display connection

Port 1: can nect red wi re (+ 12V) Port 2: can n ect wh ite wire ( CO M)

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Operation manual of solar water controller SR868C8/SR868C8Q

Port 3: connect black wire ( GND)

Note: please lead wire into indoors, and fix the cable outdoors.

• Sensor input ports

Input sensor ports TO, T1: for pt 1000 sensors, used for measuring the temperature of collector and measuring the heat output.

Input sensor ports T2, T3, and T4: for NTC10K, B=39S0 sensors, used for measuring the temperature of tank and pipe.

• Advice regarding the installation of temperature sensors:

Only original factory equipped Pt1000 temperature sensors are approved for use with the collector, it is equipped with 1.Smeter silicon cable and suitable for all weather conditions, the temperature sensor and cable are temperature resistant up to 280 °c, not necessary to distinguish the positive and negative polarity of the sensor connection.

Only original factory equipped NTC10K,B=39S0 temperature sensors are approved for use with tank and pipe, it is equipped with 1.Smeter PVC cable, and they are tem perat ure resi stant up to 1 OS °C, not ne cessary to dist in gu i sh th e positive an d negative polarity of t he sen sor can n ecti on.

All sensor cables carry low voltage, and to avoid inductive effects, must not be laid close to 230 volt or 400-volt cables (minimum separation of 100mm)

If external inductive effects are existed, e.g. from heavy current cables, overhead train cables, transformer substations, radio and television devices, amateur radio stations, microwave devices etc, then the cables to the sensors must be adequately shielded.

Sensor cables may be extended to a maximum length of ca. 100 meter, when cable's 2

length is up to SOm, and then 0.7Smm cable should be used. When cable's length is up 2

to 100m, and then 1.Smm cable should be used.

• Output ports

Output P1: For solar circuit pump, semiconductor relay (SCR relay), also suitable for

RMP control, max. switching current 1A,

Output P2: for hot water circuit pump, electromagnetic relay, and max. switching current 3.SA,

R2 ports are always open,

Output R1: for by-pass circuit pump or valve, electromagnetic relay, max. switching current 3.SA, R1 ports are always open,

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Operation manual of solar water controller SR868C8/SR868C8Q

Output H1: for back-up electrical heater, electromagnetic relay, and max. switching current 10A, H1 connection ports are always open.

3. Commissioning

'-'I Connect the sensors, pumps or switching valves to the controller before you ,-~- connect the power supply!

After switching on power to the controller, firstly it will ask for to set the time, password

and parameters of system.

3.1 Set timelweek

.... Press "Clock" button, time displays on screen, hour selection area "00" blinks on display screen .

.... Press "+ ''''-'' button to set hour of clock

.... Press "Clock" button again, minute


.... Press "+ ''''-'' button to set minute of clock . .... Press "Clock" again, week area "MO" blinks

.... Press "+''''-'' button to set week .

.... Press "ESC" button

to exit set program, or wait for 20 seconds to exit program automatically.

Code Week day
MO Monday
TU Tuesday
WE Wednesday
TH Thursday
FR Friday
SA Saturday
SU Sunday - 9 -

Operation manual of solar water controller SR868C8/SR868C8Q

3.2 Menu structure

Menu of controller SRS6SCSQ

Menu of controller SRS6SCS


. .


J@i ~ij


Through submenu, customer can set the parameter as desired value, please check it carefully.

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Operation manual of solar water controller SR868C8/SR868C8Q

3.3 Menu description


Code Code Code
(Mainmenu) (Subme (Submenu) Menu Description Remark
DTO Switch-on temperature difference
DT F Switch-off tem peratu re differen ce
THET Timing heating
TEMP Temperature
EMOF Collector
maximum switch-off temperature
EMON Collector
maximum switch-on temperature
CMX Maximum temperature of collector
(Collector cooling function)
CMN Low temperature protection of
CFR Frost protection of collector
SMX Maximum temperature of tank
REC Tank re-cooling function
C-F Celsius and Fahrenheit
temperature transferring
FUN Auxiliary function
D\M/G Anti legionnaires' function
CIRC Temperature controlled hot water
circulation pump
Speed controlling of circulation
nMIN pump
(RPM pump controlling)
Standard temperature difference
DTS (for circulation pump speed
RIS Increase scale (circulation pump Only available
speed adjusting parameter set)
OHQM Thermal energy measuring on controller
FMAX Flow rate c.R868C8Q
MEDT Type of heat transfer liquid
MED% Concentration of heat transfer
INTV Pump interval function
tSTP Pump interval time
tRUN Pump running time
BYPA By pass (high temperature)
HDN Manual controlling
PASS Password set
LOAD Recovery to factory set - 11 -

Operation manual of solar water controller SR868C8/SR868C8Q

3.4 System description

1 collector array - 1 storage tank -1 pump and auxiliary heating

Descri pt i on:

The solar circuit pump (P1) is switched on as soon as the switch-on temperature differenc e (L T on) b etwee n th e c all ector array (T 1) and the storage ta nk (T2) is reached. If the temperature difference between the collector array (T1) and storage tank (T2) drops below the switch-off temperature difference (L Toff), or the temperature of storage tank (T3) reaches the preset maximum storage temperature, then the solar circuit pump ( R1) is switched off.

Back-up heating by auxiliary boiler (detailed see paragraph 4.4):

Within the preset time section of back-up heating, if the temperature T3 is below the switch-on temperature, then the circulation pump ( H 1) of back-up heating is triggered, when T3 is heated to the switch-off temperature, circulation pump H1 of back-up heating is ceased.



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T3 is alternative sensor, when no sensor (T3) is installed in the top part of tank, controller will use the signal of sensor T2 automatically to control the auxiliary heating or the circulation pump.

TO: Temperature sensor for thermal energy measuring ( optional sensor) T1: Temperature sensor for collector array (PT1 000)

T2: Temperature sensor in the bottom part of tank 1(NTC10K)

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Operation manual of solar water controller SR868C8/SR868C8Q

T3: T em peratu re sen sor in t he top part of tank (N TC 10K, opt ion al se n sor)

T 4: T em peratu re sen sor on hot water circu I ati on pi pe (N TC 10K, opt ion a I s ens or) P1: Solar circuit pump

P2: Hot water circuit pump (optional output)

R1: High temperature by-pass pump or valve (optional output) H1: output for back-up electrical heater

4. Controller functions

4.1 Access main menu

Under standby status, doing like following access main menu

II>-Press "SET' button, "PWD OOOO"displays on screen, the left first digital blinks, ask for entering password, factory default set password is " 0000"

II>-Press "+''''-'' button to enter first digital of password.

II>-Press "SET' button again, the second digital blinks

I' t-. II"'"~ li .... ~ ILt ',JI LI .~~

II>-Press "+''''-'' button button, to enter second digital of password II>- Press "SET' button again, the third digital blinks

II>- Press "+ ''''-'' button to enter the th ird digital of password II>-Press "SET' button again, the fourth digital blinks II>-Press "+''''-'' button, to enter the fourth digital of password II>- Press "SET' button again to access main menu

II>-Press "+''''-'' button, can select the main menu

II>- Press "ESC" button to exit main menu

4.2 Access submenu

After selecting main menu, do like following access submenu II>-Press "SET' button, to access submenu

II>-Press "+''''-'' button to select submenu

II>-Press "SET" button again to access program,

can adjust parameter value now

II>-Press "+''''-'' button, to adjust the value of parameter

II>- Press "ESC" button, exit program of submenu II>-Press "ESC" button again, to exit main menu.


F or exam pi e: subm e nu

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Operation manual of solar water controller SR868C8/SR868C8Q

4.3 Main menu DT 0 & DT F Temperature difference function

Descri pt i on:

Solar circuit pump P1 is triggered by the temperature difference function, so long as the temperature difference between collector and tank reaches the switch-on Dr, solar circuit pump is triggered.

For example: the switch-on DT is 8°C, switch-off DT is 4°C, if the temperature in the bottom part of tank is 20°C, then just when collector temperature rises up to 28°C, pump is triggered, and when collector temperature drops to 24°C, pump is ceased.

Note: the switch-on/off DT of 8°C and 4 °c are standard system setting according to many years' experience, only in special application cases it needs to be changed, (e.g far distance heat transferring), normally it is recommend to use default set. Switch-on and switch-off DT are alternating set. To avoid mistake the minimum difference


between two temperature differences (ll.Ton -ll.Toff) is set as 2 C.

• Setup the switch-on temperature difference:

Under standby status, access main menu DT 0,

.... Press "SET' button, to access settings program of DT 0, "DT ° 08°C" displays on screen, "08°C" bl i nk s. th e switc h-on tem peratu re differen ce can be set .

.... Press "+''''-'' button, to adjust the value of switch-on DT, adjustable range (OFF+TC) ~20°C, factory setting is 8°C

.... Press "ESC" button to exit t hi s s etti ng, parameter is saved automatically.

:or D I

• Setup the switch-off temperature difference:

Under standby status, access main menu DT F

.... Press "SET' button, to access settings program of DT F, "DT F 04°C" displays on screen, "04°C" blinks, the switch-off temperature difference can be set .

.... Press "+''''-'' button to adjust the value of switch-off DT, adjustable range O°C~ (ON-TC) , factory set is 4°C .

.... Press "ESC" to exit men u. or wait for 20 seconds to exit automatically, the setup parameters are saved automatically.

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Operation manual of solar water controller SR868C8/SR868C8Q

4.4 Main menu - THET timing heating

Descri pt i on:

Electrical heater, gas boiler or oil boiler can be integrated into solar system used as back-up of system, and they can be triggered automatically at preset time by preset temperature. Within a preset time section, when the temperature (T3) of top part of tank drops below the preset switching-on temperature of this function, back-up heating starts to work, when T3 rises up to the preset turning off temperature, back-up heating is stopped. Within 24 hours, three time sections can be set with this controller.

Factory set:

The first time section: back-up heating function starts at 4:00 and ends at 5:00 am. With i n th is ti me sect ion, switch- on te mperature is 40 °C, switc h- off tempe ratu re is 45 °C . The second time section: from 10:00 to 10:00 am, it means there is no back-up heating in this time.

The third time section: back-up heating function starts at 17:00 and ends at 22: 00 pm. With i n th is ti me sect ion, t he switch -on t em peratu re is 50°C, switch- off tem peratu re is 55°C.

The switch-on temperature adjustable range: 10°C - (OFF-2 °C) The switch- off t em peratu re a dj ust able ran ge: (0 N+ 2 °C) - 80°C

If you want to shut off one timing heating, then you can set the turning on time and turning off time same value (for example, the second time section no this function, then you can set turning onloff time is 10:00 - 10: 00)

When time is outside of the preset time section, back-up heating doesn't work automatically even when the tank temperature reaches the switch -on temperature of heating.


• When there is no sensor installed in the top part of tank (no T3 sensor), controller will take the signal of T2 (sensor in bottom of tank) automatically to control this function.

• The time in this controlled is 24 hours, when you set time section, the switch-off time of heating should be larger than switch-on time. For example: if you set the switch-on time of heating is at 17:00, but switch-off time of heating is 6:00, then this setting doesn't take effect, that means within this time section, heating function doesn't work. The correct set is like flowing: it should be divided into two time sections, one time section is from 17:00 to 23:59, the other time section is from 00:00 to 06:00.

Setup steps:

Under standby status, access main menu tHET

.... Press "SET' button, access THET program to set parameter, "tH 10 04:00" displays on screen, the switch-on time and temperature for first time section of heating function

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Operation manual of solar water controller SR868C8/SR868C8Q

can be set

II>- Repress "SET" button, "04" of hour time blinks on screen

II>- Press "+ ''''-'' button to adjust hour of time

II>- Repress "SET" button again, "00" of minute time blinks on screen

II>- Press "+ ''''-'' button to adjust minute oftime

II>- Re press "S ET" button, tem perat ure "40 0C" bli n ks on screen

II>- Press "+ ''''-'' button, to set the switch-on temperature of heating

II>- Then, Press "ESC" to exit this set and to access the switch-off time and temperature set

II>- Press "+" button, "tH 1 F 05:00" displays on screen, the switch-off time and temperature for first time section of heating function can be set

II>- Press "SET" button, "05" of hour time blinks on screen.

II>- Press "+ ''''-'' button to adjust hour of time II>-Repress "SET" button, "00" of minute time blinks on screen

II>-Press "+''''-'' button to set minute oftime II>- Re press "S ET" button, t em peratu re "45 0C" bli n ks on screen

II>- Press "+ ''''-'' button, to set switch-off temperature of heating

II>- Press "ESC" to exit this set program, parameters are saved automatically

II>-Press"+" button, "tH 20 10:00" displays on screen, the switch-on time and temperature for the second time section of heating function can be set

II>- Press "SET" button, "10" of hour time blinks on screen

II>- Press "+ ''''-'' button to adjust hour of time II>-Repress "SET" button, "00" of minute time blinks on screen

II>- Press "+ ''''-'' button to adjust minute oftime II>- Re press "S ET" button, tem perat ure "50 0C" bli n ks on screen

II>- Press "+ ''''-'' button to adjust switch-on temperature of heating

II>- Then press "ESC" to exit this set and to access the switch-off time and temperature set

II>- Press "+" button, "tH 2F 10:00" displays on screen, set the switch-off time and

- 16 -


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Operation manual of solar water controller SR868C8/SR868C8Q

temperature of second time section of heating function

II>-Press "SET' button, "10" of hour time blinks on screen

II>- Press "+ ''''-'' button to adjust hour of time

II>-Repress "SET' button, "00" of minute time blinks on screen II>- Press "+ ''''-'' button to adjust minute oftime

II>- Re press "S ET" button, tem perat ure "55 0C" bli n ks on screen

II>- Press "+ ''''-'' button, to adj ust switch-off temperature of heating

II>- Press "ESC" to exit this set program, parameter is saved automatically

II>- Press "+" button, "tH 30 17:00" displays on screen, set the switch-on time and temperature of the third time section of heating function


II>- Press "SET' button, "17" of hour time blinks

on screen

II>- Press "+ ''''-'' button, to adj ust hour of time II>- Repress "SET" button, "00" of minute time blinks on screen

II>-Press "+''''-'' button, to adjust minute oftime

II>- Re press "S ET" button, tem perat ure "50 0C" bli n ks on screen

II>- Press "+ ''''-'' button, to adj ust switch-on temperature of heating

II>- Press "ESC" to exit this set program and to the switch-off time and temperature set II>- Press "+" button, "tH 3F 22:00" displays on screen, the switch-off time and

temperature of the third time section of heating function can be set II>- Press "SET' button, "22" of hour time blinks

on screen

II>- Press "+ ''''-'' button, to adj ust hour of time II>-Repress "SET" button, "00" of minute time blinks on screen

II>- Press "+ ''''-'' button to adjust minute oftime

II>- Re press "S ET" button, tem perat ure "55 0C" bli n ks on screen

II>- Press "+ ''''-'' button to adjust switch-off temperature of heating

II>-Press "ESC" to exit menu, or wait for 20 seconds, set parameters are saved autom ati cally

Note: when no gas or oil boiler is installed in system, electrical heater can be installed as back-up device, when electrical heater is in operation status, signal @) blinks on


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Operation manual of solar water controller SR868C8/SR868C8Q

If customer use electrical heater as back-up, please according to the power of electrical heater to equip corresponding safety devices like contactor and breaker with this controller, we strongly recommend equipping with SRB01 device with this controller, (SRB01 detailed technical data see paragraph 10 spare parts)

4.5 TEM P Temperature main menu


For every system, the factory set parameters are in the best condition that is fully integrated into the entire solar system. But these parameters can also be set individually to cater the special requirements, please carefully observe the operation

data of system components after setting.

Note: parameters that can be set depend on the selected system, not all the parameters can be adjusted in a solar system.

Following submenu can be access though TEMP main menu.

EM Emergency collector temperature

( Em erg ency swit ch-off tem perat ure of coli ect or) ----------------------------------------- 4.5.1 CMX Maximum limited collector temperature (collector cooling function) ----------- 4.5.2 CM N low temperature protection of collector ----------------------------------------------4.5.3 C F R frost prd ect ion of coil ector ----------------------------------------------------------------- 4.5.4 SM X Maxi mu m t em peratu re of t ank ------------------------------------------------------------- 4.5.5 R EC Tank re-c ooli n g fu nct ion -------------------------------------------------------------------- 4.5.6 C-F Celsi u s an d F ah re n h eit te mpera ture tran sferrin g-------------------------------------- 4.5.7

Function Adjustable Factory set Function exit
range temperature
Collector 200°C 130°C
maximum switch-off temperature
Collector OFF-3°C) ~
maximum switch-on temperature 19TC 120°C
CMX Maximum limited collector
temperature 11 O°C ~190°C 110°C 10TC
(collector cooling function)
CMN low temperature protection of O°C~90°C OFF
CFR frost protection of collector -10°C~10°C OFF
SMX Maximum temperature of tank TC~95°C 60°C 5BOC
REC Tank re-cooling function OFF
C-F Celsius and Fahrenheit DC _ DF DC
temp eratu re tran sferri ng - 18 -

Operation manual of solar water controller SR868C8/SR868C8Q

~. 5.1 EM Emergency collector temperature(Emergency switch-off function)

Function description:

When temperature of collector rises up to the preset maximum switch-off temperature, collector emergency switch-off function is activated. As the result of this function, solar circulation pump is stopped,it avoids the damage of system components caused by over-heated temperature. EMOF parameter is for set maximum switch-off temperature of collector (factory set: 130°C), if the collector temperature rises up to preset EMOF temperature, solar pump is stopped; EMON parameter is for set maximum switch-on tem perat ure of colle ctor (fact ory set: 120°C), whe n th e call ector tem perat ure drops to EMON temperature, solar pump can be triggered again, collector emergency switch-off function is deactivated automatically.

• EM 0 F co II ect or maxi m urn switch -off t emperatu re Select submenu EMOF, "EMOF 130°C" displays on the screen . .... Press" SET' button, parameter 130°C blinks on the screen.


.... Press" +. -" button, to adjust the EMOF

temperature, adjustable range: ( ON +3°C)-200°C, factory set is 130°C. .... Repress "SET" button, activate and deactivate this function, if deactivate the function, "EMOF - - -" displays on screen .

I ::~I .i. 't= , _~'1':_.1


.... Press" ESC" button to exit menu, or wait for 20 seconds to exit automatically, set parameter is saved automatically.

• EMON collector maximum switch-on temperature Select submenu EMON, "EMON 120°C" displays on the screen .

.... Press" SET' button, parameter 120°C blinks

on the screen.


. . .miI

.... Press" +,-" button, to adjust the EMON temperature, adjustable range:

( OFF-3°C)-200°C, factory set is 120°C .

.... Repress" SET' button, activate and deactivate this function, if deactivate the function, "EMON- - -" displays on screen .

.... Press" ESC" button to exit menu, or wait for 20 seconds to exit automatically, set

parameter is saved automatically.

:(;) m These two signals display on the screen, means collector emergency switch-off function is activated, and tank temperature rises up to its maximum permitted tem perat ure.

CI) Only this signal displays on the screen, means this function is activated, but tank temperature doesn't rise up to its maximum temperature.

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Operation manual of solar water controller SR868C8/SR868C8Q

4.5.2 CMX Maximum limited collector temperature (collector cooling function) ~I Function description:

The collector cooling function delays the vaporization of the heat transfer fluid. Shortly before reaching the maximum temperature of the collector, the solar pump starts working in order to cool down the heat transfer fluid using the heat losses occurring in pipelines and storage cylinder.

When tank temperature rises to its preset maximal temperature, solar circuit pump is ceased compulsively even the temperature difference is satisfied. If the sunshine is very good, as a result collector temperature will rise continuously, when collector temperature rises up to its maximal temperature, solar pump will be triggered again even at the case that tank temperature is already to its maximal temperature. And solar pump works until the temperature of collector drops since this reversed circulation or when tank temperature rises its emergency temperature (95°C).

When. displays, and (fli blinks on the screen, it indicates that tank emergency temperature reaches, tank temperature is <:::95°C

Setup steps:

To access main menu TEMP, then select submenu CMX "CMX 110°C" displays on screen

.... Press "S ET' button, pa ram eter "110°C" b Ii n ks .

.... Press "+ ''''_'' button, to adj ust the collector protection temperature, adj ustable range (1 OO°C ~190°C) .factory set is 110°C

.... Repress" SET' button, activate and deactivate this function, if deactivate the function,

"CMX " displays on screen .

.... Press "ESC" button to exit the menu or wait for 20 seconds to exit automatically, parameters are saved automatically.

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II U-'-!:; ,I t J~I

(j CMX signal displays on screen, it indicates that this function is in activated.

4.5.3 CM N low temp erat ure prot ecti on of co II ect or

Descri pt i on:

When the temperature of collector is below preset CMN temperatures, solar circuit pump is ceased, even when the temperature difference between collector and tank

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Operation manual of solar water controller SR868C8/SR868C8Q

exceeds switch-on temperature difference, solar pump doesn't work yet. When temperature of collector is 3°C higher that the preset CMN temperature, solar circuit pump is restarted, controller exits this program.

Setup steps:

To access main menu TEMP, then select submenu CMN, "CMN screen, default set is off .

" displays on

.... Press "S ET' button, defa u It off sig n al -, - -" bl i nk s on screen . .... Repress "SET' button, to activate and deactivate this function

.... Press "+ ''''-'' button, to adj ust the low protection temperature of collector CMN, adj ustable range (OO°C ~90°C), after activate the function, factory set is 10°C

.... Press "ESC" button to exit the menu or wait for 20 seconds to exit automatically, parameters are saved automatically.

*: CMN signal displays on screen, it indicates that this function is in activated.

4.5.4 CFR frost protection of collector

Descri pt i on:

In winter when the temperature of collector is below the preset frost protection


temperature (factory set is 4 C), Solar circuit pump is triggered. Besides when tank

temperature (T2) drops to 4°C, electrical heater is triggered automatically and it is in


operation until T2 is heated up to 20 C or it is stopped when program of CFR is exited.


When collector temperature rises up to 7 C, solar circuit pump is ceased, program of

CFR exits automatically.

This function is used in system, which use water as heat transfer liquid, to avoid the freezing of solar heat transfer fluid.

Setup steps:

To access main menu TEMP, then select submenu CFR, "CFR - - -" displays on screen, default set is off. .... Press "S ET' button, defau It off -, - -" bli n ks . .... Repress "SET" button, to activate or deactivate this function


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Operation manual of solar water controller SR868C8/SR868C8Q

II>-Press "+''''-'' button, to adjust the frost protection function, adjustable range is

(-1 O°C ~ 10°C), after function activated, default set is 4°C

II>- Press "ESC" button to exit the menu or wait for 20 seconds to exit automatically, parameters are saved automatically.

tt.: CFR signal displays on screen, it indicates that this function is in activated.

Note: this function is only available in special solar system which using no-anti-freezing liquid; this kind of system is only suitable in area where the ambient temperature is near to O°C in only few days. If safety requirement is very high, then anti-freezing is necessary, we suggest to use suitable anti-freezing liquid to avoid frost problem.

4.5.5 SMX Maximum temperature of tank

Descri pt i on:

When the DT between collector T1 and Tank 2 caters the switch-on DT of circulation, solar pump is triggered, but in order to avoid the high temperature inside tank, controller will check whether the temperature (T3) of top part of tank is higher than maximum temperature of tank, when T3 is higher than preset SMX temperature, solar pump is ceased even at the case that DT caters condition. When tank temperature drops and is 2°C below the SMX, solar pump restarts when DT caters condition.

Setup steps:

To access main menu TEMP, then select submenu SMX, "SMX 60°C" displays on screen.

II>- Press "S ET' button, pa ram eter "60 °C" bli n ks

II>-Press "+''''-'' button to adjust the value of

maximum temperature of tank1 adjustable range is (TC ~95°C) ,default set is 60°C

II>- Repress "SET' button to activate and deactivate this function, if function deactivated, "SMX - - -" displays on the screen.

II>- Press "ESC" button to exit the menu or wait for 20 seconds to exit automatically, parameters are saved automatically.

o SMX signal displays on screen, it indicates that this function is in activated.

4.5.6 REC Tank re-cooling function

Descri pt i on:

If tank temperature is over tank's maximum temperature, and at the same time, collector temperature is 5°C lower than tank temperature, then solar pump is triggered, through this reversed circulation, tank temperature is reduced by heat loss occurs in

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Operation manual of solar water controller SR868C8/SR868C8Q

collector, solar pump keep in working until tank temperature drops below its maximum temperature.

Setup steps:

To access main menu TEMP, then select submenu REC, "REC OFF" displays on

screen, default set is off .

.... Press "S ET' button, pa ram eter "0 F F" bl inks on screen

.... Repress "SET' button to activate or

deactivate this function, after function activated; factory set is "REC ON"

.... Press "ESC" button to exit the menu or wait for 20 seconds to exit automatically, parameters are saved automatically.

o REC signal displays on screen, it indicates that this function is in activated.

4.5.7 C- F Celsius and Fahrenheit temperature transferring

Setup steps:

To access main menu TEMP, then select submenu C-F, "C-F °C" displays on screen .

.... Press "SET' button, parameter "0C" blinks on the screen .

.... Press "+" button, to select between Celsius and Fahren heit temperature, factory set is °C

.... Press "ESC" button to exit menu or wait for 20 seconds to exit automatically, parameters are saved automatically.

4.6 FUN Auxiliary function

The auxiliary function of this controller can be set under "FUN" submenu; it is possible to activate several auxiliary functions at the same time.


Sometimes, your selected function needs an extra signal input to connect temperature sensor or an extra output to connect pump or electromagnetic valve. in "FUN "submenu, some functions are deactivated. Hence, for different system, activated or deactivated status for following auxiliary functions in submenu is also different.

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Operation manual of solar water controller SR868C8/SR868C8Q

Example to explain:

If you set thermal energy measuring parameter (OHOM) is off, that means this function is deactivated, then, FMAX, MEDT and MED% functions are disappeared in the submenu, only when this function (OHOM) is activated, they are just appear in the submenu. (See detailed in

§3.2 menu structure)

Following submenu can be accessed through menu "FUN"

DVWG Ant i- Leg ione II a fu nction------------------------------------------------------------------ 4.6.1 CI R C Tempe ratu re controll ed hot water c irc ul at ion p um p ------------------------------- 4.6.2 nM I N Solar circuit pump speed adj usting (R PM speed controlling) --------------4.6.3 DTS sta ndard tempe ratu re d ifferen ce (for ci rcuit pu m p spe ed adj ustin g) ------ RIS Increase rate (for circuit pump speed adj usting)------------------------------------4. 6.3.2 o H QM Th erm al energy m easu ri n g------------------------------------------------------------- 4.6.4

F MAX F I ow rate --- ---- --- --- ---- ---- --- --- ---- ---- --- --- --- ---- ---- --- --- ---- ---- --- --- ---- ---- -- - 4 . 6. 4. 1

M EDT Type of heat transfer liquid------------------------------------------------------------ M ED% Conce ntrati on of anti- freezi n g Ii qui d-------------------------------------------------. 6.4.3 I N TV P u m pin t e rva I fun ct ion - -- ---- ---- --- ---- ---- --- --- ---- ---- --- --- -- ----- ---- --- --- ---- --- --- 4 . 6 . 5 t RUN Pu m pin t e rva I tim e ---- ---- --- --- ---- ---- --- ---- ---- --- --- ---- -- ---- ----- -- ---- ---- ---- -- -- 4 . 6 . 5. 1 t S TP P u m p run n i n g tim e ---- ---- -- ----- ---- -- ----- --- --- ---- ---- --- --- ---- ---- --- --- ---- ---- --- 4 . 6. 5 . 2 BYPA High temperature by-pass function

(t ank tem peratu re aut oma tic ally adj ust in g) ------------------------------------------------ 4.6.6

4.6.1 DVWG Anti-Legionella function

Descri pt i on:

In order to avoid occurring bacteria in water tank when the temperature of tank is lower for a long time, controller will check the temperature of tank every 7 days in a period automatically, if the temperature of tank is never over 70DC during this period, then at the factory set default time of 01 :00 on the seventh day of the period auxiliary heating system is triggered automatically to heat water until it rises up to 70DC, bacteria is killed by high temperature, whereafter function is deactivated.

Setup steps:

To access main menu FUN, then select submenu DVWG, "DVWG OFF" displays on screen. Default set is "OFF".

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Operation manual of solar water controller SR868C8/SR868C8Q

II>-Press "SET' button, parameter" OFF" blinks on the screen.

II>-Repress"+''''-''button, "OVWG ON" blinks on the screen, function is triggered.

II>- Press "ESC" button to exit the menu or wait for 20 seconds to exit automatically,

parameters are saved automatically.

4.6.2 CIRC Temperature controlled hot water circulation pump

Descri pt i on:

Solar system can provid e tem perat ure- cant roll ed hot water ci rcu I ation fu notion: th is function needs an extra hot water circulation pump (connect output port P2) and a sensor, which is installed on the return pipe of hot water (connect input port T4). When the temperature signal of sensor T 4 is less than the preset turning on temperature of circulation pump, the hot water circulation pump (P2) triggers and works till the temperature exceeds the turning off temperature.

Factory set: the desired hot water temperature is 40°C, when return temperature T4 drops to 35°C, circulation pump P2 is triggered, when T4 rises up to 40°C, circulation pump P2 is ceased.

Condition for triggering hot water circulation pump: only when tank temperature T2 is rc higher than the required hot water temperature, hot water circulation pump just can be triggered.

Note: in order to avoid large measuring error, the sensor T 4 on hot water return pipe should be installed 1.5m far away from tank. This function isn't available in all systems. Setup steps:

To access main menu FUN, then select

submenu CIRC, "CIRC " displays on

screen, factory set is off.

II>-Press "SET' button, parameter " " blinks on screen.

II>- Re press "S ET' button, param ete r "40°C" bl inks on screen

II>-Press "+''''_'' button, to adjust the temperature of hot water return, adjustable range:

TC ~95°C) , after function is activated, factory set is 40°C

II>-Press "SET' button again, " " blinks on screen, function is deactivated


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Operation manual of solar water controller SR868C8/SR868C8Q

II>- Press "ESC" button to exit the menu or wait for 20 seconds to exit automatically, parameters are saved automatically.

4.6.3 nMIN Solar circuit pump speed adjusting (RPM speed controlling) Note: SRS6SCS doesn't have this function

Descri pt i on:

P1 output can be configured to function either as RPM controlled output or simple switch output. When this function is activated, the output is RPM controlled output; when parameter is set as "nMIN"100%" the output becomes a normal switch output.

Normal switch output: circuit pump speed controlling is deactivated, pump is operated with a fixed speed, and flow rate is not changed.

RPM control output: (speed controlling is activated), the control system attempts to maintain a constant temperature difference between collector and tank. The pump performance is continuously adjusted and the volume flow pumped is increased or reduced, depending on the temperature difference.

Setup steps:

To access main menu FUN, then select submenu nMIN, "nMIN 30" displays on screen.

II>-Press "SET' button, parameter "30" blinks on the screen

II>- Press "+ ''''-'' button, to adj ust speed of circuit pump, adjustable range (30~100%), factory set is 30%

II>- Press "ESC" button to exit the menu or wait for 20 seconds to exit automatically,


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parameters are saved automatically.

~ DTS standard temperature difference (for circuit pump's speed adjusting)

Note: SRS6SCS doesn't have this function

Descri pt i on:

When the switch-on temperature difference (L T ON) reaches, solar pump is triggered, and then within 20 seconds, pump speed reaches to its minimum speed (30%). Wherea fter, cant rolle r ch ecks c ant in uous Iy, whe n th e st and ard te mperatu re differen ce (DTS) reaches, the speed of pump increases one grade (10%), temperature difference RIS increases every 1 DC, speed of pump increases 10% until it reaches to its maximum speed 100%. Through setting the temperature difference increase rate (R IS) can

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Operation manual of solar water controller SR868C8/SR868C8Q

achieve the controlling of pump speed. If temperature difference drops to the switch-off TO(L T OFF), circuit pump is ceased.

Setup steps:

To access main menu FUN, then select submenu OTS, "OTS OBDe displays on the screen

.... Press "S ET' button, pa ramet er "OB DC bl inks on the screen

.... Press "+''''-'' button, to adjust standard TO, adjustable range (2°C ~30°C), factory set

]1T5 a r:R~

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.... Press "ESC" button to exit the menu or wait for 20 seconds to exit automatically, parameters are saved automatically. RIS Temperature increase rate (for circuit pump speed adjusting) Note: SRS6SCS doesn't have this function

Setup steps:

To access main menu FUN, then select submenu RIS, "RIS 01 DC" displays on screen .

.... Press "S ET' button, pa ramet er "01 DC bl inks on the screen

.... Press "+''''-'' button, to adjust increase rate of ( R IS) of tem peratu re differen ce. adj u stabl e range (1 °C ~20°C) ,factory set is 1 DC

.... Press "ESC" button to exit the menu or wait for 20 seconds to exit automatically,

parameters are saved automatically.

4.6.4 OHQM Thermal energy measuring Note: SRS6SCS doesn't have this function

Descri pt i on:

Controller has function for measuring the thermal energy; it can measure the energy which from collector transfers to tank. For the sake of measuring, the temperature (TO, T1) on going and return pipe should be checked, and an extra flow meter should be installed on the circulation pipe, it is used for measuring the flow rate.

The thermal energy through solar system is calculated with measured parameter temperature T1, TO and flow rate. Thermal energy get in the current day displays in

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Operation manual of solar water controller SR868C8/SR868C8Q

DKWh, accumulative thermal energy displays in kWh or MWh. Setup steps:

To access main menu FUN, then select submenu OHQM, "OHQM OFF" displays on screen,

Factory set is OFF

.... Press "SET' button, parameter "OHQM OFF" blinks on the screen

.... Repress "+''''-'' button, to activate this function, "OHQM oN" blinks on the screen

.... Press "ESC" button to exit the menu or wait for 20 seconds to exit automatically,

parameters are saved automatically.


1) Thermal energy achieved in current day, accumulative thermal energy and operation time of pump can be reset, doing like following

Operation steps: under standby status, doing like following

.... Press "+ ''''-'' button, select to check the thermal energy of current day, "DKWH XX" "SET' displays on the screen .

.... Press "SET' button for 3 seconds, buzzer makes 3 times "du - - - ", the daily thermal energy is cleared, and daily thermal energy is reset to "00" .

.... Press "+''''-'' button, select to check accumulative thermal energy, "KWH XX" or "MWH XX" "SET' displays on the screen .

.... Press "SET' button for 3 seconds, buzzer makes 3 times "du - - -", the sum thermal energy is cleared, accumulative thermal energy is reset to "00" .

.... Press "+''''-'' button, select to check operation time of pump, "hP XX" "SET "displays on the screen .

.... Press "SET' button for 3 seconds, buzzer makes 3 times "du - - -", the operation time of pump is cleared, and it is reset to "00".

2) Only when the thermal energy balance function is activated, operation time of circulation pump function just can be triggered. FMAX Flow rate

Note: SRS6SeS doesn't have this function

FAMX: Flow rate L/min. adjustable range: (0.1 ~20) L/min, increase rate 0.1 L per time, factory set is 2.0L/min

Setup steps:

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Operation manual of solar water controller SR868C8/SR868C8Q

To access main menu FUN, then select submenu FMAX, "FMAX 2.0" displays on screen.

.... Press "SET' button, parameter "2.0" blinks

rMRH __ .

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on the screen

.... Press "+''''-'' button to adjust parameter of flow rate. adjustable range (0.1 ~20) .... Press "ESC" button to exit the menu or wait for 20 seconds to exit automatically, parameters are saved automatically. MEDT Type of heat transfer liquid Note: SRS6SCS doesn't have this function

MEDT: type of heat transfer liquid, adjustable range (00~03), factory set 01

Type of heat transfer liquid:

00: Water

01: Propylene glycol 02: Glycol

03: Tyfocor LS/G- LS

Setup steps:

To access main menu FUN, then select submenu MEDT, "MEDT 01" displays on screen .

.... Press "SET' button, parameter "01" blinks on the screen

.... Press "+ ''''-'' button, to adj ust type of heat

transfer liquid, adjustable range (00~03)

.... Press "ESC" button to exit the menu or wait for 20 seconds to exit automatically,

parameters are saved automatically.

M[]rrm MED% Concentration of heat transfer liquid Note: SRS6SCS doesn't have this function

MED% Concentration of heat transfer liquid (volume percentage %), depending on the type of heat transfer liquid, adjustable range (20 -70), factory set 40%

Setup steps:

To access main menu FUN, then select submenu MED%, "MED% 40" displays on screen .

.... Press "SET' button, parameter "40" blinks on the screen

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Operation manual of solar water controller SR868C8/SR868C8Q

II>- Press "+ ''''- "button to adj ust concentration, adj ustable range (20~ 70)

II>- Press "ESC" button to exit the menu or wait for 20 seconds to exit automatically, parameters are saved automatically.

4.6.5INTV Pump interval function

Note: SRS6SeS doesn't have this function

Descri pt i on:

This function is useful when collector sensor isn't installed in collector (sensor installed on the outlet pipe of collector). In order to measure the actual temperature of collector, within the preset interval, solar pump is triggered like pulse, so that the hot water inside collector can flow to the pipe, where sensor is mounted, as the result, the actual temperature of collector is measured. It is unnecessary to activate this function in all time, you can use it within a preset time section, default set time is 06:00 -20:00.

During the period that solar pump is in operating, (the period of running time can be set by parameter "tRUN"), controlled check the temperature signal of sensor, if the temperature increases less than 1 DC, then solar pump is ceased automatically. After the break time (interval can be set by parameter "tSTP"), same process repeats.

During the period that solar pump is in operating, if measured temperature increases over 1 DC, th e n the next i nt erval is omitted, th i s am itti ng repeat s wh en it caters c onditi on and until the switch-on temperature difference is catered or no more temperature can be measured. After that, pump interval function recovers to pulse rate-controlled mode.

Setup steps:

To access main menu FUN, then select submenu INTV, "INTV OFF" displays on


II>- Press "SET' button, parameter "OFF" displays and blinks, factory set is "OFF"

II>- Press "+''''-'' button, to activate this function, "I NTV ON" displays on the screen.

II>- Press "ESC" button to exit the menu or wait for 20 seconds to exit automatically,

parameters are saved automatically.

- 30 -


Operation manual of solar water controller SR868C8/SR868C8Q tSTP Pump interval- time

Note: SRS6SCS doesn't have this function

Setup steps:

To access main menu FUN, then select submenu tSTP, "tSTP 30" displays on screen . .... Press "SET" button, parameter "30" blinks on screen, factory set is "30" minutes.

.... Press "+''''-'' button to adjust the loading time,

adj ust able ran ge: 1 0 ~ S 0 min utes,

.... Press "ESC" button to exit the menu or wait

for 20 seconds to exit automatically, parameters are saved automatically.

is TP

-.1-1 Jlj_1 tRUN Pump running time

Note: SRS6SCS doesn't have this function

Setup steps:

To access main menu FUN, then select submenu tRUN, "tRUN 1 0" displays on screen. .... Press "SET" button, parameter "10" blinks

i·RUN· '1



on screen, factory set is 15 second .. .... Press "+''''-'' button to adjust the running time, adjustable range: 5~120 seconds

.... Press "ESC" button to exit the menu or wait for 20 seconds to exit automatically, parameters are saved automatically.

4.6.6 BYPA High temperature by-pass function (tank temperature automatically adjusting)

Descri pt i on:

High-temperature bypass role is independent of the solar system's operation: the extra thermal energy of tank can be transferred to other application through this function, as a result the constant tank temperature can be kept. In order to transfer this extra energy, it needs an extra pump or electromagnetic valve. (Connect to output port R3).

For example:

If we set the temperature of bypass is 70DC, then when tank temperature (T2) rises up to 71 DC, th is by- pass fu n cti on is trigg ere d, el ectrom ag net ic valve or circ uit pu mp (R 1 ) an d TO c ant rolled ci rcu it pu m p (P 1) wi II be tri ggered si mu Itan eou sly. Wh en tan k temperature (T2) drops to src, electromagnetic valve or circuit pump (R1) and TO cantrall ed ci rcu it pu m p (P1) wi II be ceased si mu Itan eou sly.

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Operation manual of solar water controller SR868C8/SR868C8Q

Setup steps:

To access main menu FUN, then select submenu BYPR, "BYPR - - -" displays on


.... Press "SET' button, -, - -"blinks on screen, default set is "OFF"

.... Repress "SET' button, to activate by-pass

function, "BYPR 80°C" displays on the screen, "80°C" blinks

.... Press "+ ''''-'' button to adjust this parameter, adj ustable range (5 °C ~ 120°C)

.... Press "ESC" button to exit the menu or wait for 20 seconds to exit automatically,

parameters are saved automatically.


~ This signal displays on the screen, it indicates by-pass function is activated.

• Application example


~.7 HND Manual mode



When using this controller first time or when debugging this controller, output of this controller (P1, P2, R1, H1) can be triggered manually. "On, OFF" control.

Setup steps:

To access main menu HND,

.... Press "S ET' button, "H N D 1 off' dis plays on the screen, P1 outp ut man ua lIy set .... Repress "SET' button, "HND1 on"

displays on the screen, R1 output is switched-on

.... Repress "SET' again, "HND1 off'

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Operation manual of solar water controller SR868C8/SR868C8Q

displays, P1 output is switched-off II>-Press "ESC" to exit R1 set prcgram

II>-Press "+" button, "HND2 off" displays on the screen, P2 output manually set

II>-Press "SET' button, "HND20n" displays on the screen, P2 output is switched-on II>-Repress "SET" again, "HND20ff' displays, R2 output is switched-off

II>- Press "ESC" to exit R2 set prcgram

II>-Press "+" button, "HND3 off' displays on the screen, R1 output manually set

II>-Press "SET' button, "HND3 on" displays on the screen, R1 output is switched-on II>-Repress "SET" again, "HND3 off' displays, R3 output is switched-off

II>- Press "ESC" to exit R3 set program

II>-Press "+" button, "HND4 off" displays on the screen, H1 output manually set

II>-Press "SET' button, "HND4 on" displays on the screen, H1 output is switched-on II>-Repress "SET" again, "HND4 off' displays, R4 output is switched-off

II>- Press "ESC" to exit R4 set prcgram


.-, .-' .-' 'J ,"'" ,'"

Note: when manual mode is ~ activated, signal displays on the screen, after 15 minutes all outputs are switched-off, controller exits manual mode automatically.

~.8 PASS Password setting


Setup steps:

To access main menu PASS,

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Operation manual of solar water controller SR868C8/SR868C8Q

II>-Press "SET' button, "PWDC 0000", the left digital blinks, ask for to enter the password, factory set is "0000"

II>-Press "+''''_'' button to enter the first digital II>-Repress "SET' button, the second digital blinks II>-Press "+''''_'' button to enter the second digital


II>-Repress "SET' button, the third digital


II>-Press "+''''_'' button to enter the third digital II>-Repress "SET' button, the fourth digital blinks

II>-Press "+''''_'' button to enter the fourth digital II>-Press "SET' button, "PWDN 0000" displays on the screen, ask for entering a new password, doing like above to enter the new password

II>-Press "SET' button, "PWDG 0000" displays

fJJJ ]J t:

11-.' , -, Ii, .... , 1'_' ~J 'J ,_~

fJJJ llNal

~-.' fii; Ii, , ... , 1'_' 'J fJ ,_~

fJJJ ]J [jal

11-.' , -, Ii, .... , 1'_' ~J 'J ,_~

on the screen, ask for reentering the new

password, doing like above to reenter the new password, "PWOK" displays on the screen to indicate reentering password successfully.

II>- Press "ESC" button to exit set program or wait for 20 seconds to exit automatically.

&11 Warning I

If the password is forgot, it is not possible to recover, but you can recover the password to factory set, then you can reedit a password like above descript steps, doing like following to recover to factory set.

II>- Open cover in the front of the display.Press (!J and hold on.then repress the recovery button,which on the dispaly plate.

II>-Suzzer makes "du " 3 times, then release c!> button. Controller recovers to

factory set, a new password can be reset now.

4.9 LOAD Recovery factory setting

Setup steps:

To access main menu REST,

II>-Press "SET' button, "YES" displays on the screen.

_ 34 _


Operation manual of solar water controller SR868C8/SR868C8Q

II>-Hold down "SET' button, buzzer makes "du - - -" 3 times, then release "SET' button. Controller recovers to factory set, new paramters can be reset now.

II>- Press "ESC" button to exit set program or wait for 20 seconds to exit automatically.

4.10 ON!OFF button

Under the standby status,

II>- Press t!> button for 3 seconds; controller is switched off, "OFF" displays on the screen.

II>- Re press t!> button, controlle r is switch ed-on ag ai n.

4.11 Holiday functi on

Note: SRSSSeS doesn't have this function

Descri pt i on:

This function activates in night, solar liquid will flow from storage tank to collector to cool the tank, and therefore to prevent high thermal loads problem of the solar system due to completely heated storage tank. The function is activated at night between 10 pm and 6 am, when the collector temperature drops 8 °C below the storage tank temperature (T2), solar circuit pump starts to work; when the temperature of collector is TC below the tank temperature, and solar circuit pump is ceased.

Activate this function if:

• You intend to be absent for an extended period (holiday)

• No hot water is required for an extended period.

Note: The function is deactivated when the temperature in lower section of storage tank falls down to 35°C.

Activate! deactivate this function:

II>- Press "Holiday" button for a long time until the signal of holiday function displays on the screen, and then holiday function is activated.

II>- Repress "Holiday" button, signal disappears, holiday function is deactivated. Note:

This function is only activated when you are not at home for long time, when you come back; please make sure to deactivate it.

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Operation manual of solar water controller SR868C8/SR868C8Q

4.12 Manual heating

Descri pt i on:

Electrical heater, gas or oil boiler can be as back-up devices in a solar system, this controller can achieve constant temperature controlling, when controller gets

tem perat ure si gn al of top part tan k (T3) is 2°C below th e preset tem perat ure, ba ck - up heating will be triggered. When temperature of top part tank (T3) reaches to the preset temperature, heating is ceased.

Conditions for triggering manual heating function: the setting temperature should be 2°C higher than tank temperature.

Activate/deactivate the function:

.... Press "Heating" button, temperature "60°C" blinks on the screen .

.... Press "+ ''''-'' button to adjust switch-on temperature, adj ustable range 1 O°C ~80°C, factory set is 60°C.

After 20 seconds, this function is activated, signal ~ displays on the screen, and heating signal ® blinks also .

.... Press "Heating" button again, to switch-off manual heating function.

Note: manual heating can only heat tank one time, after manual heating is triggered, when temperature of tank rises up to the preset temperature, manual heating ceases, and manual heating function will be deactivated automatically, if customer wants to heat again, you need redo according to above steps.

4.13 Temperature query function

Under standby status,

.... Press "+''''-'' button can check the value of temperature sensors TO- T4, pump speed (n %), accumulative operation time of circuit pump (Hp), daily thermal energy (DKWH), accumulative thermal energy (KWH) or (MWH).

When checking temperature, TO - T 4 will displays one by one, corresponding sensor signal ...... blinks .

.... Press "ESC" button, week and tank temperature can be displayed. Note:

• Value of accumulative operation time of circuit pump (Hp), daily thermal energy

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Operation manual of solar water controller SR868C8/SR868C8Q

(DKWH) and accumulative thermal energy (KWH) or (MWH) can only be checked after tri gg erin g of 0 HQ M th erm al ene rgy ba la nc e fu n cti on .

• Press "+''''-'' button can check the value of temperature sensors T1- T4.

5. Protection function

~.1. Memory protection

In case power failure occurs, controller keeps the parameter settings unchanged.

5.2. Anti- dry heating protection


In case that no enough water is in tank when electrical heating is in operation, in order to avoid the damage of electrical booster caused by dry heating, controller will start the anti-dry heating protection, "EE" displays on screen and controller switches off all outputs (H 1 ). In thi s case, it au ght to swit ch off power sup ply, che ck an d resolve th e problems, and then switch on the power, controller restarts to work normally.

5.3 Screen protection


When no any press on button for 3 minutes, screen protection is activated automatically, and then LCD lighting lamp is switched-off. Through press any button to light LCD lamp again.

6. Trouble shooting

6.1 Trouble protection


a. When there is a break or short circuit between the connection of temperature sensors, controller switches off the corresponding functions and no more output signals are given, at the same time error signals (I) are showed on the display.

If control unit does not work correctly, please check following points .

.... Press "+''''-'' button to check error code, CD signal displays on the LCD screen

- 37 -

Operation manual of solar water controller SR868C8/SR868C8Q

Error Meaning Cause of error Error rectification
message on
LCD screen
Sensor wiring interrupted, Check resistance
TO sensor problem not connected or short
(D circuit value, replace
Thermal Connect TOor
TO - - -
measuring switch-off this
TO sensor not connected
function is function
switched-on (OHQM)
® Sensor wiring interrupted, Check resistance
T1 sensor problem not connected or short
T1 - - - value, replace
® Sensor wiring interrupted, Check resistance
T2 sensor problem not connected or short
T2 - - - value, replace
CD Sensor wiring interrupted, Check resistance
T3 sensor problem not connected or short
T3 - - - value, replace
Sensor wiring interrupted, Check resistance
T4 sensor problem not connected or short
CD circuit value, replace
T4 - - - hot water Install T4 or
circulation pump T 4 not installing switch-off this
function turn-on function 6.2 Trouble checking

The controller is quality product, conceived for years of continuous trouble-free operation. If a problem occurs, the cause of the problem very often lies not in the controller but in the peripheral components. The following description of some well-known problems should help the installer and operator to isolate the problem, so that the system can be place back into operation as quickly as possible and to avoid

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Operation manual of solar water controller SR868C8/SR868C8Q

unnecessary costs. Of course, not all possible problems can be listed here. However, most of the normal problems encountered with the controller can be found in the list below, only return the controller to seller when you are absolutely sure that none of the problems listed below is responsible for the fault.

Symptoms Secondary symptoms Possible cause Procedure
Controller Display shows Controller power Check the controller
does not nothing, no display supply is power cable
appear to illumination interrupted or Press reset button
function at all program is out of
The solar The pump symbol in Pump power Check the pump
pump doesn't the display blinks supply is power cable
operate, interrupted
despite the
fact that
conditions are
Pump doesn't The pump symbol in The maximum No fault
operate the display doesn't storage tank
blink. temperature (SMX)
= .. ~ Lighted has been reached
The maximum
or CD blinks collector
temperature (EM)
has been reached.
® Fault (short circuit On the controller,
or open circuit) in a request the current
T1- -- temperature values from all
Error message sensor connected
displays on the temperature sensors,
screen replace all defective
sensors and lor
cabling. - 39 -

Operation manual of solar water controller SR868C8/SR868C8Q

The solar The pump symbol in Holiday function or No problem, it is
pumps the display blinks. Frost protection normal. If necessary
operated, function or tank to deactivate the
despite the re-cooling function correspon di ng
fact that the is activated. functions.
conditions are
not satisfied.
One function There is no function All inputs and No fault on controller
can't be selection in submenu outputs are used;
activated inputs and outputs
can't be used
doubly. &1 Warning I Remove the device from the mains supply before opening the case A potentially defective sensor can be checked using an ohmmeter. To do this, the sensor must be disconnected, its resistance measured, and the value compared with the figures in the table below, small deviation (±1%) is acceptable,

PT1000 resistance value

°C 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120
Q 1000 1039 1077 1116 1155 1194 1232 1270 1309 1347 1385 1422 1460 NTC 10K 8=3950 resistance value

°C 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120
Q 33620 20174 12535 8037 5301 3588 2486 1759 1270 933 697 529 407 7. Quality Guarantee

Manufacturer provides following quality responsibilities to end-users: within the period of quality responsibilities, manufacturer will exclude the failure caused by production and material selection. A correct installation will not lead to failure. When a user takes incorrect handling way, incorrect installation, improper or crud handling, wrong connection of sensor in system and incorrect operation, the quality responsibility is invalid for them.

The warrantee expires within 24 months after the date of purchasing the controller.

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Operation manual of solar water controller SR868C8/SR868C8Q

8. Technical data

Appearance of 120mmx 120mm x 1Bmm 120mm x 120mmx 1Bmm
Power supply AC230V±10% AC230V±10%
Power consumption < 3W < 3W
Accuracy of
temperature ±2°C ±2°C
Range of collector
temperature -10~220°C -10~220°C
Range of tank
temperature 0~110°C 0~110°C
Suitable power of 31', :5 600W 31', :5 600W
Suitable power of 11', :5 1500W 11', :5 1500W
electrical heater
2 x Pt1000 sensor (:5500°C) 1 x Pt 1 00 a sen sor (:5500 0c)
for collector (silicon for collector (silicon
Inputs cabl e:52BO°C), cabl e:52BO °C),
3 x NTC10K, 83950 sensor 2 x NTC10K, 83950 sensor
(:5 135°C) for tank, (PVC (:5 1350C) for tank, (PVC
cable :5105°C), cable :51 05°C),
3 relays, for circulation 3 relays, for circulation
Outputs pumps or 3-way pumps or 3-way
electromagnetic valve electromagnetic valve
1 relay for electrical heater 1 relay for electrical heater
Ambient temperature -1 0~50 'c -10~50 'c
Water proof grade IP40 IP40 - 41 -

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