1 Carroceria Test de Progreso 1

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Test de progreso. Progress Test 1 (Technical English 1 Units 1 – 2). Parte 1.

Puedes realizarlo con la ayuda del libro de texto y los apuntes, pero no copiando lo que haya hecho tu compañero.
Este ejercicio contará como trabajo realizado en clase. No puedes entregarlo otro día nada más que HOY

Alumno: D. «Nombre» «Apellidos»

1 Write instructions for the opposite actions. Use the words in the bottom box to replace the
words in italics. Escribe la acción opuesta utiliza las palabras del recuadro para reemplazar las que
hay en negrita.

For example/por ejemplo:

Take off your coat. Put on your coat.

push, lower, tighten, off, closed, pick up, down, from

1 Raise the temperature to 30 °C. _____________________________________________

2 Put down your tools. _____________________________________________

3 Pull the handle up. _____________________________________________

4 Loosen the nuts. _____________________________________________

5 Switch on the electricity. _____________________________________________

2 Underline the correct word in brackets/subraya la palabra correcta que hay entre paréntesis.
6 The front of the aeroplane is called the (nose/ tail).
7 Please stand on the (truck/ deck) of the boat.
8 The speed of the engine is 5000 (rpm/ kW).
9 Please cut that wood. Use the (spanner/ chisel).

3 Delete one wrong word from each list / en cada lista de palabras hay una “intrusa”. Táchala:
10 Fixings: nails, bolts, nuts, screwdrivers, washers, staples, screws
11 Hand tools: spanners, screwdrivers, chisels, hammers, axles
12 Parts of a skateboard: wheels, axles, deck, nose, tail, helmet, truck


4 Rearrange the word order / pon cada oración en el orden correcto

13 Where you are from? ___________________________________________

14 Take off the tyre the bicycle. ___________________________________________

15 What this is called? ___________________________________________

16 Put on the table the spanner. ___________________________________________

5 Add a word in one of the spaces / añade una palabra del recuadro en cada uno de los espacios.
do are is
17 What (_____) her name?
18 What (_____) you do?
19 What colour (_____) you want?
20 What (_____) those called in English?
21 How (_____) you spell your name?
6 Insert the correct question word / coloca la palabra apropiada para construir una pregunta.
What What’s How Where
22 _____ your phone number?
23 _____ size do you want?
24 _____ many nails do you need?
25 _____ is Jamal from?
26 _____ are these called?

7 Put two words in each gap. Use one from each box. / pon dos palabras en cada espacio en
blanco. Una de cada recuadro.
For example / por ejemplo:
Q: Am I correct? A: Yes, you are.

I, you, he, they, it am, are, is, aren’t, isn’t

27 Q: Are you an electrician? A: Yes, __________.
28 Q: Is Luis from France? A: No, __________.
29 Q: Are the switches on? A: No, __________.
30 Q: Is the hammer on the table? A: Yes, __________.

8 Complete the sentences. Write a letter from A-J in each space. Indica la letra de la columna
izquierda que corresponde en cada uno de los espacios en blanco.
31 Put the hammer _____ A off the axle.
32 Take the hammer _____ B Use the spanner.
33 Put the wheels _____ C do you need?
34 Take the wheels _____ D in English?
35 Tighten the nuts. _____ E into the wood.
36 Loosen the screws. _____ F Use the screwdriver.
37 What size _____ G on the table.
38 I need _____ H some bolts, please.
39 What are these called _____ I off the table.
40 Hammer the nails _____ J on the axle.

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