Table of Contents

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Attitude & Perception of Adults towards Animated Movies

Table of Contents

Sr. Topic
Executive Summary

1.0 Introduction
1.1 Overview of Entertainment Industry
1.2 History of Movie Industry
1.3 Animated Movie Industry & Current scenario
1.4 Major Players in Animated Movie Industry

2.0 Consumer Attitude & Perception

2.1 Importance of Consumer Behaviour
2.2 Consumer Attitude
2.3 Consumer Perception

3.0 Review of Related Literature

4.0 Research Methodology

4.1 Scope
4.2 Need & Significance
4.3 Research Objective
4.4 Sources of Data Collection
4,5 Sampling Procedure
4.6 Sample Size
4.7 Sampling Technique
4.8 Limitations

5.0 Data Analysis and Interpretation

6.0 Recommendations

7.0 Conclusion


Annexure - Questionnaire
Attitude & Perception of Adults towards Animated Movies

Research Methodology

Need & Significance:

The Entertainment industry is gaining tremendous growth and there is a rise in the
number of animated movies releasing every month. The need is to understand the
attitude & perception of adults towards animated movies.

Research Objective :
To find out the frequency of adults watching animated movies
To find out the different factors that give rise to the popularity of animated movies
among adults
To determine the importance of various factors that adults look for in animated

Sources of Data Collection :

Primary (Questionnaire) & Secondary Data

Sampling Procedure :
Judgmental sampling

Sample Size :
60 respondents (adults) comprising of males and females

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