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(A Government of India enterprise)





25.05.2009 TO 08.07.2009


MR.RAMESH CHANDRA Shashwat upadhyay

This is to certify that this project entitled on ‘Ratio Analysis in

NPCIL’ whichisbeingsubmittedbyI inpartial fulfillment for the
awardof thedegreeof PGP-(IILM INSTITUTE FOR HIGHER
EDUCATION) is a record of student own work carried by her
under myguidance& supervision.

To thebest of my knowledge, thematter presented in this project

has not been submitted for the award of any other diploma or

(Mr. A.K J OSHI)


For the compulsory vocational training for my course i.e. MBA I have

selected NAPS [NARORA ATOMIC POWER STATION]. It is a reputated

public sector unit under the DEPARTMENT OF ATOMIC ENERGY

engaged in generation of electricity through Atomic energy. During my

training I have been associated with the different sections of human

resource department of NAPS and learned how these departments works.

Firstly, I would like to thanks station director & training superintendent

NAPS, who permitted me to complete my training project at prestigious

organization of India i.e. NAPS.

I would like to extend my thanks to MR A.K JOSHI Manager HR for his

valuable time & guidance.

I am very thankful to NAPS station management for extending me a chance

to do the project work on human resource management areas of NAPS at

their plant site.


For the training I have selected Narora Atomic Power

Station (NAPS) a unit of Nuclear Power Corporation of
India Limited (NPCIL). It is a reputed electricity generating
company. Though in power sector India has achieved a
remarkable improvement, even then we are producing
only 25% - 30% of electricity of our requirement. In this
situation the role of nuclear power station becomes
important as far as availability of raw material is
concerned in comparison to other sources of generation of
electricity. The reputed status, latest technology, bright
future, good working environment etc. are some
important factors which has forced me to select a nuclear
power station for getting on the job training.
During my training I have been associated with
different areas of human resource department of Narora
atomic power station (NAPS) and learned about how to
bridge gap between theoretical knowledge and practical
working. Mainly I have experienced the working of
different HR sections.
I would like to extend my thanks to the station authority
and human resource officers.


Organisation History:
The Atomic Energy Act was enacted in the year 1948 with the objective
of providing for the development, control and use of atomic energy for
the welfare of the people of India and for other peaceful purpose. In
pursuance of the Act, the Atomic Energy Commission was set-up in
August 1948. The Atomic Energy Commission was entrusted with the
responsibility of policy making in the matter of atomic energy. It was a
latter decided that a separate Department, with full powers of a Ministry
of the Government of India, should be set up entrusting it with the
responsibility of development of atomic energy for peaceful purpose.
Thus the Department of Atomic Energy (DAE) came in to existence in
August 1954 under the direct charge of the Prime Minister.

The Atomic Energy Commission was reconstituted in 1958 with full

executive and financial powers. The major functions and activities of the
DAE are Nuclear Power Programme, Research and Development,
Industrial and Mineral Sector Development, Regulation and Safety and
the management of the public Sector Undertakings set up under DAE.
The responsibility for implementation of the Nuclear Power Programme
was entrusted to the erstwhile Power Projects Engineering Division
(PPED) which was later converted into the Nuclear Power Board (NPB)
and now the Nuclear Power Corporation of India Limited (NPCIL).
NPCIL was incorporated as a public limited company wholly owned by
the Government of India under the Companies Act 1956 and commenced
its business with effect from September 17,1987.

The board of director manages the company. In forming the company

in1987, all the asset ( with the exception of RAPS -1) of NPB were
transferred to NPCIL with 50 percent of the assets being treated as equity
and the remaining as loan in perpetuity from the Government. RAPS-1,
being the first pressurised heavy water, reactor, was retained by NPCIL
on behalf of DAE.

The composition of the NPCIL Board of Directors is broad based .it

includes representative from BARC, Central Electricity Authority.
Planning Commission, Ministry of Environment and Forests etc.for
effective interfacing with the Power Sector as a whole in the country and
also R&D sector of DAE.

The Registered Office of the Company is at 16 Floor ,Center 1,World

Trade Centers ,Cuffer Parade Mumbai 400005 and its Corporate Office is
at Nabhikiya Urja Bhavan and Vikaram Sarabhai Bhavan ,
Anushaktinagar ,Mumbai 400094. The authorized Share capital of the
company is Rs.10145 crores as on 31.3.2007. Total asset of the Company
are in the order of Rs 33000 Crores

After formation of the Company a massive programme of setting up

Nuclear Power Reactor was launched . A focussed approach was
adopted to have all-round improvement in operation and maintenance,
safety, finance, etc. which will also generated internal surplus besides
establishing the viability of nuclear power as along term strategy. NPCIL
has gained significant experience in setting up PHWRs and operation
them. This technology has achieved a state of maturity.


Date of C om m ercial
Unit-Location T ype Capacity M( W e)
O peration
1. T AP S-1 T arapur,M aharashtra BWR 160 28-O ct-1969
2. T AP S-2 T arapur,M aharashtra BWR 160 28-O ct-1969

3. R APS-1, Raw atbhata

, Rajasthan* PHW R 100 16-Dec-1973

4. R APS-2, Raw atbhata

, Rajasthan PHW R 200 01-Apr-1981
5. M A PS-1 Kalpakkam
, T am ilnadu PHW R 220 27-Jan-1984
6. M A PS-2 Kalpakkam
, T am ilnadu PHW R 220 21-M ar-1986
7. N APS-1 Narora, Uttar Pradesh PHW R 220 01-Jan-1991
8. N APS-2 Narora, Uttar Pradesh PHW R 220 01-Jul-1992
9. K APS-1 Kakrapar, G ujarat PHW R 220 06-M ay-1993
10. K APS-2 Kakrapar, G ujarat PHW R 220 01-Sep-1995
11. K AIG A-1,Kaiga, Karnataka PHW R 220 16-Nov-2000
12. K AIG A-2,Kaiga, Karnataka PHW R 220 16-M ar-2000
13. R APS-3 Raw atbhata
, Rajasthan PHW R 220 01-Jun-2000
14. R APS-4 Raw atbhata
, Rajasthan PHW R 220 23-Dec-2000
15. T AP S-4 T arapur,M aharashtra PHW R 540 12-Sept-2005
16. T AP S-3 T arapur,M aharashtra PHW R 540 18-August-2006
17. Kaiga-3 Karnataka PHW R 220 06-M ay-2007
THE GOVT. (6800 MWe)







 JAITAPUR 2 X 1000 LWRs



B h a b hAato m i c Re s ea rc h U N D E R TA K I N GS F A C IL IT IE S O R G A N IS A T I O N
C e n tr e , M u m b a i
N u c le a r P o w e r C o r p . o f H e a v y W a t e r B o a r d , D ir e c t o r a t e o f
In d i r Ga a n d h i Ce n tr e fo r
A to m ic R e se a rc h , In d ia L t d ., M u m b a i M u m b ai P u rch a se & S t o res
K a lp a kk a m M u m b ai
In d ia n R a r e E a r t h s L td .,
N u c le a r F u e l
M um bai
C o m p le x , H yd e r a b a d D ir e c t o r a t e o f
R aj aRa m a nCn ea n tr e for
A d v a n c e d Te c h n o lo g y, U r a n iu m C o r p . o f In d ia L td . , C o n s t r u c t io n , S e r v ic
In d o r e J a du gu da & E state M an ag em e
B o a r d o f R a d ia t io n & M u m b ai
V a r ia b le E n er g y C yc lo tr o n B H A V IN I Is o t o p e T e c h n o lo g y,
C e n tr e , Ca lc u tta
K a lp a k k a m M u m b ai G e n e r a l S e r v ic e s
A to m ic M in e r a ls O r g a n iz a t io n ,
D ir e c to ra te fo r E x p lor a tioEn le c tr o n i c s C o r p . o f In d ia K a lp a k k a m
& R e s ea rc h , H yd e r a ba d L td . , H yd e r a b a d )

B o a r d o f R e s e a r c h i n N u c l e a r S c ie n c e s AI D E D I N S T I T U T I O N S
N a ti o n a l B o a r d o f H i g h e r M a th e m a ti c s

T a t aI n s t i t u t e o f F u n d a m e n t aI ln s t i t u t e o f P hBy sh iuc bs ,a n e s h w a r I n s t i t u t e o f M a t h e m a t i c a
R esea rch, M um b a i M e h t a R e s e a r c h I n sMt i taut th& es o f S c i e n c e s , C h e n n a i
T a t aM e m o r i a l C e n t r e , M u m M b aai t h e m a t i c a l P h ys i c s , A l l a h a Ibna sdt i t u t eP oh fa r mRae s e a r c h ,
S a h Ia n s t i t u t e o f N u c l e a r P h y s i c s , A h m e d a ,b a d
C a l c u tta A t o m i c E n e r g y E d u c a ti o
S o c i e t y, M u m b a i
Principle objective and working of nuclear
power plants

Nuclear power plants generate electricity. The principle used is same as that
in a thermal power plant, with the difference that a nuclear plant uses
uranium to produce heat whereas a thermal power plant burns coal.


Nuclear power generation utilizes the heat energy from the atomic fission
of natural uranium U-235 to produce steam. This steam in turn drives the
turbo generator to produce electricity.

To maximize generation (2891 Mus or More) and capacity utilization (75% or
more) in a safe manner.
To minimize the number of forced outages to as low as responsible achievable.
• To minimize outage period for planned maintenance and at the same time
achieving the maintenance objectives.
• Planned implementation of conditions monitoring in service inspection,
modification and upgrading program in an optimal manner during planned
maintenance outages.
• To minimize radioactivity release to as low as reasonably achievable.
• To minimize radiation exposures to as low as reasonably achievable.
• To minimize heavy water losses to as low as reasonably achievable.
• To progressively optimise inventory levels.
• To progressively achieving energy conservation in an efficient manner.
• To improve quality in all activities by ensuring adherence to procedures pre-
jobs briefings and training/re-training of personnel.
• To treasure human resources by continuous exposure to training.
• To ensure human resources development quantitatively and qualitatively and
in a sound and cordial industrial relations environment.

Working of Nuclear Power Plants

92U235 + ON1 = 38Sr90 + 54Xe144+ 20N1 + gamma ray

Thermal neutrons continue the chain reaction by splitting other uranium

atoms releasing radioactivity, fission fragments, fast neutrons and heat
energy.The energy generated by the fission is transmitted from the fuel
bundle with the help of high-pressure heavy water called PHT (primary
heat transport). The PHT system takes away the heat from the fuel
bundles to the mineralised water into the steam generator. Here steam is
generated at a pressure of 40-48 kg/cm sq. this steam is then transported
through pipes to turbine hall where the turbine and generator are
installed. The steam enters the turbine and runs it at a speed of 300 RPM.
The generator and the turbine run at the same speed as they are coupled
together. The electricity generated is sent to the station switchyard for
transmission to the Northern grid.

Petroleum prices are escalating. The amount of coal required for

400Mwe power generation is of the order of 5x106 kgs per day. Whereas
a nuclear power station of the same capacity needs only 200 kg of atomic
fuel per day. Transportation of coal of such magnitude over long
distances is not economical.
Several years ago, the DAE has selected heavy water moderated natural
uranium reactors as the type with the greatest promise under Indian
conditions. Reactors of this type use fuel available within the country &
do not require large capital and operating outlays for fuel enrichment.
With collaboration of Atomic Energy of Canada Limited (AECL), who
had considerable experience in the design and operation of such reactors
at the time, a research reactor CIRCUS was built which provided the
required operating experience for the personnel and confidence for the
Nuclear power plants are considerably more expensive to build than
alternative thermal plants. To be economic they must therefore operate at
high capacity factor throughout their lifetime. But to command high
utilization, any plant must have low operating costs. In this connection,
the low fuelling cost of heavy water natural uranium reactors are of major
economic importance, and are expected to result in lower operating costs
that can be achieved either in conventional thermal plants or other types.
The strategy adopted for Indian nuclear power program is that heavy
water power reactors using natural uranium would produce power and
plutonium in the first stage. The plutonium produced from these reactors
would be used to set up high breeding ratio fast reactors to produce
additional power and plutonium in the second stage. In the third stage
thorium would be utilized in both the fast and the thermal reactors, which
would give unlimited source of power.Consequently it was decided to
build twin “PHWR” (pressurized heavy water reactor) type of power
reactors. The site is selected by a high-powered committee, based on the
need of electrical power, the potential for industrial expansion,
availability of large quantities of water and less population.


One of the chief aim of department of atomic energy

(DAE) is development of nuclear energy for economic
power generation as an alternative source of electric
power when in due course the conventional sources
[hydro and thermal] will be exhausted in the country.

"To develop nuclear power technology and to produce
nuclear power as a safe, environmentally benign and
economically viable source of electrical energy to meet
the increasing electricity needs of the country."


Achieve installed capacity of 20,000 Mw by the year



Narora Atomic Power Station

NAPS, Distt.Bulandshahr, (UP)
Narora is a small religious town in Bulandshahr District of Uttar pradesh
situated on the banks of the Ganges- the most sacred river of Hindu
mythology and is approximately 150 km from the national capital, Delhi.
The nearest population center is Aligarh, which is 60 km away from the
plant site.

The station is connected to high voltage network through five 220 kV

lines, one to Moradabad, one to Harduaganj, to simboli & two to khurja.
It is designed for base load operation as a commercial station.
NAPS is the 4th nuclear power station in the country and the first
indigenous nuclear power plant in India. The station has two pressurized
heavy water reactors with an installed capacity of 220 Mwe each using
natural uranium as fuel. The Indian engineers and scientists have done
the execution of the project, including design, engineering, erection,
commissioning and operation.
The generated electricity is being supplied to the nine (9) neighbouring
feeders in which up is the main state, through northern regional
electricity grid. Another important milestone in the Indian nuclear

program achieved in NAPS is standardization of PHWR units, which is a

stepping-stone to the future 500 Mwe units. The reactor use natural

uranium available in India as a fuel & heavy water produced in the

country as moderator and a coolant.
Narora atomic power station is an ISO 140001 and IS 18001 certified
company. The total manpower strength at NAPS is about 1165



Foundation stone 4th Jan. 1974 4th Jan. 1974

Excavation started 15th Feb. 1976 15th Feb. 1976

Fuel loading 11th Oct. 1988 9th Aug. 1991

1st criticality 12th Mar. 1989 24th Oct. 1991

1st synchronisation 29th July 1989 5th Jan. 1992

Commercialisation 1st Jan. 1991 30th June 1992

ISO-14001 Certification 19th AUGUST 1999

IS-18001 Certification 6th Feb 2006


1. To maximize the power generation and profitability from nuclear
power stations in operation with a motto of achieving the
excellence in "safety first and production next".
2. To increase nuclear power generation capacity in the country
consistent with available resources in a safe, economical and rapid
manner in keeping with the growth of energy demand in the
3. To continue and strengthen QA activities relating to nuclear power
program within the organisation and those associated with it.
4. To develop personnel at all levels through an appropriate Human
Resources Development (HRD) program in the organisation with a
view to further improving their skills and performance consistent
with the high technology operations.
5. To continue and strengthen the environmental protection
measures relating to nuclear power generation.
6. To continue and strengthen the public awareness programmes for
enhancing and improving the public perception for Nuclear Power
in the country.
7. To share appropriate technological skills and expertise at national
and international levels.
8. To bring about modernization and technological innovation in its
9. To explore and promote participation of Indian Industry, SEB's and
PSUs in the nuclear power capacity addition programme by
forming Joint Venture Projects.

10. To coordinate and endeavour to keep the sustained association

with the other units of DAE for necessary inputs.


Employee Grading: -
1. Administrative Staff
(a) Accounts
(b) HR SOURCES (i) DGM/Sr.Manager
(c) C&MM (ii) Manager

(iii) Deputy Manager

(iv) Asstt. Manager

(v)SRA-2,SRA-1(Sr. Asstt)

(vi) AG-3, AG-2, AG-1

(Assistant Grade)

(vii) Stenographer.

2. Technical Staff - (i) Scientific Officer (Engineer Category)

Grades- SO/B, SO/C, SO/D, SO/E,


(ii) Scientific Assistant (supervisory category)

Grades-SA/A, SA/B, SA/C, SA/D, SA/E

(iii)Technicians (working category)-

Grades- T/A, T/B, T/C, T/D, T/E, T/F,

T/G, T/H.

3. Auxiliary Staff- (i) Hospital staff (ii) Fire staff

(iii) Canteen staff (iv) Transport staff

Entry Pay in the revised pay structure for direct

Recruits appointed on or after 1.1.2006:
PB-1 (Rs 5200-20200)
Grade pay Pay in the Pay Band Total
1800 5200 7000
1900 5830 7730
2000 6460 8460
2400 7510 9910
2800 8500 11360

PB-2 (Rs 9300-34800)

Grade pay Pay in the Pay Band Total
4200 9300 13500
4600 12540 17140
4800 13350 18150

PB-3 (Rs 15600-39100)

Grade pay Pay in the Pay Band Total
5400 15600 21000
6600 18750 25350
7600 21900 29500

PB-4(Rs 37400-67000)
Grade pay Pay in the Pay Band Total
8700 37400 46100
8900 40200 49100
10000 43000 53000
12000 4700 59100


Narora Atomic Power Station (NAPS), a unit of Nuclear Power
Corporation of India Limited (NPCIL), engaged in generation of
electricity from Nuclear Energy at Narora, is committed to perform all
its Station operations with high degree of technical competence and
poised fail safe systems to ensure paramount safety at par with
International Safety Standards.

• To maximize safety at all levels and at all stages in day-to-day Station
• To adhere to commitments made in International Conventions on Nuclear
• To maintain effective communication, supervision and control for
enhancing. Safety

NPCIL is Committed to:

• Comply with applicable safety regulations & legislations
• Regular identification and assessment of Station Safety
• Extensive orientation and appropriate training to employees and
others involved in operations.
• Appropriate safety awareness to surrounding community.
• Ensuring adequate use of suitable personal protective equipment
during work at NAPS.
• Supervision & Monitoring for compliance of safe practices.


NAPS, a unit of Nuclear Power Corporation of India Limited (NPCIL),

engaged in generation of electricity from nuclear energy at Narora, is
committed to perform all its station operation with high degree of
technical competence and poised fail safe systems to ensure paramount
safety at par with international safety standards.

Quality objectives:

• To maximize customer satisfaction at all levels.

• To attain and maintain high technical competence and professional
• To provide continuous, efficient and effective services.

NAPS is committed to:

• Implement the policy and achieve quality objectives.

• Practice and maintain a documented quality system.
• Constantly endeavor to upgrade the knowledge and skills of
• Provide a participative work environment to foster excellence and
• Regular evaluation and improvement of quality in station
operations and services.

NAPS, a unit of NPCIL, engaged in generation of electricity from
nuclear energy, is committed to operate the plant while striving for old
class environmental performance and safety standards.
o It is committed to be friendly with environment and to pursue
principles of “sustainable development” through environmental protection
and green belt development pro-actively.
• It manages its operations in an environmentally responsible
manner and aim at “prevention of pollution” through continual
improvement in environmental performance by setting, achieving and
reviewing environmental objectives and targets regularly.
• It complies with applicable laws, regulations and other
• It reinforces employee’s interest, trust, belief and commitment by
training to achieve continual improvement in environmental performance in
all operations, activities and services.
• It is committed to a cleaner environment.


NAPS is engaged to put continual efforts in reduction of collective

radiological doses to occupational radiation workers and the public.
OBJECTIVE: To minimize the external and internal radiological
doses of occupational radiation workers, to as low as reasonably
achievable (ALARA).
NAPS is committed to:

• Any job in radioactive area shall be carried out only if there is a net
positive benefit.
• All jobs in radioactive areas shall be planned before hand.

• Individual doses shall be reviewed daily and suitable actions, if

required, shall be initiated for further reduction of dose.
• All individuals shall observe the prevailing instructions on radiological
• Routinely carry out training and re-training of occupational radiation

The GOAL of maintenance i.e. SAFE, RELIABLE and EFFICIENT operation
of equipment is only possible when maintenance policy is understood and
effectively Implemented by all maintenance personnel in consistent manner.
This policy is to assure the quality of maintenance work and required reliability
of performance of the equipment. It covers the maintenance activities and forms
the basis of adequate maintenance programme.

Maintenance Objectives:

• Have effective maintenance organization and administration.

• Have better work control.
• Conduct of maintenance in effective and efficient manner.
• Up to date maintenance facility and equipment.
• Have effective material management.
• Energy conservation.
• Have effective control of modification work process.

• Honorable president of India, Dr. Abdul Kalam awarded NAPS the

“Gold Shield and Certificate for Outstanding Performance” the year 2001-
2002 and 2002-2003.
• Power minister awarded the “Merit Certificate For Good Performance”
for the year 2000-2001 and 2003-2004.
• Station was awarded “AERB industrial safety award” for the year 2001,
2002 and 2004 by atomic energy regulatory board of India.
• Safety Innovation Award 2005- instituted by safety and quality forum,
the institution of engineers (India).
• Green tech safety gold award by “Green tech foundation of India”


 To know the working of the human resource department of NAPS.

 To study the recruitment procedure in NAPS & its policies.
 To study the method adopted by NAPS for performance appraisal.
 To suggest areas in which improvement in methods of appraisal is
 To study the effectiveness of the present day facilities provided by

The methodology employed for the study of the project

“Recruitment & Performance Appraisal” is through

the collection of primary and secondary data. Primary

data is obtained through the observation, interviews

and discussion with the officers of the NAPS.

Secondary data is derived from the published and

unpublished sources, like company publications such

as annual reports, annual plan, magazines and

publications from Department of Atomic Energy and

Nuclear Power Corporation of India Limited.



Management today has become the most significant part of an

organization and it is the basic function for the application of technology
and utilization of human and material resources in industry. Employee
development in public sector undertakings is very important growth. In
view of the huge investments in PSE’s by the Government the
performance in Public Sectors will have a telling effect on the socio
economic growth of the Nation. Organisational set up of Public Sector
Undertakings should be planned and streamlined keeping in view the
following national objectives of he Public Sector.

• To promote economic development and growth.

• To promote self-reliance in strategic sectors and diversify the economy.
• To reduce regional and social imbalances.
• To generate surplus for reinvestment.
• These objectives can be achieved only when each of the public Sector
Units are converted into profit centres, which is the primary goal of the
industry. The attainment of the goal is only possible through HRD,
which in other words means achieving perfection in all areas of
In a dynamic and fast changing world, organisations also have to be
dynamic. Organisations would like to grow in various ways and possess
ability to respond to its environment and may even like to have
considerable impact on them. To be able to do these, they should be able
to induce dynamism through developing human capabilities by applying
HRM (Human Resources Management) strategies to personnel
Development strategies to personnel practices. HRM system aims at
developing and enabling capabilities of people in the organization.

Human Resource Management is a process not merely a set of
mechanism and techniques. It is needed by any organization / industry
that wants to be dynamic and growth oriented in fast changing
environment and technological advancement. Organisations can become
dynamic and grow only through the efforts and competencies of their
human resources.


The existing systems of the personal management functions in the PE’s

have been reviewed with a view to improve the effectiveness’ of the
system by emphasizing HRM approach to these systems.
• Development of Human Resources.
• The organizational health and self-renovating capabilities (i.e.
“attitudes, knowledge, skill values) and industrial climate.
• Better utilization of manpower.
• To improve quality work life.
• To improve the feeling of commitment and involvement i.e. Total
employees involvement.
• To improve productivity.

To achieve the HRM objectives in the PSU’s have included following
• Performance Appraisal.
• Potential Appraisal and development.
• Career Planning and Manpower Planning.
• Succession Planning, job rotation.
• Incentive Schemes, Suggestion schemes, Employee welfare.
• Quality of work life, Training.
• Grievance Mechanisms, Quality Circle.
• Participation in Management.
• Rewards, Feedback.
• House Keeping and Safety Programmes.
HRM involves long-term perspective, which visualize change through
involvement and ownership of such changes by the participants. The
HRM takes a positive view of the people and their potential and tries to
foster a climate conductive to growth and development. Hence its scope
is vivid to different fields and it fast changing up management principles.
Following will be the advantages after implementing the HRM system:
• Improvement in productivity.
• Improvement in capabilities of the employees.
• Motivation factor will be high.
• Performance and potential appraisal system will improve.
• Creation of opportunities for advancement.
• Improvement in performance related reward systems.


Human Resource Management (HRM) itself becomes very broad based

as stated by enthemkuzhy wherein it is process undertaken to promote,
the intellectual, more psychological cultural social and economic
development of the individual so as to help him to achieve hi9s highest
human potential as resources for the country. It means a total all round
development of the person so that he can contribute his best to the
community and the nation. HRM is undoubtedly a universal panacea.
Introduction of Human Resource Management

The HR Management is divided into six sections.

These are as follows:-







The employee in this section maintains the record of around each and
every employee. They maintain the record of the employee personnel
information plus whatever, benefits he has acquired out of the
organization in terms of schemes published by the NPCIL. These records
are maintained in two books i.e.

(a) SERVICE BOOK: The service book contains the

permanent entries about the employee career progression
details, the increment details, LTC availed by an employee,
insurance details and all important events taking place during
the service period.

(b) PERSONAL BOOK/FILE: This file contains the

particulars of an employee i.e. their bio-data, permanent and
temporary addresses and all the papers an employee has
submitted to the organization for fulfilling various terms and
conditions and availing facilities.

The establishment section also administers the different schemes of

NPCIL for its employees such as-

(a) LTC (leave traveling concession) -

1. All employees of corporation.
2. Those who are on probation.
3. Those who are working in NPCIL on deputation.
4. Those appointed on contract for a period of two years or more.

1. Part time employees.
2. Muster roll, daily rated, casual employees.
3. Persons appointed on contract for less than 2 years.
4. Permanent deputationists, DAE surplus pool employees.
5. Stipendiary trainees such as, tradesmen, scientific assistant, engineer
6. Apprentice under apprentice act.
7. Those who are availing LTC from other sources e.g. spouse working in
Railways, air India etc.

Rail / Air Entitlements:

Grade Pay Entitlements

Officers drawing grade pay Business/Club class by Air/AC
Rs.10000/-and above and those in First class by Train
pay scale of HAG+and above
Officers drawing grade pay Economy Class by Air/AC First
Rs.7600/-,Rs.8700 and 8900/- class by Train
Officers drawing grade pay Economy Class by Air/AC II class
Rs.5400/-,Rs.6600 by Train
Officers drawing grade pay AC II Tire Class by Train
Rs.4200/-,Rs.4600/- and 4800/-
Officers drawing grade pay below First Class/AC III Tier/AC Chair
Rs.4200/- Car by Train
Sea /River Steamer Entitlements

Grade Pay Entitlements

Officers drawing grade pay Rs.5400/- Highest Class
and above and those in pay scale of
HAG+and above
Officers drawing grade pay If there be tow classes only on
Rs.4200/-,Rs.4600/- and 4800/- the steamer, the lower class
Officers drawing grade pay Rs.4200/- It there be two classes only on
and Rs.2800 the steamer, the lower class

It there be three classes, the

middle or the second class

It there be four classes, the third


Officer drawing grade pay less than Two lowest class

Accommodation entitlements for the travel between the Mainland and the
Andaman and Nicobar Group of Islands and the Lakshadweep Group of Islands
by ships operated by Shipping Corporation of India Limited will be as follows.

Grade Pay Travel Entitlements

Officers drawing grade pay of Deluxe Class
Rs. 5400/- and above and those
in pay scale of HAG+and above
Officers drawing grade pay of First/A Cabin Class
Rs. 4200/-, Rs.4600/- and
Officers drawing grade pay of Second/'B' Cabin Class
Rs. 2400/- and Rs. 2800/-
Officers drawing grade pay less Bunk Class
than Rs.2400/-

Travel entitlement By Road

Grade Pay Travel Entitlement

i) Officers drawing grade Actual fare by any type of public bus
pay Rs.10000/-and including air-conditioned bus Or
above and those in pay At prescribed rates of AC Taxi when the
scale of HAG+and above journey is actually performed by AC Taxi Or
At prescribed rates for auto rickshaw for
journeys by auto rickshaw/own scooter/motor
cycle/moped, etc.
Officers drawing grade Same as for (i) above with the exception that
pay Rs.5400/-,Rs.6600, journeys by AC Taxi will not be permissible
Rs.7600/- 8700/- and Rs.
Officers drawing grade Same as for (ii) above
pay Rs.4200/-,Rs.4600
and Rs.4800/-
Officers drawing grade Actual fare by any type of public bus other
pay Rs.2400/-and above than air-conditioned bus Or
but less than Rs.4200/- At prescribed rates for auto rickshaw for
journeys by auto rickshaw/own scooter/motor
cycle/moped, etc.
Officers drawing grade Actual fare by ordinary public bus only or
pay below Rs.4200/- At prescribed rates for auto rickshaw/own
scooter/motor cycle/moped, etc.

Amount payable for LTC:

• Actual fare as per entitled class from the nearest railhead / air port of the
Headquarter to place of visit / Hometown for self and family.
• Fare by public conveyance / RTO licensed taxies (for Grade pay
Rs.4200/- and above) from duty station to nearest railhead / air port and
vice versa.


1. LTC can be availed during regular / casual / special casual leave /

maternity leave / study leave.
2. Concession not allowed during holidays / unauthorised absence.
3. Concession can be availed during Leave Preparatory to Retirement,
provided return journey is completed before expiry of leave.
4. Circular tickets can be allowed.
5. ‘Place of visit’ to be declared in advance and declared place must be
visited in LTC. Declared place of visit can be changed before
commencement of journey and cannot be changed after commencement
6. of journey. Due to circumstances beyond employee’s control, if he could
not visit declared place, SD/Competent authority can relax the condition.
In such a situation claim is to be admitted up to such intermediately
7. If both husband and wife are corporation employees LTC is applicable to
only one of them.
8. If employees spouse is employed in other organizations in which similar
concession is there, the employee will have an option of receiving
concession for self and family either from corporation or from spouse
organisation. The concession will be allowed in corporation after getting
necessary certificates from spouse organisation.
LTC Advance - 100% of anticipated fare by entitled class 65 days in
advance is given as LTC advance.

LTC claim - LTC claim should be settled within a month of advance taken.
LTC claim should be made within 3 months if advance not taken.
LTC encashment –
• Encashment available against ‘visit to any place in India’ for self and
family members to
• the extent of 100% of the fare by entitled class of travel for 1500 kms
each way.
• For Encashment, the employee or any of his family members should not
have availed LTC any place in India.
• Encashment only to the basic fare and not to reservation charges etc.

• Encashment is permissible only if the employee avails 6 days of any kind

of leave i.e. EL/ commuted leave etc.
• Encashment during Grace period not permissible.



(i) All NPCIL employees.

(ii) Persons on deputation to NPCIL.
 DAE deputationist
 Casual employees
 Daily rated employees
 Ad hoc employees
 Part-time employees
 Apprentices
 Stipendiary trainees
NPCIL hostel subsidy:

Scheme A (for schools)

• Subsidy @ Rs. 3000/- p.m. payable to the employee.

• Because of transfer he is obliged to keep his children in the
hostel of a school away from the station at which he is
posted and/ or residing.
• Payable up to 10+2 or senior secondary school.
• Not eligible for study for a child more than one academic
years in the same class.
• Maximum for two children hostel subsidy can be allowed.

Scheme B (for college)

 The hostel subsidy can be payable at the rate of Rs. 3000/-

• Stay should be in:

 Hostel attached to a recognized institution or

stays in a hostel recognized by central
government or state government or union
territory administration.

 Private accommodation around college subject

to furnishing a certificate indicating the address
of the private accommodation in which the
ward is staying and also indicating expenditure
incurred in obtaining such private

Hostel subsidy is payable when the child undergoes a course

leading to:

• First degree or diploma approved by university after

10+2 stage.
• After completing first degree or diploma joining other
courses cannot be termed as first degree or diploma and
hostel subsidy cannot be paid even if the employee has
not claimed hostel subsidy for the first degree or
Example: post-graduation cannot be termed as first
degree or diploma.

• After diploma if an employees son/daughter joins degree,

hostel Subsidy may be granted, for such degree, if he has
not claimed hostel Subsidy for diploma.

• Physically handicapped children of the employees

studying in a recognized / approved colleges are eligible
for hostel subsidy.

• I.T.I courses are allowed after high school.

• 3 years nursing diploma after 10+2 is allowed.


SCHEME, 1990

• The scheme came in to effect from 1st nov.1989.

• Emoluments means basic pay and dearness pay.
• Employee of the company by giving an undertaking can entitle and
become the member of the fund scheme.
• The amount of subscription shall be fixed by the member himself
subject to:

(a) Expressed in whole rupees.

(b) Sum expressed is not less than 10% of emoluments, which he was
entitled on that date.

The subscription so fixed may be reduced once at any time during the
course of the year and enhanced twice during the course of the year.
Company’s contribution to the fund, on or before 10thof the following
month to the fund an amount equal to the amount subscribed by the
member limited to 10% of the monthly emoluments.

Thus, three types of accounts are maintained:

(a) Employer’s contribution account.

(b) Employee’s subscription account.
(c) Employee’s voluntary subscription account.

Advances from the Fund

1. Illness: Expenditure in connection with illness, confinement or disability

including the traveling expenses of the official and family members or

2. Education: Cost of higher education including travel expenses of the

subscriber and family members or dependents.

a. For education outside India for academic, technical, professional or
vocational course beyond the High School stage.

b. For medical, engineering or other technical or specialized course in

India beyond the High School stage.
3. Obligatory Expenses: Obligatory expenses in connection with
betrothals, marriages, funerals or other ceremonies.
4. Cost of legal proceedings: Instituted by or against the subscriber, a
family member or dependent.
5. Cost of defence: When he engages a legal practitioner to defend himself

in an enquiry in respect of any alleged official misconduct on his part.

6. Purchasing consumer durables: TV, VCR, VCP, Washing machines,
cooking range, geysers and computers etc.
Nomination - A subscriber can nominate one or more persons conferring
the right to receive his EPF amount in the event of his death.
 Withdrawal from fund:

After completing 15 years of the service of a member or within 10 years

before the date of his retirement on superannuation, whichever is earlier.
The member is eligible for:

(i) Meeting cost of higher education of the member or child.

(ii) Expenditure in connection with betrothal/marriage of family member of

an employee actually dependent upon him/her.

(iii) Meeting expenses in connection with illness of the member/family or

any persons actually dependent on him/her.

(iv) For purchase of motorcar up to Rs.50,000/- or scooter Rs.8000/-.

(v) For motorcar basic pay should be Rs.10,500/- p.m., for scooter Rs.4600/-

Withdrawal up to 90% of the amount standing to the member for: -

(a) Purchase of a house site.

(b) Construction of house/flat from development authorities/ housing
 NOTE: if the period of membership is less than the five years
otherwise on the death, superannuation, medically invalidation or abolition of
post or reduction of establishment the total amount of member’s own
subscription and interest there on shall be paid to the members after deduction
of tax.
 Company’s contribution and interest shall be forfeited to the fund.
On superannuation the employer’s, employees contribution together with
interest are payable to the member.
1. Leave cannot be claimed as a matter of right.
2. Leave sanctioning authority (LSA) can refuse or revoke but cannot alter
the leave.
3. Leave of one kind can be converted into leave of different kind at the
request of official and discretion of LSA - Within 30 days, within service
and not after quitting service.
4. LSA can convert absence into EOL (extraordinary leave).
5. Max. Leave that can be granted continuously by is 5 years.
6. G.S. should not take employment while on leave.
7. A Gazetted government servant should produce Medical Certificate
(M.C.) from CGHS/AMA and non-Gazetted G.S. should produce M.C.
from CGHS/AMA/RMP. Medical fitness certificate is necessary for
returning to duty.
7. LSA may secure second medical opinion if necessary.

9. Overstayal of leave without sanction debited to HPL and no leave salary

also payable. Overstayal will not count for increment, leave and pension.
10. For Overstayal- disciplinary action can be taken.


• Credited @ of 15 days or 1stjan or 1stjuly every year.

• Credit will be reduced by 1/10 of EOL (extraordinary
leave) availed/dies non. Maximum accumulation up to 300

Credited @ of 30 days for every completed 240 working days of the

previous year. Those who have worked less than this will get
proportionately. Working days means actual working days in which
the workmen worked in the plant.


HPL credited in advance at the rate of 10 days on 1st Jan and 1st July
every year. Half pay leave to be credited every half year will be
reduced at the rate of 1/18 of the period of dies non during the
preceding half-year. HPL can be availed with or without medical


Not exceeding half of the amount of half pay leave due can be taken on
medical certificate.


180 days admissible only to female employees with less than two
surviving children.


15 days to male employees during wife’s confinement.


• Casual leave can be with special casual leave but not with any
other kind of leave such as earned leave/HPL/commuted leave etc.
• Sundays/public Sundays falling during a period of casual leave are
not counted as a part of casual leave.
• Casual leave is normally granted for more than 5 days at a time.
• LTC can be availed during casual leave.


Schemes applicable to all employees of corporation and not applicable to
employees on deputation to the corporation, trainees etc.


(non practice allowance for doctors).

 NOTE: -

- Only annual leave and earned leave are to be

- Normally 25% of the leave or 30 days to be encashed.
- Encashment can be given for 25% of total EL or 30 days
whichever is lower.
- Encashment to be permitted only once in a year.

Encashment of leave= Last pay drawn X No. of days to be encashed



( Integrated Business application .)

It contains three main Modules.

 Human resource
 Finance
 C& MM

Meaning of IBA

An integrated n line wave based system cover different function requirement of contact of
contract and material management) financial management , and Personal & Human
resource management .

Number of modules in HR section .

 Leave LTC
 Security service Book
 Manpower plant pay fixation
 PF Lone
 Property stationary
 Administration audit or HR audit miscellaneous
 Accommodation Attendance
 Training Transport
 Disciplinary
User level security

 Login using user I.D (employee number)

 Login using password .
 Password encryption -: the password is encoded in the application and is
store in the data base in an encrypted from the encryption follows a 128
bit encryption.
 Reset password facility through (administrator.)
 Change password
 Session time out.

This section is for sanction of loan to an employee.

Several types of advances are as follows:

 Festival advances:
Eligibility: Non Executive category of employees whose Grade Pay
does not exceed Rs.4800/-. Official on EL / Maternity leave are eligible.
Amount of Advance: Rs.3000/-
Sanctioning Authority:Head of Office
Not Eligible: Officials under suspension are not eligible. Officials on
HPL or EOL or LPR are not eligible.
Employee transferred during the year should certify
non-drawl of advance in the previous office in that year.
1. Admissible only once in a financial year even if the festival falls twice in
the same year.
2. Earlier advance, if any should have been recovered in full.
3. Should be drawn before the festival. Time lag between dates of drawl
and disbursement to be reduced to the minimum.
4. Surety of a permanent Government Servant is necessary in cases of
temporary officials but can be waived if the authority is satisfied about
full recovery / adjustment during temporary service.
1. Should commence with the issue of pay for the month following that in
which the advance is drawn.
2. Not more than 10 monthly instalments.

 Motorcycle advance

Eligibility –

• Basic pay + NPA+SI>=4600

• Successful closing of probation
Amount of advance-30000/- or 6 months pay or anticipated price.
Subsequent advance Rs.24000/- or 5 months pay or anticipated price.

Nos. of installments- 70

Interest rate- 8% p.a.


• Less than five years experience, surety bond is required.

• Recovery immediately after issue.
• Prior sanction of competent authority is required for sale.
 Personal computer advance

Eligibility –

• Basic pay + NPA+ SI>=10500/- and For NPCIL employees

BP+DP (dearness pay)>=5000
• Five years continuous service.

Amount of advance-

• 80000/- or 11 months pay or anticipated price. Subsequent

advance Rs.75000/- after 3years.

• For NPCIL employees having basic pay 5000/- and above but
below 10500/-, PC advance is Rs. 50000/-

Nos. of installments- 150

Interest rate- 11.5% p.a.

Conditions –

• Less than five years experience, surety bond is required.

• To be mortgaged to NPCIL.
• Total recovery should not exceed, 50% for PC/car loan.
• Recovery immediately after issue.
• Prior sanction of competent authority is required for sale.
 Motorcar advance

Eligibility –

• Basic pay + NPA+ SI>=10500/-

• Successful closure of probation.

Amount of advance-1,80000/- or 11 months pay or anticipated price.

Subsequent advance Rs. 1,60000/- or 11 months pay after 4 years.

Nos. of installments- 200

Interest rate- 11.5% p.a.


• Less than 5years experience, surety bond is required.

• To be mortgaged to NPCIL.
• Total recovery should not exceed, 50% for PC/car loan.

• Recovery immediately after issue.

• Prior sanction of competent authority is required for sale.
Bicycle advance

Eligibility – Basic pay + NPA+ SI>=5000/-

Amount of advance- 1500/-. Subsequent advance after 3 years.

Nos. of installments- 30

Interest rate- 8% p.a.

Conditions –

• Cash receipt required.

• Priority for those who have not drawn advance in last 5 years.
• Recovery starts immediately.

Equipment advance

Eligibility – Only for NPCIL employees. Deputationists, not eligible.

Successful closing of probation.

Amount of advance- 15,000/-. Subsequent advance after 5 years.

Nos. of installments- 60

Interest rate- 7% p.a.

Conditions –
• Only new articles to be purchased.
• Surety to less than 5 years experience employees.
• Receipt to be produced.
 House Building Advance

Eligibility: All NPCIL employees who have completed 5 years service

are eligible for applying house-building advance and

If both husband and wife are working, then only one of them is eligible
for HBA.

Purpose of HBA:

• Acquiring a plot and construction thereon.

• Constructing a new house on a plot owned already by the official and
• Enlargement of existing house.
• Purchase of house/flat from state housing boards, government control
bodies, local bodies, development authorities, from parties i.e.,
registered builders, architects and not from private individuals.

Amount of advance:

• 34 times of basic pay + DP+ NPA+SI subject to a maximum of 7.5

• Only one HBA in entire service.
• The amount of advance is restricted to ‘repaying capacity’.
Nos. of installments: The entire amount of advance together with
interest is repayable in 20 years, 180 monthly installments for principal
and 60 installments for interest.

Commencement of recovery: Immediately on completion of

independent house or 24th month from the date of first installment.

Interest rate:

5 lakhs and below 5 lakhs: 8.5%

Above 5 lakhs: 9.5%


• The official should not have availed of any loan or advance from the
government source, housing board etc.
• The official should not already own a house in the town.
• The title of the land should be clear.

This section provides general facilities to the employees. The most

important being medical facilities. DAE provides medical facilities to all
its employees under the CHSS (contributory health services scheme) rule.
The main functions of the general section are as follows-

1. Allotment of government quarters to employees.

2. Maintaining discipline.
3. Issuing dress, shoes etc. to the employees.
4. Taking disciplinary actions if the employees are found
doing misconducts.
5. Issuing medical card to employees.



• Scheme applicable to those living in Narora and its surroundings.

• Claim not admissible under CS (MA) till they are in Narora /
• Other station employees can avail OPD facility. On emergency inpatient
treatment can be availed.
• Spouse / family of the deceased employee who has rendered 1 year or
more service are eligible for availing CHSS facility. Scale of Pay of the
employee will be the basis of subscription.
• CHSS admissible to only trainees and not to their families. Stipend
treated as pay for the purpose of subscription.
• Eligible family members of the employees who expired before
introduction of the scheme in NAPS. Subscription payable from
prospective date. Evidence that they are bonafide members of the family
to be produced.
Treatment Outside Narora-Treatment from AMA (authorized medical
attendant) allowed. Entitlement regulated under CS (MA) Rules.
Special facilities for chronic diseases.
• Charges from specialised Hospitals, approved by CHSS will be paid
directly by NAPS.

• Those who are referred outside Narora will be entitled to TA/DA as per
NPCIL TA Rules. [Only for chronic diseases].

• Medicines will be given free of cost on prescription of MO / Penal

consultants / Doctors of hospitals / nursing homes.


• 1% of basic pay will be contribution towards CHSS.

• For persons joined before 15th of a month full contribution and after 15th
no contribution towards CHSS.


• SD, NAPS will release the amount to recognised hospitals.

• Senior Manager (F&A), NAPS will have a watch over the amount
released to recognised hospitals.



4590 or below General ward.
More than 4590 and Room with 4 beds
below 8000
More than 8000 and Room with 2 beds
below 11500
More than 11500 Semi Private ward.

• Retired employees should have put in minimum 5 years service. 1-year

contribution to be paid in advance. Pay 10-year contribution and avail
life long CHSS facility.

Public relations and welfare activity are embedded part of the personnel
management. Public relation covers the area related with personals
engaged with organization as well as outside of the organization, which
involves liaison work and co-ordination etc. welfare activities are being
provided in this organization.
The NPCIL is involved in part stated as under:

• Unions / associations
• Grievance handling
• Dispute settlement
Contract labors
• Strike related matters
• Workman’s compensation
• Monitoring activities


• Housing
• Education
• Health and family welfare
• Recreation, sports and cultural activities
Transport facility
Canteen and hostel
• Marketing, banking, postal facilities etc.
• Amenities co-operative

• Security organization and planning

• Standing order
Day –to- day problem and laps
• Needs and procurements
• Accident and safety
• Vigilance
• Civil defense
• Services of AERB- with regard to safety matters.

• Liaison activities – local administration, nagar palika, civil defense, CISF

and others.
• Public awareness
• Goodwill activities
• Environment protection
• Court cases/legal matters
• Law and orders




• Trade union act, 1926
• Industrial employment act, 1946
• Industrial disputes act, 1947

• Workman compensation act, 1923

• Minimum wages act, 1948
• Payment of wages act, 1936
• Gratuity act, 1972

• Factories act, 1948

• Atomic energy act, 1962

With regard to radiation safety atomic energy regulatory board (AERB) has the
power to frame rules and regulations and enforce. They are under atomic energy
act, 1962, for radiation safety in the country.

Estate Management is an important section in an organization. Every

organization has an aim to get maximum out of its employees. For this purpose
it gives many facilities to them so that, they can live happily and work happily.
One of the important facilities is to provide accommodation. Estate
management does the job of providing accommodation to its employees.

Accommodation Criteria:

For providing accommodation there are two factors, which are considered. One
is type of accommodation & another is eligibility of employees. When we talk
of the type of accommodation, area and facilities in a type of accommodation
are considered. In the other hand to consider the eligibility of employees their
pay, date of joining, date of becoming eligible for certain type of
accommodation, date of birth and the important factors that are considered.
While considering accommodation for an employee his eligibility and type of
accommodation are correlated

Diary means to receive the dak of different place, make entry about it in a
register, get it sorted out and distributed among reciepent. On the other hand in
the work of dispatch, the dak is entered in to a register, after that posted stamps
are pasted on the dak which send to the out of station places. It is send through
post office, private courier. the dak meant for different section of the
organization are delivered by hand & it does not need and postage stamp.

At NAPS entries about received dak & the dak meant for dispatch are made in
computer, instead of paper & register besides posting of postage stamps on the
dak to be dispatch is done through with a machine called Franking machine.


Liveries are the general facilities given to the employee besides the salary. Such
as dresses, safety shoes, soaps, socks etc.

According to government policy it’s mandatory to have legal section in every

central government enterprise and PSU’s therefore NPCIL also have legal

Role of law officer in NPCIL

• To carry out the work related to legal matters in NPCIL

• To initiate proactive action to prevent litigation by advising various

functionaries in the corporation at the initial stages of decision-making

• To defend the litigation against the corporation by submission of

appropriate pleadings in consultation with the concerned functionaries

• To render the advise/opinion on various issues, as may be referred to the

legal group/law officers by different functionaries.

• To interact with corporate office regularly for advice and keep the
corporate office posted of the important legal cases and implement the
decision of the corporation involving legal issues at station level.

• To render professional assistance to the administrator/office-in-charge of

the legal cases in the station and to defend in the best possible manner the
interest of the corporation in all legal proceedings.

• To co-0rdinte with counsel solicitors, advocates at the local level.

• To render legal advice to the head of the deportment& administrator in

their day-today requirement on routine legal matter.

• To defend the legal cases arising in the corporation in the best interest of
the corporation.


Recruitment is one of the most critical and important functions of HR in any

organization because unless the right types of people are hired, even the best
plans of the organization will not succeed. It is a ‘linking activity’ bringing
together those with jobs and those seeking jobs.
It is the first stage in the process, which continues with selection and ceases
with the placement of the candidate.
In NAPS the recruitment section carries out the procedures for the promotion
of the of the employees, pay fixation, issue of confidential reports, reservation
matters etc. Recruitment procedure starts from HRP i.e. Human Resource
Human resource planning is the process of getting the right number of qualified
people into right job at the right time.
Planning is a process of preparing a set of decisions for action in the future.
Human resource planning may then be interpreted as a process of preparing a
set of decisions on human resources development for action by human
resources in future.
Micro level Human Resource planning is made at the enterprise or company
level. At this level the forecasts are needed for planning recruitment, promotion
and training. Forecasts will have to be in greater details as well as precise. A
well-defined manpower information system built up on the basis of personal
history record of each individual employee is a pre-requisite for making
detailed and precise forecasts at the company level.
The working of an recruitment section can be summarized in the
following steps: -
 Meaning of a Post: A post represents a quantum of work of
specified quality to be performed by an incumbent within allotted
time in the overall context of the function to which it belongs.
Furthermore it contributes to the objectives of the Organisation in
which the function or discipline has a role.

 Level of a Post: The post is created at the optimum level so that it

gives the job just the required representation for maximum

effectiveness towards achieving function and Organisation goals in
an effective manner.

 Number of Posts: Creation of adequate number of posts, in both

quality and quantity is the pre-requisite for quality, safety,
reliability and economy in the Corporation. But over-manning
would adversely affect all the above objectives.
 Time of Creation: The posts are created for approved work

programs and operated at the time considering the lead-time for

recruitment, training and work schedules.
 Job Description and Job Specification: The posts are created to match
identified job descriptions with the skills and qualifications needed by the
person who is to perform it as part of an assigned work programme.
 Long Term Implication of Creation of Post: The creation of a post is to
be seen in the context of long-term implication in regard to upward
reporting structures, career planning or a chain down series of posts. Cost
of recruitment or redeployment or transfer and training required for filling at
the lowest level is to be compared with costs and advantages of creation and
filling with the appropriate persons at the higher levels.

 Career Planning: The proposal for creation of posts should be

scrutinised for its impact on the career plans of the proposed incumbent,
his future growth prospects as well as those of superior, peer and
subordinate levels. The intention is to see if the new function has wide
enough range for future growth and if not whether the job envisaged
could be clubbed with an existing function or discipline for common
career growth. The decision to create posts includes an examination of
whether the post would result in maximum long-term benefits to the
Organisation as well as to the job incumbent.

 Role of the Corporate Directorate/Group: The corporate directorates

or groups have their own yardstick to decide the utility of a post for the
corresponding group at the unit. The Annual plan proposal for creation of
posts is thus referred to a nodal agency, i.e. The HRD group which has an
expert cell processes the proposal for a decision for approval or otherwise
of the competent authority.

 Control, Utilisation and Economy: Creation of a new or additional post

is subject to strict scrutiny to keep control on costs of the work force and
to avoid overstaffing in the long run. The Annual HR plan is derived
from the overall standard sanction of posts and acts as a control
mechanism for this purpose. Suitable and timely feedbacks are given to
the unit for economising on manpower.

 Administrative Controls: Administrative audit and corrective action at

periodic interval will ensure compliance with the prescribed procedures.

The purpose of the manpower control measures can be nullified if a close
watch is not maintained on overtime worked and the casual labour
employed. Such data are made available to the HRD group for correlation
with proposals for creation of posts and for consideration by the
respective corporate directorates/groups.
Objective of creating posts is to meet the needs for additional manpower
as approved and to ensure that the Organisation is run with optimum
manpower. Need for additional manpower may arise because of
expansion plans/new job requirements.
Powers for creation of posts are delegated to board of directors,
managing director and executive director.

 Conditions of Delegation

1. No posts shall be created unless there already exists a post of

similar character on a scale of pay approved by Central

2. No post shall be created retrospectively but this condition

does not apply to creation of scientific and technical posts to cover
promotions made under the merit promotion scheme.
3. The authority to authorise actual operation of the post
created with due approval may be vested in the unit head in respect
of posts in Groups B, C, D and Group A with CMD.


Government guidelines and directives should be strictly followed as
and when they are issued. Approval of MD/CMD is required for
filling up vacant posts in all groups where there is a ban.


Vacancies in various categories of posts may arise either due to

additional sanction or due to resignations, retirement etc., of existing
staff. Whenever, new projects are started induction of large number of
persons are necessary. Once the vacancies have been identified action has
to be taken for filling the positions either by way of transfer, promotion
or induction. Before commencement of recruitment the following steps
must be gone through.
1. Checking the job specification in terms of qualification and experience
needs norms.
2. Job description in terms of the work content.
Normally vacancies in A & B Groups are filled through open
advertisements and C & D Groups are filled through employment
exchanges. In case of C & D Groups recruitment notice needs to be
published in the Employment news also. Other channels of employment
are detailed in the following sections. Suitable reservation, relaxation of
age and concessions have to be given for SC/ST, OBC, Physically
Handicapped and Ex-serviceman as per the provisions contained in the
reservation orders issued by the Government of India from time to time.

Recruitment rules will cover the following aspects.
1. Designation and classification of posts, duration, scale of pay and
mode of filling up of the posts such as by direct recruitment,
promotion, deputation and absorption.
2. Qualification, age, experience, length of service etc.
3. Reservation for specified categories, such as SC’s/ST’s, OBCs
handicapped personnel, etc., and exemption from reservation.
4. General conditions imposed by the constitution of India such a
domicile, bigamous marriage.
5. Promotional avenues.
6. Appointing authority.
7. Recruiting authority.


All vacancies meant for recruitment of personnel to posts in-group C & D

(Technical, Administrative & Auxiliary) should be notified to the
respective Employment Exchange. In addition, the recruitment notice
may also be published in the Employment news published by the
publication division of the Ministry of Information and Broadcasting,
Government of India and then consider the cases of all the candidates
who have applied along with those sponsored by the Employment
Exchange. Such recruitment notices should also be displayed on the
office notice boards for wider publicity.

Such notices shall have to be sent to Central Employment Exchange

(only if the vacancy is in the scale of pay of Rs.1400-2600 (pre-revised)
and other recognized SC/ST Associations and ex-serviceman and
Physically Handicapped Associations as notified by Government of India
from time to time.

All vacant posts in-group A&B should be filled through open

advertisement. It is necessary to advertise in Employment News for
recruitment of all groups of employees. Steps to be followed while
recruitment is done through open advertisement are given below.

1. Identify the prominent empanelled advertisement agencies in the

2. All identified vacancies may be notified to the press through the
empanelled advertisement agency.
3. While notifying the vacancies the numbers of vacancies reserved
for various categories like SC/ ST/ OBC/ Ex-servicemen/ PH etc.,
and unreserved vacancies should be clearly indicated.
4. Seek applications from candidates within one month of notification
in the paper.
5. Send the applications received to the Screening Committee
6. Forwards the Screening Committee Report to Appointing
Authority and have the Minutes of the Committee approved.
7. Identify appropriate Selection Committee and take further action.
8. Conduct the selection and prepare panel.
9. Selection Committee Minutes to be approved by Appointing
Authority and clearance for release of offers of appointment to be
10. Carry out the verification of C&A and SSQ.
11. Issue of offer and conduct Medical Examination.
12. Complete joining formalities.
13. Determine the postings.
14. Issue orders.



In recruitment through deputation an official from outside NPCIL is

appointed for a specified period by the end of which he/she may have to
revert to his parent cadre. Steps to be followed for appointment by

1. Accurate assessment of the vacancies to be filled by

deputation should be made once in a year.
2. Circulation of vacancies should be done to different
probable sources of eligible candidates.
3. The minimum time allowed for receipt of nomination should
be two months.
4. The period of deputation shall be subject to minimum of two
years extendable up to a maximum of five years in all cases except
for those posts where a longer period of tenure is prescribed in the
recruitment rules.
5. Minimum age limit for appointment by
deputation/absorption should not exceed 56 years on the closing
date of application.



If the services of a NPCIL employee are required beyond the age of his
superannuating then either extension of service or reemployment is given
to those employees as the case may be. Criteria for extension/
reemployment are given below.
Proposals for extension/ reemployment of service beyond the age of
superannuating should not be ordinarily considered.
Extension/ reemployment of service can be justified only in very rare and
exceptional circumstances. Even in such cases, 62 years of age should be
the deadline. The overriding consideration for the grant of extension /
reemployment of service is that it must be clearly in public interest and in
addition satisfy one of the following two conditions:
 That other officers are not ripe enough to take over the job.
 That the retiring officer is of outstanding merit.


Bhabha Atomic Research Centre (BARC) conducts following training

programmes/ Courses at their Training School.

 Graduate Engineering Training

 Orientation Course for Engineering Post Graduates (OCEP)

 Scientific Assistant Training in Health Physics.

After the training these trainees are absorbed to various Department of

Atomic Energy (DAE) organizations, including NPCIL.


The Corporation has the following three stipendiary training
programmes/courses for induction of operation and maintenance
personnel who need adequate technical training prior to actual
positioning on jobs.
Engineer Trainee
Category I trainees (Diploma Holders)
Category II Trainees (Operator Trainees)


Reservations in services are given to Scheduled Castes (SC), Scheduled
Tribes (ST) & Other Backward Categories (OBC) as per Government of

India Rules. For details refer Swamy’s Compilation on Reservations and

Concessions for SC/ST and OBC.

A: Reservation for SC/STs:

 Definition of SC/ST: A person should belong to a Caste or a Tribe

notified by the Central Government to be a Scheduled Caste or a
Scheduled Tribe for the area of which he/she is a resident.

 Further, a person claiming to be SC should profess either the

Hindu or the Sikh or the Buddhist Religion. A person of the
Scheduled Tribe may profess any religion. A person not belonging
to SC/ST by birth will not be deemed to be a member of SC/ST by
virtue of marriage with a person belonging to SC/ST. Similarly; a
person belonging to SC/ST by birth will continue to belong to that
category even after marriage with a person not belonging to
SC/ST. If an SC person gets converted to a religion other than
Hinduism or Sikhism or Buddhism and then reconverts himself
back to these religions, he will be deemed to have reverted to his
original SC status, if the members of that particular caste as one
among them accept him.
 Certificate to be produced: A person claiming to belong to
SC/ST should produce a certificate in the prescribed form signed
by any District Magistrate/ Additional District Magistrate/
Collector/ Deputy Commissioner/ Additional Deputy

Commissioner/ Deputy Collector/ I Class Stipendiary Magistrate/

Sub-Divisional Magistrate (not below the rank of I Class
Stipendiary Magistrate)/ Taluka Magistrate/Executive
Magistrate/Extra-Assistant Commissioner.

 SC candidate to intimate change of religion: Every SC member

should immediately inform the appointing authority in the event of
any change of his/her religion.

 Reservations in Direct Recruitment: Reservations in Direct

Recruitment for SC/ST’s is as follows.

S. Method of recruitment % of reservation Roster

1. Direct Recruitment on All 15% for SC; 7 ½ 200-point
India basis by Open % for ST post-based
Competition. roster
Direct Recruitment on All 16 2/3% for SC; 120 point
India basis otherwise than 7 ½% for ST post-based
by Open Competition roster
Direct Recruitment to
Groups ‘C’ & ‘D’ posts
normally attracting
candidates from a locality
or a region
Percentages 100-point
Units spreading into more
applicable to the roster post-
than one State/UT (The
respective States based roster
roster will be drawn up
with the help of Dept. Of
Per. & Trg., taking into
account population of
SC/ST in such areas).
Relaxation/Concessions admissible to SC/ST in direct recruitment:

1 Age. – Maximum age-limit up to five years, for all posts.

2 Minimum standard in Examination/Interview. – If
adequate number of SC/ST candidates satisfying the minimum
standard is not available, short-fall will be adjusted by relaxing the

standard, provided they are not considered unsuitable. There will

be no relaxation in qualification and/or minimum number of
3 Less than minimum standard. – In the case of non-
technical Groups 'C’ and ‘D’ posts filled by direct recruitment
instead of through written examination, if SC/ST candidates are
not available
even under relaxed standards, shortfall will be adjusted by appointment
of the best among the remaining SC/ST candidates with minimum
educational qualifications.
4 Exemption from fee. – Candidates are fully exempted from
fees for admission to any examination for recruitment/selection.
5 Separate interviews. – For direct recruitment against
reserved vacancies, separate interviews will be held for SC/ST
candidates so that they are not adjudged along with general
B: Reservations for Socially and Educationally Backward Classes

Definition. – OBCs for purposes of reservation would comprise of the

castes and communities, which are commonly mentioned in both the lists
in the Mandal Commission Report and the State Governments’ lists.

Certificate. – Any candidates claiming to belong to the OBC should

obtain a certificate in the prescribed form signed by any of the specified
authorities. No other certificate will be accepted. The authority should
also certify that the candidate does not belong to any one of the Creamy
Reservations only in direct recruitment. – 27% in civil posts/services
are reserved for OBCs.
Relaxation and Concessions. –
1 Age-limit for direct recruitment. – Three years, for all posts.
2 Meritorious candidates not to be adjusted against reservations. –
OBC candidates recruited on the basis of merit on the same standards as
for general candidates will not be adjusted against 27% reservation.
3 Minimum standard in examination/interview. – In respect of written
examination/ interview for direct recruitment, relaxation of standards will
be allowed for OBC candidates as in the case of SC/ST.

Land affected persons are also known as Project Affected Persons
(PAPs). PAPs are those whose lands/houses/other immovable properties
are acquired by the Project/Department for establishing the Power
Station, exclusion zone and associated facilities.
Towards the rehabilitation of PAPs no assurance shall be given that the
one person of each family of project affected persons would be engaged.
The titleholder of the land/house, his spouse and dependants form a
family. But preference in employment will be given for PAPs for Group
C & D posts. Group A & B posts shall be filled on all India basis
through open advertisements. It may be noted that relaxation in

recruitment norms should not be granted to candidates from PAPs and it

is irregular to consider more than one member per family in the preferred
category of a PAP. A PAP should not be permitted to transfer/nominate
his/her claim to preferential employment to another person.


Compassionate appointments are made in accordance with the Scheme

formulated in NPCIL for the purpose. The objective of the scheme is to
help the family of an employee of the Corporation, who dies in harness
or who sought voluntary cessation of service on medical grounds, by
way of compassionate appointment in the Corporation.

The scheme shall be applicable to -

 A son/ adopted son/ daughter/ adopted daughter/ spouse of an

employee who dies in harness including death by suicide.
 In exceptional circumstances, to a son/ adopted son/ daughter/
adopted daughter/ spouse of an employee, who sought voluntary
cessation of service on account of any bodily or mental infirmity
which permanently incapacitates him for service on the basis of a
medical certificate of incapacity issued by a medical board
constituted by the Corporation.


• Blindness or low vision;
• Hearing impairment;
• Locomotors disability or cerebral palsy. [Includes all cases of
orthopaedically handicapped persons.]
Each category is divided into four groups: -
(a) Mild ... less than 40%
(b) Moderate ... 40% and above

(c) Severe ... 75% and above

(d) Profound/total … 100%

Reservation admissible only to those falling under the groups (b), (c) and
(d) above. The minimum degree of disability for any concession is 40%.

Reservations. - Applicable to all grades/services, for direct recruitment

and in promotions where the element of direct recruitment does not
exceed 75%.
Percentage of reservation. - Three per cent @ 1% for each of the three
Inter se exchange. - If a candidate of a particular category is not
available or if the nature of vacancy is such that a given category cannot
be employed, the vacancy may be exchanged for a vacancy against
another, among the 3 categories.
Carry forward of reservation. - Unfilled reserved vacancies will be
carried forward to the next block in the same year first. Unfilled
vacancies at the end of the year will be carried forward to the three
subsequent years.

Relaxations and Concessions. -

(i) Age. –
For Groups C&D posts/services ... 10year for recruitment
through Employment Exchange

For Groups A&B posts/services ... 10 year for recruitment

through Open Competitive examinations and 5 years in other
In respect of SC/ST/OBC candidates, this is over and above the
admissible relaxation.

(ii) Fee. -Candidates are exempted from examination

fee/application fee for competitive examination and selection.
(iii) Standards in direct recruitment/promotion. - Same as for
SC/ST, i.e., those not in the merit list can also be considered if they
are not found unfit. But no relaxation in promotion.
(iv) Transport allowance. – Admissible in lieu of conveyance
(v) Posting near native place. - Handicapped candidates
recruited to Groups ‘C’ & ‘D’ posts on regional basis may be given
posting, near their native places as far as possible, subject to
constraints. Requests for transfer to or near their native places may
also be given preference.
All posts in Group A & B should be filled through open advertisement.

In case of Group C&D the recruitment notice may also be published in

the Employment news published by the publication division of the

Ministry of 1&B, GOI. Prominent advertisement agencies in the region

should be identified and empanelled based on their ability to serve the

client. All identified vacancies may be notified to the press through the

empanelled advertisement agency.

Applications are invited from applicants with following details:
1. Post applied for
2. Name (in Block letters)

3. Date of birth (in Christian era)

4. Sex
5. Nationality
6. Religion
7. Category (GEN/SC/ST/OBC)
8. Present and permanent address (in Block letters)
9. Educational qualification (examination passed, name of the
institution/ University, whether full time/part time course, year of
passing, subjects and percentage of marks.)
10.Previous experience [name of the employer with address, period of
service with dates, position held, nature of duties and salary drawn
(basic + DA)]
11.Relatives in NPCIL/ DAE

Internal candidates can apply for the advertised posts if they fulfil the
Appointing authority for different levels of post are given below:
All group A posts – DIRECTOR/CMD
All group B posts – DIRECTOR (PERSONNEL)
All group C posts – DGM (P&IR)
All group D posts – MANAGER (P&IR)



Screening Committees for different groups of employees shall be constituted

• CMD for Group A posts.

• Concerned Directors for Group B non-technical posts.
• Head of units for group C&D posts. But the Corporate Office
gives broad guidelines.
Size of the Screening Committee shall be generally 5 members. Objective of
the Screening Committee is the check the applications for determining
the applicant who fulfil the advertised norms.

Constituting authority of Selection Committee for different groups of
employees are the same as that of Screening Committee. Selection
Committee is responsible for the recruitment of right candidate for the
organisation. Size of the Selection Committee shall be generally 5
members. One or two outside experts are also called from outside
organisations. It is mandatory to have one member belonging to SC/ST
community and one member from minority community.
Once the selection formalities are completed select panel should be prepared
after considering the reservation position. The number of candidates in
the select panel should be equal to the number of vacancies. More

candidates can be listed under the title ‘waiting list’ to take care of
rejections of appointment, if any, by regular panellists.



Approval of the Appointing Authority is required before making offer of
An offer of appointment will be issued in all cases of direct recruitment
incorporating the standard terms and conditions after the verification of
character and antecedents. The letter of offer of appointment will contain
the important terms and conditions, e.g., designation, scale of pay of the
post, (probation) provision for termination with notice during the period
of service.
The letter of offer of appointment should be sent by Registered Post
Acknowledgement Due giving a reasonable time, say, a fortnight, for
acceptance and reporting for duty. In exceptional cases, permission for
extension of time for joining may be given at the request of the candidate.
Engineer trainees are required to execute a bond as prescribed binding
themselves for service of three years after absorption. Category I trainees
(Diploma holders) and category II trainees (Operator trainees) are
required to execute a bond as prescribed binding themselves for service
of 5 years after absorption.


Production of Medical Certificate is necessary in the following cases.

In all cases of initial appointment (including part-time), except for those not
exceeding three months.
(i) For persons initially appointed for three months or less but
continued beyond in the same office or at another office.
(ii) For persons re-employed after resignation (other than
technical resignation), or after forfeiture of past service.
Appropriate medical authority for conducting the medical examination for
all posts is the DAE/NPCL hospital authorities.
5 JOINING TIME- Usually one month joining time is given at the time of
offer of appointment. Extension of joining time is granted in deserving

Following forms has to be filled by the new recruited employees at the

time of joining.

• Acceptance to the offer of appointment

• Employee Information
• Joining Report
• Oath Form
• Hometown Declaration
• Declaration form for movable/ immovable property.
• CHSS Forms
• PF Forms

• HRA Form
• Residential Address Form
• Identity Card Form
• Transport Pass Form
• DAE-FRS (family relief scheme)
• Group insurance
• Application form for allotment of residential
Nomination Forms for-Gratuity, Provident fund, Insurance

According to a Chinese scholar, ‘if you want to plan for a year sow
seeds, if you wish to plan for ten years plant trees, if you wish to plan for
life time develop man.’ This statement highlights the importance of training

Training is a systematic process of learning a sequence of programmed

behavior. It is the application of knowledge. It gives people an awareness of
the rule and procedures to guide their barrier. It attempts to improve their
performance or the current job and prepares them for an intended job.

 JOB TRAINING – Job training is given in different ways to make

the workers proficient in handling machines, equipment and materials

so that operations are smooth and faultless and accidents are avoided.
This training is basically necessary for the new employees.

 TRAINING FOR PROMOTION – The existing talented employees

is given adequate training to make them eligible for promotion to

higher jobs in the organization.

 EMPLOYEE’s TRAINING- employees’ training is organized by the

department itself. It is mainly for the re-orientation of the employees.

Many trainers come from different organizations and share their
experiences on a regular basis; with a condition that same topic cannot
be reported up to five years.

 STUDENTS TRAINING – NPCIL as a public sector enterprise has

social responsibility to provide opportunities for the professional

development of students pursuing professional degrees/diplomas in
recognized institutions. Further as an organization it is committed to
development of managerial skills and scientific talents, NPCIL also
support developmental studies and research, in the fields relevant to
the professional institutes to carry out project work/field work in
For this, every year NAPS issues a letter inviting applications from
various institutes for vocational training of the students.
Total number of trainees who can be permitted to carry out project work is
20.the training is provided in various disciplines like mechanical, chemical,
computers, human resource, electrical, electronics, civil and finance.
The preference being given to employee’s ward.

In NPCIL no stipend is provided to the trainees.

 SAFETY TRAINING – with its motto ‘safety first, production next’.

NAPS also provides the safety training to its employees i.e. engineers,
supervisors, technicians, contract workers etc. there is
- Half day industrial safety training in every six months for 100%
contract workers.
- Radiation protection training for all radiation workers before
putting them on job.
- Mock up training for specialized jobs.

1. Induction training is an essential constituent in providing the relevant
exposures to the employee who is either new to the organisation or new to a
department through orientation of the employee with the Organisation policy
and goals, Organisation structure and functions of various departments of the
2. Induction Training is also a useful source of appropriate inputs and
experiences from a person who has come from a different set-up. The
induction training can also help the concerned department in learning
from the past experience of the employee’s previous organisation and
embrace positive suggestion at the work place.
3. Corporate Training Group shall be responsible for providing
structured induction training for newly recruited engineering and other
non-technical employees.
4. For new recruitees belonging to other group either Corporate
Office or the respective unit shall provide the induction training
depending on the place of initial posting of the incumbent.

 ON- THE – JOB TRAINING – also known as ‘learning while

earning’. Here, the trainer trains the personnel in the actual work
1. On the Job training enables the incumbent to develop specific skill
pertaining to a specific task through the physical performance of the job
by the employee at the work place over a specified period of time.
2. On joining, the Engineers, Scientific Assistants and the Tradesman
are required to undergo the rotational on the job training to familiarise on
various facets of Plant operation and maintenance.

3. In case of non- scientific and non-technical also where the job calls
for relevant specific skills to be developed the necessary on the job
training shall be provided to the incumbent.
4. The performance of the employee on the job shall be assessed and
monitored through a structured system.


1. At NPCIL, in three separate well-designed stipendary training schemes

are available in Scientific and technical category for Engineer trainees,
Scientific Assistant trainee and operator trainee respectively.
2. Engineer trainees on joining NPCIL consequent to their selection in
NPCIL shall undergo structured stipendary training over a period of one
year for placement in mostly O & M groups in NPCIL on satisfactory
completion of the training. The duration of stipendary training is one and
half a year for Scientific Assistant trainee and two years for Operator
3. Stipendiary trainees are trained in the Nuclear Training Centres
(NTC’s) at the Rajasthan atomic Power Station (RAPS), Madras Atomic
Power Station (MAPS) and Tarapur Atomic Power Station (TAPS).

NPCIL also nominates employees for training abroad. A Deputation Committee
has been constituted by CMD to review and examine the proposals submitted for
nomination for seminar/training/workshop abroad.
The Deputation Committee shall submit its recommendation to CMD
after examining the proposals.
Nominations may be approved by CMD based on the recommendation of the
Deputation Committee.

Employees nominated for training abroad where the duration does not exceed
six months are required to serve the Corporation for 3 years and where the
duration exceeds six months, are required to serve the Corporation for 5 years
after the completion of the training. In addition employee will also be required
to sign an agreement/bond.

HR Information system refer to database that can be used for better human
resource management (HRM); which broadly also includes HR Development
(HRD) and related aspects. Various aspects covered by Human Resource
Information system module are:

i. Employee details (personal & professional)

ii. Employee pasting information on appointment / transfer
iii. Employee promotion / appointment information
iv. Employee service verification details
v. Employee leave information including (leave available, leave availed and
enchased) details
vi. Employee confidential report information
vii. Employee training information
viii. Employee salary details and pay –bill generation
ix. Employee allowances (DA, HRA, CCA, washing allowance. etc.)
x. Employee deduction (Lone, PF, Group & Life- Insurance, absence etc.)
xi. Employee retirement details
xii. Employee disciplinary proceeding details
xiii. Employee vigilance case details
xiv. Employee adverse entries in confidential reports details.


In NAPS performance of an employee is judged on the basis of CR i.e.

confidential reports. These reports are issued to the employees to fill them up in
a prescribed time limit. Then, these reports form the basis for the promotion,
transfer of an employee.
• In performance appraisal, we evaluate the jobholders on the basis of his
job performance.
• Evaluation is done after the employee has performed the job.
• Appraisal is a continuous process and is undertaken every year.
• The concerned superiors and others who know about the employees
concerned do appraisal.
• Appraisal is undertaken by all organisations on regular basis.
• There are many objectives of appraisal: wage/salary increase,
promotion/demotion, transfers, assessing training needs.

1. As the performance of an organisation depends on the performance
of its employees, it is therefore incumbent upon the management
of NPCIL to embrace a system, which can effectively appraise the
employee’s performance. In NPCIL, the performance of every
employee is assessed annually through Confidential Report (CR),
which provides the documentary evidence of the basis for appraisal

and is an essential inputs for identifying the quality of employees as

well as their suitability for career progression.

2. The purposes behind performance appraisal system are as follows:-

a) The primary purpose is to assess the employee performance to check

whether he has attuned himself with the organisation and whether the
employee has role clarity and renders as expected out of him.

b) The second goal of the system is performance enhancement more

than a mere assessment. The basic need for improving one’s performance
is to give him a feedback on one’s performance. Communication of
adverse entries to the employee is part of this feedback system and hence
it is very much necessary so that employee becomes aware of the specific
points on which he is required to improve upon.

c) The third goal of the system is to generate reliable data for training or
such other developmental efforts and to offer assistance to the employees
for their improvement.
3. Confidential Reports which is the sole means of Performance appraisal in
NPCIL requires to be consulted at the time of consideration of the cases
of employees for
a) Promotion
b) Confirmation
c) Deputation including deputation abroad
d) Transfer

e) Review for retention in service

f) Determining training needs for further improvement in
g) Voluntary Retirement
h) Resignation


1. As confidential report is the reflection of the performance of the

employee over a period of time and the essential constituent in
determining the suitability of an employee in various service related
matter hence effort needs to extended by the Reporting, Reviewing /
countersigning Officer to ensure that the confidential report is clear,
unbiased, prima facie and filled up with due care and attention. The
Reporting, Reviewing/ Countersigning Officers are required to follow the
general instructions in this regard as specifically mentioned in the
confidential report format. The gist of the instructions are given below:
The following are the general instructions to be observed by reporting,
reviewing and counter signature of officers in writing reports.

a) The confidential report needs to be filled up with due attention giving

clear opinion on the main points like character, integrity etc based on the
employee’s performance during the year.

b) Entries should be prima facie only. Remarks like “Doubtful Character”,

“Complaints received” etc. not permissible.

c) Good points mentioned should be supplied by details/events description.

None should be rewarded by excessively flattering reports, which are not
based on facts.

d) Where justified, the Reporting officer shall record adverse remarks in the
confidential report.

e) Reporting, reviewing and countersigning officers should have

familiarized with the work of the official reported upon for at least three
months during the period covered by the confidential report. Where there
is no reporting officer having acquaintance with the work of the official
reported upon, the reviewing officer may initiate the confidential report
provided he has been the same during the entire period of report.

f) Cases when a reporting officer is a close relative of the official reporting

upon, the reviewing officer should take the role of Reporting Officer. If
the reviewing officer is closely related to the reporting officer, the role of
the reviewing officer should be transferred to the authority next higher

g) Where a reviewing officer is not sufficiently familiar with the work of the
official reported upon, it is the onus of the reviewing officer to verify the
veracity of the remarks of the reporting officer so as to ensure the
objectivity of the confidential report.

2. Confidential report of an employee undergoing sponsored programme of

study has to be written/assured based on the Performance Report received
from the Institute where the employee has undergone the sponsored

3. In the Confidential Report of an employee pertaining to the period of his

undergoing studies on his own, a mention about the fact that the
employee is undergoing studies on his own need to be made.

4. Reporting/Assessment of the CR in respect of an employee, who was on

leave for long spell(s) during the reporting year, has to be done based on
the following guidelines.

a) Whenever leave is for a longer period, this has to be recorded in

the confidential report along with reasons.
b) In cases of very long periods of leave for medical reasons or
otherwise the nature of such absence/inability to perform may be
recorded in the confidential Report.
c) Unauthorized absences on the part of an employee must find an
entry in the Confidential Report together with details of administrative
action taken on the case.


1. ‘Adverse Remarks’ means the defects, which, despite the counselling by

the Reporting officer, had persisted in the officer reported upon. Adverse
remarks may be made both on performance as well as basic qualities and
potential, whether they relate to remedial or irremediable defects.
2. All adverse remarks in the confidential reports of employees accepted by
the reviewing officer/countersigning officer should be communicated to
the employee concerned within one month of their being recorded by the
Reviewing Officer.

3. The improvements made in the defects mentioned in the earlier report

shall also be communicated to the employee in a suitable form.
Great attention shall be paid to the manner and method of communication
of adverse remarks so as to ensure that the advice given and training or
censure administered whether orally or in writing shall, having regard to
the temperament of the employee concerned, be most beneficial to him.
The communication should intend to make it clear to the employee that he
should take effort in trying to improve himself in respect to those defects.

5. Remarks about the physical defects of the employee noted in the

confidential report need not be communicated while communicating the
adverse remarks. The substance of the favourable entries may also be

6. Disclosure of identity of superior officers who made adverse remarks is

not necessary.


1. Only one representation against adverse remarks (including reference to

‘warning’ or communication of displeasure or reprimand, which are
recorded in the confidential report) is allowed. The time limit for such
representation is one month from the date of communication.

2. While communicating the ‘adverse remarks’ to the employee concerned,

the time limit should be brought to his notice. However, the competent
authority may, in its discretion, entertain representations made beyond
this time if there is satisfactory explanation for the delay.

4. Representation against adverse remarks will be made to the Competent

5. All representations against adverse remarks should be decided
expeditiously by the countersigning authority and in any case within
three months from the date of submission of the representation.

6. CUSTODIAN OF REPORTS: Custodian means the Officer in whose

custody the confidential report in respect of specified categories/grades
of employees are kept as indicated below:



To assess every year the performance of every employee of NPCIL every year.


All employees of NPCIL.

Overall Responsibility

Sr. Manager/DGM(HR) at Unit

DGM (HR) at Corporate Office.

Details Of Procedure

 Dealing Assistant: Based on the schedule prescribed in the policy

guidelines prepares the blank CRs of concerned employee by filling up

the following columns:
• Name of the official
• Designation and Post held
• Date of birth
• Whether official belongs to SC/ST (wherever required)
• Date of initial appointment
• Date of continuous appointment to the present grade
• Whether under probation
• If probation is over, date of closure of probation.
• Section in which served during the year/period of report.
• If in different section, period of service in each section.

• Period of absence from duty due to leave/training/ unauthorised absence

during the year/period.
• Fills up the above details from the data bank/register maintained in the

 Dealing Assistant: Prepares covering letter addressed to the Section

Head under whom the employee is working with a copy to the custodian
of CRs and put up the same for signature of AM/DM.

 Asstt. Manager / Dy. Manager: Signs on the covering letter with due

verification, sends the same to DA.

 Dealing Assistant: Assigns despatch number to the correspondence and

issues the letter along with the blank CRs forms in a sealed cover.
Enters the event of forwarding of blank CR in the register and also post
entry in the reminder diary in order to inform the same to the Section
Head when called for.
 Reporting Officer: Ensure that Self Appraisal portion (wherever

applicable) has been completed by the Officer reported upon properly.

Reporting Officer shall complete the reporting properly and forward to
the Reviewing officer within the schedule prescribed.

 Reviewing officer: Ensure that the Reporting Officer has completed all

the columns meant to be completed by him. If not, return the report to

Reporting Officer and get the same properly completed. Thereafter,
complete the review. Reviewing Officer shall also identify adverse

remarks in the C.R, if any, required to be communicated and then

forward the C.R. to the countersigning Officer within the schedule

 Countersigning Officer: Ensure that the Reviewing Officer has

completed all the columns meant to be completed by him. If not return

the report to the Reviewing Officer and get them properly completed.
Thereafter countersignature portion shall be completed and the C. R.
forwarded to the Final authority, if any or to the custodian as the case
may be within the schedule prescribed.

 Final Authority: Complete acceptance of the report and send to the

 Custodian: On receipt of the CRs, check whether the Reviewing Officer

has identified any adverse remarks to be communicated. If yes, take the

necessary action for communication of the adverse remarks, watch for
representation against the adverse remarks and process representation for the
decision by the authority next higher to the countersigning officer.

 After decision on the representation is communicated, watch for any

Memorial/ Appeal against rejection of the representation and process the
same for decision of the authority next higher to the authority which
rejected the representation.

 At the end of the report following names and numbers are required: -
• Prepared by
• Reviewed by
• Approved by
• Issued by
• Issue No.
• Revision No


Level of employee Reporting Officer Reviewing Next Higher Countersigning/Final

Officer Officer accepting Authority
Station Director Executive Director(O) - CMD
Chief Station Director ED(O)/Director(O Director(O) CMD
Superintendent )
Superintendents Chief Superintndent Station Director ED(O)/Dir(O) CMD
SO/F & Above Immediate Superior Superintndent Chief CMD
Concerned Supdt./Station
SO/C to SO/E Immediate Superior Sr.Maintenance Chief Station Director
Engineer or Superintendent
SO/SB, Scientific Immediate superior Next higher officer S<E/Superintendent Chief Superintendent
Assistants/Foremans not below SO/C above the concerned
Technicians or Immediate superior Next higher officer SME or equivalent Superintendent or
equivalent Supervisor not below SO/C or equivalent
Helper Immediate Next higher officer - Next higher officer not
Supervisor not below SO/C or below SO/E or
equivalent equivalent
General Manager Executive Director - CMD
Addl.General Site Director/Station Edxecutive Director CMD
Manager Director Director/Director
Dy.General AGM/Site Site Executive Director/ CMD
Manager Director/Station Director/Station Director of
Director Director respective cadre
Sr.Managers DGM/AGM/GM Site Executive Director Director of the
Director/Station of the respective respective cadre
Director cadre

Performance indictors and personal traits for(technical

and non-technical executive)

Performance indicators Personal traits

Intellect Punctuality
Knowledge Relation ship with fellow
Proficiency and maintenances Cooperativeness
Proficiency of typing and Confidentiality
computer application
Quality of work Attitude to work
Productivity Intrigity
Work quality Self reliance



Performance indicator and personal traits for (technical

and non-technical non-executive)

Performance indicator Personal traits

Thoroughness Discipline
Attendance Personality
Grasping power Co-ooperativeness
Output Organizing ability
Workmanship Fulfillment of commitment
Productivity Self-reliance
Power of expression Administrative judgment
Professional knowledge Originality
Technical judgment Ability to assess
Experimental or practical ability


Outstanding Very good Good Average Below

Performance Related Incentive Scheme

The competent authority in NPCIL has approved introduction of performance

Related incentive scheme (PRIS) in the Nuclear Power Corporation of India
Limited (NPCIL) keeping in view the need to reward the performance of the
organization in realizing its objective.

Performance related incentive is a variable component of the pay , which is

award after the performance of organization ,measured against goals set for a

given period of assessment ,which is non- additive and non-cumulative.

Adoption of PRIS at an organization level within the overall framework will
allow flexibility and directness of reward linked to improved performance and
effective responsive service delivery. it is payable based on accomplishment of
set mission/goal and review of overall performance of the Organization once in
five years by the Atomic Energy Commission .it is again subject to suitable
changes from time to time in this regard as applicable in NPCIL.

Here I have found that there are good

hormonal relationship between
management and employee. They are
concerned for their human assets .It
provides a participative work environment
to foster excellence and teamwork .It
focuses on the regular evaluation and
improvement of quality in the station
operation & services. As it is a sensitive
plant it is following safety norms under
AERB (Atomic Energy of Regularity Board)
After the studying the performance
Appraisal in NAPS. I have found that it is non
bias & if any employees CR is average or
fair then he or she is inform with reason &
they get chance to improve it. Here Carrier
progression is totally based on Confidential
Good thing in confidential Report that task
is defined for next year & employee can
improve his or her performance by
completing task because they have full
knowledge about his/her duties.

As the slogan goes safety first and

production next, so obviously safety
measures are taken with utmost care on
account of this naps won many safety
awards for strictly adopting the safety
rules/norms. NPCIL is concerned for its
social responsibility .it gives chance to poor
children in narora for better education
career progression .it organizes time to time
health camps.
As according to study it is clear that all the
employees are satisfied with their pay
structure, promotion opportunities are
available.. Their senior encourage them for
good work, boss accepts their suggestions,
if suggestion is beneficial to the
Every section has good teamwork &
properly planned work system. Employees
have good relationship with their colleagues
as well as with management. Employees
are quality conscious, they always look for
better ways of doing the work & they keep
on putting new ideas of doing their job,
which motivate them to do more work or
better work. Employees are satisfied with
the prevailing working conditions.
According to majority of employees existing
motivational factors are enough to improve
the performance level but NAPS must bring
some changes in their motivational process
like in training programmed, promotion
policy & job rotation process & must
conduct quality circle process regularly to
discuss the problem.
In overall employees at NAPS are enjoying
good quality of work life, they are enjoying
their work, satisfied with all the benefits &
working condition prevailing at NAPS.
A organization that fulfills mostly all the
physiological, social, safety & self-esteemed
needs of their employees.

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