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Customer Abuse

When the king is the problem,

Group 1
Abhishek Pathak mdif
Chiradeep Majumder
Himanshu Manchanda
Kalika Jain
Siddhartha Saxena
Vaibhav Chaudhary
1. Emotional Labour
 Types of jobs having high degree of emotional labour –
 Customer service
 Call Center
 Airline Crew
 Hospitality Services

 Need to express friendly positive affects which is not

manifestation of internal affects.
The effects of emotional labour

Difference in felt
and displayed Stress
Explaining through Affective
Events Theory

Work enviroment
enviroment Work
Work hassles
hassles Emotional
Emotional reaction
reaction Effects

• Emotional • Positive • Job satisfaction

• Abusive
dissonance • Negative and performance
• No correlation to • Stress
pay unless
cognitive abilities


• Personality
• Mood
2. Emotional Intelligence
 For Customer-service professions requirement would be :-
 Low affect intensity – lesser affect = abuse felt less deeply =
lesser stress
 High Emotional Intelligence ( EI ) –
Self-aware of emotions.
Ability to detect others emotions
Ability to manage emotional cues

Would be able to handle abuse day-to-day more

3. How EI comes in
 Awareness of emotions – If you know you are stressed/hurt
by abuse, you can stop it from buildup and not let it out on
something (job performance) /someone (family) else.
 Detecting emotions –
 Understanding why the abuse may/may not give a way of
mitigating it.
 Not taking abuse personally.
 Controlling/Managing emotions – Better at deep acting =
less stress than surface acting.
4. Where to draw the line?
Customer may be “king” but employees are “internal
Beyond a certain extent employee should say “NO”.
Otherwise ,
 Detriment to employee = Detriment to performance =
Detriment to profit = Detriment to company.

Also , ethically every employee – right to self-respect

and preservation.
Thank you

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