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Communication is commonly defined as "the
imparting or interchange of thoughts,
opinions, or information by speech, writing,
or signs".

It is a process whereby
information is enclosed in a package and is
channeled and imparted by a sender to a
receiver via some medium. The receiver then
decodes the message and gives the sender a
feedback. All forms of communication
require a sender, a message, and a receiver.
Verbal vs.non verbal communication
 Verbal communication is one way for people to communicate face-
to-face.  Some of the key components of verbal communication are
sound, words, speaking, and language.  Non verbal is just opposite
of it. Nonverbal communication (NVC) is usually understood as the
process of communication through sending and receiving wordless
messages . i.e, language is not the only source of communication,
there are other means also . It can be communicated through
gestures and touch(Haptic communication),body languages ,facial
expression,eye contact etc.Dance is also regarded as one of the non
verbal communication.
How to Improve Nonverbal Communication Skills

 Maintain eye contact.

 Nod your head to convey that you are listening or that
you are agree.
 Smile and show interest.
 Lean forward to show the speaker you are interested.
 Use a tone of voice that matches your message
Avoid all these:
 Avoiding eye contact and looking away from the
 Closing your eyes or tensing your facial muscles.
 Excessive yawning.
 Using body language that conveys indecisiveness or lack
of confidence (e.g., slumped shoulders, head down, flat
tones, inaudible voice)
 Speaking too fast or too slow.
A Perceptual Model of Communication

Transmitted Receiver
Encoding Message
on medium decodes

Sender Noise creates

Source Transmitted
Message Encoding
decodes on medium
Listening Styles

Results-style: Interested in the bottom

line or result of a message.

Reasons-style: Interested in hearing the

rationale behind a message.

Process-style: Likes to discuss issues in

Interpersonal Communication
 Interpersonal communication deals with
relationships between people, usually in face-to-
face private settings.
 Interpersonal communication is the primary way
relationships are created, maintained, and changed.
Main Characteristics:
 FORMALITY: the amount of distance between the people
defines the type of relationship, from formal to intimate.

 ACCESSIBILITY: the openness, willingness to exchange

information (self-disclosure).

 RECIPROCITY: certain behaviors are called for in the

relationship and others are prohibited; each person has
expectations which must be fulfilled.

 COMMITMENT: the degree to which each person is uniquely a

part of the relationship; the interchangeableness of the people.

 SPONTANEITY: the freedom or lack of freedom to engage in

spontaneous behaviors, free of role expectations of the other.
Five Axioms of Communication
1. One cannot not communicate.
2. Every communication has a content and a
relationship aspect such that the latter defines the
former and is therefore metacommunication.
3. Every communication sequence is defined by the
way the interactants punctuate communication
4. Interpersonal contacts are digital and analogic.
5. Communication relationships are either
symmetrical or complementary.
Basic Interpersonal Communication Model

/ / / /
Communicator /
Receiver /
/ Event
/ / / / X
/ / / /
/ /
Message / /
/ / • Context / /
/ / / /
/ /
• Affect / /

Perceptual screens Perceptual screens

Influence message quality, accuracy, clarity

Include age, gender, values, beliefs, culture, experiences, needs
Barriers to Communication

Communication  Physical separation

Barriers -
factors that block or  Status differences
significantly distort  Gender differences
successful  Cultural diversity
communication  Language
New Technologies
for Communication

 Informational databases
 Electronic mail systems
 Voice mail systems
 Fax machine systems
 Cellular phone systems
• Interpersonal communication is inescapable
• Interpersonal communication is irreversible
• Interpersonal communication is complicated
• Interpersonal communication is contextual
Body language
 Body language is a form of non verbal
communication which consists of body
postures,gestures,facial expression and eye
movements. It indicates
aggresiveness,pleasure,boredom,relaxed state,
attentiveness etc.It is often said that human
communication consist of 93 percent through
body language and 7 percent consist of words.
Communication style:
 Assertive: Pushing hard without attacking; permits
others to influence outcomes; expressive and self
enhancing and without intruding on others.
 Aggressive: Taking advantage of others;
expressive and self enhancing at others expense.
 Non assertive: Encouraging others to take
advantage of us; inhibited; self denying
Stages of the Listening Process

 Hearing
 Focusing on the message
 Comprehending and interpreting
 Analyzing and Evaluating
 Responding
 Remembering
How to Be an Effective Listener

 What You Think about Listening ?

 Understand the complexities of listening
 Prepare to listen
 Adjust to the situation
 Focus on ideas or key points
 Capitalize on the speed differential
 Organize material for learning
How to Be an Effective Listener (cont.)

 What You Feel about Listening ?

 Want to listen
 Delay judgment
 Admit your biases
 Don’t tune out “dry” subjects
 Accept responsibility for understanding
 Encourage others to talk
How to Be an Effective Listener (cont.)

 What You Do about Listening ?

 Establish eye contact with the speaker
 Take notes effectively
 Be a physically involved listener
 Avoid negative mannerisms
 Exercise your listening muscles
 Follow the Golden Rule
Barriers to Active Listening

 Environmental barriers
 Physiological barriers
 Psychological barriers
 Selective Listening
 Negative Listening Attitudes
 Personal Reactions
 Poor Motivation
Effective communication
 Effective communication is a two-way process -
sending the right message, that is also being correctly
received and understood by the other person/s.
  For communication to be effective, it is important to
understand how the people you are interacting with
may interpret your message. We obtain information
through our senses, and it is therefore recommended
that your communication includes aspects of the
visual, auditory and kinaesthetic language to appeal
to all listeners.
Barrier in effective communication
 Process barrier
 Physical barrier
 Personal barrier
 Semantic barrier

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