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Liver Longer: Powerful Liver Protection By Ron Kramer

Trainers must be aware of the effects that certain supplements, hormones, and steroids
have on the body, especially on the liver. In the body building community, many ignore
the topic of liver toxicity, scared by the thought alone. The liver serves a vital function in
the body, however, and we must do everything in our power to protect it. Those who use
17-alpha alkylated pro-hormones or steroids are especially at risk of liver problems as
well as those who use Dianabol, Anadrol, Winstrol, or other over-the-counter pro-
hormones. These compounds possess an extremely long half-life in order to have as
lasting an effect as possible on muscle tissue. Unfortunately, due to this quality, they
cause 17-glucouronide metabolites to form in the liver, where they inhibit the efficiency
of bile acid transporters and may eventually clog the flow of bile. This prevents the
excretion of harmful products, resulting in liver toxicity, also known as intrahepatic
cholestasis. This condition may lead to two other serious conditions: peliosis hepatis and
hepatic adenoma.

Cholestasis causes cell damage and eventual death, and impairs the body’s natural
cholesterol metabolism, resulting in the increase of harmful LDL levels and the decrease
of beneficial HDL levels. As these levels change, the risk of heart disease elevates.
Individuals sometimes develop jaundice as levels of bilirubin build up and the liver fails
to excrete them.

Recognizing these major problems, ThermoLife developed Liver Longer. If an individual

develops cholestasis, physicians prescribe Ursodiol (UDCA), which cannot be obtained
over the counter. ThermoLife’s Liver Longer product utilizes a taurine conjugate of
UDCA, called tauroursodeoxycholic acid (TUDCA). In the liver, TUDCA recovers bile
acid transporters, permitting excretion of harmful substances, and discourages the initial
formation of toxic steroid glucuronides. Liver Longer goes beyond traditional milk thistle
liver protectors, restoring liver functionality after toxicity and preventing the future
buildup of toxic elements.

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