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I would like to book another room. / I¶d like to book another room.



I would not like to have lunch now. / I wouldn¶t like to have lunch now.

Interrogative: |       

Would you like to go to your room now?

How would you like to pay for your room?
4 o de | 

4 a- e |  para oferecimento e convite :

Exemplo :


 ( ) é uma forma educada de dizer o que

você quer ou o que você quer fazer:

Exemplo :


$   % "

&"'  (   "

)"*$     + "


-"*$       %       "

A: Good afternoon. How may I help you?

B: Hi! I would like to check in, plea e.
A: Do you have a re ervation?
B: Ye . My name i Kimberly Jone .
A: You have a ingle room for five night , i that correct?
B: Ye , it i .
A: How would you like to pay for your room?
B: I¶d like to u e my credit card. Would you plea e confirm that I
have a non- moking room?
A: Ye , ma¶am. It i a non- moking room.
B: That¶ great. Thank you.
A: You¶re in room 617. Enjoy your tay!
B: Thank you.

‡ wheck in X wheck-in (difference )...ob erve the example :

‡ I want to check in, plea e.

‡ What time i the check-in, plea e?

‡ 2 5         !"!6!"& :

1. Doe the hotel have any vacancie for tonight?

2. What kind of room would won uela like to have?
3. How long would won uela tay at the hotel?
4. How i won uela paying for her tay?
5. What i won uela¶ la t name?
6. What i nece ary to 5 7 anything in the re taurant or lobby hop ?
7. What i won uela¶ room number?
8. What floor i won uela¶ room on?
9. What time doe the main re taurant clo e?
10.Where i    ?
7 8

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