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Sofía Rodríguez y Jandro Bonet IT4

Place: ............................................................................................................................2
Main characters..............................................................................................................2
Secondary characters.....................................................................................................2

Sofía Rodríguez y Jandro Bonet IT4


In a forest

The story happens in actually days.


Main characters
The Bear is call Bob

Secondary characters
An explorer The dog Turco The Hunter

Yeras and years ago, a happy family of Bears, were living pacefully in a forest.

Sofía Rodríguez y Jandro Bonet IT4

Until one day, something happened. A Hunter with a dog apeared, and killed almost the
hole family,except the little Bear Bob.
So, he must go far away to hide of the Bad Hunter.

Day by day, Bob was feeling alone, until one dog apeard. Bob thougt that Turco (the
Dog) was his firned, because there kive togheter a long time, but one day Turco came,
with a man, The Hunter! The one that killed his family!

So he run as fast as he could, but Turco was very fast, and get him inmediatly, so, when
he was going to die, an Explorer apeared.

The Explore save the bear Bob, and they become friends for ever.
The Bear protect him always infront the orhers animal, and the Explorer protect the
Bear of the hunters, they were a great team, and the most important thing,bouth of
theme learn something about the otherone.

The End

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