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Fourth Grade Weekly News

Miss Meyer
March 21-25 (408)578-4800 ext. 212

Memory Work
Date Numbers
Tuesday, March 22 #192 & 194
Thursday, March 24 #198
Friday, March 25 Hymn 120:1-2

 Substitute Teacher – I will not be here this week Monday, Tuesday, or Wednesday.
Mrs. Deming will be filling in as the substitute teacher. If your child is sick, or if you
have any other school needs, please be sure to call the school office or stop in the
classroom those mornings since I won’t be here to check e-mails or pass them on to
Mrs. Deming. Thanks!

 Mission Offerings – A mission envelope was sent home today and may be brought
back anytime this week.

 Spelling Words – Spelling words for unit 25 were sent home today.

 Tests – Thursday we will have a math test. The students will be given a practice test
on Monday. It is required for them to complete and is due on Thursday.

 Box Tops – Any student that brings in 25 box tops by this Thursday, March 24th will
receive a cotton candy treat!

 End of the 3rd Quarter – This Friday marks the end of the 3rd quarter! Report cards
will be sent home next week.

 Field Trip – We will be leaving for our field trip at 11:45 a.m. next Monday. Please
remember that we will not be returning until after school is out at approximately 4:30
p.m. If your child is not picked up at this time he/she will be checked into homeroom.

We will be eating lunch before we go. Please be sure that your child is dressed
properly including comfortable tennis shoes and a jacket or warm sweatshirt.
Remember that the park is about 10 degrees cooler than San Jose!
 Singing in Church – Our next opportunity to praise God with our voices in church
will be at the Lenten service on Wednesday, April 6th, at the 7:00 p.m. service.

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