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this issue BOX & SPOON - March 2011

Letter from Fr. Mark

Newsletter for Stewards of Holy Anargyroi
Sts. Kosmas & Damianos Greek Orthodox Church Box & Spoon
Liturgical/Organization Calendar for March 2011

Stewardship Update

Philoxenia House News  BLESSED

Philoptochos News  LENT TO ALL!
Youth Team

The Church is a Therapeutic Center - Part 3

Fr. Emmanuel Hatzidakis

GOYA Clothing Drive

The Sermon on the Mount - Part 5

Rev. George Mastrantonis
The Annunciation Well, Nazareth, Israel Now that we will soon find ourselves approaching the holy period of the Fast I pray the Lord grants you His abun-
The Great Lent: a week by week meaning dant grace and courage to dedicate yourselves diligently to prayer, fasting, almsgiving, and repentance! Now is the
Rev. George Mastrantonis time when we double our efforts to strive towards leading lives worthy of our high calling as Orthodox Christians,
as members of the one true Body of Christ. Many of us, including myself, over the course of the years have
Parish Council marked the Lenten periods with a wide range of personal responses to Christ’s appeal for our spiritual struggle and
purification. Some years we are wholeheartedly dedicated to observing the fast, seeking out confession, and attend-
AHEPA ing the many soul-stirring services of the Church. Other years due to a myriad of varying circumstances/
weaknesses we barely realize that we are in the Fast until Palm Sunday has arrived! Have we ever stopped and
reflected that perhaps our response is conditioned and propelled by the possibility that we do not fully understand
the purpose and raison d'être of the Holy Fast to begin with?
The answer to this question is surprising in its simplicity. One could write annals of theological savvies as to the
spiritual, physical, and psychological complexities of Great Lent…but why? One small prayer reveals for me the
necessity and comprehensive objective of the Fast. In the “Prayer behind the Amvon” for the Presanctified Liturgy
the priest offers the following beautiful words to God:
“Almighty God who in wisdom did make all creation; by Your ineffable providence and great goodness, has brought
us unto these all-sacred days for the cleansing of souls and bodies, for mastery over the passions and for the hope of
resurrection, who, during the forty days, did give into the hand of Your servant Moses the tablets in characters divine-
ly traced by You: Grant us also, O Good One, to fight the good fight, to complete the course of the fast, to preserve
the faith undivided, to crush the heads of invisible serpents, to be shown forth as conquerors of sins and, uncon-
demned, to attain unto and to worship the holy resurrection…”

First and foremost, from whence does the period of the Fast originate? God Himself. What is the aim? Decontam-
ination, if you will, of our souls and bodies through the crushing of our passions (sinful desires). Where is the his-
torical prototype? The Prophet Moses fasted for forty days and thereby was granted a glimpse of God’s glory.
RETURN SERVICE REQUESTED Where does our Lenten compass direct us towards? The Holy Resurrection of Jesus Christ. Through our spiritual
struggle we become victorious over sin and are thus made worthy, “uncondemned”, to experience and worship
Christ’s Resurrection. To take it one step further, we must also pursue lives imbued with the Lenten spirit in order
to experience our own personal resurrection to eternal life.
(507) 282-1253 fax
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(507) 282-1529 phone I am anticipating with great joy and enthusiasm celebrating together with you the Holy Passion of our Saviour and
Rochester, MN
Rochester, MN 55902 His Life-giving Resurrection.
703 West Center Street
Seeking your forgiveness and prayers, I remain…
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Non-Profit Org. Greek Orthodox Church
In Orthodoxy,
Holy Anargyroi/Sts. Kosmas & Damianos
+Fr. Mark
Annunciation of the Theotokos, Mother of God: “Rejoice, thou Full of Grace, the Lord is with thee” March 25th, 2011 Today marks the crowning of our salvation and the revelation of the mystery before all ages.

Liturgical and Organizational Calendar

2011 Standing Committees
Tim Kelly - President
Johnny Mangouras - Vice President
Andru Peters - Secretary
March 2011 Dear Fellow Parishioners,
Dan Jerghiuțǎ - Treasurer Saturday March 5th 2nd Saturday of Souls A reminder of who the members of your parish council are for the 2011 year: Tim Kelly, President; Johnny Mangouras, Vice President;
Diana Orbelo Orthros and Divine Liturgy 8:30am Dan Jerghiuta, Treasurer; Andru Peters, Secretary; Aaron Biedermann; Nick Maragos; Diana Orbelo; Tia Marago; and Halina Woroncow.
Tia Maragos
Nick Maragos Saturday March 5th Great Vespers 6pm
Halina Woroncow The results of the election for the parish council brought back Dan Jerguita as Treasurer, Andru Peters as Secretary – both invaluable con-
Aaron Biedermann
Sunday March 6th Cheese Fare Sunday
tributors to the business of the church - and a new participant in Aaron Biedermann. Thank you for your support and participation in elect-
Last day of dairy/egg products
ing these gentlemen to the council. Feel free to contact any one of us with your concerns and ideas regarding the business of the church.
John Maragos – Chair Luncheon after Divine Liturgy The audit committee will conclude their review of the parish financials prior to our upcoming parish assembly scheduled for March 20,
Ari Kolas Hosted by Philoptochos 2011. Please plan on attending this assembly for a 2010 financial report and other important business news of the church.
Johnny Mangouras
Mark Smith
Forgiveness Vespers, Beginning of Great Lent 6pm
Halina and Diana have begun an outreach effort and a very good discussion has commenced regarding what we can do as a parish to share
Monday March 7th Great Compline w/ Penitential Canon 6pm the good news of Orthodoxy. Diana has also been instrumental in developing a working understanding of the contracts we have with our
Diana Orbelo Tuesday March 8th Great Compline w/ Penitential Canon 6pm iconographer as we continue to move forward to populating our beautiful church with his beautiful work.
Halina Woroncow Wednesday March 9th Presanctified Liturgy 6pm
Our building loan is slowly – very slowly – moving in the right direction – down. We presently owe approximately $651,000, and need
ICONOGRAPHY Thursday March 10th Great Compline w/ Penitential Canon 6pm your help in eliminating this financial burden. Expect to see a renewed effort from the building committee to renew our interest in paying
Diana Orbelo – Chair Friday March 11th Salutations, 1st Stanza 6pm this debt off so that we may begin the process of planning and construction of a new fellowship hall that the parish can call its own. The
Tia Maragos existing building is showing its age. It is our desire to once again call it our fellowship hall, and ours alone. Unfortunately we are present-
Andru Peters Saturday March 12th 3rd Saturday of Souls ly dependent on the other users of the hall to help us financially keep our heads above water.
Fr. Mark Muñoz Orthros and Divine Liturgy 8:30am
BUILDING Philoptochos Meeting after Liturgy The stewardship of the church is showing signs of promise. A special thanks to the stewardship committee to their efforts to increase the
Dr. Nick Maragos – Chair commitment financially and surveying the community for skills and desires to contribute to our church’s well being. We are making pro-
Ari Kolas– Treasurer Saturday March 12th Great Vespers 6pm
gress. Thank you all.
Sunday March 13th Sunday of Orthodoxy
Dan Jerghiuțǎ – Chair Procession with the Holy Icons Your Parish Council President
Johnny Mangouras NO SUNDAY SCHOOL Tim Kelly
Fr. Mark Muñoz
St. John Chrysostom Oratorical Festival
AUDIT After Divine Liturgy
Aaron Biedermann
Mark Smith Monday March 14th Philoxenia Committee Meeting 5pm
John Maragos

Great Compline
Wednesday March 16th Presanctified Liturgy
Presbytera Michelle Parish Council Meeting (please note time change) 7:30pm
Chris Brekke AHEPA is planning the New Year with many good deeds and fun events. First and foremost is a big Greek Independence day Celebra-
Chamaidi Belanger Friday March 18th GOYA Lenten Potluck 6pm tion. Friday March 25th 2011. It is open to the Public and will be a family affair!! It will be a great evening of dinner and entertainment
at the Oakwood Broadway Plaza Suites. Culinary Magician Johnny Mangouras will create an exciting and fresh dinner with all the ac-
PHILOXENIA HOUSE Salutations, 2nd Stanza (please note time change) 7pm coutrements!! It will be Lenten Fare and as it is Annunciation Johnny will create a Superb Fish dinner. It will be an exciting evening,
Chamaidi Belanger– Chair with proceeds going to The Holy Anargyroi Building Fund. Put it on your calendar!! Tickets are only $20!! Limited to 75 people!! Talk
Beth Lechner – Treasurer GOYA Lenten Retreat/Lock-In
to your favorite AHEPAN now for Tickets!!
Saturday March 19th Great Vespers 6pm
Dan Jerghiuțǎ – Chair Sunday March 20th General Assembly after Divine Liturgy AHEPA has the biggest Scholarship fund in Minnesota for Greek and Orthodox Youth. Please see George Margellos or Ari Kolas for
Steve Kereakos – Treasurer
Monday March 21st Great Compline 6pm application and information. In the past 20 years AHEPA has given more than Quarter of Million Dollars to deserving Students!! Get
Lorenda Jerghiuțǎ – Silent auction your share for you, your kids or Grandkids!!
Joe Ferrer – Set-up/Teardown Wednesday March 23rd Presanctified Liturgy 6pm
Tim Kelly – Outdoor Cooks
Johnny Mangouras – Marketing Friday March 25th Feast of the Annunciation District Governor Alex Livardaros Vistied Rochester February 6 th 2011. He shared the many great things that AHEPA is doing on Local,
Ari Kolas – Marketing Orthros and Divine Liturgy 8:30am Regional and International Basis. A few of the many accomplishments is the continuing Dialogue with US Congress on various issues of
Penny Kolas – Pastries Greek and Cypriot Security issues vis a vis Turkey.
Maria Thomas – Pastries
Fish, Wine, and Oil allowed for the Feast
Denise Mangouras – Pastries Saturday March 26th Synaxis of the Archangel Gabriel Also the amazing contributions of AHEPANS in finding a cure for The Minneapolis Chapter of AHEPA Is having a Region wide Volley-
Presbytera Michelle – Volunteers 8:30am ball tournament in conjunction with their District Convention. It will be held June 25 th in Minneapolis. It is open to one and all. No
Martha Voytovich – Market place
Orthros and Divine Liturgy
Andru Peters – Beverages Great Vespers 6pm membership in AHEPA is needed to participate. It is a Co-Ed tournament with cash prizes totaling $1000!! The Cash will be donated to
Mike Brekke – Beer Garden the respective churches of the winning teams. More details forthcoming. Ask Ari Kolas for more details!!
Larissa Osfeld – Children Area
Sunday March 27th NO SUNDAY SCHOOL
Mrs. Mangouras – Inside Kitchen FOCUS Meal in Minneapolis for GOYA The AHEPA Chapter in Sioux Falls South Dakota has given a $500 Gift to The Philoxenia House!! Thank you to our Brothers in Sioux
Monday March 28th Great Compline 6pm
Wednesday March 30th Presanctified Liturgy 6pm Please talk to Ari Kolas 507-361-1222 if you are interested in Joining AHEPA. It is a growing and great organization for local, national
Friday April 1st Salutations, 3rd Stanza 6pm and International Philanthropic and Educational Projects!!
Annunciation of the Theotokos, Mother of God: “Rejoice, thou Full of Grace, the Lord is with thee” March 25th, 2011 Today marks the crowning of our salvation and the revelation of the mystery before all ages.

THE GREAT LENT Stewardship

A Week by Week Meaning We would like to thank the 67 Stewards who have returned their stewardship packets. It is truly a blessing to
witness firsthand the support our parish receives from her parishioners. The information provided in the time
Rev. George Mastrantonis and talent portion of the stewardship packet has been recorded and we are in the process of making sure the
information gets used and distributed effectively. In the coming month we will disseminate this information to
its proper committee, provide additional information about a ministry organization, or facilitate the creation of a
This Sunday commemorates the return of the Icons into the churches, according to the decision of the Seventh new team or committee to match the interest and talents of our parishioners.
Ecumenical Synod (787). The Church determined that this celebration would take place each year on the first Sun-
day of Lent, as the Sunday of Orthodoxy, starting March 11, 843. On this Sunday every year the triumph of the That being said, we are still 63 pledges short of our goal for 2011. If you have not made yet made a pledge, we ask that you
faith of Orthodoxy is celebrated with ceremony. The Icon of Christ, according to St. John Damascus, is a distinct pick up a stewardship packet from the narthex and prayerfully consider what you can give back to God through His parish this
affirmation and a reminder of the fact of His Incarnation, which has a vital significance for the salvation of the year.
faithful, an affirmation which prevails to this day in the Orthodox Church. The celebration of the day includes the 2011 List of Current Pledges
procession with the Icon of Christ around the inside of the church with pomp and reverence. The Sunday of Ortho- Note: this list is not synonymous, nor does it indicate, members in “good spiritual and financial” standing with the parish.
doxy calls upon the people to rededicate themselves to the deep meaning of their faith and to declare in unison,
`Mary Beth Abraham Donald Jenkins George & Cathy Murak
"One Lord, one faith, one baptism, one God and Father of all".
Andrew Barbes Dan & Loredana Jerghiuta Diana Orbelo
Gust & Jackie Barbes Carolyn Jukich Soula Pampori
This Sunday commemorates the life of St. Gregory Palamas (14th century). The Church dedicates this Sunday to Joel & Chamaidi Belanger Tom Kapellas Maria Pasalis
St. Gregory for his orthodox faith, theological knowledge, virtuous life, miracles and his efforts to clarify the or-
thodox teaching on the subject of Hesychasm (from the Greek, meaning quiet.) Hesychasm was a system of mysti- Samuel Benjamin Martha Karakelides Andi Pathoulas
cism propagated on Mt. Athos by 14th century monks who believed that man was able, through an elaborate sys- Lexie & Aaron Biedermann Dino & Tricia Kasdagly Andru Peters
tem of ascetic practices based upon perfect quiet of body and mind, to arrive at the vision of the divine light, with
the real distinction be- tween the essence and the operations of God. Gregory became noted for his efforts to ex- Costa & Maria Boosalis Michael & Mondo Katselis Maria Peterson
plain the difference between the correct teaching and this theory. Gregory was dedicated to an ascetic life of prayer Mike & Kris Brekke Tim & Calli Kelly Anne Pflaum
and fasting, which are practices of Lent.
Gus & Kathy Chafos Steve Kereakos Marilyn Phelps
Peter & Angie Chafos Ari & Penny Kolas Nicholas Psimos
This Sunday commemorates the venerable Cross and the Crucifixion of Jesus Christ. The Cross as such takes on Rebeca Chery Nick & Ann Kolas Dr. Nick & Effie Psimos
meaning and adoration because of the Crucifixion of Christ upon it. Therefore, whether it be in hymns or prayers,
it is understood that the Cross without Christ has no meaning or place in Christianity. The adoration of the Cross in Fr. Anthony Coniaris Tony & Nereida Lecakis Angie Rustad
the middle of Great Lent is to remind the faithful in advance of the Crucifixion of Christ. Therefore, the passages Ian De Silva Beth Lechner John & Jennifer Sakellarou
from the Bible and the hymnology refer to the Passions, the sufferings, of Jesus Christ: The passages read this day
repeat the calling of the Christian by Christ to dedicate his life, for "If any man would come after me, let him deny Joe & Cindy Forrer Robert & Kathy Lytle Mogib & Seham Salama
himself and take up his cross and follow me (Christ)" (v. 34-35). Judy Gale Kula Magaritsidis John Schur
This verse clearly indicates the kind of dedication which is needed by the Christian in three steps: Dimitar & Ralitza Gavrilova Johnny & Denise Mangouras Elilta Sebhatu
1. To renounce his arrogance and disobedience to God's Plan
Helen Grechis Dr. Nick and Connie Maragos Mary Shabestari
2. To lift up his personal cross (the difficulties of life) with patience, faith and the full acceptance of the Will of God without com-
plaint that the burden is too heavy; having denied himself and lifted up his cross leads him to the; and Kyle Hafar Tia Maragos Mark Smith
3. Decision to follow Christ.
Trevor & Laura Hamlen John Maragos George & Maria Thomas
These three voluntary steps are three links which cannot be separated from each other, because the main power to accomplish them is Viorel & Simona Hodis George & Linda Margellos Carl & Olga Voss
the Grace of God, which man always invokes. The Adoration of the Cross is expressed by the faithful through prayer, fasting, almsgiv-
ing and the forgiveness of the trespasses of others. On this Sunday the Adoration of the Cross is commemorated with a special service Bradley & Erline Holman Jason & Daniela Meier Martha Voytovich
following the Divine Liturgy in which the significance of the Cross is that it leads to the Resurrection of Christ. Gordy & Connie Jelatis-Hoke Troy & Stephanie Miller Ray Ostfeld & Dr. Halina Woroncrow
FOURTH SUNDAY OF LENT - ST. JOHN OF THE CLIMAX (Mark 9:17-31) Drs. Salah Sedarous & Catherine Weiler

This Sunday commemorates St. John of the Climax (6th century) who is the writer of the book called The Ladder January 2011 January 2010 2011 vs 2010 January 2011 Actual vs. Budget
(climax) of Paradise. This book contains 30 chapters, with each chapter as a step leading up to a faithful and pious Actual Actual Difference Budget Difference
life as the climax of a Christian life. The spirit of repentance and devotion to Christ dominates the essence of this
book, along with the monastic virtues and vices. He was an ascetic and writer on the spiritual life as a monk-abbot Total Income $17,908.55 $17,253.00 $655.55 $20,470.00 -$2,561.45
of Sinai Monastery. These steps of the ladder as set forth by St. John are to be practiced by the Christian especially
Total Expenses $19,848.44 $18,191.94 $1,656.50 $24,385.00 -$4,536.56
during this period of the Great Lent. Each step leading to the top step of the ladder, is the climactic essence of the
true meaning of a Christian life. Net Income -$1,939.89 -$938.94 $1,000.95 -$3,915.00 $1,975.11
Annunciation of the Theotokos, Mother of God: “Rejoice, thou Full of Grace, the Lord is with thee” March 25th, 2011 Today marks the crowning of our salvation and the revelation of the mystery before all ages.

The Sermon On The Mount

PART 5: continued
February 2011 has been a very blessed month! Rev. George Mastrantonis
One day a big box arrived at the church for the Philoxenia House. The sender was Maria Vlahos from the Ascension of Our Lord
Greek Orthodox Church in Lincolnshire, IL. Inside I found a wonderful letter from Fr. James Gordon sending us his blessings and PIOUS WORKS AND THEIR PRACTICE, 6:1-18
"Take heed that ye do not your alms before men, to he seen of them; otherwise ye have no reward of your Father which is in heaven."
prayers and explaining how the Church Youth groups, under the leadership of Pastoral Assistant Alex Magdalinos and Parish
Youth Worker Maria Vlahos, through various events, were able to send us a donation of craft supplies. As I opened the box and The Christian who has been taught the principles which are included in the preceding chapter 5 is ready to serve the Will of
went through all the great things they sent, I was very touched by the effort and love these young people showed towards us! What God toward his fellow man. The Christian is confronted with the difficulty of choosing the proper way to help his fellow man.
a lovely gesture of kindness! Jesus admonishes the Christian that everything should be done "not before men to be seen of them". The Christian is urged to
The response to our Philoxenia House letter of appeal following the St. Iakovos Philoxenia Newsletter, has been heart-warming put to work his faith. His good works should not be done before men to gain him recognition, but in such a kind and gentle
and has exceeded our expectations. Parishes throughout the United States and individual people have shown such kindness and way as to make more steadfast their hope in the providence of God. The Christian should not practice good works for the sake
generosity, love and belief in our ability to continue with this Ministry. We are so grateful to Philoptohos Societies, to Youth of good works, but in the name of Jesus Christ; he is His steward of the riches and blessings of God. Almsgiving, prayer and
Groups and individuals who planned events to benefit the Philoxenia House. fasting are included in the good works which apply, respectively, to one's neighbor, to God and to one's self.
Yannis Kaloumenos together with Kostas Vangelatos translated in Greek a very nice letter on behalf of Fr. Mark and the Philoxe-
nia House Committee. This special letter, including photographs of both Houses and plans for the “Philoxenia Village” will soon Almsgiving, 6:2-4
be sent to the Philoxenia House friends in Greece. "Therefore when thou doest thine alms, do not sound a trumpet before thee, as the hypocrites do in the synagogues and in the streets, that they may have
glory of men. Verily I say unto you, they have their reward. But when thou doest alms let not thy left hand know what thy right hand doeth, that thine alms
I would like to remind all our parishioners and friends of the Philoxenia House that our small offering box is may be in secret; and thy Father which seeth in secret himself shall reward thee openly."
available at the Narthex to receive your gift. Thank you. God bless you dear friends.
The practice of giving alms was mentioned to guide the intentions of the giver and to sanctify his offering in the name of God.
Chamaidi Belanger
Secrecy in giving alms is imperative to eliminate the arrogance of the giver and to make him only God's steward and servant.
Chair, Philoxenia House Committee
The true meaning of the art of almsgiving is not the anonymous gift, but the humble gesture of the donor through the deep feel-
ing of serving God's will. The Christian donor should not advertise his generosity to immortalize his name, but should pray for
God's blessing to be in a position to further contribute to a good cause in God's name.

Prayer, 6:5-15
I first want to start out thanking all the ladies that came to the Ladies’ Lunch we had on February 19 th. We had a total of 16 ladies "And when thou prayest, thou shalt not be as the hypocrites are; for they love to pray standing in the synagogues and in the corners of the streets, that they
and Father Mark attend. It was wonderful to get together, have a nice time, a wonderful lunch, and get some philanthropic work may be seen of men. Verily I say unto you, they have their reward. But thou, when thou prayest, enter into thy closet, and when thou hast shut thy door,
done. A very fulfilling afternoon. Thank you to Johnny Mangouras for preparing a delicious meal and to Lia & Roni Mangouras pray to thy Father which is in secret; and thy Father which seeth in secret shall reward thee openly. But when ye pray, use not vain repetitions as the hea-
and Theoni Kolas for helping serve and clean up. It is days like this that remind me how many wonderful people we have in our then do; for they think that they shall be heard for their much speaking. But not ye therefore like unto them; for your Father knowest what things ye have
lives and what a blessing it is to be part of this church. Thanks to everyone for being there. need of, before ye ask him."

A reminder to all our Philoptochos members, it’s time to get our dues in. I think several people have already paid. If you haven’t Prayer also should be offered in privacy; but does not eliminate corporate worship. Prayer should be sincere, concise, ritualistic
had the chance, please give your dues to our treasurer, Penny Kolas. We will be taking dues for the 2011 year until mid-April. or extemporaneous, constituting a sacred conversation with Almighty God and offered in repentance and obedience.
Dues this year are $15.00 for National Philoptochos, $6.00 for our Chicago Diocese Philoptochos and whatever extra you give will
go to our chapter. Thanks to all our members!! The Lord's Prayer, 6:9-13
"After this manner therefore pray ye: Our Father which art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done on earth, as it is in
Also, it’s time to start thinking about elections. In May, we will have elections for our new officers and board members for the heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For
next two church years. Our election committee consists of chairperson Maria Thomas and two tellers, Jackie Barbes and Chamaidi thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, for ever. Amen. For if ye forgive men their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you; but if
Belanger. If any of our members are interested or know a member who would be a great choice as a nominee in holding an office, ye forgive not men their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses."
please contact Maria, Jackie or Chamaidi. The Lord's Prayer was taught to the disciples by Jesus Christ not as the only prayer, but as an example for other prayers in vari-
ous circumstances and needs to reach communion with God. In the Lord's Prayer the Christian invokes God the Father for his
On March 6th, Philoptochos will have Cheesefare lunch. It’s a nice way to start off lent together with our fellow Orthodox parish-
tenderness and mercy, and at the same time he confesses the brotherhood of mankind in order to sanctify His Name, to obey
ioners and a chance to support Hellenic College Holy Cross. All proceeds from the lunch will go to Hellenic College Holy Cross to
help with their operating costs. Last year, National Philoptochos was able to buy a new freezer for the cafeteria and put new car- His Will and to thank God for his daily bread. The Christian pledges to forgive his debtors and invokes God to deliver him
peting in a dormitory. The menu will be tyropita, spanakopita, salad and dessert. from evil. (See O LOGOS pamphlet, "The Lord's Prayer")

Also in the month of March, we will donate to Orthodox Christian Mission Center and Support a Mission Priest. This helps pro- Fasting, 6:16-18
vide financial support to missionary priests and teams. Last year Philoptochos donated $80,000 to these two very important causes, "Moreover when ye fast be not as the hypocrites, of a sad countenance for they disfigure their faces that they may appear unto men to fast. Verily I say unto
$5,000 of that money was in honor of Nathan Hoppe, for his missionary work in Albania. It’s always nice to share about a dona- you, they have their reward. But thou, when thou fastest, anoint thine head and was thy face, that thou appear not unto men to fast, but unto thy Father
tion that is so close to our parish. Nathan spoke at the 2010 National Philoptochos Biennial Convention. which is in secret; and thy Father, which seeth in secret, shall reward thee openly."

Fasting in itself is not a virtue, but it helps the pious Christian behave himself, to give alms and to pray. Fasting once was the
Our next meeting will be Saturday, March 12 th. We will start our meeting after the Saturday of the Souls Service, practice of abstention from everything but bread and water. For the Christian today fasting is instead a certain selection of
around 10:30am. The meeting will be held in the church library. A few things on the agenda will be Palm Sunday
foods. Spiritual fasting is the abstention from sin, exemplifying love and charity for the needy and accomplishing God's Will
Luncheon, Pascha flowers, Tsoureki sweet bread, and dying eggs. Pascha is quickly approaching, this next meet-
ing will be important in making sure everything is ready. toward one's neighbor.
Continued in the April Edition
Denise Mangouras
Philoptochos President
Annunciation of the Theotokos, Mother of God: “Rejoice, thou Full of Grace, the Lord is with thee” March 25th, 2011 Today marks the crowning of our salvation and the revelation of the mystery before all ages.


703 West Center Street Rochester, MN 55902 Ph. 507-282-1529 The JOY group Faith Nights are becoming more and more interesting being very well received by both the children and their parents.
February's lesson on getting to know our House of God - The Orthodox Church captivated our children as they got to know and un-
derstand the main parts, icons and elements of our church.
2011 Lenten Retreat The next two lessons will focus on The Great Lent and the Holy Week. The mission and goal of the JOY ministry is to lead our young
people into experiencing the Holy Orthodox Faith. By laying a foundation of faith at this age, the young people will have something
Guest Speaker Dr. Harry Boosalis will be presenting: that will guide and strengthen them.

Orthodox Spiritual Life: Therapy for the Soul

Saturday, April 2, 2011
Session I: 11:00am
Lenten Luncheon: 12:30pm
Session II: 1:00pm
Session I: The Relevancy of Orthodox Spirituality Today: St. Silouan of Mt. Athos

With the rising popularity of spirituality today, contemporary man is sometimes misguided into a
search for any kind of spiritual experience. Orthodox spiritual life, with its unique understanding GOYA and JOY
of salvation and sanctification as spiritual therapy for the soul, offers a quite different perspective JOY and GOYA and their families enjoyed a fun afternoon of fellowship at a bowling alley this month, while the snow and wind
in comparison with other Christian denominations of the West. We will first be introduced to the outside reminded us that it was still winter. A number of spares and strikes were logged, thanks to talent, luck...and bumpers! Per-
life and writings of St. Silouan of Mount Athos (+1938) and then examine the relevance of his spir- haps there is a Holy Anargyroi bowling league in the offing?
itual teaching for today, focusing particularly on the spiritual struggle against evil thoughts, de- GOYA is looking ahead to Lent, with the St. John Chrysostom Oratorical Festival on the Sunday of Orthodoxy, as well as a Lenten
pression and despair. lock-in and a trip to Minneapolis to serve a meal at FOCUS-MN later in March. The clothing drive for FOCUS is coming along
beautifully. Thank you for your generous donations. The drive will continue through March 13th, in the narthex of the church.
Session II: Suffering and Spiritual Life

The theme of suffering is one that all of us can immediately and intimately identify within our own
personal lives. We will discuss the meaning of suffering within the context of Orthodox spiritual
life and how it in fact leads to our salvation and sanctification. We will also examine the causes of
suffering, the different types of suffering, why God allows us to suffer, as well as the proper Ortho-
dox approach to dealing with our suffering.

Dr. Harry Boosalis, Th.D, Professor of Dogmatic Theology at St. Tikhon’s Seminary
B.A., University of Minnesota- Philosophy and Classics (1981) M.Div., Holy Cross Greek Orthodox School of Theology, Boston MA
(1985) Th.D., University of Thessaloniki, GREECE (1999)
Annunciation of the Theotokos, Mother of God: “Rejoice, thou Full of Grace, the Lord is with thee” March 25th, 2011 Today marks the crowning of our salvation and the revelation of the mystery before all ages.

The Church is a Therapeutic Center

by Fr. Emmanuel Hatzidakis
Part 3

The Church is a Hospital
Orthodox people view the Church as a spiritual hospital, a clinic, a hospice, a therapeutic center,
and a fitness center—all combined in one! The aim of the treatment is to provide spiritual cure,
maintain wellness for its patients (faithful members) and lead them to eternal life!

If the parishes are the hospitals and clinics of the soul, the monasteries are the "intensive care units" of Orthodoxy! If the priests are the
doctors, the monks are the specialists! In order, however, to see another therapist we should first obtain our personal therapist's referral.
We should approach our therapist with full confidence and develop a close, trusting relationship with him. He has been certified by the
highest medical authority (Christ) to practice everywhere (Church).

+ Make an appointment to see our spiritual therapist (priest).
+ Decide when to start therapy.
+ Determine what overall treatment strategy we will pursue.
+ Request all the information we need. It is provided free-of-charge.
+ Learn everything about the sickness and its treatment.

+ Develop a good relationship with therapist (priest).

Treatment Strategy
+ Keep a diary of all the symptoms (sins) of our sickness. We should discuss them with our therapist at the next visit (confession/spiritual
+ Monitor whether or not the therapy is working.
+ Watch for side effects of therapy.

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+ Be ready to switch therapy and sequence the available therapies.
+ Study the case history of others who had the same sickness as we have and who became well (Read the lives of saints and try to imitate
+ Work hard for the cure of the illness.

Clothes Shoes Jackets

+ Consult frequently (go to confession) on a regular basis (about four times annually) with our therapist (priest).

The Physician and the Medications

Any physician (priest) is equipped to provide basic treatment: the holy mysteries (sacraments), particularly holy Confession, holy Com-
munion and holy Unction; the various services of the Church, Supplication Canon, prayer and anointing, spiritual direction, etc.

Under the therapist's direction other remedies may be prescribed: reading the lives of Saints and their writings, reading prayerfully the holy
for men, women, children
scripture, studying theology (which is a therapeutic science), getting involved in works of charity, outreach, etc.

The Holy Eucharist: The Medicine par Excellence

The main medication the Church provides for our cure will always remain holy Communion. The holy Eucharist is the par excellence med-

GOYA will deliver to FOCUS in

ication, the "medicine of immortality." But like any medication it carries its own warning labels:
+ It can be administered only by an authorized physician (canonical bishop/priest).
+ We must first be admitted (baptism) to the hospital (Church).

MPLS in March. Help us to

+ We must have forgiveness towards everyone, especially towards those who have offended us.
+ We must approach with fear of God, faith and love.
+ Just like certain other medications, we must take it on an empty stomach.
+ If we live in sin there are extremely adverse reactions, and we should never take this medicine without a thorough confession.
+ We must have a strong desire to change (repentance).
+ We must have cleansed our heart from evil desires, through prayer, fasting, charity, ascetical life and the practicing of virtues.
(For more information contact the nearest Orthodox Christian church or monastery.)
help those less fortunate.
Continued in the April Edition

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