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Date: 13/04/2010

To whom it may concern,


This is to inform that I, Mrs. W. Leela Marie Fernando (Chairman of the company -
Chime and Tilley Pvt. Ltd) along with the other board members – W.M.T.P.W Fernando,
W.E.A.S. Malkanthi Fernando and P.P. Wasanthi have agreed to change our former
company address - ‘Hitachi Naruzawa Cho 3-19-23 Naruzawa Copo 23-202 Japan 316-
0036’ to Sawa Gun Tamamura Machi Ooaza Shimomogi 210-1, Postal Code 370-1123.
Furthermore, we all in concord have decided to grant all the powers with authority to
our Managing Director and Branch Representative – Mr. Paththage Perera Wasanthi.

…………………………… …………………………..
W.E.A.S. Malkanthi Fernando W.M.T.P.W. Fernando
Director Director

W.L. Marie Fernando
Chairman / President

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