SH3 - U1l2

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1 Lesson2 Unforgettable memories 1 Listening and speaking a You are going to hear a true story about a boy named Peter. In pairs, look at the photograph. What do you think his story is about? GQ) b Now listen and answer the questions. 1 What was Peter doing when he saw the animal? 2 What was it? 3 What was his first reaction? 4 What did he do next? 5 What was the animal doing when the police arrived? © Inpairs, discuss what happened. 2 Grammar builder: review of past progressive vs. past simple a Match sentences 1 and 2 with the correct time sequence, a or b. Then answer the question. 1 Sam called his father a) Sam called his father. when he saw the Then he saw a robber. robber. 2 Sam was calling his b) Sam sawa robber. father when he saw Then he called his the robber. father. In which sentence was Sam on the telephone to 3 Writing, reading, and speaking his father when he saw the robber? ‘interest a a Write about an interesting experience in your b Complete the article with correct forms of the fe. Write the story in three short paragraphs, verbs in parentheses. ‘one for each of these topics: Peter and the Big Cat + the context—anything relevant such as how old you were, whether you were alone or with someone, what you were doing, etc. + the event—what happened, how you reacted, what you did, ete Twelve-year-old Peter Sutton had the experience of his life yesterday. He was alone in the house, and he () (wash) the dishes in the kitchen when he @ (see) a larg animal in te yard At frst, he (3) (think) it was a big dog. When he * the outcome—how it ended, whether it ® (realize the animal was a tier he affected you afterwards, etc ©) (feel very tightened, He (6) —_ b Inpairs, exchange and read your stories. Don’t (shake all over he said, but he (7) (po)t0 the comment except to ask for clarification of the kitchen doo and (8) (shut) He then stories if necessary. 9) (call) the police. When the police and a Read your own story again, and improve it if tiger trainer (10) (arrive), the tired young 7 iy Bengal tiger (11) (sleep) peacefully in the sun you can, e.g. expressing something more ‘outside the kitchen door. Peter (12) (look) clearly, correcting any language mistakes. down at it from the window of his bedroom upstairs, with d_ Put your stories on the wall or the board. Read the door locked. What a story to tell at school! them all, and discuss them. Which is the most memorable story? 4 Word builder: so / too / either / neither a Lookat the examples. \ Unit Les do / did / am / Affirmative Negative would / can / etc. A B A B Jhaveanew car. A: Joe doesn't work full time. He doesn't / didn't / isn't / Ido,too!/Sodol! —_B: Carl doesn't either. / Neither wouldn't / can't / ete. does Carl. Neither does / did /is/ liked the movie, A: Marsha didn't go to the party. would / can / etc. I did, too./So did! 8: I didn’t either./ Neither did | 50 do / did /am / would / What are so, too, either, and neither used to express? can /etc. a) similarity b) difference ¢) surprise - - What is the word order with too / either and with so / neither? Which of these four words are used in the affirmative and which in the negative? b Mary and Sean are at a party. Complete their conversation using 0, t00, either, or neither. Mary: Mary: Sean: Mary Sean: Hello. My name's Mary.1'm from Ireland, Ah, (1) am I! 'm Sean. Where are you from in Ireland? Well, was born in Cork Really! | was, (2) Did you go to UCC? No, | didn't go to university. (3) ___ did | went to Cork Technical College. ‘Ah! So did |. But | didn’t graduate from there, 'm afraid. Really? | didn't (4) It was terrible. They said | was cheating, but someone was cheating off me. Hey— your name's Sean, you said? Sean Murphy? It was you! No,'m Sean uh ... Reilly. Oh dear! It's eight o'clock. have to go. Bye! 5 Speaking a Check () the things in the table that are true for you. b_ Now find someone with three or more things the same as you. Write the other student's name next to each item under “Friend.” You Friend You was born ina small town. wasn't born in a small town, Im an only child. Ym not an only child. Liked sports at school. | didn't like sports at school. Huse the Internet a lot. | don't use the Internet at all. A: Neither am 1. either. she, Friend A: Lwas born in a small town. B: So was I,m not an only child, 2 Unforgettable memories review of past progressive vs. simple past Use: Past progressive: to describe continuous activities in the past. The sun was shining. Form: subject + was /were + verb + ing 1 was walking down the street. He / She were You/We Use: Past simple: to describe events that interrupted longer activities or a series of past events in sequence. The sun was shining when | eft the house. Iwalked down the road and got into my car. Grammar Circle the correct form: past simple or past progressive. I was @tudyingy studied in New York when I@iety was meeting my wife. She sat /was sitting in a café when | saw /was seeing her for the first time. She was wearing /wore a beautiful blue dress and that’s why | was noticing / noticed her. | introduced / was introducing myself and asked / was asking her if | could sit at her table. She was saying /said"yes" and the rest is history! ‘Complete the paragraph with the correct forms of the verbs in parentheses. Ali is now 12 years old, but when he was 9 he had an adventure. One day when he Came (come) home from school, he (1) (see) his little sister walk into their hut. He suddenly (2) (hear) a scream from the hut. He (3) __ (run) inside and he (4) (find) his sister's head in a big lion’s mouth. He (5) ____ (take) a stick and (6)___ (hit) the lion on the head. The lion (7) (run) out of the hut. His sister wasn't seriously injured. Later, his father told him the lion probably (8) (look) for food in the hut, when his sister 9) (enter) and frightened it Write about when you first met a friend. Iwas a (what?) when I met (who?) We met in _ (where /when?). He/She and! _ (clothes). (how the conversation started). Unit 2 Word builder: so and neither a. Read the information about Gail and Jacky. Complete the sentences using so or neither. Gail and Jacky are twin sisters. They are identical in every way. int swim and neither can Jacky, 1 Jacky works as a waitress 2 Gail doesn't like fish 3 Jacky has a motorcycle 4 Gail wasn't wearing jeans yesterday 5 Jacky would like to be an actress b Correct the sentences. There is one mistake in each sentence. Birds can sing and people can sing either. Birds can sing and so can people, _ 1 Iman only child and is my friend, too. 2 Iplay tennis every day and so do Peter. 3. Dogs like going to the park and neither do people. 4 George can't drive and Mary can't, too, Wei like to have a party and neither would our sisters. © Make sentences with so, neither, either, or too and the words in parentheses. Mexicans speak Spanish and so do Colombians (Colombians) | Australians speak English and (Canadians) 2 Children like milk and (lions) 3 Cats don't like water and - (birds) 4 Whales live in the ocean and a - (sharks) 5 Babies can't talk and (crocodiles) Discourse objectives @ Deve raph f © Expose students tomore extended, _@ Teac natural spoken discourse e Language objec ° p the unit topic: if eve Review the st simph past simple to talk abo © Develop listening sil: istening for main ideas and for details, avoiding @ breakdown ofthe listening process due to unknown words 1 Listening and speaking 1a © Ask the students to look at the phot what the story is about. Write the words boy and tiger on the board along with other key words that come up 1b © Have the student listen to the story to answer the questions. Te them not to write anything dawn while they listen the first time s0 that they lsten to the whole story @ Play the recording mote than once, Learner development Students often panic and st that they dorit understand, Train the’ efficient listeners by ignoring the wor Tel ther to continue to listen when they he: that you will play the recording vera times. sk them to reflect on what t and to guess what they possibly missed b fen they heara obe and assure the’ Understood ANSWERS: 1 He was washing the dishes. 2 It was a tiger ‘3 He shut the kitchen door, 4 He called the police, $ It was sleeping outside the door. Pa Woman: | love animals. Man: So do |. used to have five dogs. | only have one now, andacat, (Oh, Ihave a dog and a cat, too, What about you, Peter? No—animals make me nervous. had a memorable ‘experience with an animal when | was a kid. (Oh, what was that? ‘Well, was 12 years old when it happened. | was washing the dishes inthe kitchen when | saw the animal. thought it was a dog at first—a big, black and yellow dog. Then it turned and started coming toward me and realized that it was tiger. | noticed the kitchen door was open, so shut it quickly. was shaking all over! Remember that | was only 12 and | was alone in the house. Then I called the police. They told me to lack all Woman: Peter Man: Peter: the doors and windows and to call the neighbors. In about ten minutes, the police arrived with a tiger trainer from the circus. When they arrived, the tiger was asleep! It was sleeping in the sun outside the kitchen door. it vas only a young tiger and it had escaped from the circus. ‘Wow, that was some experience! | wouldn't ike being s0 close toa tiger either. Neither would || only love wild animals like that at 9 safe distance students into pairs and have them reconstruct th Ask the students to take turns, each recounting ent in the story ata time. For example, student A: Peter review of past progressive vs. past simple 2a @ Have the students match sentences 1 and 2 with the sequences a)or b) and decide in which sentence Sam was on the lephone to his father when he saw the ro © Ask the students which words are different between sentences and 2in order to elicit called and was calling. Blicit which is the past simple and which isthe past progressive @ Before continuing, make sure that the students remember difference in form and meaning between the past simple and the past progr AX Language help The past simple is used to talk about activities that beg and ended ata particular time in the past The past roaressive expresses an activity ime in the past while somet when something else interrupte: 2b @ Tell the students to complete the article. @ When you check the answers, make sure that they understand why 2 particular tense is used in each case ANSWERS: 1 was washing 2saw 3thought 4 realized Sfelt 6 was shaking 7went B shut 9 called 10 arrived ‘Twas sleeping 12 was looking 3 Writing, reading, and speaking 3a @ Tell the students that they are going to write about an interesting experience. ell ther to think about a time when something funny, surprising, or scary happened to them, @ Have the students outline their ideas for the three paragraphs before they start writing, 3b @ Ask the students to read their partners'stories, focusing on content. @ When they have finished reading, have them ask each other for more details or for clarification. 3c @ Tell the students to add details and to improve their stories where necessary. 3d @ Have the students put up their stories on the wall and let them ‘walk around reading thei classmates’ experiences © Asa class discuss the stories and have the students vote on ‘hich is the most memorable story. 4 Word builder: so / too / either / neither 4a © Introduce the students to the concepts of 0, oo, ether, and nether by walking around the room and cormmenting on similarities and diferences between the people in the class, 9. Sarah has a white shirt on. does Frank. Enrique has a pen. 40, too,etc @ Aftera few examples, you might encourage the students to respond as well. @ Askthe students to read the four examples inthe book @ Have the students answer the three questions individually orn pairs before discussing them asa class ANSWERS: 1 similarity 2100 either: subject + verb + f00/ ‘either so/ neither: so/ neither + verb + subject 3 affirmative: 00/30; negative: ether /neither Language assistant @ Point out thatthe examples in exercise 4a are in the present and the past . @ Explain to the students how the auniliaries are used with so, t00, either, and neither. A Language help The phrase with soto, ether, or neither always uses an aula. the rst sentence uses an auxiliary, the phrase with 5,0, ether, oF neither uses the same ausilay asin the following examples: dont ave car Tomweuld lp you | would co ‘Shedoesn'teitier. Neiherdoes she So would | Kayeantt swim Jimeantteither, Neither ean Jim Even ifthe fist sentence doesn't have an auliary, the phrase with so, too, either, or nether does: Martha loves chocolate. do, too. Sodo! Ihave two sisters Caviadoes roo. Sodoes Carla Gary came yesterday. Troy did, 00. Sodid Troy © Elicit some other examples from the students to make sure that they understand, Ask the students to make up examples with a variety of auxiliaries, including can or would, 4b @ Ask the students to read the whole conversation before they fill inthe blanks @ After they have completed the conversation, have them check it inpairs, ANSWERS: 1:0 2t00 3Neither 4 ether 5 Speaking 5a © Tel the students toflin the table with information about themselves. 5b @ there is enough space in the classroom, have the students walk ‘around the room and talk to classmates in order to complete their table. @ Askthe students to use the model conversation when talking to leach other Walk around the room and check that they are using 50,00, either, and neither in their conversations, Workbook Have your students work through the exercises on pages 6 and 7 ofthe Workbook. Answers on page 126

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