Property News Tenders

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ee Auction of 1.52 acres Commercial Site at IT Park, Sector 67, Mohali Punjab Infotech invites applications for the auction of Commercial Site for setting up a Commercial Complex (Including Shopping Mall, Retail Complex/Multiplex, Hotel etc.) at IT Park in Sector 67, Mohali Site Highlights * Large contiguous commercial land parcel in the heart of the city that will be centre of all attention — residential developments and mushrooming corporate sector around will give this commercial site a wonderful head start. Great accessibility and connectivity through a wide road network, just ten minutes from airport & railway station, ¢ Limited commercial development and inadequate retail/hospitality developments in the city give this property a unique advantage of becoming the primary and only commercial hub in the city. Screaming potential of approximately 198,634 sq ft which can accommodate a banquet hotel, a multiplex, branded showrooms and other retail/recreation centers. Reserve Price: 760 crores ~ Spending on a good location will definitely pay off in the future with business growth, increasing revenues and recognition as the greatest commercial venture inthe city. Area Statement Land Area (in Acres) 1.52 Yay Land Area (in Sq. ft) 66,211 Permitted FAR 3.00 Permissible Built Up Area (Sq. ft.) 198,634 Maximum Ground Coverage 50% ies TIO! a erat | For detailed terms & conditions and other information regarding the project, please download the Information Memorandum from our website : sea Knight} Knight Frank Transaction advisor : Raat a Brie Please contact the following for any queries or clarifications : Dr. R. K. Sangwan si. executive Director (Tech) +91 931 610 5745, rajkumar.sangwan@punjabinfotech. gov. in Punjab Infotech) Smita Bhasin @ +91 124 407 5030, (Knight Frank India Pvt. Ltd.) PUNJAB INFORMATION & COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGY CORPORATION LTD. {An 180 9001 Certified State Government Undertaking) Sth & 6th Floor, Udyog Bhawan, 18—Himalaya Marg, Sector 17, Chandigarh 160017 India, Tel. : +91-172-5020787, 5020780, Fax : +91-172-5020791, PUNJAB e-mail :, Website : IN FOTECH BIRO E CM orc me priSreonaas CSL RCE ORr COLE Ue e LUCE oy BULL Le cane fe esa { fesire: 24.03.2041 | (Rrra: eiuee 01.00 a3) (tara: wife eat) 1. [a5 130000. 2 [eH 7000.60 3. [wath 7a 18 125000.00 4 [eas a8 4125000.00 \ fs '905260.00 ~95000.00 6 969240.00 | _100000.00 251637.00 3000.00 a9 a 240909.00 2500.00 ESCM 393086.00 4000.00 0. [e-2a 13 ~__376895.00 4000.00 wiser adorn nn. [ae —2 '884260.00 9000.00 2 [ee 5 I | 35000.00 Gravee arene 13, [ew —1 (eee va fare) 2451804.00 250000,00 ‘enh atoren 14, | Waex-2 gore i. — 17,23 ___1146547.00, 415000.00 15, | Weex-2 goad —16 1080961.00 | 170000.00 . 16, |aeex-3 gar — 9 2 ~~ 205000,00 erate a7. [ease -4 elt —7 531516.00 '55000.00 48._| aee-4 ata — 10 597515.00__ 0000.00 49, | erge 6 wier— 13,1415 487892,00 5000.00 20, | erge-6 erar— 17,18 yy 31886600 35000.00 am ae 4, trae 8 or at Bente wf Rep glue /P-siige eH of Reema, efor Rarer TRE vox 8 Ber rarer 8 pr cea a, fetes 24.08.2041 ah hee 04.00 ach oem inter wea we AN warfare 81° 2. ya Ree ype a 25 wher eI sear ae cae BAe 0 wrt ee A ee 3, 75 era re aiert—ors AR STE «Baraat eat are | 4, sateen at sears 2) dt 8 PH Ae Aan | ays sere sito oh orrend Har gis OO i aaa ax ay awh Bae orem 8. werd trenga/ord gre ane we ae a fang ce Refers fee aR & wre sire ee ance | deciren @) Aes H aT BA Ry gee ASTM a eT TT] 8 semen sites rH /aewem es Pre ar ern eet gel a Ae ea ae ee | Te) ator ore" oy tet eel herrea oom eA {ier mr ab ere 6 wo reel 12a aes mr vei Alar @ eras Reef Ah ares A sTURR ox Rare el Pear 7, Rega -Fra ee ett ah go carter eter SOO a arent areas argos Fares 23.09.2014 ‘es et here fee we AY a ORM 2 | Website: afters after (carerenfites) State Bank of India Area Bulandshahar Road, Ghaziabad Indian Overseas Bank eer oie ean See ay a mr mea g o Meee aaa cee eee) NOTICE INVITING TENDERS FROM THE PUBLIC’ ate: 01.03.2011 ‘Sceled Tenders are invited fom the! akon possession underthe provisions of Securitisation and Reconstucton of Francia Assets and Enforcement of Secu Interest Act, 2002 and SacuyIterost Enforcement) Rules, 2002. M/S B & $ Clothing Co, 36, 2nd Floor Link Road, Lajpat Nagar‘, New Delhi-10029 Is 2 boomer of Indan Ovefsees Bank Defence Golony Branch ard an amount of Rupees Rs 1955403s due tothe bank s.on 28.02.2011 wit further interest al 16.25% rato rom that date onwards and the account has been clasiied as NPA as per RB. | noms. The Bank had issued a Demand notice under Sac 13(2) ofthe above Act othe borowers [WS B & 8 Clothing and Guerantors MH. 8. Chadha, Mr. J. 8. Chadha and Smt. ‘Shabnam Chadha caling upon tem to rpay the amount mentioned inthe rote being rupees Rs, 94,83,290/ wih futher interest @ 16.25% from 06.42.2008 tothe dale of| ‘paymentwithin 60 days rom the date ofthe natce which was duy served. Asthebortower fale to repay the amount undersigned being the Authorised Officer of Indian Overseas Bank under the above Act, had taken possasson of he property deserved herin bolow Including the ight to transtr by way of sale for reaiing the dues in exercise of powers conferred onthe BANK under Sac 13(4) ofthe above Act ‘S.No. | Description of property 1. | Shop space front potion of Mezzanine floor ofa two storied balding, Manipal 10, 1878, Sutan Singh Building, Kashmere Gate, Delhi-110006 acmeasurng 540‘ ft covered area inthe name of MH. S. Chadha , Mr. JS. Chadha and ‘Smt Shabnam Chadha, Notice is hereby given to pubic in general andi the borrowers and Guarantors thats proposed to sel the secured asset taken possession by the Bank as sacured credtor Inviting sealed tenders, ‘The interested pares may submit sealed tenders directly tothe Authorised Ofer, Indan ‘Overseas Bank Defence Colony Branch New Delhi on o before 30.03.2011 by 3.00 P.M. ‘Any tender submited arte date andtime mentored above will notbe entertained. The tenders wil be opened on 03.04.2011 at 3,00 PM. a Indlan Overseas Bank, Defence Colony, New Delhi by the Authorised Offcer in the presence ofthe tenderers or ther authorised representatives wo may remain present and increase thec fer pice, they 60 deste. The terms and conditions subject to which the sale shal be conducted are stipulated hereunder: 1. The reserve roe fixed sR. 55.00 acs below which the property may notbe sod 2. Ademand draft for Rs. 13.75 lacs Favouring Indian Overseas Bank, Tender Alc MIS B & & Clothing should be enciosed with each tender appication and this amount wil be rafunded to all unsuccessful applicants. 3. Thedeciaret highest tenderer should deposit 25% of the highest tender amounton the Spotin cash and remaining amount within 15 days from that date, Faure to remit the entre amount of the purchase price witin the stipulated period wll esu in forfeiture of deposi of 25% ofthe tender price and foreture of al claims over the property anit willeresod 4. Legal charges for conveyance and stamp duty and registration charges as applicable wile bome bythe purchaser. 5. Theauthorised offer reserves tha right to decine or aoceptthe highest tender without {assigning any reason and! ro adjoum or postpone opening of tenders 3. The intending bidders can inspect the property between 10A.M. and 5 PM. on all ‘working days bl! 30.03.2011 afer xing prior appointment wth the undersigned or the ‘manager, 1B Defence Colony Branch, t's the responsibly ofthe tenderer to Inspect and satisfy themselves about the ‘assets and specications before paricintin nthe ender. . Saleissubjctto confirmation by the Bank . The above secured asset will be sold in ‘AS IS WHERE IS" and AS IS WHAT IS* conction, O.Any statutory dues like property tax, EB, charges , etc, shall be bome by the purchaser, 1.The sealed tenders shoud be addressed to Authorised Officer, Indian Overseas Bank, Defence Colony 19-22 MoolChand Shopping Complex, Defence Colony, New Delhi 110026. The lef op comer ofthe cover shouldbe Supersorived' wih PUBLIC TENDER {giving name of property) Defence Colony Branch’. Any other information about the ‘Pubic Tender. Or the proery etc, i required can be collected fom the Authorised Offer at Indian Overseas Bank, Defence Colony.19-22 MoolChand Shopping Complex, Defence Colony, New Delhit10024 Phone No 24693055.24621487 ate : 01.03.2011, Authorised Officer lace :New Delhi Indian Oversea nn RASMECCC-CUM-SARC, Industrial FE} Area Bulandshahar Road, Ghaziabad SIG em oca Co State Bank of Indi (Rule -8) Public Notice for Sale of Assets by Inviting Bids, (Taken over under securttsaton& Reconstrucions of nancial sets and Enforearentof Secu Ineest Act, 2002) The uncer noted propery shal be sold by inviting sealed bids under the ordarof Authorised Ofce af State Berk otindia, RASMECCC: CUM-SARC: Bulandshahar Road, Ghaziabad, a Secured Creditor under under Securtization & Reconstuctorof Financial Ass snd Eniorcementof Secu InlerestAct 2002, fr dues payable o Slate Barkof india pr detalsgven below = Name of =H Outstanding due Reserve] Earnest Honey | act del and tine fr anes: Description of Property ae nt (Rs) riod fale cepoted receiving Tender Sh Ngum Capa So] Em of residential property No. S30, + [4000 | 4001es | 2103207 Svcs cena ante 2, Fy Edeca Cre Meacews,| Z2076900+ | 40. wb 500 pm. : Pocket-C, Sec. Pai, Gr. Noda measuring Sc te Mt2} 1390 sq 4 accomodation 3 bed room| 0.232008 {Gupta Wo Sh. Nppun} 4 drawing/dining room, kitchen and 3 ipa Ro 10 Strat] foets wih balconies inthe name of Sh — aS Nod | Noun Gupta 0 Sh: Gop Chara ND NB 5. Th est of noviodgo and iomaton oft bar tae are no oer encanbrans Sally SA such ac ose Property taxes, excise duty sale tx, cess, charges if any, shal be borne bythe purchaser Terms & Conditions {ine aforesaid propery shall not be sid below the reserve price mentoned above. Intending bidders are required to depos he Bean ngney azar tera onov yay ofpay ordrdenare dra payable at GAZIABAL and votre suhorcegoficer Sise Bankaf india, RASMECCC-CUM-SARC. Bulerdshahar Road, Ghaziabad, drawn on any Bank The said Gepost shal be adusiedin he fase of successful Bidder, otherajse refunded on the data of opening the bid tse The ofr alongwith the aforosad Eames! Money Deposit (EMO) shouldbe made in. sealed cover superscribed “Ofer for Purchase of Property (Residential iat No: S32, and Hooy, Ekieco Green Meadows, Posket-C, Sec-Pal, Gr. Nodida) so astoreach the afice othe Undersigned branch on cr before 21 08 2617 upto 5 00pm, 2 Ofer so received by the undersigned wil be opened on 22.03 2011 at 1100 am, 3. The sucrosstl purchaser shall Gepost 25 ofthe amountof sale piae adjusting EMD already paid fling which the EMD shal stand foraied 4 Thetlancee’ Tot at the amount shallbe paid bythe purchaser tothe Autorsed Officer ono befote te teenth day of confirmation cl sae of such extonded fejec se may ve exes afoued by me a.tored ofce ath sole dlcreton ands agieed upon mag between the partes 9s ofthe sale rice bythe purchaser he authorized oficer wil ental forfeiture of the money ‘teaty deposed the purchaser and ne property wl be eso and the detauting purchaser shel fot alcamsiothe propery or any parol te sum for which tay subsequent be sola 5, Autholzed Offic is nat bound a acoepttne gest ole or ry oat ofor Sasa one gl acceptor aot any a a te is woul asining any reason thereon case al he sa reed, ‘Authorized Oficer can nego wth any ofthe Bidderiater pats fr sale af the property by private tteaty The Aulnsized fice reserved the righ! to conduct inlor-se bing among te present bidders lo enhance the offer pice. 6. the Authorized oticer sreanee a cl forthe purchaser. hshr salvo, prof of hishavng funds to dapat the bance amount of sale poe 7 ‘The successful bidder bear alte stamp duly, Registration Charges, incidental expenses Bal other expenses shall be borne by the purchaser for gating the sale cerifate registered. 8. The Authorized Offcerraserves the nottto caneelposipane the anor ad! delelelchange any of the term and condtion al any time without any further notice tothe ownerbidderpublc tc 8 Yo the best of ‘ewwedge anc information of he uthorizad Officer, no other encumbrance exists on he propery, Authorised Officer Date -04.03.2011 Place : Ghaziabad ‘State Bank of India, RASMECCC-CUNLSARC, Ghaziabadr SiG cib ieee cise kallaaee } Fata anfet et urease Prater ema fr a war afr 2002 wt are 13 (4)C= | ve va gt rece) fers rr 9 (6) ak 9 aa Pte saftenret ear eee Peer reer tafe aeterertor 2 rata Perera grr Pret oral aa Pere fevar sare fe) seule eat [ain ec ‘ati oe ease) ea eye err eer | or ‘| rare eae ore ere] 20-11-09 | eeafet (srita @ saa) Si WHT 4. 386, t & fre, fen, afi. antfte - ips 5,09.44,404.01) 387 (m1), 38, then area, seme fa} 252 | O52 $181, TNT, a a ed serene ae. FATT | rey IRR am a ey ae |) ae wate Ba 1363.58 at a. teeth: are pa: rete gat thes, vita: Get aT vee, were: Gat wt ae, oT: ETT 2] ted ye at ated wr] 2011-09 | weve sate ie, wee eH, Be fr, aha. siffire- < |no2,50,54469.77 “31 A UE, ee tear, create 14 fer * & Te ae | thera, we feem te AA Seer woH | 38 | 380 ara a et we) a ae 1 AA- 200 eH HH CL aa A shheeeh— ater, ate 217, 312 Th. shat We, aea-3e: weile 4. 219, Wd-ae: we 4.139 Brame aed — 1. ree fated fer re whee no fey hr ean he ofa o-ateepa/arzafen eH orate cok gre eres m2 rece a (THAN) He aE wre 3. we eas Pace a rate ate at ge rc ch are) 25 aT ee 9 are we ll are wa I eT AT Sea see CE. gets 9. meer Fea go ra BA ae ae ahem Fa Fete WR MST A ester anneal /sraratec fire 30 Rare wafer aftr OUST UR te TT TS 15,652 SO.M. (APPROK) WITH BUILTUP AREA ‘© Prime property, strategically located along Baddi-Barotiwala road in close | tess sininttercrg win oct stabinererez? vi || pone 5652 sq.m) with Jonzs LANG LASALLE Real value in a changing world eT ee eres Ce ere eCard (one ries) eee eae) Rees) ask Bank Zonal Office Mumbai Eagles Flight, 6" Floor, Suren Lane, Andheri Kurla Road, Andheri (E), Mumbai 400 093, Tel.: 66682478 Fax: 26832183 Emai PREMISES REQUIRED ON OWNERSHIP |ASIS/LONG LEASE BASIS Sealed offers are invited for commercial premises admeasuring Carpet area of about 2000-2600 Sq.Ft. on the Ground Floor/First Floor in and around Mohammad Ali Road on Ownership/Long Lease basis, ‘The premises should be free from all enoumbrances in an approved bullding/commercial complex toniorming to the conditions stipaisies bythe concemed Goverment Authonties for commercial use Inferested parties having clea tie to the premises and occupancy may submit their sealed offers atthe above adress within 18 deve Bank however feserves the right to reject any or all the offers witoat assigning any reason So. ae IRN. rf Dated: 05.03,2018 Note’: No‘Brokerage wile’ pakd by the Bak a (Uniteasiaikrardonn GOVERNMENT OF INDIA, INCOME TAX DEPARTMENT. OFFICE OF THE ASSTT. DIRECTOR OF INCOME TAX-1, GURGAON 6th FLOOR, HSTIDC BUILDING, VANIJYA NIKUNJ, UDYOG ‘VIHAR, PHASE:V GURGAON. TELEPHONE NO. 0124-2450337 ENO. ADIE-/GGN/2010-11/1010 Date : 04/03/2011 “Income Tax office (Investigation) Gurgaon needs an independent office premise on Jease in Udyog Vihar, Gurgaon. ‘The area required is UppTox. Sa. Complete A/C and power back up is required. RO water system and security cabin for guards is required, Proximity to NHB, quality of con struction and parking arca will be considered while finalizing the contract If interested, your proposal should reach this office on the address given under within a week from the date of publication. Interested parties may lso contact Sh, B.S. Sharma, Inspector, Income Tax (Inv), Gurgaon on mobile ; 09468300314" ye : (RAJESH KUMAR MISHRA) | Asstt. Director of Income Tax (Inv,-1, Gurgton, Rrra rs 1¢ Bank is looking for alternative shift B.U.Naraina presently functioning from C-42, Community| |Centre, Naraina, New Delhi-110028 |The premises should have a built up area Jof about 2500 to 3000 sq.ft. area| preferably on ground floor and on main} road with ample space for/parking. |The Bank is also looking for suitable] [premises in & around Andrews Ganj, IKhelgaon Marg, New Delhi in the} vicinity of Ansal Plaza for our proposed Inew branch. Interested parties who are desirous of| outright sale/ lease out their premises to the Bank may submit their offers indicating therein the location, area expected cost on a/c of sale and in case lof lease out rent per sq.ft. along with building plan so as to reach the jundersigned within 15 days from the date of issue of this notige |) 9) 2 inchar ge (Esthtes Deptt) iE 0 Se de ate tart ws Fat STATE BANK OF BIKANER & JAIPUR | Zonal Office, Ahimsa Bhawan, Shanker Road, New Rajender Nagar, New’ Delhi-110080 PREMISES REQUIRED FOR KRISHNA NAGAR DELHI BRANCH Sealed tenders are invited for premises for Krishna Nagar Delhi Branch having a carpet area of 2500-2700 ‘Sq.ft on lease basis. Ready built premises on ground floor and nearby F Block (Vijay Chowk) are preferable. The tenders should be submitted in two bid system (Technical & Financial). ‘The Technical Bid: should contain area, location and other physical details, building plan of the Premises availability of water ‘and electrical supply and parking space ete! Premises offered should have all clearance Certificates trom concemed authorities. The Einancial Bid : should contain the rent Per Fah carpet area, advance, ff required, lease terms along with the future increase in rent, taxes/Service Tax etc. must be mentioned specifically. ‘sealed envelopes containing bids shall be ‘super scribed ‘as Technical & Financial bids as “Premises for Krishna Nagar Delhi branch” should reach the undersigned within 21 days from the date of this advertisement (ie. upto 24/03/2011 till 5.00 P.M.). Permission for commercial use of proposed premises is necessary and alteration thereat shall be done as per Bank's plan & norms. This advertisement is also available on the bank website & Y) in hosted by NIC The Bank reserves its right to accept or reject any or all the proposal(s) without assigning any reasons whatsoever may be. “fers through broker will not be accepted by the Bank. 2 ASSTT.GENERAL MANAGER REGION-

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