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P.O. Box – (101), Maesod, Tak. 63110, Tel / Fax (+ 66) 55 531 463, Email: Website: ndfburma.blogspot.


Statement on Military Attacks by Military Clique against SSPP/SSA

Statement Nr-002/06/Head-11

1. Attacks by troops of the SPDC military clique against the Shan State Progressive Party (SSPP)/
Shan State Army (SSA) base camps from March 13 to 15, 2011 were perfidious and war-
mongering acts by the military clique. The launching of the so-called 4-cut operations by the
military clique in the base areas of the SSPP has caused untold misery to the local populations.
We, the NDF, strongly condemn the SPDC military clique for these heinous acts.

2. Continued attacks on the ethnic nationalities and intimidation through show of military force by the
military clique are in disparity with its declaration to form a civilian government and march on the
democratic road. If the military clique continues to use its military force as a means for pressure,
the various armed ethnic nationalities will have to resist collectively and thus the flame of civil war
in Burma will burn more fiercely. If it is the case, the military clique alone must be held responsible.

3. The military clique has continued to use violence and war in repudiation of constant calls by the
ethnic nationality forces to resolve the political problems politically, through dialogue and
negotiation. These acts of militarists have smashed national unity to bits and we can never look
forward to national reconciliation in anyway.

4. We would like to appeal earnestly to the international community to use pressure and humanitarian
intervention in order to stop offensives by the military clique and to help effectively the innocent
peoples of the ethnic nationalities, who have to face endless troubles due to heinous acts of the
military clique.

5. In conclusion, we solemnly urge members of recently formed the ‘United Nationalities Federal
Council’ to collectively use political and military means to resist one sided pressure by the military

“We shall achieve victory through alliance”

Central Executive Committee

National Democratic Front (NDF)
March 17, 2011
Media Contact Chairman (66)087 207 9296, GS (66)086 206 4045

œLiberty œEquality œSocial Progress

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