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Prashant Lakhera

1. Analyze what has happened so far in the CRA-CDB project. Has Lakhera missed
opportunities to manage the situation effectively?

Answer 1.

a. Deepak Gosh was appointed as a technical expert from CDB.

b. Prahsant Lakhera and Gagan Bedi appointed as financial analysts from CRA
c. Site analysis and preparation of financial report

A. First meet of the team (all three) … they could have first laid a foundation for good
relationship and know each other, as they had to work together in future.
B. Lakhera could have approached Gosh once again in the evening on the first day of site
visit to discuss the language problem.
C. Lakhera should have discussed the problem of not getting the inputs from Gosh and
discussed it further with his boss also.
D. After a phone call Prashant should have discussed issue with Deepak.
E. After site visit there was no communication between two
F. After meeting and travelling in car Lakhera should have clarified sensitive issue raised by
2. Evaluate Lakhera’s options
a. Should approach Deepak and convenience him about importance of report
b. Should approach Phadnis and ask him to intervene

3. What would you do in the next few minutes and in the next few hours if you were in
Lakhera’s shoes? Be specific

a. Should approach Deepak and convenience him about importance of report

b. Try to get in as many important inputs required as he can from Deepak


1. Ask phadnis for advice and settle things with ghosh

a. Ghosh will come back and report
b. Frame critical questions and ask for required info


a. Escalate tensions
b. Running short of time
c. Report may not be elaborated
d. Quality may be affected
2. Request client ccl for more time and redo the reports

a. Deadline extension
b. Report will be completed with proper technical and financial analysis
c. Ccl ultimate stakeholder has highest potential issues due to grading delays


a. Money costs of conducting sites visit again

b. Time costs
c. Spoil the image of CRA

3. Request grading committee

a. Higher probability to maintain client relationships
b. More time to build relationship with ghosh
c. Internal problem of the team not visible to client

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