Chronosphere (1) : 2. Backtrack (1) 4. Backtrack

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1. Time Walk[1]
2. Backtrack[1]
3. Time Walk[2]
4. Backtrack[2]
5. Time Walk[3]
6. Chronosphere[1]
7. Backtrack[3]
8. Time Walk[4]
9. Backtrack[4]
10. Time Lock[1]
11. Chronosphere[2]
12.-14. Time Lock[4]
15. Stats
16. Chronosphere[3]
17.-25. Stats
In this build we skill Time Walk and Backtrack to escape and avoid damage. It´s a very
defensive guide and we won´t get many kills at the beginning. We stay passive and try
to get money and make as much lasthits as possible, so we can buy our expensive items
and begin in the midgame with killing other heroes. This is a build I wouldn´t
recommand: You shoulnd´t hide yourself in the Midgame, it´s the best time to make
kills with Void!



Wraith Bands to get some Stats and of course Boots. We buy AGI-PT because it gives
you some bonus damage a nice AS boost (25 normal AS bonus + 10% AS from the 10
agility bonus). That´s important because we need a high AS to make as much damage
an bashes as possible while the enemy is trapped inside of our Chronosphere.


/ /
MoM is one of the best items you can get for Void: It grants a huge attack- and
movement-speed bonus but makes you 30% more vulnerable. But if we use the MoM
when we are in our Chronosphere where the enemies can´t attack us we will not take
any serious damage. I´ll give a detailed description how to use the MoM later.
After you finished the MoM you can continue with one of the following items:
 If you want to skip the expensive midgame items and rush directly for Butterfly
you should buy at least a Yasha. It grants you +16 agility(+16 DMG and +16% AS), +15
AS and 10% MS. With our AGI-PT, our MoM and our Yasha we have enough damage, AS
and MS to make kills in the midgame so we can begin now with getting Butterfly.
  It doesn´t grants any AS but it gives us some very cheap damage,
additional regeneration and 35% cleave. With our cleave we can easily make double-kills
if we trap 2 or more low-HP heros near each other in our Chronosphere. In addition to
that we can easily farm large creep-waves what helpes us to get our expensive lategame
 People often say that the mini-stun doesn´t stacks with your Bash but they are
wrong! The Bash with the longest duration always overwrites the shorter Bash. That
means if you bashed an enemy and then make a mini-bash with your MKB your stun
overwrites the shorter bash from the MKB. The MKB gives you +80 damage and +15 AS
but it costs 5400g. Because of its high costs I would not buy this item unless you play
against heros with a very high evasion chance like Mortred.


Butterfly is a realy important lategame item, it gives you very much AS, +60(!) damage
and a nice evasion chance, which stacks with your Backtrack. Buriza is often the last
item I buy, because the game is nearly ended then. It gives you again some damage
and a real nice krit(x2,4). Buy Buriza if you focus on killing single heros with many HP
but if there are many low-HP heros and you decided to buy Yasha or MKB in midgame
buy a Battlefury! With your very high damage you can easily make double- or tripple
kills if you are abled to trap 2 or 3 low -HP heros near each other in your Chronosphere. 

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