Dessert - Paris-Brest

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Paris -Brest

Choux Paste

Water 250 mls 500 mls 1 Lt

Butter 100 gm 200 gm 400 gm
Flour (Strong) 125 gm 250gm 500 gm
Eggs 4 8 16
Caster sugar 5g 10 g 20 g
Almonds 10 g 20 g 40 g
Icing sugar To dust
Crème Pâtissierè filling

Egg yolks 2 4 8
Caster sugar 40 g 80 g 160 g
Flour 25 g 50 g 100 g
Milk 160 ml 320 ml 640 ml
Instant coffee ½ tsp 1 tsp 2 tsp
Salt Pinch
Vanilla essence 1-2 drops
1. Melt the butter in a heavy bottomed pan, add the water and bring to the boil.
2. Add the sieved flour and mix in with a wooden spoon then return to the heat and cook out
until the paste is smooth and leaves the side of the pan.
3. Remove from the heat and allow to cool.
4. Gradually add the beaten eggs mixing to a smooth paste each time. You have added
enough egg when the paste reaches a dropping constancy.
5. Beat in the sugar
6. Preheat the oven to 200c and put the choux pastry in a bag fitted with a plain nozzle.
7. Pipe a 3 inch (8cm) circle onto a piece of baking paper.
8. Pipe another ring directly inside this one, then another ring on top of the first two. repeat
the process 4-5 times.
9. Brush each one with beaten egg and sprinkle with flaked almonds.
10. Bake for 15-20 minutes then lower the oven to 180c and bake for another 10 minutes.
11. Remove from the baking tray and place on a wire rack.
12. When cold slice the rings in half horizontally and scoop out any uncooked pastry.
13. Now make the crème pâtissière. Beat the egg yolks and sugar in a bowl until pale and
fluffy, then stir in the flour.
14. Bring the milk to the boil and add the coffee, salt and vanilla. Whisk the milk mixture
into the egg mixture, return to the pan and whisk continuously over a moderate heat. If lumps
start to form, simply remove from the heat and whisk hard until smooth again. Keep whisking
until smooth and creamy, then cook for a further 2 minutes. Scrape out into a bowl and leave to
15. To finish the gateau, place the bottom half of the ring on a serving plate, pipe on the
crème pâtissière and set the upper ring on top. The cream should 'squidge' out of the sides.
16. Dust generously with icing sugar and serve.

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