Dessert - Saverin

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Rum Baba’s and Savarin’s

dough Makes 60
Strong plain white flour 1k
Salt 20g
Sugar 60g
Yeast 60g
Warm Milk 200g
Butter 300g
Savarin Syrup
Sugar 4k
Water 6lt
Oranges cut in slices 6
Lemons cut in slices 6
Teabag 1
Rum 1 bottle
To make
Crème chantilly or rum
flavoured pastry cream
Apricot jam or blond glaze
A selection of fresh fruit

1. Dissolve the yeast into lukewarm milk.
2. Shape the flour into a well in a mixing bowl. Add the eggs, sugar, salt and dissolved
yeast in the middle. Mix.
3. Knead with electrical mixer with a hook adapter. Knead until the dough stops
sticking to the sides of the bowl.
4. Add the chunks of soft butter.
5. Clean the sides of the bowl and cover with a clean cloth and keep aside in a warm
place until the dough doubled in volume.
6. When the dough has risen, beat it back with your hands.
7. Grease savarin pans or individual baba pans.
8. Fill up each pan to 3/4 of its capacity. Let it grow again until the dough reaches the
9. Glaze the surface of the babas with egg yolks and bake in a warm oven at 180°C
(356°F) for 15 to 20 minutes. The babas will rise and turn golden.
10. When baked, de-mould and place on a wire rack to cool and dry.

Note, the baba’s are best if they are made the day
before and left to dry over night.
To make the syrup.

11. Make a 30°bromide syrup in a pot. When done, remover from the heat and,
add rum, fruit and tea bag.
12. Let the syrup marinade for 20 minutes.
13. strain the liquid and dispose of the fruit and teabag.
14. Bring the liquid back to the simmer.
15. Soak the babas, made from the day before.
16. Soak them 2 or 3 at a time, flipping them half way through cooking, so that
they soak the syrup on all sides. The baba’s will double in size as they soak
up the syrup.
17. Take them out with a slotted spoon and put them on a plate. Let them cool.

To put the baba’s together

18. Melt the apricot jam in a bit of water over low heat. Whisk the glaze from time to
time to keep it fluid.
19. Meanwhile, prepare the fruits
20. Make the chantilly cream by whisking double cream with sugar and vanilla or
make some rum-flavoured pastry cream.
21. If there is a bit of syrup left, pour it on top of the babas to fully soak them.
22. Add a bit of rum for flavour.
23. Fill the inside of the babas with cream.
24. Decorate with fruits.
25. When decorated, glaze the fruits with icing.
26. Keep refrigerated until you serve them.

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