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By: Muhammad Arif B. Ruzlan

Today was the first day in this third semester for ‘Gerko’ class with Pn.

Choong. Our class, B.Ed TESL cohort 3 (SM 1) will learn tennis game with her. Our

class starts at 8.00 a.m. in the Tuesday morning and we need to gather in front of

‘Gerko’ meeting room.

We were shocked by our ‘Gerko’ lecturer when she suddenly asked us to do

2.4km run in this morning. She asked us to record our partner time for 2.4km run. I

felt so tired when done the activity because almost three weeks I did not exercise

during the holiday. I only played futsal just three times during the holiday. My time

record for the 2.4km run for this semester getting worst compared to my record

before. Not only me, but all of our record became horrible for this semester.

After the activity, we gathered at Gerko’s hall with Pn. Choong and talked

about our result for 2.4km run. Pn. Choong was disappointed with us because we did

not do the run seriously. She said that we did not show good attitudes and be serious

in work started from first semester until this semester. She advised us to change our

attitude because we are going to be a teacher. She also wanted us to create a good

memory while learning with her.

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