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June 4, 2021

School Boards Association

"When the Lt. Governor announced her Education Taskforce to research claims of “indoctrination” in our
K-12 School Systems, the ISBA inquired with her office to see whether they planned to include the locally
elected officials who are responsible for adopting the curricular materials used in our public schools –
school board members. When the committee was announced, we were stunned to see the lack of other
respected educational professionals at the table and among those invited to present. While the school
board is the sole adopter of local school curriculum – the process is not done in a silo or an echo chamber.
The Board considers the recommendations of professionals who are knowledgeable about pedagogy and
their content-areas as well as input from parents and community members. Some of the comments made by
committee members towards the end of the last meeting made it clear that the lack of education
professionals on the committee would leave its members to make under-informed, disparaging statements
about the thousands of professionals who take very seriously their responsibility of educating all of Idaho’s
schoolchildren, including those in marginalized communities.

The context and purpose of the committee prompted further misgivings when both of the co-chairs
announced their candidacy for Idaho’s highest political office. ISBA suddenly found itself as a party to a
committee whose purpose seems to have more to do with partisan campaigning than it does with
approaching a sensitive topic with respect, care, and the involvement of all voices at the table. Our
concerns about this committee were further solidified when the first meeting made it clear the committee
didn’t intend to research claims of indoctrination, but instead invited individuals who are well known for
pushing anti-public education rhetoric around the state and our country. Diversity, equity, and inclusion are
not controversial topics in our view. As school leaders, we have a responsibility to help all the children in
our care reach their highest potential. Some of Idaho’s largest and best corporations tell us regularly that
competence in these areas is necessary for recent graduates to be viable employees. Lastly, we are
confident that our school districts and charter schools have processes in place for any patron to inspect
curricular materials and file grievances regarding any material they feel gives cause for concern.

As a leader elected by my peers to represent school boards across Idaho, I have made the choice to
withdraw from the Lt. Governor’s Education Taskforce. We respectfully ask the co-chairs, and the
committee, to consider the negative impact their words will have on school communities. As always, the
ISBA is a resource for school leaders, other duly elected officials, and the public. We would be happy to
provide information on steps school boards are taking to ensure all students are respected and provided
with the education they need to thrive."

Jason Knopp
ISBA President-elect

“Empower Local Boards for Student Success ”

199 N. Capitol Blvd., Suite 503, Boise, ID 83702 • P.O. Box 9797, Boise, ID 83707 • Phone: 208-854-1476 • Fax: 208-854-1480 •

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