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Customer Success Story

“Doing these three cost segregation

studies resulted in more than $60 million
in additional depreciation across three
years, which adds up to significant tax
savings and improved cash flow.”
– Dean Rohrbaugh, Director of Tax Information
Services, Washington Post Company

Washington Post Reports Saving

$60+ Million with Fixed Assets Analysis
Using BNA, the Washington Post Company identified
additional depreciation opportunities in three subsidiaries
to substantially reduce its tax burden and free up cash

Managing Billions of Dollars in Assets only the one cost segregation study,
but three studies in several wholly-
Since its founding in 1877 as a local owned WPC subsidiaries – Cable ONE,
newspaper, The Washington Post Newsweek, and Kaplan.
Company (WPC) has grown to 64
domestic and 133 foreign legal entities These studies were intended to verify
Challenge: that include newspaper and magazine that leasehold improvements were
Find hidden assets within publishing, television broadcasting, reclassified correctly to optimize
real property to accelerate cable television, electronic information depreciation opportunities. The
depreciation and improve services, and test preparation services. external accounting firms were given
cash flow. direct access to WPC’s BNA Fixed Assets
Dean Rohrbaugh, WPC’s Director of Tax system, which enabled the firms to
Solution: Information Services, manages more generate the reports they needed to
BNA Fixed Assets Web than 157,000 fixed assets throughout conduct the studies. By comparing
the company. WPC has relied on BNA invoices and other construction
Results: Fixed Assets™ since 2004 for real-time documents with the fixed assets data,
WPC identified more management and visibility of fixed the existing assets could be properly
than $60 million in assets data across the enterprise. So segregated into the different asset
depreciation opportunities when completion of a new building classes with faster recovery periods.
using BNA Fixed Assets occurred recently, triggering interest
Web reporting. in a cost segregation study, Rohrbaugh Starting at Cable ONE
knew he could rely on the BNA
With more than $100 million in assets
solution to support that analysis.
per year being entered into BNA Fixed
BNA Fixed Assets™ Web Assets Web for the Cable ONE business
Enables Cost Segregation Studies alone, Rohrbaugh believed that a cost
segregation study could lead to greater
Cost segregation studies help identify
tax depreciation deductions. So in
hidden assets within real property, such
2009, WPC began taking a hard look
as mechanical systems, that qualify
at the Cable ONE assets and running
for shorter tax lives and therefore
reports. “Given the sheer volume of
more rapid depreciation. WPC and its
assets and dollar value, we thought
external accounting firms used BNA
it would be a good opportunity,”
Fixed Assets Web to help conduct not
said Rohrbaugh.
Customer Success Story

Working with his team of outside segregation study showed that much
auditors, the results were eye-popping, of this equipment qualified as 15-year
with a number of assets being identified property and it also qualified for bonus
as having shorter recovery periods depreciation – resulting in more than
The Washington than, for instance, 39-year building $10 million in additional depreciation.
Post Company assets. For example, some of the cable
Company Snapshot: company’s assets should have been The Bottom Line Gets
classified as repairs and maintenance, an Additional $60 Million
• M
 edia and while others should have been classified
education company as machinery and equipment. The “Doing these three cost segregation
savings generated by the additional studies resulted in more than $60
• P
 rincipal operations million in additional depreciation
depreciation justified the expense of
include: newspaper and across three years, which adds up to
conducting the study many times over.
magazine publishing, significant tax savings and improved
television broadcasting, Uncovering Additional Savings cash flow,” said Rohrbaugh. The
cable television systems, at Kaplan and Newsweek additional depreciation resulted in
electronic information millions of dollars in tax savings
services, and educational The results at Cable ONE lead and cash flow benefits for WPC in
and career services Rohrbaugh to start looking at other 2009 and beyond.
subsidiaries, and he next turned his
• G
 ross revenues: attention to the Newsweek and Kaplan More Studies Planned
$4.6 billion businesses. Similar to Cable ONE,
the cost segregation study conducted Rohrbaugh plans to conduct more
• Assets: 157,000 cost segregation studies in the near
at Newsweek identified yet more
hidden assets and opportunities to future. “For Kaplan, we started by doing
• Employees: 21,500
claim additional depreciation through studies for only three of the more than
• H
 istorical value: accelerated recovery periods. 40 plus subsidiaries with the Kaplan
$1.24 billion net Group. Based on the extremely positive
Kaplan, too, had hidden assets that results of these first three, we’re now
Rohrbaugh uncovered. The company planning to conduct cost segregation
owns a large amount of leasehold studies for many more of the remaining
equipment in its many Kaplan subsidiaries,” commented Rohrbaugh.
centers across the U.S. The cost

About BNA Software

Call 1.800.424.2938 Established in 1983, BNA Software specializes in developing expert solutions for tax
(option 3) or contact and accounting professionals. As part of BNA, the largest independent publisher of news
your local BNA Sales and analysis of legal and regulatory developments for 80 years, we deliver the highest
Representative. degree of tax, regulatory, and compliance expertise in every BNA Software solution and
service engagement.

©2010 BNA Software, a division of Tax Management Inc., Arlington, VA.

All rights reserved. All other company and product names may be
56-7463 1801 S. Bell Street I Arlington, VA 22202 I
0910 trademarks of their respective owners.

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