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Mating arse: eae en oem Independent (469) 713-5200 LISD sx. one Stephen F. Waddell, Fd. D, Superintendent of Schools Date March 21,2010 To: Board of Trsees From: Dr, Stephon Waddell Superintendent Re Proposed Resohtion for Resignation Incentive Plan For the upcoming 2011-12 school year, the District anticipates it will experience a deficit of between thirty-five and seventy-five milion dollars, The large single component ofthe Districts budget is sularies for contractual employees. In onder to reduce the number of| contractual employees, the District will offer financial incentives for contractual employees to voluntarily reign their positions. ‘By offering resignation incentive plan, the District anticipates a suficient return for its expenditure for such incentives, and will allow the Distt to maintain contol over such ‘expenditure to insure thatthe public purpose of redusing the District's budget deficit is met. ‘The following are major components ofthe plan 1. Biigibiity ~All employees curently employed under a term or continuing contract end ‘ho desire to resign ftom employment withthe Distt are eligible to apply fora resignation incentive under this plan. 2. Incentive Amount —Fimployees whose resignations under this pln are accepted will receive inceative payments equal to 10% ofthe employee's salary (including any stiponds or extra duty pay). 3. Process — The Superintendent or his designee shall notify al eligible employees ofthe specific processes and deadlines for submitting signed cesignation documents ‘The Distt will accep esignaitons submitted under this plan. The District anticipates that it ‘will accept pay incentives up to 300 employees under this pla, keeping in mind that as the District implements this lan the number may change, The District isnot cbligated to accept all resignations that may be submitted. ‘The District may acceptor reject any tesignation based ‘on the business needs ofthe District In summary, District Administration recommends approval ofthe attached Resolution for the Resignation Incetive Plan, Resolution of the Board of Trustees Lewisville Independent School District Resignation Incentive Plan WHEREAS, rising expenses and decreased revenues have greatly impacted school districts across Texas, and the State of Texas has indicated that it will reduce funding for education by as much as’Ten Billion dollars; and WHEREAS, the District anticipates that for the coming budget year it will experience a deficit of between Thirty-Five and Seventy-Five Million dollars, and the largest single component of the District's budget is salaries for contractual employees; and WHEREAS, the Board of Trustees finds that in order to reduce the amount of the anticipated deficit for the coming budget year, it is advisable to reduce the number of contractual employees of the District; and WHEREAS, the Board further finds that undertaking the legal steps at the present time to involuntarily terminate or non-renew the contracts of contractual employees would be an expensive, inefficient, time-consuming, uncertain and disruptive process for the District and its employees; and WHEREAS, the Board further finds that the best interest of the District will be served by providing financial incentives for contractual employees to voluntarily resign their positions and release the District from further obligations to such employees; and WHEREAS, the Board finds that such incentives will provide a sufficient return to the District for its expenditure for such incentives and the plan will allow the District to maintain control over such expenditure to insure that the public purpose of reducing the District's budget deficit is met; NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Trustees of the Lewisville Independent School District that the Superintendent of Schools is directed to immediately implement the Resignation Incentive Plan set forth in ‘Exhibit A attached to and made a part of this resolution, Passed and adopted this 21* day of March, 2011 Carol Kyer President, Board of Trustees Lewisville Independent School District ATTEST: Amber Fulton Secretary, Board of Trustees Lewisville Independent School District ‘Rehibit A Resignation Incentive Plan 1, _ Eligibitity—All employees currently employed under a term or continuing contract and who desire to resign from employment with the District are eligible to apply for a resignation incentive under this plan, except as set out in Section 4 below. The plan is entirely voluntary. The District anticipates that work will be available for all eligible employees who do not choose to resign under this plan, and the District does not presently anticipate imposing an involuntary reduction in force. 2. Incentive Amount—Employees whose resignations under this plan are accepted will receive incentive payments equal to ten per cent (10%) af the total of| the employee's base salary plus any stipends or extra duty pay. Payment of the incentive will be made at the same time as the employee's next to last paycheck for the current contract year. Employees whose resignations are for the purpose of retirement remain eligible for compensation for unused leave in accordance with the existing provisions of Policy DEC (LOCAL). 3. Process—The Superintendont of Schools or his designee shall notify all cligible employees of the specific processes and deadlines for submitting signed Resignation Documents. ‘The Resignation Documents are (1) a District-approved Resignation Form and 2) a Resignation Incontive Agreement in a form approved by ‘the Superintendent. Employees who wish to consider early resignation are ‘enoouraged fo obtain and carefully review the Agrooment and Resignation forms as soon as they are mado available by the Administration, and to make sure that they have a full understanding of the nature and meaning of both forms before signing and submitting same, Employees are also encouraged to scek legal advice ‘concerning their decision efore signing. ‘The District will provide individual notice to each employee who submits the ‘required forms as to whether such employee's resignation has been accepted under the plan. If an employee submits a resignation which is not accepted under the plan, the employoo will be permitted to withdraw the resignation. Resignations ‘under the plan will be effective at the end of the current contract year, and all employees who choose the plan will be required to continue working for all days required by each employee's current contract. 4, Limitations and Qualifications Employees who submitted a resignation prior to January 1, 2011 are not eligible for the Resignation Incentive, Otherwise eligible Employees who submitted a resignation after January 1, 2011, may withdraw such resignation and submit a now resignation in accordance with this plan, Employees must sign and submit the required Resignation Documents within the deadiines to be established by the Superintendent to be cligible for a Resignation Incentive ‘The Superintendent of Schools and his designee(@) are authorized by the Board to sign the Resignation Incentive Agreements submitted under this plan. The District anticipates that it may accept resignations from and pay incentives to up to 500 employees under this plan, but such figure is subject to change. The Superintendent is not obligated to accept all or any resignations that may be submitted. The Superintendent may aocept or reject any or all resigmations based on the business needs of the District, and may establish criteria to assist in the determination of such decisions. RESIGNATION AGREEMI This Resignation Agreement Agreement") is emtered ito by and between the LEWISVILLE INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT ("Distt"), an independent school iit organized under the laws of the State of Texas, and the employee whose signature appears below ("Employes"). 1 FACTS AND RECITALS Distiet has adopted a plan providing an incentive to term and continuing. contest employees to voluntarily resign ftom employment with the District (‘the plan), The purposes ofthe plan are to help the District euce its anicipated budget deficit by reducing the mumber of term and continuing contract employees in the District, and to limit the Distriet’s actual or potential future obligations or Habilites to employees that accept the incentive The District does not presently anticipate that it will terminate or nomtenew the contract of any term or continuing contract employee atthe end ofthe current school yea for reasons of financial exigency: The District anticipates that work willbe available forthe 2011-2012 schoo! _year for term ad continuing contract employees who do not choose to resign. Employee is curently employed by District under a sttn term of continuing contract ‘of employment (‘the Contract”), Employee desires to take advantage of the incentive plan and resign from employment with the District. Employee understands thet the plan is entirely voluntary. [RESIGNATION AGREEMENT Paget

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