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Tax Network Of America

Hardship Letter Template

How did you get into this situation financially?

_We got in this situation because we pullled money out of my profit sharing
account when my company sold. Also, when the company was bought out I
pulled my 401K out instead of rolling it over because I was making payments
to it. From doing this our income went higher and our tax bracket went
higher. When doing this I thought the pre taxing was going to cover us, but
apparently that was not the case. Because of my lack of knowledge of the
tax process Im not sure how we got our self this bad off, to be honest.

How has this affected you and or your family?

_In result of owing taxes we have been put on a payment plan. Started 2008
and added more owed taxes for 2009 which in result increased our payment
plan. The monthly payments are steep and it makes it difficult to make
especially when I lost my job in October 2009.

Do you the client(s) confirm total understanding that everything you have
disclosed on here today has been accurate and correct under penalty of
perjury? Yes

Applicant Signature ________________________________

Co-Applicant Signature ________________________________

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