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By Troy Roethig
Alicia Riichardson
Jenny Perez
Organizational Review

 A) Name of Organization
 KarmaLoop
 B) Mission Statement
 To provide a universally assessable alternative to
mainstream trends and outfit cutting edge culture and “to
battle the evil forces of McFashion.”
 C) Geographic Location
 301 Newbury Street. Boston, MA 02115
 D) Product Mix
 Over 150 street wear brands, Klooptv, Jungle Life, and Art
New Product

 Karmaloop is going to offer a new discount

card system that can be utilized onsite or on
the website.
 The card will allow Karmaloop to gather more
information about it’s customers and thus
allowing to advertize directly to them easier.
 This card will also add to the exclusivity status
that Karmaloop already obtained.
SWOTT Analysis

 Strengths
 Karmaloop offers the ability to dress like an
individual at a very moderate price
 Karmaloop looks and feels exclusive and thus
appeals to customers looking to be and look
 Karmaloop can be accessed by anyone on the
internet thus allowing for a huge target market
SWOTT Analysis Cont.

 Weakness
 Very few onsite stores
 Does not sell many clothes themselves thus
depending on designers to make marketable
 If they become too popular they may lose their
underground allure
SWOTT Analysis Cont..

 Opportunities
 Allowing for a discount card to do market research
such as what age group/sex is buying which items
and to market directly to customers through
email, snail mail and onsite
 Adding a discount card will ensure Karmaloop
keeps their exclusivity factor as that is something
that will draw more customers to them
SWOTT Analysis Cont…

 Threats
 Increase popularity may make the organization
drift away from their initial purpose and appeal
 Other companies may try to achieve what they
have already done, and may have the ability to do
it cheaper
SWOTT Analysis Cont….

 Trends
 receives 3.5 million visitors a month
 Karmaloop has an opt-in email list of over 750,00
 Karmaloop has a blog that receives 3 million visitors
a month with over 30,000 customers who help
promote the brand, the site, and its iniates
 Karmaloop has not been around long and is growing
exponentially in popularity and in it’s buying power.
Internet Flier
Website Banner

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