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Forget it Edward! Emmet!

Jasper – part four!
p.s – so here it is… wat u’ve been waiting for… and I forgot to
mention this before. Rosalie met Seth for the first time. We’ve
pretended that she didn’t meet him in Eclipse or breaking dawn.

Chapter Three
Bella’s POV
Our classes started within two days. Damen was in my
class. He was doing mechanics like me. Alice had taken
fashion designing and Rosalie had taken Filming. Both
of them something different because they were sick of
studying the same Mechanics, electronics, medicine and
I turned back and faced Damen. He winked at me. I
turned front and smiled slowly. Damen started to show
signs to me, but what about his girlfriend Katherine?
She was in mechanics as well. I turned to her side. Her
eyes were stuck to mine. She probably saw Damen wink
at me.
Alice’s POV
Timothy! My sweet Timothy had taken fashion
designing. I think that’s unique about him! I mean what
sort of a guy takes fashion designing in this century?
I couldn’t stop thinking about his cute smile. I kept
turning towards him and he smiled at me twice but
then he gave me weird looks. The class got over and we
headed towards the door.
“Alice” he called out for me. “yes?” I asked as I faced
myself towards him.
“Alice, I need you to do a favour” he said
“What is it Timothy?” I asked. “will you please hook me
up with Bella?” he asked. What he asked me shook me!
My Timothy love Bella! How could I take this easily. But
I can’t force him to like me. If he liked Bella then I
should let him. “Sure” I said and bit my lips.

Rosalie’s POV
College started and my mind wandered to Seth. I should
get over that guy and move on. What if he had already
imprinted on someone? But I shouldn’t be liking a
werewolf! Werewolves kill Vampires so I shouldn’t like
a werewolf!

Bella’s POV
“so how was first day classes?” asked Alice as me,
Rosalie and Alice were seated in our long stretched
dining table and opened our books to do some reading.
“I’m glad Damen is with me, but I don’t like Katherine
being in Mechanics as well” I said making face.
“oh” said Alice. “What about you Rose?” I asked.
“It was good…” she said. Rose seemed confused so me
and Alice left her alone in her own dreamworld.
“Bella, I’ve to tell you…. Timothy actually likes you”
Alice said. OH MY GOD! SCREW ME!
Someone gorgeous likes me! But Alice loves him! I can’t
betray her! “but Alice don’t you like him?” I asked.
“yes, but he likes you. I should let you and him to be
together! I can’t force him to like me” she said.
“Oh, Alice” I said. But what about Damen? Oh screw
him! HE Is so busy with his damn gorgeous girl friend
“but, what about Damen?” asked Rosalie. AAh! She was
actually listening!
“oh screw Damen! He is so much in love with his girl
friend, Katherine. I don’t think he has any interest in
me!” I said

Alice’s POV
Of course Damen has no interest on Bella but he
definitely has interest in me. That is the future! I’m
giving up on Timothy because I’m sure Damen will soon
be with me!
“so tell, Timothy I like him as well” said Bella. “sure. But
his blood tastes so sweet, Of course I don’t need to
warn you because you’ve a good control of Blood. But
I’m still letting you know” I said.
“I feel hungry. We should go hunting this weekend” said
Rose. “why weekend? We can go out tonight!” said
Bella. “right” said Rosalie.
At mid night we ran out of our rooms and went into the
nearby forest and drank blood from the animals. We
were too hungry that we killed pouchers. Anyways
pouching is illegal so killing pouchers wasn’t bad!
-------------------------------NEXT DAY-------------------------------
We got ready for our classes. I was going to tell Timothy
about Bella’s feelings for him.
I went to my class as usual. Timothy had his left hand
over his right hand and was sitting casually. He smiled
as soon as he saw me enter.
“Alice…. Hey… did you talk to Bella?”he asked.
“I spoke to her and she said that she is glad you like her.
You, know… she just broke up with her boyfriend and
she needs really someone gorgeous and sweet as you.
She likes you, Timothy” I managed to say the whole
thing. It hurts to say all this but I just had to.
“Oh my god! Alice thank you so much!” he said. I
smiled. Timothy deserved Bella. He was so nice and he
really did deserve someone like Bella! So I’m just going
to get over him, infact I’m going to get Damen!

Bella’s POV
I barely made an effort to glance at Damen. Katherine
was annoyed with me the whole time. After the class
got over. I started to walk towards my locker. I almost
reached my locker and just then something grabbed by
my waist from the store room as I walked past the store
room. I thought it was a kidnapper or someone. “Let me
go! Let me go!” I yelled in the top of my voice.
Everything was dark. Suddenly I felt a sudden brush of
hair on my forehead. I felt someone’s lips. It was warm
and someone was kissing me. A smooth gentle kiss I’ve
ever had. An amazing kiss! The lights got on and I
opened my eyes, it was no one but Timothy smiling at
me and I bit my lips with happiness. I found some guy
really nice, finally!

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