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Special Materials for the


Miss. Ali
Whole Body Help
 Switch Buttons- are used to administer different
tasks. IE push one button to put spoon up another
to put down
 Positioners- helps you strength in different areas.
IE if you want to lay on your side it helps.
 Weight Vest- used for autistic children or ones
that are angry because it helps calm them down.
Hands to grip!
 Picture Board- to help children who cant talk
they can point to pictures for people to
 Pencil grip- allows children to hold the pencil so
it does not slide out of the hands.
 Voice enhancer (trechs)- allows children that can
not speak to be able to talk.
 Binder- Cant right directly down helps them to
write at an angle.
Hands to grip continued
 Sign language- allows children who can not
speak to be able to communicate.
 Computer- Allows children to maneuver around
and click on necessary links. And also practice
using the mouse and not clicking the wrong side.
Eyes to see
 Gaze Board- clear board choices all around it
while teacher stands behind the board and child
gazes at what he wants to say.
 Computer- Allows the students to see what is on
the screen and can be used in a way to
communicate with others.
Legs to walk!
 Standers- cerebral palsy, helps to stand, has trays
and allows people to be able to walk.
 Watch what Ian can do! Superhero Ian

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