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Characteristics of Thyristors

Md. Mannaf Hossain

Lecturer, Dept. of EEE
Southern University, Bangladesh

In power electronics the thyristor is the most common and popular family of switching devices. According
to constructions, the numbers of semiconductor layer of thyristor family member are nearly similar but
their position arrangements are different and also the terminals are connected in different positions. For
this they have shown different characteristics. Some of the family members are bidirectional that is they
conduct current in both terminals and have no polarity limitations and use to switch in the heavy ac load,
otherwise unidirectional member conduct current in only one direction and use mostly in rectification of ac
and also switch.

The word thyristor comes from the Greek and means “door” as in opening a door and let something pass
through it. A thyristor is a semiconductor device that uses internal feedback to produce switching action.
Usually four layers and also five layers3, 2 semiconductor devices are called the thyristor. According to their
construction they have at least two terminals to maximum four terminals. Specifically the five layer
members (TRIAC, DIAC) of thyristor family are used their four semiconductor layer in the state of
conduction. The thyristor family members include:

a) SCR (Unidirectional)
b) TRIAC (Bidirectional)
c) DIAC (Bidirectional)
d) SHOCKLY DIODE (Unidirectional)
e) SIDAC (Bidirectional)

The two terminal devices DIAC ,SIDAC and SHOCKLY DIODE and the three terminal device TRIAC and
SCR are mostly used in the section of power electronics where a large power are need to be controlled,
regulated and switched.

Silicon Controlled Rectifier (SCR):

One of the common and leading devices of the thyristor family is silicon controlled rectifier. After diode
and transistor the most important device is SCR and invented in 1947. This member of thyristor family is
unidirectional that is SCR control current in only one direction and this is why it is called rectifier. The
device is made of silicon not germanium the semiconductor material because leakage current in silicon is
very small as compared to germanium. As the SCR is used like a switch so in off condition it should be
carry the leakage current as small as possible.

A In construction the SCR is a four layer PNPN semiconductor device with

three terminals. Again we can explain it also three diode sandwiched in
series in reverse with each other or two transistor one is PNP and other is
NPN connect to base-collector and collector-base with each other or one
diode p-n and a transistor npn connected to same polarity layer.
The SCR also have three terminals that mentions earlier are Anode the
G positive terminal, Cathode the negative terminal and the gate that control
the triggering. The negative terminal cathode is connected with the most
K outer n-type layer, the positive terminal anode is connected with the most
outer p-type layer, and the gate is connected to the next p-type layer or
Fig 1: Symbol of SCR. the base of NPN transistor also called gate. For the arrangement of layers
the SCRs have also three junctions J1 , J2 , and J3. The symbol of SCR is
shown in fig1. The constructional view of SCR is shown in fig2 and the simple connection arrangement of
SCR is also shown in fig3.

Anode (+ve)

J2 R2
Gate P vin P
J3 G

Cathode (-ve) K

Fig 2: Construction of SCR

Fig 3: Simple Connection arrangement of SCR
Biasing arrangement of SCR:
If the anode of the SCR is connected to the positive terminal and the cathode is connected to the negative
terminal of external supply voltage is shown in fig4 then we find the second junction is in reverse biased
and the other two are forward biased. In this condition until the break of the reverse biased junction no
current flow through the SCR. In practice this type arrangement are used.



+ -

- G + P G



Fig 4: Forward biased SCR connection Fig 5: Reverse biased SCR connection

Otherwise if the anode is connected to the negative terminal and cathode is connected to the positive
terminal is shown in fig5 therefore the second junction is forward biased and the other two junctions are
reverse biased so no current can flow through the SCR until breaking that two junctions which are in
reversed biased. This arrangement is not used because to break those two reverse biased junction we need a
large amount of current that may damage the SCR.
SCR operation mechanism:
In the arrangement of anode positive and cathode negative we need to break only one reverse biased
junction to flow the current through the SCR. To break that junction earlier an external circuit connected to
the gate that is injects current into the p-type layer this forward biased the second junction of SCR and
make the SCR in conduction early, without gate current a large amount of anode current is required to
break that junction.

The operation mechanism of SCR can also
A be deduced by the two transistor analogy i.e. SCR is
nearly equivalent of two transistor one is PNP in
common collector configuration and the other is NPN
P1 in common emitter configuration attached with the
terminal base of PNP to the collector of NPN and
N1 collector of PNP to the base of NPN. The PNP
N2 emitter terminal act as anode and the NPN emitter
G P1 terminal act as cathode again collector of PNP and
base of NPN junction is called base of SCR this
arrangement is shown in fig6 and fig7.
The operation feature may be as follows:

K When gate current is zero (IG=0):

Fig6: two transistor construction of SCR. IG = 0 but the anode to collector voltage increase,
where anode is connected to positive terminal and
cathode is connected to negative terminal then the
A emitter current (IE1), the base current (IB1) and the
collector current (IC1) of PNP also increases
correspondingly with anode current. To reach the
current, anode (A) to the cathode (K) it is necessary
IB1=IC2 N to on the second transistor (T2) NPN as well as first
transistor (T1) PNP. By again increasing the anode
current then we obtained an amount of collector
IC1 current (IC1) that is enough to requiring the base
G T2 current (IB2) of second transistor (T2) NPN to turn on.
IB2 Therefore, the collector current IC2 or IB1 (IC2=IB1 )
pass through the second transistor (T2) NPN. So
IE2 without gate voltage the SCR can reach the
conduction state but additional large voltage is
K required.
Fig7: Two transistor connection of SCR.

When gate current is applied:

If a sufficient amount of gate current (IG i.e. IB2) (about 50mA) is applied then the second transistor (T2)
NPN is on state and even a small amount of anode current can pass through the SCR. The gate current is
usually used as triggering the SCR into a regenerative breakdown i.e. on the SCR. The larger the gate
current ON the SCR earlier than the smaller gate current. Therefore, gate can switch the SCR easily in the
desired time. This can also be shown by V-I characteristics curve of SCR.

SCR characteristics:
The V-I characteristics of SCR is shown in fig 8. The first quadrant of the characteristics curve shows
the forward characteristics of SCR where shows the different break over voltage VBo0 ,VBo1 ,VBo2 for the
different gate current IG0 ,IG1 ,IG2
IA where IG2 >IG1>IG0 i.e. large gate
IG2 > IG1 > IG0 current need for early break over
at a low supply voltage. For
IH0 different gate current there are
IG2 different holding current.
VAK The third quadrant of
VBO2 VBO1 VBO0 characteristics curve shows the
reverse characteristics of SCR. In
this case, two reverse junction
Fig8: Characteristics curve of SCR need to be break to reach the
conduction state though it is
possible but it needs a large

amount of current, which may damage the SCR.

It is very interesting to off the SCR after its on state that is in conduction state it does not off if we remove
the applied gate current it is because a large amount of anode current is flowing. In this case, we must
reduce the anode current below the holding current IH.

SCR Testing:

The silicon controlled rectifier can be tested easily by Ohmmeter. The procedure is to connect the negative
and positive lead to the cathode and anode respectively and again connect with the reverse direction, on
both case for a good SCR the ohmmeter shows near infinity (exceed one mega).
Again if we momenterily touch the gate to the anode (for first condition) then the ohmmeter shows reduced
resistance i.e. less than one mega and if we remove the touch the ohmmeter shows reduced resistance. But
in the reverse condition if we touch the gate to the cathode the ohmmeter shows near infinity i.e. no change
in that condition.

Use of SCR:
SCR can be used as follows:

1) SCR as static conductor.

2) SCR for power control.
3) SCRs for speed control dc motor.
4) SCR for over light detector.
5) Series static switch
6) Variable resistance phase control
7) Battery charging regulator
8) Emergency light system.
9) Relay controls
10) Motor control
11) Inverters
12) Heat control

TRIAC (Triode for Alternating Current):

TRIAC is one of the bidirectional devices of thyristor family. TRIAC have five layer3, 2 and three terminals,
the name TRIAC comes from its three electrodes (terminals) shown in fig9. It has no cathode terminal, one
of the three is gate and the others are A1 (MT1 i.e. main terminal) and A2 (MT2) as it conducts by terminal.
Triac can be triggered with either positive or negative gate pulses when the anode terminal potentials are
positive or negative respectively. The symbol of TRIAC is shown in fig 10.

A1 G A1

N N1 A1 N N1

P1 P1 P1

N2 N2 N2
P2 P2
P2 A2
N3 N3
Fig10: Symbol of TRIAC

A2 A2
Fig9: Construction of TRIAC Fig11: Two SCR Construction of TRIAC
The five layers TRIAC can be divided into two haves one is SCR1 and other is SCR2 connected in parallel
of opposite polarity i.e. four transistor as each SCR consist of two transistor shown in fig10. The terminal
anode1 and anode2 of TRIAC are not connected only one layer (like SCR) it connects the outer most two

layers, the p-layer or n-layer of SCR1 and n-layer or p-layer of SCR2 respectively and the gate of TRIAC
connected to the both gate of the SCRs (in modern TRIACs have an additional n-layer connected to one
gate this serves as the emitter of an NPN transistor that increases gate switching on one side, but negative
gate current is required to triggered that side on)1 shown in fig9. this makes the TRIAC bidirectional
electronic switch which can conduct current in either direction when appropriate gate current is applied.

TRIAC operation mechanism:

The conduction path of TRIAC is P1 N2 P2 and N3 when terminal A1 is positive with respect to terminal A2
again when terminal A2 is positive with respect to
A1 terminal A1 the conduction path of TRIAC is P2 N2
P1and N1.
The operational mechanism of TRIAC can be
T1 T 3 G described easily by four transistor analogy as
TRIAC is an approximately equivalent of two
Consider the following:
T2 T4 When anode A1 is positive with respect to anode
A2 with a gate pulse the induced current flow
through the SCR1 (i.e. T1 & T2) and then the other
A2 SCR2 (i.e. T3&T4) are in off state. Shown in
fig11. When anode A2 is positive with respect to
Fig11: Four transistor connection of TRIAC. anode A1 with a gate pulse the induced current
flow through the SCR2 (i.e. T3 & T4) and then the
other SCR1 (also T1&T2) are in off state shown in fig11. So on this way a triac can conduct AC.

TRIAC characteristics:

The V-I characteristics of TRIAC is shown in fig12. The first quadrant and the third quadrant are identical
to those of the first quadrant of SCR but in normal operation the gate voltage is positive in first quadrant
and the gate voltage is negative in third quadrant.

IG2 > IG1 > IG0

-IG2 -IG1 IH2
-IG0 IH1

Fig12: Characteristics curve of TRIAC

In the family of V-I characteristics curve for a TRIAC, the magnitude of break over voltage and holding
current become smaller as the values of gate current (IG2 >IG1 >IG0) increases like SCR. To turn the TRIAC
off the anode current must be reduced below the holding current.

TRIAC Testing:

The TRIAC can be tested easily by Ohmmeter. The procedure is in the first arrangement connect the
negative and positive lead to the anode A1 and anode A2 and in the second arrangement again connect with
the reverse direction, on both case for a good TRIAC the ohmmeter shows near infinity (exceed one
mega). Now if we momenterily touch the gate to the anode A1 (for first arrangement) then the ohmmeter
shows reduced resistance i.e. less than one mega and if we remove the touch then the ohmmeter remains
same (i.e. shows reduced resistance). Again if we momenterily touch the gate to the anode A2 (for second
arrangement) then the ohmmeter shows reduced resistance i.e. less than one mega and if we remove the
touch then also the ohmmeter remains same (i.e. shows reduced resistance).

Use of TRIAC:

TRIAC can be used as follows:

1) As a high power lamp switch.
2) Electronic change over of transformer taps.
3) Light dimmer
4) speed controls for electric fans and other electric motors
5) modern computerized control circuits
6) For minimizing radio interference

DIAC (Diode for Alternating Current):

The other bidirectional operated member of thyristor family is DIAC or diode for alternating current or
bilateral diode switch. The DIAC is a five layers3, 2 and contains two terminal, anode A1 (or main terminal
MT1) and anode A2 (or main terminal MT2) like a TRIAC just without a gate terminal. The DIAC
construction is such that in conduction state it uses its two different four layers for each polarity changes of
the terminal. The symbol of DIAC is shown in fig14.


P1 A1


N3 A2
Fig14: Symbol of DIAC


Fig13: Construction of DIAC

The DIAC can be described as an approximately of two SCRs, like SCR1, SCR2 connected in parallel of
opposite polarity i.e. four transistor as each SCR consist of two transistor (PNP-NPN). The terminal anode
A1 and anode A2 of DIAC are not connected only one layer like SCR but similar to TRIAC, it connects the
outer most two layers, the p-layer or n-layer of SCR1 and n-layer or p-layer of SCR2 respectively shown in
fig13. this makes the DIAC bidirectional electronic switch which can conduct current in either direction.

DIAC operation mechanism:

When anode A1 is positive with respect to A2 the current path or the semiconductor layer of particular
interest are P1 N2 P2 and N3 again when anode A2 is positive with respect to A1 then P2 N2 P1 and N1 shown
in fig13. For both condition only one junction (N2 P2 and N2 P1) is in reverse biased condition so breaking
this junction the current conduction path of DIAC is A1

According to the transistor analogy when current

conduct occur from A1 to A2 then the transistor T1
and T2 are on state i.e. when A1 is positive sufficiently T1 T3
with respect to A2 to induce break over in T1 and T2
then conduction occur in that path where T3 and T4
remain off state. T4
Again when current conduct occur from A2 to A1 then T2
the transistor T3 and T4 are on state i.e. A2 is positive
sufficiently with respect to A1 to induce break over in
T3 and T4 then conduction occur in that path where T1
and T2 remain off state. The four transistor connection A2
of DIAC is shown in fig15. Fig15: Four-transistor connection of DIAC.

DIAC characteristics:
The V-I characteristics of DIAC resembles the letter Z as it is conducts in either direction shown in fig16.
The positive polarity of the characteristics is the same as that of SCR with zero gate current.


Fig16: V-I Characteristics of DIAC

The negative portion shows that break over occurs when the reverse voltage reaches –vBO with respect to
the anode terminal. Each DIAC has its own holding current IH when the external voltage reach this current
then the DIAC starts conducting.

DIAC Testing:
In DIAC testing by Ohmmeter the procedure is firstly connect the negative and positive lead to the anode
A1 and anode A2 and in the second arrangement again connect with the reverse direction, on both case for
a good DIAC the ohmmeter shows near infinity (exceed one mega). A low resistance in either direction
indicates that the device is not opened i.e. DIAC is defective. This does not indicate a shorted device.
Further testing of DIAC requires a special circuit setup to check the terminal voltage2.

Use of DIAC:
In general the DIAC is used to triggering the TRIAC because the triggering characteristic of TRIAC is
nonsymmetrical. The other applications are3
1) Counters, register and timing circuits of computers,
2) pulse generator,
3) voltage sensors,
4) oscillators
5) Proximity sensor circuit etc.

1. Electronic Devices and circuits. Sixth edition, published by Pearson education
----Theodore F. Bogart Jr., Jeffery S. Beasley, Guillermo Rico
2. Integrated Electronics Analog & Digital Circuit and System.
Thirteenth reprint 1998, published by Tata McGraw-Hill
----Jacob Milliman, Christos C. Halkias
3. A textbook of Electrical Technology (Vol-4)
Reprint 2001, published by S. Chand & Company Ltd
----B.L Theraja, A.K Theraja
4. Introduction To Basic and Micro Electronics, Professional Approach.
Published by Southern University press by Mr. Sarwar Jahan
----Professor Dr. M. Washim Bari
5. Electronic devices and circuit theory,
Eighth edition, published by Prentice Hall
----Robert L. Boylestad, Louis Nashelsky
6. Electronics made simple
Published by S. Chand & Company Ltd
----V.K. Mehta

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