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Quiche - Roasted Vegetable

Flour 125gm 250 gm

Salt Pinch Pinch
Butter or Margarine 75g 125 gm
Cold Water 2tbsp 75 mls
Seasoning To taste To taste
Eggs 2 4
Cream 150ml 300ml
Feta cheese crumbled 100g 200g
Butternut squash 125g 250g
Red pepper ½-1 1-2
Red onion ½-1 1-2
Sun dried tomatoes chopped 50g 100g
Olive oil 25ml 50ml
To make the pastry

1. Sieve the salt and flour together into a

2. Rub the fat into the flour so that it
resembles bread crumbs.
3. Add the water and mix into a dough.
Leave to rest in the fridge for twenty
4. Line your quiche mould and blind bake
in a preheated oven 190°C for 15 – 20
To make the filling
1. Peel and cut the squash into chunks.
2. Peel the red onion and cut into wedges.
3. Remove the pips and stork from the pepper and cut into chunks.
4. Place all the prepared vegetables into a baking tray and sprinkle with seasoning and
the olive oil and place into a hot oven to roast for about 30-40 minutes
5. Once the vegetables are cooked remove them from the oven and place into the blind
baked pastry case
6. Mix the eggs and cream together until smooth and combine with the sundried
tomatoes feta cheese.
7. Pour the mix over the roasted vegetables and give a light mix.
8. Place into a pre-heated oven 170°C to cook for 20 – 30 minutes.
9. Remove from the oven and allow to stand for 10 minutes before trimming of the
excess pastry and removing the mould.

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