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Telecommunication System

Telecommunication is a transmission of message, over significant distances for the purpose of

communication. Telecommunication now days include the use of electrical devices such as telegraph,
telephones and teletypes, the use of radio, and microwave communication, as well as fiber optics
and the other associated electronics, plus the used of the orbiting satellites and the internet.
Telecommunication system is defined a system that help to transmit message in a proper planning or
setting. It has to be neatly, durable, flexible and easier to maintain for the end user.


Telephone is telecommunication devices that transmits and receive sound, most commonly the
human voice. The telephone are a point-to-point communication system whose most basic function
is to allow two people separated by large distance to talk to each other. It is one most common
appliances in the develop world, and has long be considered indispensable to business, households
and government. There is three type of telephone classification required before installing the phone:

a) The number of phone needed in the area, building, or residential area.

b) The size of incoming underground cable into the building: the number of pair needed.
c) Total floor area of the building or residential area.

There also three category of telephone requirement before installation:

a)Category 1-

-the building must have the height of for story building or more

- The floor area must be more than 520m2

-The cable size must be more than 50 pairs (telephone)

b) Category 2-

- The building height must be less than 4 storey height.

-The floor area must be less than 520m2

-The cable size must be less than 50 pairs

c) Category 3-

- For the Residential used

- The cable size is 1 0r 2 pair mostly.

Category 1 and 2 were mostly apply for the industrialize building or commercial building that used
more than 1 phone. The 3rd category was main suited for the residential usage. Requirement in
installing for residential area and multi-storey building for the spaces and facilities needed in a
a) Lead-in pipes and the associated pipeline system, if applicable, within the development boundary

(b) MDF room;

(c) TER;

(d) Two cable trays are to be provided between telecommunication riser(s) and MDF room/TER

(e) Telecommunication riser(s) for accommodating vertical cabling.

Basic requirements for a one-way line telecommunication channel.

Telephone conduit

Diagram show the system of telecommunication if a phone call was received.

MDF (Main Distribution Frame)

In telecommunication, a main distribution frame (MDF) is a distribution frame on one part of which

the external trunk cables entering a facility terminate, and on another part of which the
internal user subscriber lines and trunk cabling to any intermediate distribution frames terminate.
The MDF is used to cross-connect any outside line with any desired terminal of the multiple cabling
or any other outside line. The MDF usually holds central office protective devices and functions as a
test point between a line and the office. The MDF in a private exchange performs functions similar to
those performed by the MDF in a central office. Synonym (in  telephony)main frame.
Location Requirements for placing the MDF is, the room shall be situated at the street or first
floor level. However, in buildings with more than one basement, the MDF room may be located at
the topmost basement floor. The room need to be air-conditioning & ventilated for safety
purposed.The lines are arranged in a vertical order and being grouped together for zoning purpose.
For example residential zone, office zone, hotel zone and etc. The grouping will be arranged properly
and there is a gap between each group to be labeled; which helps a lot for the maintenance work.

An example of MDF.

TER (Telecommunication Equipment Room)

To cater for the provision of telecommunication services (e.g. broadband services provided over
fibre-based equipment or BCS), one TER shall be provided in every block of residential apartments,
condominiums and public housing other than the block where the MDF room is located. The room
also need to be air-conditioned and ventilated for safety purposed.

The definition is similar to TER but is compliances with both MDF and PABX system. The function of
the room:

 Placing the MDF (Main Distribution Frame).

 The PABX (Public Automatic Branch Exchange) system.

 Internet modem for the whole floor of building.

The room have to be operates 24/7 until maintenance session.

Above picture show the example of SDF room and the requirement of the room to be air-


Is a private branch exchange (PABX) is a telephone exchange that serves a particular business or
office, as opposed to one that a common carrier or telephone company operates for many
businesses or for the general public. PBXs make connections among the internal telephones of a
private organization—usually a business—and also connects them to the public switched telephone
network (PSTN) via trunk lines. Because they incorporate telephones, fax machines, modems, and
more, the general term "extension" is used to refer to any end point on the branch. Initially, the
primary advantage of PBXs was cost savings on internal phone calls: handling the circuit switching
locally reduced charges for local phone service. As PBXs gained popularity, they started offering
services that were not available in the operator network, such as hunt groups, call forwarding, and
extension dialling. In the 1960s a simulated PABX known as Centrex provided similar features from
the central telephone exchange.

The trunk line : circuit connecting telephone switchboards (or other switching equipment), as

distinguished from local loop circuit which extends from telephone exchange switching
equipment to individual telephones or information origination/termination equipment. The
Common capabilities include (manufacturers may have a different name for each capability):

• Auto dialing

• Automatic ring back

• Call forwarding on busy or absence

• Call park

• Call pick-up

• Call transfer
• Call waiting

• Conference call

Telecommunication Riser

The telecommunication riser is a compartment vertically aligned and usually beginning from the first
storey or basement and extending through to the topmost level of a multi-storey building. It is used
to accommodate telecommunication cables from the MDF room or TER to various floors of the
building. For residential buildings, two cable trays/cable ladders or metal trunking are required in the
telecommunication riser to facilitate the installation of cables. Telecommunication riser shafts must
be installed in a direct vertical line throughout the building.

The example of Telecommunication riser.


The Internet is a global system of interconnected computer networks that use the standard Internet

Protocol Suite (TCP/IP) to serve billions of users worldwide. It is a network of networks that consists
of millions of private, public, academic, business, and government networks, of local to global scope,
that are linked by a broad array of electronic and optical networking technologies. The Internet
carries a vast range of information resources and services, such as the inter-
linked hypertext documents of the World Wide Web (WWW) and the infrastructure to
support electronic mail.

The internet networking provides the whole building with network connection. It consist of modem
and main power supply to provide the electrical supply to the modem. The main power is almost as
the familiar to the switch board. The device need to place inside an air conditioned room for safety
purposed. The power supply of the modem is connected 24/7 without stopping. The modem is best
to be together with the telecommunication system(telephone) because it is closer to the network

example of modem used in a high-rise building.

Ducts system

The duct can be used to carry both low-voltage electrical supplies and transmit calls for phones.
These low voltage circuits must be segregated inside the duct. There 3 types of ducts layout which

1) Grid- this method provided adequate facility for telephone. Is used in open-plan offices. A
suitable spacing of the ducts is 1.5-2.5m,but other spacing may be used depending upon the
degree of flexibility required.
2) Branching – this method used a central feeder duct with branches to each window bay. The
branches may either terminate just short of the wall outlets, or extend to wall outlets. The
layouts provides reasonable flexibility for open plan office but is also used for portioned
office with the central feeder duct in corridor.
3) Perimeter- This method is the cheapest among others but does not provided the flexibility
obtained by the other two above layouts. A main feeder duct is located about 450mm from
outside wall with short branches taken from junction boxes to the wall outlets for telephones
and electrical supply.
Example of grid layout

Example of perimeter layout

Example of branching layout

Above pictures show, 3 type of layout in 3 different building.



Service area in the building

The MENARA provide service room in level : 1,2,3,4,5,20,21,38,39,and 58. The generator
room is in the LG 3 where it has the HV consumer and TNB PMU 33KV/ 11KV system.The
distribution phases in this high building begin in the SDF room where the main cable from the
authority, TELEKOM is being connected straight to the MDF. The whole building
telecommunication system was observed by a group of technician inside the control room.
The control room was been operated by computer for constant updated information and
feedback. Basically for these building they used the branching layout, where the centre
feeder is connected directly to the telecommunication riser room.
Control room

The control room monitor the cctv and lift control and they also receive the emergency call
from the resident in case of trapping in the lift. They also monitor the building in case there
was any floor that caught on fire.

The diagram of CCTV observation Room

The telecommunication riser
The location of the telecommunication riser by levels
Centre feeder / main feeder

Telecommunication riser

Basically based on the plan the at least 1 telecommunication riser each floor and each wing.
This is easier for the technician to keep track on the MDF and the switch board or the
modem if any problem. The room have to be air-conditioned and ventilated for the safety

Location of riser in plan

The pictures above show the floor plan on the 14 level and 29 level. Both levels have 2 riser room in
each side (A & B). The layout of these plans follow the branching method where the centre feedback
ducts with branches to each window bay.

Example of telecommunication Riser

The SDF room that compliance both the electrical and telecommunication wiring. In these room
there also the existing MDF placed. Both of the system were put together in these room for
maintaince purposed. In menara telekom the SDF function where put with the switchroom for the
better acess and maintance purpose.

Substation room

Picture above show the substation for the telephone exhange. (PABX) Because they
incorporate telephones, fax machines, modems and more, the general term “extension" is
used to refer to any end point on the branch. PABXs offer many other calling features and
capabilities .Different manufacturers providing different features in an effort to differentiate
their products. Common capabilities include (manufacturers may have a different name for
each capability):

• Auto dialing

• Automatic ring back

• Call forwarding on busy or absence

• Call park

• Call pick-up

• Call transfer

• Call waiting

• Conference call

Internet netwoking

Picture above show the modem and the backup supply for the modem. The modem will be
functioning for 24/7 non-stop, the back supply needed if there’s any misfortune happen. The room
have to be conditioned and ventilated to make sure that the device would not heat up rapidly.
Cable tray

The cable tray functioned for the placing of electrical and telecommunication wiring. The purposed
to placed these wiring neatly. The telecommunication and electrical wiring can be place in similar
tray but separated in colour or conduit. The reason was for the identification of wire and its function
of the wiring. The colour of the conduit is orange colour, as for the tray in MENARA TELEKOM the
tray is a metal box, usually is steel because steel cannot be corroded or rust.

Control room

Picture above show the control room in MBSA


T he picture above show the SDF room at the ground level of MBSA.
In the MBSA building the placing of telecommunication room is similar to the electrical system room.
This is for the safety and maintenance purposed and the placing and installing this wire need to be
easy in maintained, neatly, durable and flexible.

Service room / the location of Telecommunication Riser

The telecommunication in the MBSA is in every floor. The location of the telecommunication
riser is near the electrical and the lift for the convenience of the technician and maintenance
purposed. The telecommunication riser is a compartment vertically aligned and usually
beginning from the first storey or basement and extending through to the topmost level of a
multi-storey building. It is used to accommodate telecommunication cables from the MDF
room or TER to various floors of the building. For residential buildings, two cable trays/cable
ladders or metal trunking are required in the telecommunication riser to facilitate the
installation of cables. Telecommunication riser shafts must be installed in a direct vertical line
throughout the building.

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