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Int J Endocrinol Metab 2004; 2:1-12

Optimal Iodine Nutrition during Pregnancy,
Lactation and the Neonatal Period

Delange F.

International Council for Control of Iodine Deficiency Disorders (ICCIDD); Department of

Pediatrics, University of Brussels, Brussels, Belgium

I odine of maternal origin is required for

brain development of the progeny during
fetal and early postnatal life. Therefore,
the iodine requirements of the mother are in-
changes is the increased requirement of io-
dine in the mother due to the transfer of thy-
roxine (T4) and of iodide from mother to fe-
tus during pregnancy and to the loss of iodide
creased during pregnancy and lactation. This
paper reevaluates the iodine requirements dur- in breast milk during lactation. These two
ing pregnancy, lactation and the neonatal period processes are required in order to ensure
and formulates original proposals for the me- normal brain development and prevention of
dian concentrations of urinary iodine indicating mental retardation in the offspring.5-10
optimal iodine nutrition during these three criti-
The objectives of this paper are:
cal periods of life. Based on an extensive and
critical review of the literature on thyroid 1. To review the data from the literature on
physiopathology during the perinatal period, the the iodine requirements during pregnancy,
following proposals are made: the iodine re- lactation and the neonatal period.
quirements are 250-300 µg/day during pregnancy, 2. To offer practical recommendations re-
225-350 µg/day during lactation and 90 µg/day garding the median concentrations of urinary
during the neonatal period. The median urinary
iodine indicating optimal iodine nutrition
iodine indicating optimal iodine nutrition dur-
ing these three periods should be in the range during these critical periods of life.
150-230 µg/L. These figures are higher than those
recommended so far by international agencies. Requirement of Iodine During
Pregnancy and Lactation
Key Words: Iodine, Nutrition, Pregnancy, Lacta- The requirement of iodine is increased dur-
tion, Neonatal Period, Median urinary iodine
ing pregnancy because of at least three fac-
tors: 1) There is an increased requirement of
T4 in order to maintain a normal global me-
The thyroid economy undergoes a series of
tabolism in the mother. 2) There is a transfer
metabolic changes during pregnancy and lac-
of T4 and iodide from the mother to the fetus
tation.1-4 One of the factors involved in these
and 3) There is supposed to be an increased
Correspondence: Professor François Delange, MD, loss of iodide through the kidney due to an
PhD, 153, avenue de la Fauconnerie B-1170, Brus- increase in the renal clearance of iodide.
sels, Belgium
2 F. Delange

Because of these three factors, the recom- kidney because of an increased renal clear-
mended dietary intake of iodine during preg- ance of iodide. This should decrease the se-
nancy is higher than the value of 150 µg/day rum concentration of plasma inorganic io-
recommended for non-pregnant adults and dide, PII.27-30 However, Liberman et al.31
adolescents.11,12 Below this critical threshold showed on the contrary that there is no sig-
of 150 µg/day, the iodine balance is negative nificant decline in the PII during pregnancy.
during pregnancy.13 WHO/UNICEF/ICCIDD In addition, as shown by the data collected in
recommend an iodine intake of 200 µg/day Table 1 and already by Dworkin et al.,13 al-
for pregnant women,11 i.e. a percentage in- most all studies on urinary iodine during
crease of 33% over non-pregnant women. pregnancy showed that, in a given environ-
The Institute of Medicine (IOM) of the US ment, the urinary excretion of iodide is al-
Academy of Sciences recommends a higher most similar in pregnant and non-pregnant
intake of 220 µg/day,12 i.e. an increase of women and in the general population, irre-
some 47%, and other organizations recom- spective of the status of iodine nutrition in
mend 175 to 230 µg/day.14,15 the population. Only the studies conducted by
the group of Smyth et al.32,33 in Ireland, the
Increase in the T4 requirements United Kingdom and Sri Lanka, by Kung et
The daily requirement of T4 in order to al. in Hong Kong34 and perhaps by Hess et al.
maintain euthyroidism in hypothyroid women in Switzerland35 have shown a clear-cut in-
increases by 10 to 150% during pregnancy crease in the urinary iodine excretion during
with a median increment of 40-50%.16-18 This pregnancy. The results reported for Switzer-
represents an additional dose of 75 to 150 µg land by Brander et al.36 are difficult to inter-
T4/day, i.e. 50 to 100 µg iodine. pret because of the surprisingly low value of
the urinary iodine in the general population
Transfer of T4 and iodide from mother to fe- reported in this study as Switzerland is
tus known to be iodine sufficient.37 On the con-
The transfer of T4 from mother to fetus, in- trary, some studies showed that urinary io-
cluding before the onset of fetal thyroid func- dine decreases during gestation.38-40 It thus
tion, is not quantified but it is has been esti- appears that the concept of systematically in-
mated that up to 40% of the T4 measured on creased urinary loss of iodine during preg-
cord at birth is still of maternal origin.8 nancy is not firmly established.
The transfer of iodide is also difficult to Finally, it has to be underlined that no data
quantify but considering that the iodine con- are available on the possible storage and loss
tent of the fetal thyroid increases progres- of iodide in the placenta itself.
sively from less than 2 µg at 17 weeks of ges- Taking all these variables into considera-
tation19 up to 300 µg at term,20-23 that the T4 tion, it can be speculated that the additional
iodine at term probably averages 500 µg24 requirement of iodine during pregnancy is at
and that the substitutive dose of T4 in hypo- least 100-150 µg/day, i.e. an increment of
thyroid neonates is 50-75 µg/day,25,26 it can almost 100% as compared to non-pregnant
be estimated that the transfer of iodide from adults instead of the 33% proposed by
mother to fetus represents some 50 µg/day. It WHO/UNICEF/ICCIDD.11 Consequently, the
has been estimated at 75 µg/day by the requirement of iodine during pregnancy is at
IOM.12 least 250 µg/day, probably in the range of
250 to 300 µg/day. This figure is still higher
Increased renal clearance of iodide than the figure of 220 µg/day proposed by the
It is often stated that the increase in iodine IOM,12 which did not take into account the
requirement during pregnancy is largely due increased requirement of T4 during preg-
to an increased loss of iodide through the nancy.

International Journal of Endocrinology and Metabolism

Perinatal iodine nutrition 3

Table 1. Comparison of the median or mean (in bold) urinary iodine (µg/L) in pregnant women and in
the general population or in non-pregnant controls (publications 1990-2003)

Country General n S/C Pregnant women Country General n S/C Pregnant women
population Trimester Urinary population Trimester Urinary
or controls iodine or controls iodine
Countries with no iodine deficiency UK33 73† - C 1 125†
Chile31 - 19 S 1 594* - C 2 170
2 469 - C 3 147
3 786 France40 50-80* 306 S 1 50†
3 months PP 459 224 S 3 54
Iran43 193-312† 403 C 1-3 186-338† Belgium38 50-75* 334 C 1-2 50†
Sweden77 - 51 S 1 180* 334 C 2-3 45
51 S 2 170 136 C 1 56†
51 S 3 145 133 C 2 50
Srilanka33 147† - C 1 181† 49 C 3 50
- C 2 136 Denmark83 50* 26 S 2 51†
- C 3 154 26 S 3 40
USA78 130 290 C 1-3 148 26 S 1 week PP 30
Switzerland35 115† 511 C 2,3 138† 26 S 26 weeks 50
(2000) PP
Scotland79 138† 433 C 1 137† 26 S 52 weeks 58
Switzerland36 91‡ 153 C 1-3 205* PP
(1992) Denmark84 - C 5 days PP 40‡
31 C 1 267 Sudan55 76† 47 S 3 38†
56 C 2 206 47 S 3 months PP 51
66 C 3 172 47 S 6 months 30
15 S 1 325 PP
15 S 2 166 47 S 9 months 63
15 S 3 183 PP
Iodine deficient countries New Zealand
24-47* 35 S Monthly 24-52*
Singapore34,80 98† 253 C 3 124† during
230 S 1 107† pregnancy
- 2 116 and 3, 6
- 3 124 and 12
- 6 weeks PP 105 months PP
- 3 months PP 104 Italy85 Marginal 67 C 1,2 74‡
Sicily (Italy) 46* 10 S 1,2,3 33* (2002) ID
Turkey82 85* 80 S 1-3 91* Italy86 Marginal 18 C 3 50*
Ireland 70† 38 S 1 135† (1991) ID
38 S 2 125 Germany87 Mild ID 70 S 1 55‡
38 S 3 122 70 S 11 days PP 50
108 C 6 weeks PP 70 Hungary88 Mild ID 119 C 1,2,3 57‡
n: number of subjects; S/C: Sequential (S) or cross-sectional study(C); 1,2,3: Trimesters of pregnancy; PP: Postpartum;
ID: Iodine deficiency; 100 µg/L = 0.78 µmol/L
* µg/day; † µg/L; ‡ µg/g creatinine

International Journal of Endocrinology and Metabolism

4 F. Delange

Table 2. Selective examples of the iodine con- µg/day. Consequently, the iodine requirement
tent of breastmilk * during lactation is estimated at 225 to 350
µg/day. The slight difference, if any, as com-
Countries Medians or means (µg/L) pared to the figure of 290 µg/day recom-
No iodine deficiency mended by IOM12 results from more recent
Korea 892 data on the iodine content of breast milk.41,42
Japan 661
USA 146 Level of Urinary Iodine Indicating
124 Optimal Iodine Nutrition During
145 Pregnancy and Lactation
145 Considering that most (above 90%) of the
Sweden 93 iodine absorbed in the body eventually ap-
90 pears in the urine, urinary iodine excretion is
70 a good marker of a very recent dietary iodine
Switzerland 78 intake.11 Therefore, a median urinary iodine
Mild to moderate iodine deficiency in the general population varying from 100 to
Germany 93
199 µg/L is considered as an indicator of an
Belgium 95 adequate iodine intake and an optimal status
of iodine nutrition.11 As the iodine require-
France 82 ment is increased during pregnancy, the me-
77 dian urinary iodine during pregnancy indicat-
74 ing optimal iodine nutrition needs to be
70 higher than 100 µg/L. Table 1 compares the
Spain 108 data available in the literature on urinary io-
77 dine in pregnant women and in the general
United Kingdom population. In this Table, the countries are
Hungary 64
arbitrarily listed on the basis of roughly de-
Guatemala 60
Philippines 57 creasing iodine intake of the general popula-
Thailand 50 tion, starting with Chile31 which is exposed to
Italy (Sicily) 43 iodine excess based on the
Severe iodine deficiency WHO/UNICEF/ICCIDD criteria, down to
Marocco 27 countries where different degrees of mild to
Ethiopia 5-16 moderate iodine deficiency have been docu-
64 mented. As indicated earlier, there is a strik-
Congo 15 ing similarity between the urinary iodine in
13 pregnant women and in the global population
* Compiled from Semba-Delange 200141 and except in the reports published by Smyth et
Dorea 2002,42 where detailed data and references al.32,33 in which the values during pregnancy
are to be found. are systematically markedly higher than in
During lactation, considering that the io- non-pregnant controls. Therefore, it appears
dine content of breastmilk in conditions of difficult to derive a reference value for uri-
iodine sufficiency is in the range of 150-180 nary iodine during pregnancy and lactation
µg/L41,42 (Table 2) and that the milk produc- from the data collected in countries with no
tion is from 0.5 to 1.1 liter per day up to the iodine deficiency as this value varies from
age of 6 months, the daily loss of iodine in 800 µg/L in Chile31 to 138 µg/L in Switzer-
human milk is estimated at some 75 to 200 land, where the median urinary iodine in the

International Journal of Endocrinology and Metabolism

Perinatal iodine nutrition 5

general population is barely above the lower and potential sources of side effects.50,51 On
limit of normal.35 In Iran, where iodine defi- the contrary, in all countries submitted to
ciency has been successfully eliminated,43 the some degree of iodine deficiency where the
median urinary iodine in pregnant women in point has been investigated, thyroid function
four different cities varies from 186 to 403 is critically impaired during pregnancy and in
µg/L and is almost entirely similar to the val- the neonate even when it remains normal in
ues found in the general population in the the general population.52-56 The anomalies in-
same cities.44 The values during pregnancy clude progressive decrease in free T4 and in-
are of the same order of magnitude as the crease in serum Tg and thyroid volume. The
250-300 µg/day recommended as intake alterations are usually still more marked in
based on metabolic studies. And yet, in spite the neonates than in the mothers.52 They are
of these relatively elevated values, Azizi et at least partly corrected by iodine supplemen-
al.44 underline that with such medians, some tation during pregnancy and lactation.57,58
8% of the values are still below the critical In summary, it appears that the recommended
threshold of 100 µg/L for non-pregnant dietary intake of iodine during pregnancy
adults. They suggest that the recommended (250-300 µg/L) and lactation (225-350 µg/L)
dietary intake of iodine during pregnancy should be higher than what has been pro-
should be still higher. It has to be recognized posed earlier, especially by
however, that this figure of 8% corresponds WHO/UNICEF/ICCIDD,11 and that a median
almost exactly to the percentage of values urinary iodine indicating optimal iodine nu-
(7.2%) below the cut-off point of 50 µg/L in- trition during pregnancy and lactation could
dicating at least moderate iodine deficiency be in the range 150-230 µg/L.
in a general population when the median is
between 100 and 200 µg/L.45 This percentage
is considered as acceptable45 considering the Requirement of Iodine in Neonates
well documented day to day variability of uri- As underlined by the IOM,12 no functional
nary iodine, including during pregnancy.46-49 criteria of iodine status have been demon-
From these different considerations, it can strated that reflect response to dietary intake
be concluded that the recommended median in infants. Consequently, the recommended
value for urinary iodine during pregnancy intake of iodine in neonates reflects the ob-
and lactation has to be based on theoretical served mean iodine intake of young infants
grounds. If, as in non-pregnant adults, the exclusively fed human milk in iodine replete
recommended median (100 to 200 µg/L) cor- areas. Up to the late sixties, the iodine con-
responds to the recommended intake (150 tent of breast milk in such areas was usually
µg/day), the median urinary iodine during around 50 µg/L.41,42,59 Considering a daily in-
pregnancy and lactation should be in the take of breast milk of some 0.6 to 1 liter in
range 225-350 µg/L. If, on the contrary, this the neonate and young infant, the assumption
recommended median was based on a rec- was that an infant may get 30 to 50 µg/day
ommended intake of 225-350 µg/day and a iodine in milk from an adequately fed
mean daily urinary volume of 1.5 L/day, it mother.60 However, it is well established that
should be in the range of 150-230 µg/L, i.e. the iodine content of breastmilk is critically
only slightly higher than the value recom- influenced by the dietary intake of the preg-
mended for non-pregnant adults. nant and lactating mother and of the general
It has to be recognized that thyroid function population and that much higher figures have
and volume remained perfectly normal dur- been recorded more recently.41,42 Thus, again
ing pregnancy in Iran44 as well as in Chile31 on theoretical grounds, the requirement of io
for values still twice higher, which strongly dine in neonates was evaluated from meta-
suggests that these values are not excessive bolic studies by determining the value which

International Journal of Endocrinology and Metabolism

6 F. Delange

Table 3. Median or mean (in bold) urinary iodine (UI) concentrations (µg/L) in neonates in iodine suf-
ficiency and iodine deficiency

Countries and loca- n Gestational Urinary io- Range Reference

tion age dine (µg/L) *
Japan 118 FT Breastfed 736 Harada et al. 199463
Hokkaido 182 FT Bottlefed 521
United States
Boston ? PT≤ 36 weeks 148 16-510 Brown et al. 199789
Torrance 50 FT 921 Delange et al. 198490
Toronto 81 FT 148 Delange et al. 198672
The Netherlands
Rotterdam 64 FT 162 Delange et al. 198672
Amesterdam 36 FT 150 Bakker et al. 199991
Stockholm 39 FT 112 Delange et al. 198672
Stockholm 61 FT 96 Heidemann et al. 198465
Mild to moderate iodine deficiency
Nine towns 1983 461 FT 12-29 Heidemann et al. 198465
Berlin West 1985 87 FT 28 Delange et al. 198672
Kiel 1992 50 FT 33 Grebe et al 199392
Frankfurt 1992 21 FT 37 Bohles et al. 199393
Berlin West 1994 177 FT 31 Grüters et al. 199594
Berlin East 1994 213 FT 44 Grüters et al. 199594
Gottingen 2000 22 FT 50 Roth et al. 200195
Heidelberg 1999 32 FT 95 Klett et al. 199996
Brussels 1983 103 PT+FT 35 10-150 Delange et al. 198490
Brussels 1985 196 FT 48 Delange et al. 198672
Brussels 2000 90 FT 86 Ciardelli et al. 200197
Rome 1985 114 FT 47 Delange et al. 198672
Catania 1985 14 FT 71 Delange et al. 198672
?towns 1995 195 FT 56 10-950 Rapa er al. 199698
Milano 1995 18 PT 30 weeks 123 Parravicini et al. 199699
Torino 9 FT 67 10-162 Bono et al 1998100
Lille 1985 82 FT 58 Delange et al. 198672
Toulouse 1985 37 FT 29 Delange et al. 198672
Belfast 1993 ? FT 100 Barakat et al. 1994101
Tel Aviv 1996 55 PT 30-31 wks 55-100 Linder et al. 1997102
Czech Republic
Prague 1998 50 FT 79 Hnikova et al. 199970
Prisbram 1998 50 PT 78
Budapest 2002 55 FT 35 Peter et al. 2003103
Gyor 2002 65 FT 57
Miskole 2002 54 FT 59
Nyiregyhaza 35 FT 75
Severe iodine deficiency
Gottingen 1985 81 FT 15 Delange et al. 198672
Heidelberg 1985 39 FT 13 Delange et al. 198672
Freiburg 1985 39 FT 11 Delange et al. 198672
n: number; FT: Full-term, PT: Pre-term
* Values are medians or means (bold).

International Journal of Endocrinology and Metabolism

Perinatal iodine nutrition 7

resulted in a situation of positive iodine bal- are supplemented with a daily physiological
ance, which is required in order to insure a dose of 90 µg/day.67 It is also the value re-
progressively increased intrathyroidal iodine ported in some parts of the United States
pool in the growing young infant. Such io- supposed to be iodine sufficient.68,69 On the
dine balance studies were conducted in other hand, studies reported in the literature
healthy preterm and in fullterm infants aged in which urinary iodine has been determined
approximately one month in Belgium, a simultaneously in mothers at delivery and in
country with mild iodine deficiency.61 These neonates during the first days of life39,70,71 in-
studies, reported extensively elsewhere,60 in- dicate that these levels are almost similar in
dicate that the iodine intake required in order mothers and neonates. Therefore, based on
to achieve a positive iodine balance is at least the considerations on optimal urinary iodine
15 µg/kg/day in fullterms and 30 µg/kg/day in pregnant mothers, it can be extrapolated
in preterms. This corresponds approximately that the level in neonates should be around
to 90 µg/day and is consequently twice 150 to 230 µg/L, which is almost similar to
higher than the 1989 US recommendations of the figure derived from the iodine require-
40-50 µg/day62 but is still a bit lower than the ments of the neonates.
present recommendation of 110 µg/day by The data reported from neonates in condi-
the IOM.12 tions of mild, moderate and severe iodine de-
ficiency are indeed much lower than normal,
Level of Urinary Iodine Indicating down to less than 20 µg/L in Germany72 be-
Optimal Iodine Nutrition in Neonates fore the partly successful implementation of a
Table 3 summarizes the data from the lit- program of voluntary salt iodization.73 It is
erature on the median urinary iodine in neo- particularly interesting to observe that this
nates in countries or areas with iodine suffi- level progressively increased with time in
ciency and with different degrees of iodine Germany and in Belgium for example
deficiency. There is a large variability in the following the implementation of programs of
results even in iodine sufficient countries, iodine supplementation73,74 and silent iodine
where they vary from 736 µg/L in Hokkaido, prophylaxis, respectively.75
Japan,63 which is submitted to an extremely In summary, the recommended dietary in-
high iodine intake64 to 96 µg/L in Stock- take of iodine in neonates is 90 µg/day and
holm.65 the median urinary iodine to be expected when
Therefore, again, the data from the litera- this requirement is met is 180 to 225 µg/L, a
ture do not help substantially in identifying value almost similar to the one recommended
the optimal urinary iodine level and this level for pregnant women.
has also to be defined on the basis of theo-
retical considerations. Based on an iodine re- Conclusion
quirement of 90 µg/day and a volume of Pregnant and lactating women and neonates
urines in neonates of some 0.4 to 0.5 are the main targets to the effects of iodine
liter/day,66 the median urinary iodine indicat- deficiency because of the impact of maternal,
ing optimal iodine nutrition in neonates can fetal and neonatal hypothyroxinemia on brain
be evaluated at some 180 to 225 µg/L when development of the progeny.5-10 Therefore,
ignoring the fact that the iodine balance of any program of salt iodization in a population
the neonate should also be positive in order should pay special attention to these particu-
to constitute the iodine stores of the thyroid. lar groups. And yet, no firm recommendations
This level, which is higher than the one are presently available on the level of urinary
recommended for schoolchildren and adults, iodine indicating optimal iodine nutrition in
is indeed observed when healthy young in- these groups. This paper constitutes an attempt
fants are supplemented with a daily
International Journal of Endocrinology and Metabolism
8 F. Delange

to propose such normative values. It appears ever, based on the data from the literature and
that an extensive review of the literature on theoretical considerations, it can be con-
based in particular on the evaluation of uri- cluded that the median urinary iodine indicat-
nary iodine in these groups in iodine replete ing optimal iodine nutrition in the neonate
populations does not offer clear answers to should be in the same range of 180-225 µg/L,
the questions because of the variability of in- almost similar to the value recommended for
dividual results even in iodine sufficient their mothers.
countries. One first conclusion of this paper It has to be emphasized again that these
is thus that more accurate data should be col- levels are higher than the ones recommended
lected in iodine sufficient countries, compar- for the general population and are supposed
ing systematically and at the same time the to be potentially responsible for side effects
urinary iodine in the general population, in in adolescents and non-pregnant adults.11
non-pregnant adults, schoolchildren, pregnant Therefore, special attention should be fo-
and lactating women and in neonates. cused on iodine supplementation and moni-
However, based on the data from the litera- toring urinary iodine during pregnancy and
ture and on metabolic considerations, it is possibly during the neonatal period in addi-
proposed that the recommended dietary in- tion to programs of Universal Salt Iodization
take of iodine is 250-300 µg/day for pregnant in countries with iodine deficiency.58 This
women, 225-350 µg/day for lactating women recommendation is particularly relevant con-
and 90 µg/day for neonates and young in- sidering that pregnant and lactating women
fants. It is proposed that the median level of and neonates have usually a limited access to
urinary iodine indicating optimal iodine salt in general and, consequently, to iodized
nutrition during pregnancy and lactation is in salt, and that even in the United States, where
the range 150-230 µg/L. Recommendations the status of iodine nutrition is adequate in
for neonates are still more difficult not only the general population (median urinary iodine
because of the lack of accurate data but also of 145 µg/L), 6.7% of the pregnant women
because the neonate is not in a steady state are still affected by moderate to severe iodine
regarding iodine metabolism and that urinary deficiency (urinary iodine below 50 µg/L).76
iodine probably represents a relatively impre-
cise estimation of the iodine intake. How-

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International Journal of Endocrinology and Metabolism


El yodo durante la gestación, lactancia y primera

infancia. Cantidades mínimas y máximas:
de microgramos a gramos
G. Morreale de Escobar y F. Escobar del Rey
Instituto de Investigaciones Biomédicas Alberto Sols, CSIC y UAM. Madrid.
(An Esp Pediatr 2000; 53: 1-5)

Las hormonas tiroideas, tiroxina (T4) y 3,5,3’-triyodo- En este breve comentario se intentará definir, con ma-
tironina (T3) son necesarias durante todas las fases de la yor precisión, cuáles son las cantidades mínimas para un
vida para una función normal del sistema nervioso cen- desarrollo normal del SNC, y cuáles las que pueden dar
tral (SNC). Son especialmente cruciales durante el desa- lugar a problemas durante el embarazo y primera infan-
rrollo del SNC, pues una insuficiencia de estas hormo- cia, períodos en los que tienen lugar en el ser humano
nas se acompaña de lesiones y defectos neurológicos fases cruciales de maduración cerebral. Hay, sobre todo
permanentes e irreversibles. con respecto al exceso de yodo, bastantes problemas de
Ambas hormonas contienen yodo, cuatro átomos por índole práctico, tal y como describen con acierto y am-
molécula en el caso de la T4, tres en el caso de la T3. plio apoyo bibliográfico Arena y Emparanza en este mis-
Sin yodo no es posible su síntesis, a pesar de lo cual a mo número1.
lo largo de la evolución no han aparecido otras hormo-
nas capaces de sustituirlas y que no tengan esta total de- CANTIDADES MÍNIMAS DE YODO
pendencia de un elemento, que suele encontrarse en Desde que, hace ya una década, fue ratificada por la
cantidades muy pequeñas fuera del ambiente acuático práctica totalidad de los países del mundo la Declara-
marino. ción Mundial para la Supervivencia, Protección y De-
En cambio, ha evolucionado una estructura, el folícu- sarrollo de la Infancia, así como un Plan de Acción
lo tiroideo, capaz de minimizar las consecuencias de un concreto, elaborado por la Convención sobre los Dere-
aporte asaz variable del yodo, obtenido en su mayor chos de la Infancia, emanada a su vez de la Cumbre de
parte a través de los alimentos y el agua. Es la única es- la Infancia organizada por Naciones Unidas en 1989, se
tructura endocrina capaz de almacenar estas hormonas puede afirmar como derecho humano básico de la in-
en forma de prohormona (la tiroglobulina), con tal efi- fancia2 que:
cacia que un adulto, que ha tenido una nutrición ade-
cuada de yodo, puede hacer frente a las necesidades 1. “Todo niño tiene el derecho a una cantidad ade-
hormonales de su organismo durante varios meses des- cuada de yodo en su dieta”.
pués de iniciarse un período de carencia total del mis- 2. “Toda madre debe tener una nutrición adecuada de
mo en su alimentación. A su vez, la glándula tiroides del yodo para evitar que el niño tenga un desarrollo men-
adulto es capaz de evitar las posibles consecuencias no- tal afectado por una carencia de este micronutriente
civas de la producción de un exceso de hormonas tiroi- esencial”.
deas, que podrían producirse al llegarle cantidades muy
altas de yodo. Si embargo, surgen problemas importan- El segundo punto se deriva de la creciente evidencia
tes cuando la deficiencia de yodo en la alimentación se de que una deficiencia de yodo durante el embarazo
hace crónica, o cuando la exposición a un exceso de yo- puede llevar a concentraciones circulantes de T4 mater-
do es muy prolongada, sobre todo cuando esto ocurre na insuficientes para un desarrollo armónico del cerebro
durante un período del desarrollo en que la glándula del feto y el neonato. Las bases científicas y epidemio-
aún no está plenamente preparada para ello. De no re- lógicas (que resumimos en un anterior número de esta
solverse estos problemas, o de resolverse a destiempo, Revista3) han llevado a la Organización Mundial de la
pueden producirse déficit más o menos graves e irre- Salud a declarar que la carencia de yodo es la causa
versibles del SNC. mundial más frecuente de retraso mental y parálisis ce-

Correspondencia: Dra. G. Morreale de Escobar. Instituto de Investigaciones Biomédicas Alberto Sols, CSIC
y UAM. Arturo Duperier, 4. 28029 Madrid.
Correo electrónico:


EDITORIAL. G. Morreale de Escobar y F. Escobar del Rey

TABLA 1. Ingestas mínimas de yodo, recomendadas precisamente excluidos los niños prematuros y lactantes
a partir de 19926 y las mujeres embarazadas, que constituyen la parte de
la población más vulnerable; los primeros tendrían que
Grupo Edad µg de I /día
ingerir casi 2 g de sal yodada al día, y sus madres 5 g/día.
Prematuros > 30 µg/kg/día
Como esto no ocurre, por las recomendaciones actuales
Niños 0-5 meses 90
de evitar o restringir el uso de sal en dichos grupos de
6-12 meses 90
1-3 años 90 la población, se impone asegurar las cantidades mínimas
4-6 años 90 de yodo mediante la suplementación diaria controlada.
7-10 años 120 No habiendo en la farmacopea española actual prepara-
Adultos 150 dos de yoduro o yodato potásico (en forma de tabletas,
Mujeres embarazadas 230* gotas o grageas) adecuados para ello, hay que recurrir a
Mujeres lactantes 260* preparados polivitamínicos y minerales que sí lo contie-
*Estas son las recomendaciones mínimas en Alemania. Recientemente nen, como Calcinatal®, Multicentrum®, Superdyne® y
(después de 1992) el ICCIDD (International Council for the Control of Iodine
Deficiency Disorders) ha elevado a 200-300 µg/día las ingestas recomendadas
Micebrina®. Cuando la madre ha tomado este suple-
para las embarazadas. mento durante todo el embarazo y sigue tomándolo du-
rante la lactancia, su leche contiene las cantidades de
rebral prevenibles, afectando en mayor o menor grado yodo que necesita su hijo, sea o no prematuro. Pero en
el desarrollo y bienestar de unos 1.600 millones de los el caso de no ser posible la lactancia materna, habrá que
actuales habitantes de nuestro planeta. Algunos de ellos recurrir a los preparados que estén adecuadamente en-
viven en España, donde se ha constatado la persistencia riquecidos con este micronutriente5. No hemos encon-
de deficiencia de yodo en las 14 comunidades autóno- trado información sobre el contenido en yodo de los ali-
mas en las que se han realizado estudios recientes al res- mentos preparados para la alimentación de los niños
pecto. cuando dejan la lactancia, por lo que la suplementación
En la tabla 1 aparecen las recomendaciones actuales de su dieta con preparados polivitamínicos y minerales
sobre las cantidades mínimas de yodo que se conside- podría resultar aconsejable.
ran necesarias durante diferentes fases de la vida. Las Con frecuencia se expresa el temor de que, cuando la
cantidades han ido elevándose a medida que se han ido ingesta de yodo de la mujer ya era buena antes del em-
teniendo datos epidemiológicos más precisos, y un co- barazo, una suplementación de su dieta con 250-300
nocimiento más completo de las diferencias en la fisio- µg/día podría resultar excesiva y dañina. No hay base al-
logía tiroidea a distintas edades. Nótese que las necesi- guna para tal temor, ya que una ingesta de 1-2 mg diarios
dades de yodo de niños prematuros, de neonatos y ni- de yodo es frecuente en algunas poblaciones que consu-
ños pequeños son notablemente más altas de lo que se men algas marinas, como algunas de Japón9, sin efectos
deduciría, sobre la base de su peso corporal, de las de- nocivos. Medidas de yoduria en embarazadas de Chile,
finidas para escolares y adultos. En el caso de niños pre- por ejemplo, sugieren ingestas de 500-700 µg10, también
maturos, los preparados humanizados comercializados sin efectos negativos. Como éste es un punto de gran im-
para ellos no contenían yodo suficiente, pero en los úl- portancia, la Organización Mundial de la Salud encomen-
timos años su contenido se ha ido haciendo más acorde dó su estudio a un comité internacional de expertos, de
con los requerimientos4,5. cuyas reuniones emanó el documento que demuestra que
También han ido aumentando las cantidades reco- incluso el uso de aceites yodados (p. ej., Lipiodol®), utili-
mendadas durante el embarazo, a medida que se han zado como medida de urgencia para erradicar la deficien-
completado los estudios realizados en Europa. En nues- cia de yodo en países que no tienen establecida una ade-
tro país, concretamente en la Comunidad Autónoma de cuada red de distribución de sal yodada, está exento de
Madrid, hemos observado que las embarazadas necesi- problemas para la embarazada y el desarrollo de su feto11.
tan un suplemento de 250-300 µg/día para que puedan Contrasta esto con los graves problemas relacionados con
alcanzar concentraciones óptimas de T4 libre circulante, una ingesta materna deficiente en yodo durante el perío-
y para no desarrollar bocio durante el embarazo7,8. do de desarrollo fetal (tabla 2)12, problemas que se erra-
Dada la gran variabilidad del contenido en yodo de dican con su utilización13,14. Debe tenerse en cuenta que
los alimentos de procedencia no marina, se recomienda 1 ml del aceite yodado empleado habitualmente (Lipio-
asegurar estas cantidades mínimas mediante la suple- dol®) contiene 380 mg de I (¡380.000 µg!) y las dosis em-
mentación de la dieta con sal yodada2. En España la le- pleadas suelen ser de 2 ml, o más. Aunque se administre
gislación contempla la yodación de sal refinada de me- de una sola vez, por vía oral o intramuscular, y se reten-
sa en 60 µg I/g sal (60 mg/kg; 60 ppm). El uso habitual ga en el músculo y tejido graso, el yodo se va liberando
de esta sal yodada (que no incluye la sal marina, a no paulatinamente. Pero, obviamente, lo hace en cantidad su-
ser que el envase especifique que está yodada), parece perior a lo que ingeriría una mujer que recibiese 300
suficiente para gran parte de la población. Pero quedan µg/día durante todo el embarazo y la lactancia (110 mg).


El yodo durante la gestación, lactancia y primera infancia

TABLA 2. Espectro de disfunciones por déficit de yodo cerebro durante los primeros años de vida no hay dife-
(tanto más graves cuanto mayor es la rencia entre un estado de hipotiroidismo permanente y
deficiencia de yodo, y cuanto antes se padece) uno transitorio, pues en ambos casos el niño requiere
tratamiento con T4. En el caso de un bloqueo por yodo,
Período en que
se padece la Consecuencias principales el tratamiento debe prolongarse por lo menos hasta que
deficiencia de yodo se haya normalizado la yoduria. Por eso parece muy
Feto Mayor número de abortos oportuno el artículo de Arena y Emparanza en este nú-
Nacidos muertos mero de la Revista1, pues parece que en muchas con-
Anomalías congénitas
sultas ginecológicas y en maternidades españolas no se
Mayor mortalidad perinatal
Mayor mortalidad infantil ha eliminado totalmente el uso de antisépticos yodados,
Cretinismo neurológico como el Betadine®, que contiene povidona yodada al
Deficiencia mental 10%. Cuando hace dos décadas se extendieron por toda
España los programas para la Detección Precoz del Hi-
Diplejía, tetraplejía espástica
Estrabismo potirodismo Congénito, se advirtió a todas las materni-
Cretinismo mixedematoso dades sobre los graves inconvenientes del uso de estos
Enanismo antisépticos, pero al parecer con el tiempo esto se ha
Deficiencia mental
Retraso mental de los habitantes
ido olvidando, encontrándonos en varios congresos re-
aparentemente normales cientes que muchos de los asistentes no conocían su
Mayor susceptibilidad en caso prohibición.
de accidentes nucleares* También puede ocurrir que la prohibición sí se co-
Recién nacidos Defectos psicomotores nozca, pero se haya interpretado erróneamente por una
Bocio neonatal
Hipotiroidismo neonatal
información inexacta. En algunos casos, se evita efecti-
Mayor susceptibilidad en caso vamente el empleo de povidona yodada para desinfec-
de accidentes nucleares* tar al recién nacido, sobre todo si es prematuro, pero
sólo hasta después de tomar la muestra de sangre del
Niños y Bocio talón que se envía al Centro de Detección Precoz de Hi-
adolescentes Hipotiroidismo juvenil
Deterioro de las facultades mentales
potiroidismo Congénito, en la creencia errónea de que
Retraso en el desarrollo somático su uso “falsea las pruebas” por causas analíticas. A par-
Mayor susceptibilidad en caso tir de ese momento, se utiliza libremente. En realidad,
de accidentes nucleares* no es que el uso de la povidona yodada “falsee las prue-
bas”; lo que hace es provocar un estado de hipotiroidis-
Adultos Bocio y sus complicaciones
mo que no existía antes de su aplicación. “Falsea” en
Deterioro de las facultades mentales cuanto no se trata de un hipotiroidismo congénito per-
Hipotiroidismo por carencia de yodo manente, sino de uno transitorio. Pero, como se ha in-
Mayor susceptibilidad en caso dicado más arriba, estos niños requieren tratamiento
de accidentes nucleares*
Propensión a hipertiroidismo al posnatal con T4 mientras dure el hipotiroidismo, al igual
instaurarse medidas profilácticas que los niños con hipotiroidismo congénito permanen-
*Se debe a una mayor avidez de la glándula deficiente en yodo para te, si queremos evitar los déficit mentales permanentes
concentrarlo, incluidos los isótopos radiactivos del mismo, que son liberados que acompañan al hipotiroidismo perinatal tratado tar-
en grandes cantidades durante los accidentes nucleares.
Toda la patología tiroidea, incluido el cáncer de tiroides, está aumentada en díamente.
las zonas de deficiencia de yodo, y a todas las edades. Este efecto nocivo de los desinfectantes yodados ad-
ministrados a la madre y/o al recién nacido se debe a
que en la glándula tiroides del feto y en la del neonato
CANTIDADES EXCESIVAS DE YODO aún no han madurado plenamente los mecanismos de
Se han descrito casos de grandes bocios en neonatos autorregulación tiroidea17, que en el adulto permiten
de madres que usaron sistemáticamente compuestos yo- obviar los riesgos de una producción excesiva de hor-
dados durante el embarazo (jarabes yodados para la tos, monas tiroideas al producir un aumento la cantidad de
desinfectantes yodados, etc., que contenían gramos de yodo disponible.
yodo)15, o que recibieron contrastes yodados para am- En el individuo adulto sin patología tiroidea subya-
niofetografía16. En algunos casos se produjo la muerte cente, el exceso de yodo no produce un bloqueo pro-
por asfixia. En la mayoría de los otros se produjo un blo- longado de la función tiroidea, ya que se han desarro-
queo de la función tiroidea del feto y el neonato, cuyos llado “mecanismos de escape” que se vuelven operati-
efectos pueden prolongarse durante meses, precisamen- vos antes de que disminuyan las concentraciones de
te durante períodos importantes de maduración cere- T4 y T3 por debajo de las normales. No se conoce
bral. Debe tenerse en cuenta que para el desarrollo del bien cómo se ponen en marcha dichos “mecanismos


EDITORIAL. G. Morreale de Escobar y F. Escobar del Rey

TABLA 3. Concentración de yodo en diferentes Esta llamada de atención sobre los peligros de un ex-
medicamentos, desinfectantes y contrastes ceso iatrogénico de yodo durante el embarazo y el pe-
radiológicos de uso muy extendido, ríodo posnatal no debe, en manera alguna, utilizarse co-
y de 1 g de sal yodada mo justificación para dejar de instaurar medidas profi-
Contenido lácticas que eviten la carencia de yodo durante el
Contenido en yodo desarrollo fetal y posnatal.
en yodo frente a
150 µg /día*
Siempre debe tenerse en cuenta la gran diferencia
existente entre las cantidades mínimas necesarias y las
Sal yodada 60 µg/1 g 0,4 x
Amiodarona 7.500 µg/ 50 x
cantidades de yodo potencialmente nocivas. Considére-
comprimido se que las cantidades mínimas necesarias se expresan en
Desinfectantes cientos de µg de yodo (200-300 µg en la embarazada).
Solución de Lugol 126.000 µg/ml 840 x La cantidad de povidona yodada en 1 ml de Betadine®
Betadine (povidona
yodada) 10.000 µg/ml 67 x
es de 100 mg (!!), lo que equivale a unos 100.000 µg. En
Yoduro sódico al 10% 85.000 µg/ml 570 x cualquier aplicación de povidona yodada se emplea un
Vioformo/clioquinol 12.000 µg/ml 80 x volumen de desinfectante muy superior a 1 ml. Lo mis-
Enterovioformo 120.000 µg/ 800 x mo ocurre cuando se usan contrastes yodados (tabla 3).
Contrastes radiológicos Cualquier neonato, sobre todo si es prematuro, que
Hexabrix 320.000 µg/ml 2.100 x inevitablemente tiene que someterse a pruebas diagnós-
Oragrafin 308.000 µg/ 2.050 x ticas o quirúrgicas que hagan imprescindible la adminis-
tración de contrastes yodados, puede padecer un blo-
Lipiodol 380.000 µg/ml 2.500 x
Renografin 370.000 µg/ml 2.500 x queo de la función tiroidea como consecuencia de la in-
Telepaque 333.000 µg/ml 2.200 x tervención, y entrar en un estado de hipotiroidismo. Por
*150 mg/día suele ser la ingesta diaria mínima considerada adecuada para eso, y por el frecuente retraso en el pleno funciona-
jóvenes y adultos, excluyendo mujeres embarazadas y lactantes. miento de los mecanismos de retroalimentación negati-
va hipófisis-tiroides característicos de esa edad, se reco-
de escape”, pero sí se sabe que aún no son plena- mienda que no sólo se envíen al Centro de Detección
mente operativos en el recién nacido, y lo son tanto Precoz de Hipotiroidismo Congénito las muestras de
menos cuanto menor sea su edad gestacional. Éste es sangre tomadas a los pocos días del nacimiento, sino ca-
el motivo de la gran frecuencia con que se bloquea la da vez que se hayan administrado contrastes yodados.
glándula tiroidea del niño prematuro, al enfrentarse a No debe darse el alta al paciente sin tener pruebas bio-
cantidades de yodo que son toleradas perfectamente químicas de que no padece hipotiroidismo, aunque sea
por un adulto. adquirido y transitorio.
El riesgo de un bloqueo de la glándula del neonato no Las cantidades de yodo de la mayoría de los contras-
sólo aumenta en el caso de que haya nacido prematu- tes yodados son incluso superiores a las mencionadas
ramente, sino que depende también en gran medida de para la povidona yodada (tabla 3). A veces no se tiene
la ingesta de yodo materna. Cuando ésta ha sido insufi- conciencia de que el recién nacido está recibiendo esta
ciente, el aclaramiento de yoduro por la glándula tiroi- sobredosis: la mera inserción de catéteres (no radioopa-
des del niño, así como su tamaño, aumentan rápida- cos) para alimentación parenteral conlleva la inyección
mente y de forma considerable. Pero al volver a llegar de contraste en cantidades muy pequeñas, pero sufi-
yodo en cantidades adecuadas, o altas, no disminuye cientes para bloquear la función tiroidea18, por lo que
rápidamente la excesiva vascularización de la glándula, deben sustituirse por catéteres radioopacos.
ni la captación aumentada de yodo. Hay un desfase tem- En resumen, en el caso de la mujer embarazada, el
poral importante, por lo que al llegarle una cantidad ex- lactante y el neonato (sea éste prematuro o a término),
cesiva de yodo, la glándula acumula una proporción hay que tener presente que:
mayor que en el caso de un recién nacido sin carencia
anterior de yodo. Esto contribuye a que se observe un 1. Tienen derecho a que se le asegure el yodo nece-
bloqueo de la glándula con dosis de yodo que no re- sario para el desarrollo óptimo de su cerebro.
sultan excesivas cuando la población está bien nutrida. 2. Es sumamente improbable que reciba un exceso
Los efectos bloqueadores del yodo se ven potenciados nocivo de yodo a través de la alimentación y el uso de
cuando se superponen una cierta deficiencia de yodo y suplementos polivitamínicos y minerales que lo con-
la inmadurez de la glándula del prematuro. Por eso, en tengan.
muchos países europeos (España incluida) el hipotiroi- 3. Puede ser el personal sanitario el primer responsa-
dismo neonatal por exceso de yodo es mucho más fre- ble de que se vean expuestos a dosis excesivas, que
cuente que en Japón y en los Estados Unidos, donde la provienen siempre del uso de diferentes medicamentos,
ingesta de yodo de la población es más alta. desinfectantes yodados y contrastes radiológicos.


El yodo durante la gestación, lactancia y primera infancia

BIBLIOGRAFÍA 10. Liberman CS, Pino SC, Fang SL, Braverman LE, Emerson CH.
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European Journal of Endocrinology (2004) 151 U25–U37 ISSN 0804-4643

Role of thyroid hormone during early brain development

Gabriella Morreale de Escobar, Marı́a Jesús Obregón and Francisco Escobar del Rey
Instituto de Investigaciones Biomédicas Alberto Sols, Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientı́ficas (CSIC) y Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (UAM),
Arturo Duperier, 4, 28029-Madrid, Spain
(Correspondence should be addressed to G Morreale de Escobar; Email:

The present comments are restricted to the role of maternal thyroid hormone on early brain develop-
ment, and are based mostly on information presently available for the human fetal brain. It emphasizes
that maternal hypothyroxinemia – defined as thyroxine (T4) concentrations that are low for the stage
of pregnancy – is potentially damaging for neurodevelopment of the fetus throughout pregnancy, but
especially so before midgestation, as the mother is then the only source of T4 for the developing brain.
Despite a highly efficient uterine –placental ‘barrier’ to their transfer, very small amounts of T4 and
triiodothyronine (T3) of maternal origin are present in the fetal compartment by 4 weeks after
conception, with T4 increasing steadily thereafter. A major proportion of T4 in fetal fluids is not
protein-bound: the ‘free’ T4 (FT4) available to fetal tissues is determined by the maternal serum T4,
and reaches concentrations known to be of biological significance in adults. Despite very low T3
and ‘free’ T3 (FT3) in fetal fluids, the T3 generated locally from T4 in the cerebral cortex reaches
adult concentrations by midgestation, and is partly bound to its nuclear receptor. Experimental results
in the rat strongly support the conclusion that thyroid hormone is already required for normal corti-
cogenesis very early in pregnancy.
The first trimester surge of maternal FT4 is proposed as a biologically relevant event controlled by the
conceptus to ensure its developing cerebral cortex is provided with the necessary amounts of substrate
for the local generation of adequate amounts of T3 for binding to its nuclear receptor. Women unable
to increase their production of T4 early in pregnancy would constitute a population at risk for neuro-
logical disabilities in their children. As mild– moderate iodine deficiency is still the most widespread
cause of maternal hypothyroxinemia in Western societies, the birth of many children with learning
disabilities may already be preventable by advising women to take iodine supplements as soon as
pregnancy starts, or earlier if possible.

European Journal of Endocrinology 151 U25–U37

Introduction hypothyroidism (CH). This success was interpreted as

proof that the developing fetal brain did not need thyroid
The association between alterations of thyroid function hormone until after birth. The idea that the maternal
early after birth and neurodevelopmental disorders has thyroid hormones were of little relevance for the early
been recognized for more than a century. For many fetal brain was reinforced by the increasing evidence
years of the 20th century there has been, however, of the existence of an efficient utero –placental ‘barrier’
less consensus regarding the stage during fetal life that prevented the transfer of maternal thyroid
when thyroid hormone becomes necessary for normal hormones into the fetal compartment in amounts
brain development (more extensively reviewed by us in that could be physiologically relevant. The importance
(1 –4)).This has mostly been due to opposing views of an adequate provision of thyroid hormones for
regarding the importance of maternal thyroid brain development during later phases of pregnancy
hormones for the fetus. On the one hand, those who was, however, increasingly accepted when the
had personal field experience of iodine-deficiency transfer of maternal T4 up to birth was shown in man
disorders (IDDs) were convinced of its importance, (5) and its possible protective role in cases of CH was
because the severity of the central nervous system recognized (6).
(CNS) damage of the progeny was related to the Despite the increasing awareness that thyroid hor-
degree of maternal thyroxine (T4) deficiency and could mone is already required for normal brain development
only be prevented when the latter was corrected before during fetal life, the general consensus as late as 1999
midgestation. On the other hand, Western-trained phys- was summarized by Utiger (7): ‘Thyroid deficiency
icians usually adhered to the idea that maternal thyroid during the latter two thirds of gestation and the first
hormones did not play a role in early neurodevelop- months after delivery can result in mental retardation
ment, an idea apparently supported by the good and sometimes neurological deficits. Whether thyroid
results obtained with prompt treatment of congenital hormone is needed during the first trimester is less

q 2004 Society of the European Journal of Endocrinology Online version via
U26 G Morreale de Escobar and others EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF ENDOCRINOLOGY (2004) 151

certain. If it is, it must be supplied by the mother, tube closure and are likely to mediate biological effects
because none is secreted by the fetus until the middle of the T3 that has been locally generated from T4 trans-
trimester’. The same editorial drew attention to the ferred from the mother. Therefore, if the mother is
many severe neurological defects found in children hypothyroxinemic, the brain of a hypothyroid rat
born to iodine-deficient mothers that require adequate fetus is T3-deficient, even if maternal and fetal T3 are
intervention before midgestation for their prevention, normal, because during early development, serum-
and that do not occur in untreated CH infants. In the derived T3 hardly contributes to cerebral T3 (6).
present contribution we will try to summarize what is Important phases of the development of the neocortex
known, and what is still unknown, regarding early are altered by a period of maternal hypothyroxinemia
fetal thyroid hormone physiology and its dependence preceding onset of FTF (8, 9), showing directly that
on the production of T4 by the mother. thyroid hormone of maternal origin is important for
If such experimental findings were relevant for man,
Findings from experimental rat models they would explain why in most cases of CH there is
Much of our present knowledge regarding transfer of no permanent severe CNS damage when T4 is supplied
thyroid hormones from the mother to the fetus and starting soon after birth. Most fetuses with CH have a
its possible role in fetal brain development has been normal mother, supplying enough T4 to the developing
prompted by previous findings in experimental animal brain throughout gestation to preferentially avoid cer-
models, especially in rats. There is an important simi- ebral T3 deficiency. As a result, the fetal brain has not
larity between man and rat with respect to placent- been severely damaged before birth, and its normal
ation, which is hemochorial in both species. There development can still be achieved by prompt postnatal
are, however, major differences between human and treatment with T4. They would also explain the irre-
rat brain development if we take birth as the point of versible damage caused by an insufficient supply of T4
reference, because the rat is born at a less mature during early development, when the mother is the
stage, the newborn pup being comparable to a only source of hormone to the brain. The more severe
human fetus nearing the third trimester. Conversely, damage would be expected to occur when both the
the human newborn might be compared with a 2- to mother and fetus are hypothyroxinemic throughout
3-week-old rat pup, but with a very important differ- pregnancy, as occurs in iodine-deficient environments,
ence that is often forgotten when postnatal findings in and as increasingly confirmed by case reports (1 –4, 10).
hypothyroid rat models are extrapolated to the third tri-
mester human CH fetus. In man development of the
fetal brain may still be protected by the transfer of Thyroid hormones and their nuclear
maternal T4 during a period of development when receptors in the human fetal brain
the rat is deprived of this potential benefit, as rat milk
does not contain thyroid hormone in relevant amounts. As already indicated, during most of the second half of
Valid comparisons may, however, be made by using the 20th century the prevailing idea was that the early
the onset of active fetal thyroid function (FTF) as the embryo actually developed in the absence of thyroid
milestone for comparisons. This coincides in both hormones. Supporting this conclusion was the evidence
species with full maturation of the pituitary portal of a placental ‘barrier’ system that drastically limited
vessels, and occurs at E17.5-18 in the rat (with E0 their transfer from the mother. Recent information
being the day of conception and E21-22 the day of has confirmed the widespread distribution, mostly of
birth), and at 18 – 20 weeks of postmenstrual age deiodinases D2 and D3, in the utero –placental unit
(PMA) in man (at 16 –20 weeks postconception), and the expression of D3 in fetal epithelia (11 –14).
with birth at 36 – 40 weeks PMA. Thus, most of the As in experimental animals, the existence of an active
comparisons between both species will be restricted barrier, however, does not necessarily exclude that some
to development and maternal –fetal interrelations iodothyronines of maternal origin actually do reach
before FTF, unless stated otherwise. Findings relevant fetal tissues, and we shall briefly summarize the existing
to the present topic are very briefly summarized here. evidence, mostly as pertaining to the brain. Most of the
For pertinent detailed references, see Table 3 in a experimental findings in the rat models, are being con-
previous review (1). References are mostly restricted firmed – and actually extended – in humans.
to more recent studies.
T4 and triiodothyronine (T3) of maternal origin are
present, albeit at very low concentrations, in very
From conception to midgestation
early rat embryonic and fetal tissues, brain included, Attempts to measure the very low concentrations of
before onset of FTF, their concentrations being directly iodothyronines in fetal tissues had to await the develop-
influenced by those in the maternal circulation, ment of adequate extraction methods that permitted
especially those of T4. Thyroid hormone receptor (TR) their purification and determination by sensitive and
isoforms are already present in the brain at neural specific RIAs. Most commercially available methods
EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF ENDOCRINOLOGY (2004) 151 Maternal thyroxine and fetal brain U27

that have been developed for human sera are not samples from the fetal compartment without severing
adequate for the very low concentrations found up to vascular connections with the mother. This procedure,
midgestation in human fetal serum. Commercial kits combined with specific and sensitive RIAs, disclosed
for the estimation of ‘free’ T4 (FT4) are even less ade- important new information regarding fetal thyroid
quate, because of the great qualitative and quantitative hormones early in pregnancy (18). T4, T3 and reverse
differences in the composition of T4-binding proteins T3 (rT3) were found in the first trimester coelomic
between fetal fluids and adult serum. and amniotic fluids from 5.8 – 11 weeks PMA (3.8 – 9
During the 1980s, T4 and T3 were measured in weeks postconceptional age) (Fig. 2). The T4 concen-
tissue extracts from cerebral cortex, liver and lung of trations in the coelomic fluid were positively correlated
8 –18 week PMA human fetuses, using improved with the maternal circulating concentrations, but
specific and highly sensitive RIAs (15– 17). In liver, were , 1% of the maternal values. T3 was at least
lung and heart, only T4 was found during the second 10-fold lower than T4, with rT3 being clearly higher
trimester, although T3 could be demonstrated at some- than T4, findings that confirmed the high D3 activities
what earlier ages in lung nuclear extracts. T3 was of the placental ‘barrier’ and fetal epithelia. Concen-
quantified in purified extracts from human fetal brain, trations in the coelomic fluid were higher than in the
however, as early as 9 –10 weeks PMA, and increased amniotic compartment. Because of the minute amounts
steadily up to 18 weeks PMA, despite the fact that of the iodothyronines found in these fluids, their possible
during this period plasma T3 was undetectable and biological significance was often questioned.
, 10% of adult values. By midgestation the concen- The results were essentially confirmed and extended
tration of T3 in the fetal brain reached 34% of adult in a second study (19) where transvaginal ultra-
values, much higher than would have been inferred sound-guided puncture of these cavities and of fetal
from their very low circulating T3. blood was performed up to 17 weeks PMA. A specific
Another important methodological improvement was methodology was developed for the determination of
the development of transvaginal ultrasound-guided FT4. We confirmed the previous observation (18) that
puncture of the embryonic cavities (Fig. 1) to obtain T4 in fetal fluids is more than 100-fold lower than in

Figure 1 Schematic representation of the maternal– fetal unit during the 1st (A) and 2nd (B) trimesters of pregnancy. (A) The human
fetus is surrounded by two distinct fluid cavities separated from each other by a thin membrane: the inner, or amniotic cavity (AC) con-
tains the fetus and the outer, or exocoelomic cavity (ECC), separates the amniotic cavity from the placenta and contains the secondary
yolk sac (SYS). The latter is directly connected to the fetal digestive tract and circulation. The ECC is the site of important molecular
exchanges between the mother and the fetus and contains the coelomic fluid (CF) that results from an ultrafiltrate of maternal serum
with the addition of specific placental and SYS bioproducts. The ECC is a physiological liquid extension of the early placenta (P) and
acts as a reservoir for nutrients needed by the developing fetus. There is no direct vascular connection between the mother and the
umbilical cord of the fetus. (B) A second mode of transfer starts at the end of the 1st trimester. The SYS and two-thirds of the placental
mass degenerate and the ECC is progressively obliterated by the growing AC containing the amniotic fluid (AF) surrounding the fetus.
These major anatomical transformations modify considerably the spatial relationships between maternal tissue and developing fetus,
and, consequently, the maternal– fetal exchange pathways. From 11–12 weeks onwards maternal nutrients, including thyroid hormone,
are transferred from the placenta directly into the fetal circulation. The AF contains fetal urine and waste products. U, uterus; UC,
umbilical cord; CL, chorion laeve (membranes in development).
U28 G Morreale de Escobar and others EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF ENDOCRINOLOGY (2004) 151

maternal serum, with T3 being even lower. The new

finding was that this great difference between the
maternal and fetal concentrations of total T4 might
be misleading with respect to their potential biological
significance, because the proportion of T4 that is not
bound to proteins is so much higher than in adult
sera that the concentrations of T4 actually ‘available’
to developing tissues, namely those of FT4, reach
values which are comparable to those known to be
biologically active in their mothers (Fig. 2B).
The FT4 levels in the fetal fluids are defined by the
concentrations of T4-binding proteins and the concen-
trations of maternal T4 or FT4 that have escaped the
placental ‘barrier’. The T4-binding capacity of the pro-
teins in fetal fluids is determined ontogenically, is inde-
pendent of the maternal thyroid status, and is far in
excess of the amounts of total T4 that reach the fetal
fluids. Thus, the availability of FT4 for embryonic and
fetal tissues is ultimately determined by the maternal
circulating T4 or FT4 and would decrease in hypothyr-
oxinemic women, even if they are clinically euthyroid.
The results explained why an efficient ‘barrier’ to
maternal thyroid hormone transfer is actually necess-
ary. If total T4 and T3 reached the same concentrations
in fetal fluids as those in the maternal serum, the devel-
oping tissues would be exposed to inappropriately high,
and possibly toxic, concentrations of FT4 and ‘free’ T3
(FT3). An inordinately high FT4 and/or FT3 could
result in adverse effects on the timely sequence of
thyroid hormone-sensitive developmental events in
the human fetus, as recently confirmed (20).
That thyroid hormone-sensitive developmental
events may already occur before midgestation and
onset of FTF is supported by the early presence of
nuclear TRs in the human fetal brain. These were
detected in the earliest samples of the cerebral cortex
(9 weeks PMA) studied by Bernal & Pekonen (15)
with their concentration increasing at least 10-fold by
18 weeks. Despite the very low fetal serum concen-
trations of T3, the occupation of the TRs by this
iodothyronine was 25 – 30% throughout the study
period (15 –17), strongly suggesting that biological
effects of the hormone might already be occurring in
the cerebral cortex during the first trimester of
human pregnancy. A recent study (21) has confirmed
the early expression of TR gene isoforms and related
splice variants in the whole fetal brain studied between
8.1 and 13.9 weeks PMA. Expression of the TRb1,
Figure 2 (A) Changes in concentrations of total T4 and FT4 in TRra1 and c-erbAa2 isoforms was detected in the 8.1
fetal fluids up to midgestation, as a function of maternal serum T4 week brain sample, with TRa1 being the predominant
values, which were within the normal range (18). (B) Concen- form in early development, increasing steadily up to
trations of total and FT4, as a function of postmenstrual age, in
fetal coelomic fluid (CF), amniotic fluid (AF), fetal blood (F-B) and 13.9 weeks; so did the c-erbAa2 isoform. TRb1
maternal blood (M-B). The ordinates in both panels are on a expression appeared to present a more complex onto-
logarithmic scale, in order to better visualize the similarity of the genic pattern. The authors moreover point out that
FT4 concentrations in fetal fluids to those in the corresponding the repressor activity of un-liganded Tra1 on basal
mother, whereas there is a greater than 100-fold difference in the
T4 concentrations (data from (19)). For both (A) and (B) the fetal
gene transcription may also become relevant when
fluids were obtained without severing maternal to fetal vascular the maternal supply of hormone decreases: a decrease
connections. in the amount of T3 available for receptor binding
EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF ENDOCRINOLOGY (2004) 151 Maternal thyroxine and fetal brain U29

would increase the proportion of the un-liganded iso- hippocampus) also had low T3 concentrations up to mid-
form and its repressor activity, and further interfere gestation. The study (22) supports the hypothesis that
with thyroid hormone-sensitive biological effects. T3 is indeed required by the human cerebral cortex
The ontogenic patterns of the concentrations of T4, before midgestation, when the mother is the only
T3, rT3, and of D1, D2 and D3 activities have now source of the FT4 that is available to the fetal tissues. It
been studied (22) in nine different cerebral areas from confirms the important roles of D2 and D3 in the local
fetuses of 13 – 20 weeks PMA, when fetal serum T4 bioavailability of cerebral T3 during fetal life; D2 gener-
increased significantly from about 3 to 15 pmol/ml, ates T3 from T4 and D3 protects different brain regions
whereas T3 did not correlate with PMA and remained from an untimely, or excessive, T3 until this hormone
at about 0.5 pmol/ml throughout the same develop- is required for differentiation.
mental period (19). The ontogenic profiles of the We do not, however, have precise information on
concentrations of the iodothyronines in the different the stage of human brain development when down-
areas of the brain, and of their D2 and D3 activities, regulation of D2 expression and/or activity might
showed both spatial and temporal specificity, but with contribute to T3 bioavailability in conditions of
divergence in the cerebral cortex as compared with maternal or fetal hypothyroxinemia; if down-regulation
other brain areas (Fig. 3). In the cortex the concentration is delayed with respect to the onset of its expression, a
of T4 was increasing with PMA, as expected from decrease in maternal T4 would ultimately result in a
the increase in fetal serum T4. But, in contrast with lower intracellular concentration of T3 (4).
the very low and practically constant circulating levels,
T3 increased significantly with PMA in the cortex
between 13 and 20 weeks PMA to levels comparable to
Between midgestation and birth
those reported in adults (2.5 pmol/g). These findings There is a dearth of information on the ontogenic
show that in the human cerebral cortex T3 is also gener- patterns of thyroid hormone concentrations and
ated locally from T4, and is hardly influenced by iodothyronine deiodinase expression and/or activities
circulating T3. Considerable D2 activity was indeed in different fetal tissues during the second half of
found in the human cerebral cortex, whereas D3 activity pregnancy. Studies performed so far have relied on
was very low. In contrast, cerebellar D3 activities were autopsy material of babies who died of different
very high until midgestation, and T3 was very low, causes and at variable intervals after a premature
only increasing after midgestation, when D3 activity birth, and results are subject to many confounding fac-
was decreasing. Other regions with high D3 activities tors other than their PMA. The most important ones
(midbrain, basal ganglia, brain stem, spinal cord, are likely to be the premature interruption of the

Figure 3 Ontogenic changes in the concentrations of T4 (upper panels), and T3 (lower panels) in the human cerebral cortex (left-hand
panels) and cerebellum (right-hand panels) up to midgestation when the mother is the only source of thyroid hormone for the developing
fetus (data from (22)). During this period T4 in the fetal serum increases about 5-fold, from 3 to 15 pmol/ml, whereas circulating T3
remains very low, about 0.5 pmol/ml (equivalent to 0.5 pmol/g), and does not increase with PMA (19). D3 activities are very high in the
cerebellum throughout this period.
U30 G Morreale de Escobar and others EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF ENDOCRINOLOGY (2004) 151

maternal supply of T4 and the sudden major decrease

in circulating thyrotropin (TSH). For this reason such
studies will not be included here. We will only summar-
ize what is known regarding thyroid hormones and
related indices of fetal thyroid physiology that have
been obtained in utero and in vivo, restricting our
knowledge to data obtained from serum samples.
For many years most diagrams (23) describing onto-
genic patterns of changes in fetal circulating levels of
T4, T3, rT3, TSH, T4-binding globulin (TBG) etc. had
been derived from premature babies, after interruption
of maternal connections. Early in the 1990s, however,
ultrasound-guided blood sampling from the umbilical
cord and the heart was used to obtain fetal samples
between 12 and 37 weeks PMA (24, 25) (Fig. 4). Some
of the patterns previously described (23) for different par-
ameters of FTF were confirmed: T3 and FT3 were very
low throughout fetal life, as compared with those in
both the maternal serum and in the adult population.
In striking contrast, however, both T4 and FT4 increased
steadily with fetal age, and reached maternal and adult
concentrations by the beginning of the third trimester
(25). Contrasting with previous reports of a negative
feed-back between the fetal thyroid and the hypothala-
mic –pituitary system during the third trimester,
Thorpe-Beeston et al. (25) found that FT4 and TSH
were both increasing until birth.
An even greater discrepancy concerned the intrau-
terine fetal levels of TSH that were much higher than
maternal and adult values throughout the study
period, a finding confirmed in our later study (19).
This was in conceptual agreement with reports that in
both normal and anencephalic fetuses, TSH bioactivity
is greatly increased with respect to that circulating in
the mothers, confirming that fetal serum TSH is neither
of maternal origin, under hypothalamic neuroendo-
crine control, nor under negative feed-back control by
thyroid hormones, whether of maternal or fetal origin
(26). Fetal TSH levels are already high well before full
maturation of hypothalamic – pituitary connections at
midgestation. This poses unanswered questions regard-
ing its origin; synthesis of TSH by the rat and monkey
brain have been reported (27). More recently, a TSH
receptor has been found in early human fetal brain Figure 4 (A–C) The ontogenic changes in different parameters
and human astrocytes in primary culture (28). This of thyroid hormone status from 12 weeks PMA until birth,
receptor mediates extrathyroidal cAMP-independent obtained in vivo by cordocentesis, without interfering with the
biological effects of TSH, among which is, quite inter- normal connections between mother and conceptus. The
estingly, the stimulation of D2 in astroglial cells. The shaded areas enclose the values reported by Thorpe-Beeston
et al. (25). (A and B) Show that fetal serum FT4 values reach
possible cAMP-independent ‘extrathyroidal’ actions of maternal concentrations shortly after midgestation, whereas
TSH throughout human fetal development are most those of FT3 are low throughout pregnancy. (C) Draws attention
intriguing, especially if acting in brain development as to the very high levels of fetal TSH, most of which were higher
a growth factor. Equally intriguing is why the high than those of the mother. (A) Also shows the FT4 levels found
intrauterine TSH concentrations plummet with birth. in sera from premature babies (B, preterm) (30, 31) as com-
pared with those in utero (25).
Sudden severance from the placenta might be playing
a role, as the placenta produces high amounts of
thyrotropin-releasing hormone-like peptides that Fetal circulating T4 and FT4 are already increasing
might be stimulating extrapituitary synthesis of TSH steadily in utero before the fetal thyroid is likely to be
or TSH-like proteins. able to maintain such concentrations when deprived
EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF ENDOCRINOLOGY (2004) 151 Maternal thyroxine and fetal brain U31

of the maternal contribution; the degree of iodination occur with maternal circulating levels that are still
of thyroglobulin (Tg) and its T4 and T3 contents are within the normal reference range for adults (Fig. 2).
very poor before 42 weeks PMA (29). This lack of full Although valuable new insights have been obtained
maturation of the fetal thyroid would contribute signifi- regarding the ontogenic patterns of change of cerebral
cantly to the neonatal hypothyroxinemia of premature thyroid hormone concentrations, their nuclear recep-
infants, a possibility that is strongly supported when tors, and the roles of the deiodinating isoenzymes in
serum FT4 concentrations of such infants are plotted tailoring the bioavailability of T3 to the developmental
as a function of PMA and superimposed on the pattern requirements of different cerebral structures, it is likely
found for age-paired living fetuses that are still in utero that we are still quite far from understanding all the
(Fig. 4) (30, 31). Such observations imply that the mechanisms that may be involved, and their inter-
mother continues to contribute significantly to fetal relationships. As summarized recently in somewhat
circulating T4 and FT4 until birth, as described for more detail (4), little is known regarding the roles, in
experimental animals. determining the availability of circulating T4 to the
That the transfer of maternal T4 to the fetus con- fetal brain, of the activities of the deiodinating enzyme
tinues until the umbilical cord is severed was conclus- isoforms in other fetal tissues, as well as those of the sul-
ively shown in 1989 by Vulsma et al. (5) who found fotransferases, glucuronidases and sulfatases, and of
concentrations of T4 in cord blood of seven neonates recently identified specific iodothyronine plasma mem-
with complete organification defect, namely, a complete brane transporters into, and out of, the fetal brain.
inability to iodinate proteins and, therefore, to syn- We have already remarked (4) upon our ignorance
thesize the iodinated hormones. These concentrations with respect to a possible developmental role of the
varied between 35 and 70 nmol/l, values that are high levels of TSH throughout gestation, as well as
about 30 –60% of the mean concentrations reached the cause for their rapid decrease after premature
by the normal fetus at term, 109 nmol/l (25). In birth. We still have insufficient information regarding
hypothyroid rat fetuses, serum T4 concentrations the capacity of the fetal thyroid to meet the needs of the
ranging between 30 and 60% of normal, together newborn preterm infant faced with the untimely inter-
with the compensatory increase of D2 activity in the ruption of the maternal supply of hormone. Mainly
brain, would be enough to preferentially avoid cerebral for this reason, effective procedures that might
T3 deficiency (6). Extrapolation of the latter findings to improve their neurodevelopment have not yet been
the human CH fetus suggests that after midgestation fully established (32).
the down-regulation of cerebral D2 is also operative
in the human brain, and has contributed to protect it
from major CNS damage until birth. Direct evidence of a role of maternal T4
in neurogenesis
Present findings regarding regulatory mechanisms
Results so far confirm for the human developing brain involved in the bioavailability of T3 in the human
the same principles that appear to modulate T3 fetal cortex early in development, as well as the early
bioavailability in different developing structures in expression of nuclear TRs, already occupied by T3,
many species, in a temporally and spatially specific strongly support the hypothesis that an adequate
sequence of events, namely by the ontogenetically pro- supply of maternal T4 is already needed by the cerebral
grammed expression of the iodothyronine deiodinase iso- cortex early in pregnancy. In man, such an hypothesis
enzymes, mainly D2 and D3. We have less information cannot be directly verified, or negated, for obvious ethi-
regarding mechanisms other than those involving the cal constraints.
iodothyronine deiodinase isoforms that might also play In the rat, changes in maternal thyroid hormone avail-
important roles in tailoring T3 bioavailability to chan- ability during early stages of development – equivalent to
ging needs of developing human brain structures. the end of the first, and beginning of the second, trimester
Thus, both T4 and T3 are present in human in man – affect neurogenesis irreversibly. Two models
embryonic and fetal fluids, with the FT4 reaching have been studied so far. One involved iodine-deficient
concentrations that are known to be biologically rel- rat dams (8). The other involved rat dams treated for
evant in adults. The FT4 concentrations in these only 3 days with a goitrogen (methyl-mercapto-imidazole
fluids are, moreover, directly dependent on the (MMI)), a protocol that resulted in a transient and very
maternal T4 supply, and so is the FT4 available to mild degree of maternal thyroid hormone deficiency
fetal tissues, including the brain. It appears plausible (3dMMI model) (9). In both models the dams were
to conclude that the lower the maternal T4 early in hypothyroxinemic between E14 and E16, a period of
pregnancy, the lower the FT4 available to the fetal very active neurogenesis and of migrations of radial neur-
cortex and, presumably, the lower the amounts of T3 ons into the developing cerebral cortex and hippocampus,
available for binding to cerebral TRs exerting biological the mother being the only source of thyroid hormone
effects. It is important to realize that this could already available to the developing fetus. The final location of
U32 G Morreale de Escobar and others EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF ENDOCRINOLOGY (2004) 151

the cells generated during this period was aberrant, with TSH is suppressed. Plotting mean maternal serum
neurons appearing in layers of the somatosensory cortex hCG levels as a function of gestational age shows peak
and hippocampus where they are never found in pups concentrations at the end of the first trimester,
from normal dams. The cytoarchitectures of the barrel with TSH levels falling in a mirror image (Fig. 5).
cortex and hippocampus were also affected. The short
transient period of moderate maternal thyroid hormone
deficiency between E12 and E15 (3dMMI model) (9) was
sufficient to derange successive radial waves of neuronal
migrations and to result in cytoarchitectural abnormal-
ities that could only be prevented by the timely infusion
of T4. This was of no benefit when delayed beyond the
critical period of corticogenesis. An increased suscepti-
bility to acoustic stimulation was also observed in a high
proportion of the pups born to 3dMMI dams.
Such findings clearly support the importance of an
adequate early supply of maternal thyroid hormone
for neurodevelopment. Extrapolation to man would
define the period in human gestation when the fetal
cerebral cortex is especially sensitive to changes in
the availability of maternal thyroid hormone within
the first half of pregnancy. In man, the two main
waves of radial migrations of neurons into the cortex
peak at 11 and 14 weeks PMA. The first one coincides
approximately with the human chorionic gonadotropin
(hCG)-driven maternal FT4 surge.

Thyroid function of the mother

It has been known for decades that important changes
occur in thyroid hormone physiology during normal
pregnancy. When it was initially observed that
maternal circulating T4 was higher than in non-preg-
nant women, it was believed that this was a direct
consequence of the estrogen-stimulated increase of cir-
culating TBG and of TBG moieties that are more highly
sialylated and have longer biological half-lives.
The increase in circulating T4 was deemed necessary
in order to keep circulating FT4 within the normal
range, but the expected transient decrease in FT4, fol-
lowed by a rise in TSH, necessary to attain the new
equilibrium was not detected.
Figure 5 (A) shows that during the first trimester there is an
increase in circulating hCG (A, upper panel) that results in a first
The transient initial surge of maternal trimester surge of maternal FT4 and FT3 (A, lower panel), and a
circulating FT4 suppression of circulating TSH (A, upper panel). These results
support the present hypothesis that the surge in maternal FT4
We now know that the increases in T4 and TBG do not before midgestation is controlled by the conceptus, and may have
occur simultaneously, and FT4 is actually significantly a biologically relevant role, and that an inadequate surge might
increased for several weeks before TBG concentrations not be detected using as the indicator an increase of serum TSH
plateau at midgestation (33). The increased concen- above the normal population range. Drawn using mean values
reported by Glinoer (33). (B) An example of the effects of the iod-
trations of hCG in the maternal and fetal compartments ine intake on the first trimester FT4 surge and on FT4 values
are essential for the maintenance of the pregnancy and throughout pregnancy, based on data from a study (46) of preg-
are imposed by the presence of the conceptus. During nant women with a median urinary iodine of 90–95 mg I/l through-
this period the woman’s thyroid is under the control of out gestation, and of those in the same area advised to take
the high concentrations of hCG and hCG-related potassium iodide (KI) supplements (approximately 250 mg I/day)
from early pregnancy, and a mean urinary iodine excretion double
molecules that have TSH-like activity. During early preg- that of the non-supplemented women. First trimester median FT4
nancy, when these are highest, secretion of both T4 and values for non-supplemented and supplemented women were,
T3 is stimulated to the point that maternal circulating respectively, 16.9 and 19.9 pmol/l.
EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF ENDOCRINOLOGY (2004) 151 Maternal thyroxine and fetal brain U33

This phenomenon has even been observed in a case of functionally impaired, and (ii) that the supply of iodine
thyroid hormone resistance (34); the already high for the synthesis of sufficient T4 is almost double. It is
serum T4 and T3 increased further at the onset of preg- becoming increasingly evident that the frequency with
nancy and reached peak values when circulating hCG which women from Western industrialized countries
was highest, at 10 –12 weeks of gestation, with a might not be able to respond adequately to the greatly
mirror image in serum TSH that was temporarily increased demands of T4 placed by the presence of the
suppressed. conceptus, is a 100-fold greater, or more, than that of
This initial adaptation of maternal thyroid physiology CH babies, whose detection and early treatment by
to the presence of the fetus may well be one more mass screening programs have proved so successful.
example of the control exerted by the conceptus on the
maternal endocrine system. One possible interpretation Impaired thyroid function In a recent summary by
is that it is essential for the conceptus to ensure, for its Glinoer & Smallridge (39) on ‘The impact of Maternal
own benefit, high maternal FT4 concentrations that Thyroid Disease on the Developing Fetus: Implications
are relevant for early neurodevelopment. To achieve for Diagnosis, Treatment and Screening’, four different
this, it would be necessary to transiently override the conditions were discussed from a practical point of
control of thyroid function through the negative hypo- view: (i) clinical hypothyroidism, with low serum FT4
thalamic –pituitary– thyroid feed-back mechanism. and high serum TSH; (ii) subclinical hypothyroidism,
with normal FT4 and high TSH; (iii) thyroid autoimmu-
Increased production of T4 by the maternal nity features, with normal FT4, normal TSH with thyr-
thyroid Maternal thyroid hormone production oid antibodies; and hypothyroxinemia with low FT4 and
during the first half of human pregnancy obviously normal TSH, and (iv) hypothyroxinemia with low FT4
has to increase very soon after its onset, in order to and normal TSH, and clinical euthyroidism.
ensure the early surge in circulating FT4, considering, From North-American and Western European evalu-
among other factors, that the plasma volume increases ations, up to 0.5% of pregnant women (1 in 200) may
rapidly. There is also an increased degradation of the have overt hypothyroidism and up to 2.5% of them
iodothyronines by the very high activity of D3 in the (1 in 40) subclinical hypothyroidism, undetected
uterine –placental unit, possibly also a consequence of before pregnancy. With respect to the third condition,
the increased estrogen levels (12). The increase in between 6 and 12% of women of child-bearing age
the size of the maternal T4 pool early in pregnancy (1 in 16 to 1 in 8) may have thyroid antibodies, with
has not yet been defined precisely, and may differ in strictly normal FT4 and TSH. Most of these reports
different pregnancies of the same woman. Available relied on an upper limit for ‘normal’ TSH of approxi-
information suggests that it imposes a considerable mately 5 mU/l. The number of women diagnosed as
burden on the maternal thyroid. It has been known clinically or subclinically hypothyroid would probably
for years that hypothyroid women very often have to increase further if the newer upper limit of 2.5 mU
increase their T4 dose during pregnancy (35) to ‘nor- TSH/l were used, and even more if first trimester-
malize their TSH’, the standard goal of treatment for specific ranges of serum FT4 and TSH values were
non-pregnant patients. A very recent study (36) available (37). Our present drawback is that we still
has drawn attention to the need for increasing the lack reliable basic information regarding appropriate
levothyroxine dose already by the fifth week of gestation trimester-specific reference ranges for FT4, T4 and
by about 50%, in order to keep TSH within the normal TSH obtained with samples from normal pregnancies
range. This early and significant increase of the T4 in euthyroid women with a confirmed appropriate
dose, however, failed to reproduce the first trimester iodine intake (250 mg I/day) and without autoimmune
FT4 peak and TSH nadir found in normal pregnant disease (2, 35, 37).
women. An even greater increase in the dose might
have been required if the aim had been attainment of Maternal hypothyroxinemia Of the four conditions
the physiological trimester-specific FT4 and TSH indicated above, maternal hypothyroxinemia is the
values (37). This possibility is in conceptual agreement most frequent, even in industrialized Western societies.
with the marked increase in iodine requirements (38, In The Netherlands, a population considered as iodine-
39), which almost double from the onset of pregnancy, sufficient, neurodevelopmental deficits have been
and is not entirely explained by the increased renal reported (40) in one out of every two offspring from
iodide clearance. women with first trimester FT4 below the 10th percentile
(1 in 20 births). The etiology of the maternal hypothyr-
oxinemia reported in these studies has not been clarified.
Conditions required for the maternal thyroid
The maternal hypothyroxinemia that is caused by an
to meet the demands imposed by the conceptus
iodine intake that fails to meet the increased needs
There are two principal requisites for the maternal imposed by the conceptus, is likely to be much more fre-
thyroid to be able to meet the burden imposed by quent than primary thyroid failure and thyroid autoim-
the conceptus, namely (i) that thyroid tissue is not munity. It has been amply documented that iodine
U34 G Morreale de Escobar and others EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF ENDOCRINOLOGY (2004) 151

deficiency is, worldwide, the most frequent cause of secretion of thyroid hormones is switched towards a pre-
reproductive failure, decreased mental and motor func- ferential use of the decreasing iodine supply in favor of
tions, and cerebral palsy (41 –43). Neurodevelopmental T3 over T4 (50, 52). As a consequence, circulating T4
deficits not only occur in areas of severe iodine decreases, but T3 does not, and may actually increase,
deficiency, more recent findings show that even mild preventing both an increase in serum TSH and clinical
degrees of iodine deficiency are potentially adverse for manifestations of hypothyroidism (53 – 55). Indeed,
the outcome of pregnancy (38, 42, 44). A very recent increased serum TSH is rarely found in goitrous individ-
10-year follow up (45) of the progeny of women with uals from areas with iodine deficiency alone, with
mild iodine deficiency has shown an unusually high increased Tg concentrations being a much more fre-
proportion (70%) of children with attention deficit quent finding in mild to moderate iodine deficiency. In
hyperactivity disorders among those born to mothers the seminal studies by Glinoer and colleagues (10, 33,
who had been hypothyroxinemic during the first half 56) on thyroid function in pregnant women from a
of pregnancy. This, superimposed on the decrease, population with moderate iodine deficiency, increased
albeit moderate, of their intelligence quotients, constitu- TSH levels were not found, even among the women
tes an important handicap in our increasingly competi- with the lowest first trimester FT4 levels, whereas
tive societies. A recently published study (4) reveals that increased T3/T4 molar ratios and serum Tg, were
as many as 25% of pregnant women in the United States already observed from the onset. Serum TSH tended to
have iodine intakes that are less than half those increase by the third trimester, but mostly remained
recommended during pregnancy. Higher frequencies of within the normal range.
this pregnancy-related iodine insufficiency are being The generalized, but inaccurate idea that iodine
reported from Western European populations where deficiency not only lowers T4 production, but results
schoolchildren and non-pregnant women have an necessarily in increased circulating TSH is mostly
adequate iodine intake (3, 10, 39, 46, 47). derived from studies in iodine-deficient areas where
additional factors (i.e. goitrogens, selenium deficiency,
Remarks regarding maternal etc.) result in loss of functional thyroid tissue, and
even in glandular atrophy (57, 58), curtailing adap-
hypothyroxinemia caused by iodine tation through autoregulatory mechanisms.
Why is this condition, potentially the most frequent
preventable cause of learning disabilities in our indus- Maintenance of euthyroidism
trialized societies, receiving so little attention in medical
practice? We should like to point out a few of the poss- Iodine deficiency is also inaccurately associated with
ible reasons. clinical manifestations of hypothyroidism; individuals
are frequently referred to as hypothyroid, even in
recent reviews (i.e. see (59) and keywords in (33)).
Unchanged serum TSH
This statement is correct in individuals from the same
Regulation of thyroid function through the hypothala- iodine-deficiency goiter endemias with myxoedema indi-
mic –pituitary– thyroid negative feed-back is so cated above where TSH is increased. This widespread
ingrained in our thinking, that a low T4 is automatic- assumption has been inadvertently compounded by
ally associated with a high TSH. Thus, the definition the inclusion of ‘hypothyroidism’ in the long list of
of hypothyroxinemia itself – a decreased T4 without IDDs that summarized findings from areas with endemic
an increase of TSH above normal – is instinctively goiter (60). No distinction was made between IDDs
rejected. Very efficient mechanisms controlling thyroid reported from areas of iodine deficiency alone from
function – other than the negative feed-back – are over- those reported from areas where additional factors
looked by, or are even unknown to, most physicians. result in loss of functional thyroid tissue. Individuals
More than half a century ago it was shown that the from areas where the autoregulatory mechanism
immediate response of the gland to decreased circulat- permit their adaptation to the inadequate iodine
ing iodide triggers very efficient autoregulatory mech- supply, are clinically euthyroid, even in situations of
anisms that result, among others, in an increase in severe iodine deficiency (53) because of their normal,
thyroid vascularity, iodine uptake, acinar cell height, or increased, circulating T3.
hyperplasia and serum T3/T4 ratios. All these changes To further complicate the issue, tissues (such as the
are independent from TSH, and occur even when hypo- brain) that depend mostly on T4 for their availability
physectomized rats, or hypophysectomized animals on of T3 may, however, be T3-deficient and selectively
TSH substitution, are fed a diet low in iodine (48 –50). hypothyroid (60) without clinical manifestation of
Their autonomy from TSH in man has recently been hypothyroidism of the individual as a whole. They are
confirmed (51). Among the many changes that occur, often described as ‘dull’, with whole populations
one directly related to the present topic regarding appearing to ‘wake up’ when the iodine deficiency –
maternal hypothyroxinemia is that the synthesis and and the hypothyroxinemia – are corrected (61).
EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF ENDOCRINOLOGY (2004) 151 Maternal thyroxine and fetal brain U35

Maternal vs fetal adaptation to iodine

The fetus constitutes an exception with respect to our
previous comments regarding the unchanged serum
TSH and the clinical euthyroidism of inhabitants of
areas with iodine deficiency alone, because autoregula-
tory mechanisms are not yet fully operative until after
birth (62); there would be no preferential secretion of
T3 preventing an increase in serum TSH and hypothyr-
oidism. This is in conceptual agreement with the obser-
vation that the proportion of newborns at screening
with whole blood TSH above 5 mU/l is increased above
3% in populations with iodine deficiency (51). For the
same reason, they would not be protected from
hypothyroidism. Statements pertaining to the thyroid
status of the mother should be dissociated from
those regarding the fetus, as they are not necessarily
the same.

Final comments
Presently available information that has been summar-
ized here supports the hypothesis that an inappropriate
first trimester surge in maternal FT4, whatever the cir-
culating TSH, would interfere with the development of
the cerebral cortex, even if maternal euthyroidism is
maintained by normal circulating T3 (Fig. 6).
There is at present increasing consensus that
maternal hypothyroidism, both clinical and subclinical,
requires early detection and prompt treatment, because
of its important negative effects for the woman, the preg-
nancy and the child (i.e. see (1, 2, 4, 10, 35, 39, 59)).
Their early detection, and that of women with thyroid
autoimmunity, by mass screening programs poses con-
siderable logistic problems in large countries such as
the United States, but ought to be implemented in Euro-
pean countries already providing special health care for
pregnant women, without further controlled prospective
trials regarding the efficacy of treatment, which might
no longer be ethically acceptable. With respect to mass
screening for maternal hypothyroxinemia, the most
frequent cause of preventable neurodevelopmental
handicaps, there are still uncertainties regarding the Figure 6 Possible timing in man of cerebral developmental events
cut-off points of laboratory data for its definition. This is that are sensitive to maternal thyroid hormones in the rat (9)
the bad news. But the good news is that most cases of (lower panel), with respect to timing of first trimester events in
maternal hypothyroxinemia are related to a relative maternal thyroid physiology controlled by the conceptus, such as
iodine deficiency during pregnancy that can be so the surge in maternal FT4 (middle panel), despite the suppression
of circulating TSH (upper panel).
easily prevented, with minimal expense, without risk
(63) and with worldwide success (38, 41). It follows
that we can already prevent a very frequent cause of extensively promoted, whether or not folate deficiency is
learning disabilities of new generations by promoting: confirmed.
(i) the use of iodized salt throughout life, possibly by In the early 1920s, David Marine, a precursor of
universal salt iodization (41); and (ii) the use of iodine present programs for the worldwide elimination of
supplements, both as vitamin – mineral mixtures that IDDs expressed his views that ‘simple goiter is the
contain potassium iodide, or as potassium iodide tablets, easiest to prevent of all known diseases. It can be
where available, from the onset of pregnancy – or earlier excluded from the list of human diseases as soon as
if pregnancy is planned – just as folate supplements are society decides to undertake the necessary effort’
U36 G Morreale de Escobar and others EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF ENDOCRINOLOGY (2004) 151

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Déficit de yodo y cociente intelectual

Piedad Santiago Fernández P 1, Ureña Fernández T 2, Torres Barahona R 3, Muela Martínez JA 4,
Lobón Hernández JA 5, Soriguer Escofet F 6.

1 Especialista en endocrinología y nutrición. FEA del complejo hospitalario de Jaén; 2 Especialista en medicina fa-
miliar y comunitaria. Distrito Sanitario Jaén; 3 Licenciada en psicología experimental de la Universidad de Jaén;
4 Profesor titular en el Departamento de Psicología Experimental en la Universidad de Jaén; 5 Profesor titular en el

Departamento de Medicina de la Universidad de Granada; 6 Especialista en endocrinología y nutrición. Jefe del Ser-
vicio de endocrinología en el Hospital Carlos Haya de Málaga.

Objetivo: comprobar la relación que pueda existir entre el grado de yo-
duria y el nivel de inteligencia general en población infantil. Goal: To determine the possible correlation between iodine excre-
Diseño: Estudio descriptivo. tion levels and children’s overall intelligence quotients.
Emplazamiento: se han elegido 14 pueblos (de la provincia de Jaén) Design: Descriptive study.
mediante una tabla de números aleatorios, todos con menos de 5000
habitantes. Setting: 14 towns located in the province of Jaen, all with a popu-
lation of under 5,000, were selected by using a randomly numbered
Población y muestra: Se ha estudiado a 1209 escolares de 1.º y 5.º
de primaria y de 2.º de ESO. chartA
Intervenciones: Yoduria y el test de Cattell en sus diferentes niveles (ni- Population and sample: 1,209 school-aged children enrolled in first
vel 1 para los niños de 1.º de primaria y nivel 2 para 5.º de primaria y 2.º grade, fifth grade, and second year of high school were studied.
de E.S.O.), obteniéndose para cada niño su cociente intelectual (CI). Interventions: Concentration of iodine in urine was determined and
Resultados: Los resultados muestran diferencias estadísticamente sig- different levels of the Cattell test were administered (level 1 for chil-
nificativas en el grado de yoduria entre los grupos de alto y bajo CI. De dren in the first grade and level 2 for children in both fifth grade and
tal forma que el grupo de bajo CI tiene un menor grado de yoduria que their second year of high school) to obtain each child’s intellectual
el grupo de alto CI. No se encuentran diferencias estadísticamente sig- quotient (IQ).
nificativas en el CI en función del sexo, del curso o del municipio. Tam-
poco hay diferencias en yoduria por el sexo o el curso escolar de los Results: Results showed statistically significant differences in the
niños, aunque sí aparece, de forma estadísticamente significativa, la concentration of iodine in urine between the high IQ and the low IQ
comarca integrada por los pueblos de Sto. Tomé y Huesa (al este de groups. The group with a low IQ also excreted a lower concentra-
la capital) como la zona de mayor concentración de yodo en la orina de tion of iodine than the group with a high IQ. No statistically signifi-
los niños. Por otra parte, los niños de esta comarca muestran un CI cant differences were found in iodine concentration when comparing
superior a la media de todos los niños del estudio, aunque estas dife- it with gender, or the grade the children were in, although there did
rencias no son estadísticamente significativas. appear to be statistically significant concentration of iodine in
Conclusiones: Una vez más, y de acuerdo con estudios anteriores, se con- children’s urine in one of the province’s eastern counties, where the
firma que el bajo grado de yoduria en una zona de endemia bociosa leve/ towns of Santo Tomé and Huesa are located. Children in that coun-
moderada, se relaciona con una menor inteligencia general en la niñez (hi- ty were also found to have an above average IQ when compared to
pótesis que explicaría los datos que muestran un CI superior a la media en
the rest of the children included in the study, although the differen-
comarcas con mayor grado de yoduria). Además, este trabajo apunta la
posibilidad de que los individuos que más se benefician, en el ámbito inte- ces were not statistically significant.
lectual, de los efectos protectores del yodo son las niñas preadolescentes Conclusions: This study again confirms the results of earlier stu-
que viven en zonas con un buen nivel de este elemento. dies showing that low levels of iodine excretion in an area where
Palabras clave: Déficit de yodo; endemia bociosa; desarrollo psicomo- endemic goiter is low to moderate correlate to lower general intelli-
tor; test de inteligencia. gence levels in childhood (an hypothesis that would explain the data
that points to a higher than average IQ in counties with higher levels
of iodine excretion in urine. In addition, this study suggests the pos-
Correspondencia: Piedad Santiago Fernández. C/ Fuente de la Salud, 5, P-2, 5º E. sibility that those who would most benefit from the protective effects
23006 Jaén. Telf: 953 25 23 50 / 629 94 76 78. E-mail:; of iodine on intelligence levels are pre-adolescent girls living in areas with a good concentration of this element.
Recibido el 08-03-04; aceptado para publicación el 01-10-2004. Key words: Iodine deficit; endemic goiter; psychological and motor
Medicina de Familia (And) 2004; 5; 129-135 development test; intelligence test.

13 129
Medicina de Familia (And) Vol. 5, N.º 3, noviembre 2004

Introducción Material y métodos

El déficit de yodo (DI) es un problema de salud pública El estudio se ha realizado en los colegios públicos de 14 municipios meno-
res de 5000 habitantes de la provincia de Jaén, previa cita de los investi-
que afecta a más de 1,800 millones de personas en todo gadores con los profesores y los padres de los escolares.
el mundo y es el causante de problemas que pueden ser El muestreo se ha realizado multietápico para garantizar la representativi-
evitados si se realiza una yodoprofilaxis adecuada 1-3. De dad, teniendo como unidades de muestreo, en orden decreciente, la comar-
todos los trastornos asociados al DI, los más llamativos ca (n = 5), el pueblo (n = 14), el colegio (n = 14) y los niños (n = 1209).

son los que provocan alteraciones neurointelectuales que Variables:

van desde sus formas más graves, como son el cretinis- 1. Encuesta dietética : ha sido validada en otros estudios (15), y se trata
mo neurológico o mixedematoso, a formas más leves de de una encuesta de frecuencia en el consumo de diferentes tipos de ali-
deterioro intelectual 4, 5. El cretinismo, ya erradicado en mentos.
2. Test psicométrico para la medida del CI. En esta investigación se ha uti-
los países desarrollados, gracias a la realización de cri- lizado el test del Factor G de Cattell 16, 17. Todas las evaluaciones psi-
bado neonatal mediante la determinación de TSH en san- cométricas han sido realizadas por el mismo evaluador. El test de Ca-
gre de cordón o en sangre de talón, ha sido una realidad tell es un test colectivo habiendo sido aplicada la Escala 1, indicada para
niños de 4 a 8 años, en primero de primaria 16 y la Escala 2, indicada
presente en nuestra sociedad hasta hace poco más de 20
para niños de 9 a 14 años, en quinto de primaria y segundo de ESO 17.
años 6-9. No obstante, alteraciones más leves de retraso La validación de estos tests ha sido realizada para la población escolar
mental, persisten en sociedades sometidas a una defi- española 18-20.
ciencia de yodo permanente, como son: bajo rendimien- 3. Yoduria: La medida del yodo urinario se ha realizado mediante la técni-
ca de Benotti 21. Para ello se ha tomado una muestra de orina, la cual
to en las habilidades visual-motoras, en destreza moto-
es congelada a –20º C hasta la posterior medición del yodo urinario.
ra, habilidades perceptuales y neuromotoras y bajo co- 4. Estudio estadístico: Los datos se presentan como porcentaje, media y
ciente intelectual (CI). desviación estándar. El contraste de hipótesis de las variables continuas
se ha hecho mediante el test t de Student, en el caso de sólo dos com-
En España, son clásicos los estudios realizados en Las paraciones, o ANOVA de una o varias vías, en el caso de comparacio-
Hurdes (Cáceres) por la Dra. Morreale y su grupo 10. En nes múltiples. En este caso la significación entre las medias muestrales
esta comarca, ejemplo de endemia bociosa grave en comparadas se ha hecho mediante el test de Duncan. En el caso de
nuestro país, se detectaban alteraciones en los test psi- variables cualitativas, la asociación se ha estudiado mediante el test χ2.
La fuerza de la asociación entre variables se ha medido mediante el
cométricos utilizados con una puntuación media por de- cálculo de los odds ratio (OR) obtenidos a partir de modelos de regre-
bajo de una desviación estándar que la puntuación obte- sión logística multivariantes. Los intervalos de confianza del 95 % se han
nida en escolares de una zona control. Sin embargo, son calculado siguiendo a Miettinen 22. Para la inclusión de las variables en
los modelos de regresión se han seguido las recomendaciones de Kleim-
escasos los estudios realizados en zonas de endemia
baun 23. En todos los casos el nivel de rechazo de la hipótesis nula se
bociosa moderada o leve. Además, los trabajos realiza- ha hecho para α = 0,05.
dos con relación al efecto beneficioso sobre la capacidad
intelectual de la administración de yodo, no son concor-
dantes: mientras que algunos encuentran un efecto be- Resultados
neficioso en la suplementación con yodo de niños entre 1. Descripción general de la muestra
6-8 años 11, otros no consiguen encontrarla en niños en-
Se han estudiado un total de 332 escolares de primero
tre 5-12 años 1, 12. Diferencias en el tipo de test psicomé-
primaria, 408 de quinto de primaria y 444 de segundo de
trico utilizado, en la severidad de la deficiencia en la zona
ESO. La edad media fue de 10’84 años oscilando entre
estudiada, en el diseño del estudio, en la inclusión o no
un mínimo de 5’83 y un máximo de16’92 años. El 51.6%
de un grupo control, así como de la dificultad de excluir
son varones y el 48.4% mujeres.
otros factores nutricionales o educacionales asociados al
riesgo de sufrir IDD, podrían explicar estas discordan-
cias 1, 3, 10, 13. 2. Yoduria
Por otro lado, las recomendaciones internacionales so- La mediana de yoduria en el total de la muestra fue de 90
bre ingesta de yodo estiman una ingesta mínima de 150 µg/l, pero una vez que se eliminan del estudio estadísti-
µg/d de yodo para cubrir las necesidades y esto se tra- co a los escolares que han sido tratados con desinfectan-
duciría en una excreción urinaria de yodo de más de tes yodados, es de 70 µg/l.
100 µg/l 14. Hay diferencias significativas en la distribución de la yo-
El objetivo de este estudio es investigar si la ingesta de duria en función de las comarcas variando entre una me-
yodo de la población rural escolar de Jaén se adecua a dia de 86’86 µg/l en Norte y condado y un máximo de 137
las recomendaciones internacionales y evaluar la asocia- µg/l en Cazorla y Segura (p < 001).
ción poblacional de la ingesta de yodo, medida por la yo- Así mismo la yoduria fue estadísticamente superior en los
duria, con la maduración intelectual (medida por determi- escolares que referían consumir sal yodada frente a los que
nados test psicológicos). consumían sal común ó marina (118’7 µg/l, 99’76 µg/l y

130 14

94’18 µg/l respectivamente; p < 0,01); también es estadís- de los niños 2, 25. En el presente trabajo se confirma esta
ticamente superior en los escolares que consumen leche asociación en una muestra representativa de una pobla-
con más frecuencia que en los que no (118’68 µg/l en los ción escolar, étnica y socialmente homogénea, de un país
que la consumen más de 2 veces al día frente a 87 µg/l desarrollado del sur de Europa, sin problemas nutriciona-
en los que la toman 1 ó menos veces al día; p < 0,001) les asociados.
La asociación encontrada entre CI y yoduria, por un lado,
3. Tests de inteligencia y entre CI e ingesta de sal yodada y lácteos, por otro,
El CI medio ha sido de 97’2 ± 17’1. Hay un 7.3% de es- apoya la naturaleza nutricional de esta asociación, así
colares que tiene un CI < 70, límirte establecido por el como la probable persistencia en el tiempo de la deficien-
DSM IV-TR como de retraso mental 24. te ingesta de yodo.
La distribución por percentiles del CI puede verse en la En la presente investigación, el 7’3% de la muestra tiene
Tabla 1. un CI inferior a 70. El porcentaje medio esperado estaría
en torno al 1% 24. El incremento en el número de niños
El CI no ha sido significativamente distinto en función del
con CI inferior a 70 en esta muestra no tiene por qué te-
sexo, el nivel escolar o la presencia de bocio. Por el con-
ner un valor diagnóstico en sí mismo. La prevalencia del
trario el CI ha sido significativamente menor en los niños
1% es el promedio de un abanico de porcentajes muy
que tuvieron yodurias < 100 µg/L (p = 0,01) (Tabla 2). Es-
amplio encontrado en diferentes estudios cuyas tasas de
tas diferencias de CI en función de los niveles de yodu-
prevalencia son muy diferentes y se deben a muchas cau-
ria se mantienen en un modelo de ANOVA (p = 0,02) des-
sas. Por otra parte, un sesgo propio de las pruebas co-
pués de introducir en el modelo, junto a los niveles de
lectivas administradas en un aula escolar por una perso-
yoduria, el sexo, el curso escolar y la presencia de bocio.
na extraña a la situación docente habitual para el niño es
El CI se ha correlacionado positivamente con la yoduria la falta de implicación en la realización del test por parte
(r = 0,12; b = 0,026; p = 0,005). de los alumnos. Un motivo que hace pensar en la correcta
El riesgo de tener un CI por debajo del percentil 25 se aso- realización de los tests por parte de la gran mayoría de
ció significativamente con una yoduria menor de 100 µg/L los sujetos es que coinciden los porcentajes de prevalen-
(OR = 1,40; IC 95%: 1,04-1,86; p = 0,02). La introducción en cia de los distintos tipos de retraso mental con los esta-
el modelo de otras variables, como el nivel de escolarización, blecidos en el DSM-IV (APA, 1995): el 83% de los niños
presencia de bocio o sexo, no modificó la fuerza de la aso- con CI inferior a 70 podría clasificarse como Retraso Men-
ciación entre los niveles de yoduria con el CI. (Tabla 3) tal Leve (un CI entre 50 y 70), el 14% como Retraso Men-
Así mismo el CI se relacionó con la ingesta de sal yoda- tal Moderado (un CI entre 35 y 50) y el resto, un 3%,
da y con la frecuencia en el consumo de lácteos, pues los como Retraso Mental Grave.
escolares que tomaban sal yodada y lácteos más frecuen- También se han analizado las diferencias del nivel de yo-
temente, tenían un CI significativamente superior a los duria tomando como punto de corte el percentil 25 del CI
que consumían sal común ó marina ó tomaban lácteos (seleccionado sólo con criterios estadísticos) y se siguen
con menos frecuencia (100’63 ± 15’44; p = 0,001 para los hallando los mismos resultados (aunque con mayor po-
que consumen sal yodada; 98’01 ± 15’96; p = 0,0008 tencia) que cuando el punto de corte en el CI es menor
para los que toman leche con más frecuencia). o igual a 70.
El riesgo de tener un CI por debajo del P-25 de la distri- Los resultados muestran una asociación directa entre
bución se asoció significativamente con la ingesta de sal yoduria y CI, tomando como criterios de división entre
común (OR = 1,70; IC 95%: 1,10-2,61; p = 0,01) (frente a alta y baja yoduria el valor de 100 mg/L 5 y el CI de 70
la sal yodada) y con la ingesta de leche menos de 1 vez (APA, 1995) para dividir la muestra entre retraso men-
al día (frente a tres veces al día) (OR = 1,54; IC 95 %: tal (un CI inferior a ese valor) y normalidad (un CI igual
1,04-2,27; p = 0,03). La inclusión en el modelo del sexo o superior a 70).
y de la edad no ha modificado la fuerza de esta asocia- En este trabajo de investigación se ha encontrado que el
ción (Tabla 4). riesgo de tener un CI < P-25, e incluso el riesgo de tener
un CI ≤ 70 (CI clínicamente relevante) 24, ha sido mayor en
aquellos niños con yodurias < 100 µg/L. También se ha
encontrado la existencia un gradiente biológico entre el CI
Si bien no hay muchos estudios que contemplen los as- y los niveles de yoduria, gradiente que pone en duda que
pectos psíquicos en las áreas con déficit de yodo, se ha el punto de corte de 100 µg/L sea satisfactorio para evitar
demostrado que en poblaciones con deficiencia de yodo los TDY relacionados con la maduración psicomotora,
existe una disminución de las capacidades psicomotoras como ya ha sido demostrado para el dintel auditivo 25.

15 131
Medicina de Familia (And) Vol. 5, N.º 3, noviembre 2004

El hecho de medir la inteligencia a través del factor G no regiones geográficas que los niños con baja yoduria, lo
es novedoso en este tipo de trabajos 26, 27; Ni tampoco el que elimina otro error propio del uso indiscriminado de los
encontrar deterioro intelectual en áreas asociadas a dé- tests de inteligencia como es el referido al grupo norma-
ficit en yodo 26-30. La relación del déficit de yodo con la tivo en el que se basan los baremos.
disminución en el nivel de inteligencia es hoy un hecho Finalmente, cuando se divide la muestra en dos grupos
aceptado 28, 30 pese a existir estudios que no encuentren en función de que la yoduria sea superior o inferior a 100
dicha relación 31. µ g/L, se encuentran diferencias estadísticamente signifi-
Quizás sea más llamativo el hecho de no haber partido, cativas entre estos grupos en la puntuación en la Escala
en este trabajo, de una zona yododeficiente para realizar de Apreciación del Comportamiento, en el sentido de que
el estudio. Normalmente, todos los estudios anteriores el grupo con menor yoduria muestra un peor comporta-
comparan el nivel intelectual de los habitantes de una miento que el grupo de mayor yoduria. Este tipo de com-
zona yododeficiente con el mostrado por los que viven en portamiento hace referencia a la conducta disruptiva del
otra zona no yododeficiente. En general, esas zonas sue- niño en clase a juicio de su profesor. El hecho de que la
len diferenciarse no sólo en el grado de déficit de yodo, menor yoduria se asocie con un peor comportamiento
sino que la zona más deficitaria en yodo suele ser tam- puede explicarse tomando la variable inteligencia como
bién la más deprimida económica y socioculturalmente, un factor mediador en esta relación. De este modo, los
mientras que la zona no deficiente en yodo suele ser más niños con menor yoduria muestran también un menor CI
desarrollada y coincide mejor con las poblaciones mues- si se comparan con los de mayor yoduria. La relación
trales que se utilizan en la baremación normativa de los entre menor inteligencia y peor comportamiento está bien
tests de inteligencia. establecida en la literatura 34.
Así, no se trata aquí de comparar el desarrollo intelectual Posiblemente, los niños con un CI inferior tengan más di-
de los habitantes de dos zonas distintas en cuanto a ser ficultades para seguir el curso de las clases como lo ha-
o no deficitarias en yodo, sino de comprobar tales diferen- cen sus compañeros con un CI más elevado. Estas difi-
cias intelectuales en función de la yoduria presentada por cultades pueden llevar a que el niño no entienda la tota-
los sujetos. Cuando se comparan zonas geográficas, se lidad de lo que se explica en el aula con lo que, proba-
asume que la mayoría de los habitantes de la zona yodo- blemente, dejará de prestar atención a las explicaciones
deficiente han padecido, en algún momento de su desa- del profesor. La consecuencia más plausible es que ante
rrollo, ese déficit (aunque en la actualidad pudiera haber- el aburrimiento opte por entretenerse hablando con sus
se paliado). Lo que se mide son los efectos de la caren- compañeros o bromeando con ellos. No sería, así, el dé-
cia de yodo a largo plazo. No obstante, con esta metodo- ficit de yodo el causante directo de la conducta disrupti-
logía, se corre el riesgo de incluir dentro de la zona ca- va en el niño, sino la disminución de las habilidades in-
rente de yodo a un número indeterminado de sujetos que, telectuales que dicho déficit conlleva.
por cualquier causa (movilidad geográfica, hábitos de Podemos concluir, por tanto, que en la provincia de Jaén
consumo saludables…), nunca hayan sufrido dicho défi- existe un grado de endemia bociosa leve que puede lle-
cit, o bien al contrario, considerar como no carentes de gar a moderada en algunos municipios. La ingesta de sal
yodo a personas que sí lo sean pese a vivir en la actua- yodada no se adecua a las recomendaciones internacio-
lidad en zonas no yododeficientes. nales puesto que sólo entre el 7 y el 30% de la población
De esta forma, al dividir la muestra en función, no de la (dependiendo de los municipios) consumen este tipo de
zona de residencia, sino del nivel de yoduria que presen- sal. Y que el déficit de yodo se relaciona con el CI y que
tan los sujetos, se evitan los problemas anteriores, si bien, esto podría derivar en una forma de vida que lleve a los
se corre el riesgo de tomar como algo estable (la inges- pueblo a aun menor desarrollo socio-cultural que los man-
ta de yodo), lo que puede ser el reflejo de algo coyuntu- tenga en una deficiencia económica y social con respec-
ral. Respecto a esto último, si se acepta que la principal to al resto del país.
fuente de yodo se suministra a través de la dieta, puede
admitirse que ésta es eminentemente estable a través del
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17 133
Medicina de Familia (And) Vol. 5, N.º 3, noviembre 2004


Total (media ± SD) 97,2 ± 17,1
Percentiles de CI:
P-5 65,1
P-10 74
P-25 87,3
P-50 99
P-75 109
P-90 117
P-95 121


Variable de clasificación CI P
Niños 96,34 ± 17,44 NS
Niñas 98,17 ± 16,73
1.º Primaria 97,73 ± 14,58
5.º Primaria 96,27 ± 19,34
2.º E.S.O. 97,78 ± 16,69
No 97,36 ± 17,11
IA 96,10 ± 17,10
IB 100,48 ± 17,22
= 100 µg/L 96,40 ± 17,46 0,01
> 100 µg/L 99,03 ± 15,81

NS: no significativo.
E.S.O.: Enseñanza Secundaria Obligatoria.


Yoduria *** % niños con CI ≤ p-25 β β

EEβ OR ** IC 95 % P*
> 150 16,5 1
> 100 y ≤ 150 22,5 0,39 0,28 1,48 0,85-2,56 0,16
> 50 y ≤ 100 26,4 0,6 0,25 1,83 1,12-2,97 0,01
> 25 y ≤ 50 26,7 0,63 0,31 1,89 1,02-3,45 0,04
≤ 52 30,1 0,83 0,31 2,31 1,25-4,21 0,007

* Ajustado por la edad y el sexo.

** Riesgo (OR) de tener un CI por debajo del P-25 en función de los diferentes niveles de yoduria (variable
*** Yoduria (variable dummy). Categoría de referencia yoduria >150 µg/L.

134 18


Variable Dependiente: CI= 0 (CI > P-25); CI = 1 (CI <= P-25).

Variables Independientes:
– Consumo de sal (sal) (variable dummy): 1= sal común; 2= sal marina; 3= sal yodada (categoría de referen-
cia= 3).
– Consumo de lácteos (variable dummy): 0= 3 veces/día; 1= 2 veces/día; 2= menos de 1 vez/día (categoría de
referencia= 1).
– Sexo: 0= niños; 1= niñas (categoría de referencia= niñas).
– Edad (años)= variable continua.

Modelos Variable β β
EEβ OR IC 95 % P
Modelo 1 2 vs 3 0,33 0,18 1,39 0,98-1,98 0,07
1 vs 3 0,53 0,22 1,7 1,10-2,61 0,01
Modelo 2 1 vs 0 -0,12 0,18 0,88 0,62-1,26 0,5
2 vs 0 0,45 0,2 1,57 1,06-2,32 0,02
2 vs 3 0,32 0,18 1,38 0,97-1,96 0,08
1 vs 3 0,53 0,22 1,74 1,10-2,61 0,01
Modelo 3
1 vs 0 -0,1 0,18 0,89 0,63-1,29 0,55
2 vs 0 0,43 0,2 1,54 1,04-2,27 0,03
2 vs 3 0,31 0,18 1,36 0,96-1,94 0,09
1 vs 3 0,45 0,21 1,75 1,04-2,37 0,01
Modelo 4
1 vs 0 -0,09 0,18 0,91 0,64-1,30 0,61
2 vs 0 0,45 0,21 1,58 1,04-2,37 0,03
Sexo 0,3 0,16 1.35 0,99-1,85 0,06
Edad 0,0013 0,027 1 0,95-1,06 0,96

19 135

Los antisépticos yodados no son inocuos

J. Arena Ansoteguia y J.I. Emparanza Knörrb
aUnidad de Metabolopatías. Servicio de Pediatría.bUnidad de Epidemiología Clínica. Hospital Aránzazu. San
(An Esp Pediatr 2000; 53: 25-29)

El uso de antisépticos yodados es una práctica aún ex- Iodine overload also occurs in the mother. Urinary
tendida en nuestras maternidades. La aplicación de anti- and breast-milk iodine are increased more than 10-fold
sépticos yodados tanto a la madre en los momentos pre- in the days after delivery if providone-iodine is used in
vios al parto como al recién nacido provoca una sobre- episiotomy.
carga yodada incontrolada. The overload in the neonate is even higher if breast-
La absorción del yodo a través de la piel de la madre es fed. Particularly in iodine-deficient areas, this overload
tan rápida que la yodemia en sangre de cordón aumenta can produce thyroid blockade with undesirable effects
en un 50% tras la aplicación en los momentos previos al in congenital hypothyroidism screening, raising the
expulsivo de antisépticos yodados a la madre. number of false positives and its consequences: paren-
La sobrecarga yodada en la madre se manifiesta con tal anxiety and screening costs. The potential effects
aumento de la yoduria y del contenido de yodo en la le- that this thyroid blockade can produce in the neonate
che hasta 10 veces en los días inmediatamente posterio- are even more serious.
res al parto, si las curas de la episiotomía se realizan con Attention should be drawn to the undesirable effects
povidona yodada. La elevada concentración de yodo en la of iodine antiseptics and their use in the perinatal pe-
leche agrava la sobrecarga al recién nacido. riod should be avoided.
Especialmente en zonas con déficit nutricional de yo-
Key words:
do, esta sobrecarga yodada puede provocar un bloqueo
Providone-iodine. Iodine. Thyroid hormones. Hypothy-
transitorio del tiroides neonatal que tiene repercusiones
roidism. Newborn.
negativas sobre el programa de detección del hipotiroi-
dismo congénito, aumentando el número de falsos posi-
tivos, y sus inmediatas consecuencias: ansiedad de los pa- INTRODUCCIÓN
dres y un importante aumento de los costes del progra- La aplicación de antisépticos yodados a la madre ges-
ma. Más graves son las consecuencias que este bloqueo tante y al recién nacido es un ejemplo de actividades
puede producir en el desarrollo del recién nacido. médicas o sanitarias que, pese a ser aparentemente ino-
Parece ineludible realizar una llamada de atención so- cuas, pueden provocar alteraciones fisiológicas impor-
bre las alteraciones que provocan los antisépticos yoda- tantes.
dos y desaconsejar su uso en el período perinatal. Actualmente, la utilización de antisépticos yodados en
Palabras clave: el período perinatal es casi la norma, no sólo en nues-
Povidona-yodada. Yodo. Hormonas tiroideas. Hipoti- tro país sino en gran parte de las maternidades de las
roidismo. Recién nacido. que se conocen sus protocolos.
Hoy en día, sabemos que su aplicación cutánea o mu-
IODINE ANTISEPTICS ARE NOT HARMLESS cosa se sigue de una absorción rápida de yodo por la
The use of iodine-containing antiseptics is still com-
piel o mucosas que produce una sobrecarga yodada.
mon in obstetrics and neonatology. Topical iodine gi-
Esta sobrecarga puede provocar al recién nacido un
ven both to the mother before delivery and to the neo-
nate causes iodine overload. bloqueo tiroideo de duración variable que repercute de
The absorption of maternal iodine through the skin forma inmediata sobre el cribado neonatal del hipotiroi-
is so fast that iodine in the blood of the umbilical cord dismo congénito: aumenta el número de falsos positi-
increases by 50% a few minutes before delivery. vos, aumenta el gasto por la necesidad de repetir la

Correspondencia: Dr. J. Arena Ansotegui. Servicio de Pediatría. Hospital Aránzazu.

P. Dr. Beguiristáin, s/n. 20014 San Sebastián.
Correo electrónico:
Recibido en mayo de 2000.
Aceptado para su publicación en junio de 2000.


ARTÍCULO ESPECIAL. J. Arena Ansotegui y J.I. Emparanza Knörr

La alarma la dio un incremento brusco de las altera-

3,5 ciones transitorias de la función tiroidea reconocidas en
el cribado neonatal del hipotiroidismo congénito, y la
asociación estadísticamente significativa de estos trastor-
2,5 nos con la aplicación de PVP-I al muñón umbilical nos
p < 0,001 permitió aceptarlo como un bloqueo transitorio de la
función tiroidea por sobrecarga yodada. A partir de en-
1,5 tonces se eliminaron los antisépticos yodados de nues-
tra unidad neonatal.
1,0 En aquel momento no supimos interpretar la elevada
0,5 tasa de hipertirotropinemia e hipotiroidismo transitorio
que presentaban los recién nacidos del grupo control
0,0 (0,42 y 0,25%, respectivamente). Posteriormente, obser-
Recién nacidos Recién nacidos
no tratados tratados vamos que las alteraciones transitorias de la función ti-
roidea afectaban casi exclusivamente a los recién naci-
Hipertirotropinemia transitoria dos alimentados al pecho, con una tasa del 0,82% com-
Hipotiroidismo transitorio parada con el 0,10% de los que se alimentaban con
fórmula, lo que nos hizo pensar en una iatrogenia liga-
Figura 1. Frecuencia, en porcentaje, de hipotiroidismo da a la lactancia materna.
transitorio e hipertirotropinemia.


prueba, provoca ansiedad en los padres por lo que com- Al descubrir que la PVP-I se utilizaba sistemáticamen-
porta una prueba positiva, y lo más preocupante es que te en nuestra maternidad, tanto para la preparación pe-
pueda afectar en alguna medida a su desarrollo cerebral. rineal de la madre y las curas diarias de la episiotomía
El bloqueo, a menudo transitorio, del tiroides neona- en el parto vaginal, como para preparar el campo qui-
tal, como consecuencia de una sobrecarga yodada de la rúrgico y las curas de la herida en el caso de una cesá-
que no puede desembarazarse, produce el llamado efec- rea, realizamos un estudio a doble ciego para investigar
to de Wolf-Chaikoff, y ha sido demostrado en numero- si la PVP-I aplicada la madre en el parto vaginal podría
sas publicaciones1-41. La afectación del tiroides feto-neo- provocar en su hijo una sobrecarga yodada tan impor-
natal dependerá fundamentalmente de la intensidad y tante como para bloquear el tiroides, y valorar el papel
duración de la sobrecarga, de la madurez del tiroides, que ejercía la lactancia materna en todo el proceso. El
y sobre todo de la presencia o no de un déficit nutri- estudio se llevó a cabo en 36 parejas madre-hijo distri-
cional de yodo en la madre. La utilización de antisépti- buidas al azar en dos grupos, a uno de los cuales se le
cos yodados siempre provoca una sobrecarga yodada, aplicó como antiséptico PVP-I al 10% con dos subgrupos
pero no siempre afecta a la función tiroidea, ya que la según la alimentación fuera natural o con fórmula, y al
hipersensibilidad del tiroides feto-neonatal a sustancias otro grupo se la administró clorhexidina al 0,5%. Los
bociogénicas como el yodo depende en gran medida de controles analíticos practicados se reflejan en la tabla 1.
que exista o no un déficit del mismo en la madre, de aquí Los resultados (tabla 2) demostraron una yoduria ma-
que pequeñas sobrecargas de yodo puedan provocar terna inicial similar en ambos grupos, pero inferior a
bloqueos importantes y a la inversa grandes sobrecargas 100 µg/l, con un incremento progresivo y muy impor-
puedan tener escasa repercusión sobre la función tiroi- tante en los días siguientes al parto, que reflejaba la so-
dea5,39,42. Nuestra experiencia al respecto fue de interés brecarga yodada producida por la absorción del yodo
y no ha perdido actualidad a pesar de los años transcu- aplicado en la madre y que se manifestaba también en
rridos1,2. la elevada excreción de yodo en la leche.


En el año 19842 pudimos comprobar, en un estudio TABLA 1. Controles practicados
retrospectivo, que la aplicación diaria de Betadine® (po- Madre
vidona yodada al 10%) en el muñón umbilical de 356 re- Yoduria anteparto
Yoduria diaria posparto (4 días)
cién nacidos, durante los días que permanecieron en la
TSH y T4 anteparto y al 4.o día posparto
maternidad, se acompañó de un aumento significativo I2+, en leche al 4.o día
de la hipertirotropinemia transitoria y del hipotiroidismo Recién nacido
transitorio frente a otros 5.507 recién nacidos que no re- I2+, TSH y T4 en sangre de cordón
cibieron povidona yodada (PVP-I), tal y como se refleja TSH y T4 al 5.o y 7.o días
Yoduria diaria (24-48-96 h)
en la figura 1.


Los antisépticos yodados no son inocuos

La yodemia elevada de forma significativa en la san- TABLA 2. Yoduria materna y concentración de yodo
gre de cordón de los recién nacidos del grupo PVP (ta- en la leche materna (µg/l)
bla 3) sólo puede explicarse por una rapidísima absor-
ción y distribución del yodo aplicado a la piel de la ma-
dre pocos minutos antes de obtener la muestra del Orina
Anteparto 96 61
cordón, pero son exclusivamente los recién nacidos que 24 h 176 1.427*
lactan, y a cuyas madres se les sigue curando la episio- 48 h 135 1.881*
tomía con PVP-I, los que sufren una sobrecarga yodada 96 h 76 2.171*
suficientemente importante y mantenida como para pre- Leche (96 h) 105 1.216*
sentar un bloqueo tiroideo. *p < 0,001. CLHX: clorhexidina; PVP-I: povidona yodada.
Estos resultados sugieren que: a) la piel del adulto es
muy permeable al yodo de la PVP-yodada, y que la uti- TABLA 3. Iodemia y ioduria en el recién nacido (µg/l)
lización de antisépticos yodados para la preparación pe-
rineal de la madre y las curas diarias de la episiotomía
produce una importante sobrecarga yodada a la madre, Sangre de cordón 68* 100
y b) la excreción elevada de yodo por la leche materna, Orina
como expresión de su yodemia también elevada, es res- 24 h 65* 270 620
48 h 69* 283 395
ponsable de la sobrecarga yodada de los recién nacidos 96 h 579 8.326** 374
que lactan y explica el incremento de los trastornos tran-
CLHX: clorhexidina; PVP-LM: povidona yodada-lactancia materna;
sitorios de su función tiroidea. PVP-LA: povidona yodad-lactancia artificial; *p < 0,01 CLHX frente a PVP.
**p < 0,001 PVP-LM frente a CLHX y PVP-LA.

A partir de estos estudios1,2 dejamos de utilizar los an- La deficiencia nutricional de yodo es un problema ge-
tisépticos yodados, no sólo en el recién nacido sino tam- neralizado en Europa, y España no es una excepción. De
bién durante el embarazo, el parto y la lactancia, con lo ahí que las políticas de yodación de la sal y la elimina-
que se redujo a la mitad la cifra de hipertirotropinemia ción de los antisépticos yodados en el período perinatal
en el conjunto de la Comunidad Autónoma Vasca (CAV). sean dos acciones sanitarias de absoluta necesidad55.
Desde entonces usamos la clorhexidina, cuya eficacia ha
sido suficientemente probada43-46, como antiséptico ha- BIBLIOGRAFÍA
bitual en el período perinatal.
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