The King

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The King’s Speech is a captivating tale that delves deep into the private life of monarchs; it portrays

the life of the Duke of York, affectionately known as “Bertie” and the consequences of his
unfortunate stammer. Being the Duke of York, Bertie is required to make many public appearances;
this alone is not the problem, the problem arises from when he must make speeches. The stammer
causes Bertie, but more importantly the Royal Family, much pain and embarrassment. Furthermore,
it causes the public to lose faith in the Royal Family; this is catastrophic for their public image. The
Duke of York had lost all faith in a cure, as he had been to several “approved” speech therapists –
without success. Then his wife sought the help of the unorthodox, Australian speech therapist “-----”.
The film creates humorous moments by juxtaposing the formality of the Bertie and his wife against
the casualness of “---”. For example, “---” makes his primary appearance by exiting the “loo”. “----”
makes it clear that he must be considered equal to the royals if he were to treat Bertie with the
imperative “my rules , my turf”. “---“’s success relies on solving the root of the problem, in the case
of Bertie, these were the psychological problems that resulted from child abuse. He was denied food
by his nanny and had many “corrections” such as being forced to be right handed: the
aforementioned changes resulted in the speech impediment that he has to this day. This epic movie
puts the viewer through a myriad of emotions: anger, depression and finally euphoria.

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