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OpenWorks Software ®

Installation Procedures
© 2008 Landmark Graphics Corporation

Release 5000.0.0.2 June 2008

© 2008 Landmark Graphics Corporation
All Rights Reserved Worldwide
This publication has been provided pursuant to an agreement containing restrictions on its use. The publication is also protected by Federal
copyright law. No part of this publication may be copied or distributed, transmitted, transcribed, stored in a retrieval system, or translated
into any human or computer language, in any form or by any means, electronic, magnetic, manual, or otherwise, or disclosed to third parties
without the express written permission of:

Landmark Graphics Corporation

2107 CityWest Blvd, Building 2, Houston, Texas 77042-3021, USA
P.O. Box 42806, Houston, Texas 77242, USA
Phone: 713-839-2000
Fax: 713-839-2401

Trademark Notice
3D Drill View, 3D Drill View KM, 3DFS, 3D Surveillance, 3DView, Active Field Surveillance, Active Reservoir Surveillance, ADC,
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Journal, AssetLink, AssetLink Advisor, AssetLink Director, AssetLink Observer, AssetObserver, AssetObserver Advisor, Asset
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Discovery, Discovery Asset, Discovery PowerStation, DMS, Drillability Suite, Drilling Desktop, DrillModel, Drill-to-the-Earth Model,
DSS, Dynamic Reservoir Management, Dynamic Surveillance System, EarthCube, EDM, EDT, eLandmark, Engineer’s Data Model,
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$OWHOME/docs/third_party.pdf Linux or Solaris

%OWHOME%\docs\third_party.pdf Windows
Landmark OpenWorks® Software Installation Procedures




Welcome to OpenWorks ................................................................................................................ 1

Before You Begin .......................................................................................................................... 2

New District Functionality ................................................................................................. 2

System Requirements .................................................................................................................... 4

Minimum Platform Specifications ..................................................................................... 4

Default Minimum OpenWorks Project Size ...................................................................... 4

Graphics Cards ................................................................................................................... 4

Software Specfications ...................................................................................................... 4

Licensing ........................................................................................................................................ 5

Third Party Applications License Agreements .............................................................................. 5

Accessing the OpenWorks Documentation ................................................................................... 6

Online Help ........................................................................................................................ 6

Documents in Portable Document Format (PDF) Format ................................................. 6

Installing Acrobat Reader ............................................................................................ 6

Release 5000.0.0.2 Contents: v

OpenWorks® Software Installation Procedures Landmark

Quick Start

Installation Workflow .................................................................................................................... 7

Installation Checklist: All Platforms .............................................................................................. 8

Oracle Installation

Linux 32-bit Server ...................................................................................................................... 10

Prerequisites and Procedures ........................................................................................... 10

Run Pre-Oracle: Linux 32-bit Server ............................................................................... 11

Modify the Linux 32-bit Release File .............................................................................. 12

Install Oracle Database Software ( ................................................................. 12

Install Oracle 10g Release 2 Patch Set 2 ( ...................................................... 14

Fix Directory Permission Problem .................................................................................. 15

Restore Linux Release File .............................................................................................. 16

Install OpenWorks 5000.0.0 Database ............................................................................ 16

Install OpenWorks 5000.0.0 Database Schemas on an Existing Oracle Database .......... 19

What’s Next? ................................................................................................................... 22

Linux 32-bit Client ....................................................................................................................... 23

Prerequisites and Procedures ........................................................................................... 23

Run Pre-Oracle: Linux 32-bit Client ............................................................................... 23

Modify the Linux 32-bit Release File .............................................................................. 24

Install Oracle Client Software ( ...................................................................... 25

Install Oracle 10g Release 2 Patch Set 2 ( ...................................................... 27

Fix Directory Permission Problem .................................................................................. 28

Restore Linux Release File .............................................................................................. 28

What’s Next? ................................................................................................................... 28

vi Contents: Release 5000.0.0.2

Landmark OpenWorks® Software Installation Procedures

Linux 64-bit Server ...................................................................................................................... 29

Prerequisites and Procedures ........................................................................................... 29

Run Pre-Oracle: Linux 64-bit Server ............................................................................... 29

Modify the Linux 64-bit Release File .............................................................................. 31

Install Oracle Database Software ( ................................................................. 31

Install Oracle 10g Release 2 Patch Set 2 ( ...................................................... 33

Fix Directory Permission Problem .................................................................................. 34

Restore Linux Release File .............................................................................................. 34

Install OpenWorks 5000.0.0 Database ............................................................................ 35

Install OpenWorks 5000.0.0 Database Schemas on an Existing Oracle Database .......... 38

What’s Next? ................................................................................................................... 41

Linux 64-bit Client ....................................................................................................................... 42

Prerequisites and Procedures ........................................................................................... 42

Run Pre-Oracle: Linux 64-bit Client ............................................................................... 42

Modify the Linux 64-bit Release File .............................................................................. 43

Install Oracle Client Software ( ...................................................................... 44

Install Oracle 10g Release 2 Patch Set 2 ( ...................................................... 46

Fix Directory Permission Problem .................................................................................. 47

Restore Linux Release File .............................................................................................. 47

What’s Next? ................................................................................................................... 47

Solaris 10 (SPARC) 64-bit Server ............................................................................................... 48

Prerequisites and Procedures ........................................................................................... 48

Run Pre-Oracle: Solaris 64-bit Server ............................................................................. 48

Install Oracle Database Software ( ................................................................. 49

Install Oracle 10g Release 2 Patch Set 2 ( ...................................................... 51

Release 5000.0.0.2 Contents: vii

OpenWorks® Software Installation Procedures Landmark

Fix Directory Permission Problem .................................................................................. 53

Install OpenWorks 5000.0.0 Database ............................................................................ 53

Install OpenWorks 5000.0.0 Database Schemas on an Existing Oracle Database .......... 56

What’s Next? ................................................................................................................... 58

Solaris 10 (SPARC) 64-bit Client ................................................................................................ 59

Prerequisites and Procedures ........................................................................................... 59

Run Pre-Oracle: Solaris 64-bit Client .............................................................................. 59

Install Oracle Client Software ( ...................................................................... 60

Install Oracle 10g Release 2 Patch Set 2 ( ...................................................... 62

Fix Directory Permission Problem .................................................................................. 63

What’s Next? ................................................................................................................... 63

Windows XP/2003 SP2 32-bit Server ......................................................................................... 64

Prerequisites and Procedures ........................................................................................... 64

Install Oracle Database Software ( ................................................................. 64

Install Oracle 10g Software Patch 2 ( ............................................................. 65

Install OpenWorks 5000.0.0 Database ............................................................................ 66

Install OpenWorks 5000.0.0 Database Schemas on an Existing Oracle Database .......... 69

What’s Next? ................................................................................................................... 71

Windows XP/2003 SP2 32-bit Client .......................................................................................... 72

Prerequisites and Procedures ........................................................................................... 72

Install Oracle Client Software 32 bit ( ............................................................ 72

Install Oracle 10g Patch Set 2 32 bit ( ............................................................ 74

What’s Next? ................................................................................................................... 75

Windows 2003 SP2 64-bit Server ................................................................................................ 76

Prerequisites and Procedures ........................................................................................... 76

viii Contents: Release 5000.0.0.2

Landmark OpenWorks® Software Installation Procedures

Install Oracle Database Software 64 bit ( ....................................................... 76

Install Oracle 10g Software Patch 2 64 bit ( ................................................... 77

Install Oracle Client Software 32 bit ( ............................................................ 78

Install Oracle 10g Patch Set 2 32 bit ( ............................................................ 80

Install OpenWorks 5000.0.0 Database ............................................................................ 81

Install OpenWorks 5000.0.0 Database Schemas on an Existing Oracle Database .......... 84

Install Windows 2003 SP2 32-bit Client ......................................................................... 86

What’s Next? ................................................................................................................... 86

OpenWorks Installation

Before Installing on Linux & Solaris ........................................................................................... 87

Before Installing on Windows ..................................................................................................... 87

Install OpenWorks ....................................................................................................................... 89

What’s Next? ................................................................................................................... 92


Overview ...................................................................................................................................... 93

Linux Only ................................................................................................................................... 94

64-bit Servers: Install an Additional Library ................................................................... 94

64-bit Servers: Selinux ..................................................................................................... 94

Linux & Solaris ............................................................................................................................ 95

Linux & Solaris Clients: Create a Local OS User ........................................................... 95

Linux & Solaris Servers: Update Users ........................................................................... 95

Linux & Solaris LAM Servers: Update OS Users’ .lgclogin .......................................... 95

Linux & Solaris Servers and Clients: Run owsetup Script .............................................. 95

Release 5000.0.0.2 Contents: ix

OpenWorks® Software Installation Procedures Landmark

All Platforms ................................................................................................................................ 97

Grant Database Access to the OpenWorks User .............................................................. 97

Change Default Passwords .............................................................................................. 98

AutoExtend is on by Default for SYSTEM and Project Table Spaces ............................ 98

Windows ...................................................................................................................................... 99

Windows Servers and Clients: Oracle Wallet and Multiple Users .................................. 99

Configure the MKS Toolkit and Hummingbird Exceed ................................................ 100

District Configuration ................................................................................................................ 101

A Brief Overview of the District Concept ..................................................................... 101

Is Configuration Necessary? .......................................................................................... 101

GeoDataLoad Installation

Uninstall Previous Versions of GeoDataLoad ........................................................................... 102

Windows ........................................................................................................................ 102

Linux or Solaris ............................................................................................................. 102

Install GeoDataLoad .................................................................................................................. 102

Upgrading the OpenWorks Software

Upgrading to Version 5000.0.0.2 ............................................................................................... 105

Installing the New Version of the Software ................................................................... 105

Upgrading the Projects in the OpenWorks Database ..................................................... 106

Upgrading One Project Database ............................................................................. 106

Upgrading All Project Databases in an OpenWorks Database ................................ 106

Upgrading Multiple Projects With Project Administration ..................................... 107

Post Installation Steps for Linux and Solaris ................................................................. 107

Update the User Profile (launcher.dat and .lgclogin) .............................................. 107

x Contents: Release 5000.0.0.2

Landmark OpenWorks® Software Installation Procedures

Appendix: Full Oracle Instance Upgrade

Before Upgrading ...................................................................................................................... 109

Differences in the Oracle Databases .............................................................................. 109

Assumptions for Uprgrading ......................................................................................... 109

Upgrade Workflow .................................................................................................................... 110

Pre Migration Steps ....................................................................................................... 110

Upgrading an R2003.12 Database ............................................................................................. 111

Preparing the R2003.12 Database for Export ................................................................ 111

Exporting the Database from OpenWorks R2003.12 .............................................. 114

Procedures in the OpenWorks 5000.0.0 Runtime Environment ............................. 115

Possible Errors During the Import ........................................................................... 122

Appendix: Prerequisites and Oracle Configurations

Linux & Solaris: Create Oracle User Manually ......................................................................... 126

Windows: Create Oracle User ................................................................................................... 128

Linux 32-bit Prerequisites .......................................................................................................... 129

Check Software Packages (RPMs) on Linux 32-bit Servers and Clients ...................... 129

Check Swap Space on Linux 32-bit Servers .................................................................. 129

Set Shell Limits for the Oracle User on Linux 32-bit Servers ....................................... 131

Configure Kernel Parameters on Linux 32-bit Servers ................................................. 132

Linux 64-bit Prerequisites .......................................................................................................... 134

Check Software Packages (RPMs) on Linux 64-bit Servers and Clients ...................... 134

Check Swap Space on Linux 64-bit Servers .................................................................. 135

Set Shell Limits for the Oracle User on Linux 64-bit Servers ....................................... 137

Configure Kernel Parameters on Linux 64-bit Servers ................................................. 138

Release 5000.0.0.2 Contents: xi

OpenWorks® Software Installation Procedures Landmark

Solaris 10 (SPARC) 64-bit Prerequisites ................................................................................... 140

Configure Kernel Parameters on Solaris 10 Servers ..................................................... 140

Check Swap Space on Solaris 10 Servers ...................................................................... 141

Disable Screen and Power Managers on Solaris 10 ...................................................... 142

Disabling the Screen Manager in CDE .................................................................... 142

Disabling the Power Manager in CDE .................................................................... 142

Windows: Installing Oracle on DHCP Computers .................................................................... 144

Prerequisites for Installing Oracle on DHCP Computers .............................................. 144

Check if a Loopback Adapter is Installed on the Computer .................................... 144

Installing a Loopback Adapter on Windows 2003 or Windows XP ........................ 144

Appendix: About Oracle Wallet

Overview .................................................................................................................................... 147

Environment Changes ................................................................................................................ 147

OpenWorks Database Installer Configures Oracle Wallet ...................................... 149

OpenWorks Installation and sqlnet.ora on Client Machines ................................... 149

Appendix: Troubleshooting

Deleting or Creating a Second SID ............................................................................................ 151

Background .................................................................................................................... 151

Workaround to Delete an Existing Instance .................................................................. 151

Workaround to Create an Additional OpenWorks Instance .......................................... 152

Adobe Reader ............................................................................................................................ 155

Possible GTK Errors on Solaris ..................................................................................... 155

Linux: Other Readers ..................................................................................................... 156

Linux: Opening Acrobat Files in the Nautilus File Manager ........................................ 156

xii Contents: Release 5000.0.0.2

Landmark OpenWorks® Software Installation Procedures

Linux: Running Acrobat Reader from the Gnome Panel .............................................. 157

Possible Syntax Error in Linux ...................................................................................... 159

Linux & Solaris: Process Resource Limits ................................................................................ 160

Changing a Process Resource Limit with ulimit (or limit) .............................. 160

Large Files ..................................................................................................................... 161

Appendix: Removing Oracle & OpenWorks

Removing Oracle Server ............................................................................................................ 163

Warnings ........................................................................................................................ 163

Deleting Oracle 10g ....................................................................................................... 164

Removing OpenWorks Server ................................................................................................... 168

Release 5000.0.0.2 Contents: xiii

OpenWorks® Software Installation Procedures Landmark

xiv Contents: Release 5000.0.0.2

Landmark OpenWorks® Software Installation Procedures

引 言

Welcome to OpenWorks 欢迎使用OpenWorks

Welcome to OpenWorks, Landmark Graphics Corporation’s database for access by Landmark’s

integrated suite of applications to data for the oil and gas industry.

This guide will help you install and configure the serer and client of Oracle 10g version
and OpenWorks on the following operating systems:

• Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5.0, 32-bit

• Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5.0, 64-bit

• Solaris 10 (SPARC), 64-bit

• Windows XP/2003, 32-bit

• Windows XP/2003, 64-bit

Use the instructions in “Quick Start” on page 7 to install on all of these platforms.

Release 5000.0.0.2 Introduction: Welcome to OpenWorks 1

OpenWorks® Software Installation Procedures Landmark

Before You Begin 准备工作

All Landmark Release 5000.0.0 applications require the OpenWorks 5000.0.0 version of the data
model. The basic steps to move data from previous releases of OpenWorks to Release 5000.0.0

• If necessary, back up the projects with the backup function of the OpenWorks R2003.x
Project Administration utility.

• Install Oracle 10g and the Oracle patches required for the operating system.

• Install OpenWorks 5000.0.0.x.

• Restore 2003.x projects with the restore function of the Project Administration utility.

• Upgrade projects to the Release 5000.0.0 database schema with the upgrade function of
the Project Administration utility.

An upgrade in-place method is not available in OpenWorks 5000.0.0; however, “Appendix: Full
Oracle Instance Upgrade” on page 109 contains a procedure for moving your data to a new Oracle

Use the Upgrade function of Project Administration to upgrade a project database of any version
since OpenWorks R1998 to the current version of the OW_SYS schema in the OpenWorks
database. A project may need to be upgraded after the project has been restored from a backup or
after OpenWorks (and its database schema) have been upgraded. For example, after a project is
restored, you may see a version number after the project name, indicating that the project must be
upgraded before its data can be accessed.

The upgrade procedures available for a project depend upon whether the project database also
contains SeisWorks data. If the project database contains no SeisWorks data, the only procedure
the Upgrade function will perform is upgrading the project database itself. However, if it contains
SeisWorks data, and depending on the available SeisWorks data, the Upgrade function can
migrate 2D Master project and 3D project data, upgrade 2D Working project data, and create
interpretation projects from each SeisWorks project contained in the SeisWorks data.

For general information about OpenWorks projects, refer to the OpenWorks Project Management
manual (owpm_management.pdf). For detailed procedures to manage, create, modify, back up,
restore, and upgrade projects, refer to the Project Management topics in the OpenWorks Online
Help ($OWHOME/docs/onlinehelp.htm).

New District Functionality 新区块功能

Choosing the installation option “Create a district.dat from TNSNAMES.ora” when installing
OpenWorks will allow you to run OpenWorks and proceed with new projects with no additional

2 Introduction: Before You Begin Release 5000.0.0.2

Landmark OpenWorks® Software Installation Procedures

district-related configuration required.

Release 5000.0.0.2 Introduction: Before You Begin 3

OpenWorks® Software Installation Procedures Landmark

System Requirements 系统要求

Minimum Platform Specifications 最低平台指标

Platform Operating Systema Processorb RAM Swapc

Linux (64 bit) Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5.0 X86_64 512 Mb 1 Gb

Solaris Sun Solaris 10 64-bit SPARC 512 Mb 1 Gb

Windows 32-bit Microsoft Windows XP & IA32, X86_64 512 Mb 1 Gb

Microsoft Windows 2003 Server 32-bit
Windows 64-bit Microsoft Windows XP & X86_64 512 Mb 1 Gb
Microsoft Windows 2003 Server 64-bit

a. Operating System
Red Hat Linux: The Release 5000.0.0 supported platform is the X86_64 architecture, but OpenWorks
5000.0.0 is also built in the 32-bit format.
Solaris: The Release 5000.0.0 supported platform is the SPARC64 architecture, but OpenWorks 5000.0.0
is also built in the 32-bit format.

b. Processor
IA32 = Intel Pentium IV, Xeon
X86_64 = Intel Xeon EM64T, AMD Opteron, Athlon 64, Athlon 64FX

c. Swap: If the machine will be an Oracle 10g server, the swap space must be at least three times that of the
machine's memory.

Default Minimum OpenWorks Project Size 默认最小OpenWorks工区大小

The default small size for a project in OpenWorks 5000.0.0 is 300 Mb.

Graphics Cards 图形卡

NVIDIA Quadro FX family of cards

Software Specifications 软件

All platforms: 所有平台

• Oracle Database 10g Enterprise Edition; i.e., Oracle and the Oracle patch
• PDF Reader: Adobe Reader 7.x
• Web browser: Mozilla Firefox 1.7 on Linux or Solaris, Mozilla Firefox 1.7 or
Internet Explorer 6.0.x or higher on Windows


Hummingbird Exceed 2007, except for the installation of OpenWorks Basic

4 Introduction: System Requirements Release 5000.0.0.2
Landmark OpenWorks® Software Installation Procedures

Licensing 许可

The Landmark Application Manager (LAM) is the license system used to control access to
Landmark applications. LAM is based on Macrovision's FLEXnet Publisher. A new LAM version
is required for the 5000.0.0 release. You cannot have both Release 2003 and Release 5000.0.0
license files running on the same server.

LAM is delivered as a separate application and is not included in the OpenWorks application.

You can install LAM on a client machine, or as a license server.

You must obtain new licenses for all Release 5000.0.0 products. To relicense, customers must
contact their local Landmark representative.

For instructions on how to install LAM and to obtain licenses, refer to the LAM Guide—Linux,
Solaris, and Windows (LAM.pdf) for complete details.

Third Party Applications License Agreements

Landmark uses various third party applications in its software. Information about third party
applications is available for all products. The Release Notes will detail the third party information
or define where the information is located. In addition, Landmark has included with most
applications a file titled Third_Party.pdf which includes attribution and license information for all
third party products used by Landmark. Third party information can be found at the following

• the Release Notes

• at the location defined on page iii in the .pdf manuals

• in the online Help

Release 5000.0.0.2 Introduction: Licensing 5

OpenWorks® Software Installation Procedures Landmark

Accessing the OpenWorks Documentation 访问OpenWorks文档

The help capability of Landmark Graphics applications assumes an installation of a web browser
and Acrobat Reader.

Online Help 联机帮助

Some of the OpenWorks documentation is available in a platform-independent html format. A

web browser meeting the specifications listed earlier in this chapter is required to view the
OpenWorks Online Help (ow_online_help.html).

Documents in Portable Document Format (PDF) Format PDF格式文档

Some of the documentation for OpenWorks is in Portable Document Format (PDF) and is
viewable in Adobe Reader version four or greater. The documentation for OpenWorks 5000.0.0 is
created for and tested with Adobe Acrobat Reader 7.x on all of the operating systems where
OpenWorks installs.

Installing Acrobat Reader 安装Acrobat Reader

Landmark does not provide the installation program for Adobe Reader. However, you can
download the reader free of charge from Adobe’s web site. Adobe Reader is freely available on
Adobe’s web site (

To use the index created for the OpenWorks documentation, you should download a Full version
or a version with Search.

Installing on Windows 在Windows上安装

Simply download the reader from Adobe’s web site. No configuration is necessary.

Installing on Linux & Solaris 在Linux和Solaris上安装

The Adobe installation program asks you to accept a default installation location or enter the path
where the Acrobat Reader will install the Acrobat files. Landmark recommends that you accept
the default location for the Acrobat Reader files. This path is used by the OpenWorks help system
to find Acrobat Reader.

If you install Acrobat Reader in another location, edit the startAcrobat script in
$OWHOME/bin, or make a link to acroread (the Acrobat Reader executable) in /usr/
bin .

6 Introduction: Accessing the OpenWorks Documentation Release 5000.0.0.2

Landmark OpenWorks® Software Installation Procedures

Quick Start

Use the steps in this chapter to install Oracle, OpenWorks, and GeoDataLoad with minimal
installation effort.

Installation Workflow 安装流程

Installation Checklist: All Platforms lists the steps to be performed on each platform according
to its function as a server or client.

Oracle Installation: The following platform-specific procedures describe creating an Oracle user
and checking kernel settings, installing Oracle and the patch as well as installing
a new OpenWorks 5000.0.0 database or installing the OpenWorks 5000.0.0 schema on an existing

• Linux 32-bit Server

• Linux 32-bit Client

• Linux 64-bit Server

• Linux 64-bit Client

• Solaris 10 (SPARC) 64-bit Server

• Solaris 10 (SPARC) 64-bit Client

• Windows XP/2003 SP2 32-bit Server

• Windows XP/2003 SP2 32-bit Client

• Windows 2003 SP2 64-bit Server

• Windows XP/2003 SP2 32-bit Client

OpenWorks Installation (all platforms, servers and clients)

Post-Installation (all platforms, servers and clients) describes setting up your .lgclogin, OS users,
database users, and configuring districts.

GeoDataLoad Installation (all platforms, servers and clients) describes the installation of the
GeoDataload application.

Release 5000.0.0.2 Quick Start: Installation Workflow 7

OpenWorks® Software Installation Procedures Landmark

Installation Checklist: All Platforms 安装清单:所有平台

Servers 服务器 Clients 客户机

Linux Linux Solaris Win Win Linux Linux Solaris Win
Step 步骤 64 32 64 64 32 64 32 64 32
1. Check Software Packages (RPMs) Y Y Y Y
2. Check Swap Space Y Y Y
3. Set Shell Limits for Oracle User Y Y
4. Run Pre-Oracle or Y Y Y Y Y Y
- Check/Set Kernel Parameters and Y Y Y
- Create Oracle User Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y
5. Modify Linux Release File and Y Y Y Y
change 5 to 4
6. Check/Install Loopback Adapter on Y Y
DHCP Computers
Install Oracle and Patch 安装Oracle和Patch
7. Install Oracle ( DB DB DB 64-bit DB C C C C
DB and
DB = Database 32-bit
C = Client C
- Run Oracle Net Configuration silent silent silent Y
Assistant (occurs silently on all
clients except Windows 32-bit)
- Run and Y Y Y Y Y only
8. Install Oracle Patch ( Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y
and 32-
- Run script Y Y Y
- Fix Directory Permission Problem Y Y Y Y Y Y
- Restore Linux Release File back to 5 Y Y Y Y
Install new database (Step 9) or Install schemas on existing database (Step 10) 安装新数据库(步骤9)或
9. Install OpenWorks 5000.0.0 Y Y Y Y Y 在现有数据库上安装构架(步骤10)

Installer adds Wallet location to

- Database Configuration Assistant Y Y Y Y Y
- Change system, sys passwords Y Y Y Y Y
- Change sysman, dbsnmp passwords Y Y
- Verify lib32 in Y Y

8 Quick Start: Installation Checklist: All Platforms Release 5000.0.0.2

Landmark OpenWorks® Software Installation Procedures

Servers Clients
Linux Linux Solaris Win Win Linux Linux Solaris Win
64 32 64 64 32 64 32 64 32
10. Install OpenWorks 5000.0.0 Y Y Y Y Y
Database Schemas on an Existing
Oracle Database.

Installer adds Wallet location to

- Check/Set recyclebin parameter Y Y Y Y Y
Install OpenWorks 安装OpenWorks
11. Set OW_HOME_DIR variable Y Y Y
12. Install OpenWorks. Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y

On clients, installer adds wallet

location to $ORACLE_HOME/
OpenWorks Post-installation Configuration OpenWorks安装后的配制
13. Install libg2c and run Y
14. If necessary, create a new, local OS Y Y Y
user using lgcuser, then update the
user. lgcuser adds
$OW_HOME_DIR to .lgclogin
15. Update existing users using lgcuser. Y Y Y
During the update, lgcuser adds
$OW_HOME_DIR to .lgclogin
LAM Servers only: Y Y Y
16. Update all users'
LM_LICENSE_FILE in .lgclogin
17. Create an Oracle account for Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y
18. Change default passworks Y Y Y Y Y
19. Run owsetup Y Y Y Y Y Y
20. Configure Oracle Wallet if multiple Y Y Y
users will run OpenWorks on this
21. Configure MKS and Exceed Y Y Y
22. District Configuration, if necessary Y Y Y Y Y
Install GeoDataLoad, if applicable Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y

Release 5000.0.0.2 Quick Start: Installation Checklist: All Platforms 9

OpenWorks® Software Installation Procedures Landmark

Oracle Installation

Linux 32-bit Server Linux32位服务器

Prerequisites and Procedures 要求与步骤

1. Linux 32-bit Prerequisites

a. Check Software Packages (RPMs) on Linux 32-bit Servers and Clients

b. Check Swap Space on Linux 32-bit Servers
c. Set Shell Limits for the Oracle User on Linux 32-bit Servers

2. Configure the kernel parameters and create the Oracle user:

a. Run Pre-Oracle: Linux 32-bit Server (Recommended)

b. Linux & Solaris: Create Oracle User Manually
c. Configure Kernel Parameters on Linux 32-bit Servers

3. Modify the Linux 32-bit Release File

4. Install Oracle Database Software (

5. Install Oracle 10g Release 2 Patch Set 2 (

6. Fix Directory Permission Problem

7. Restore Linux Release File

8. Install OpenWorks 5000.0.0 Database (Perform these steps to create a new Oracle database
for OpenWorks.)

9. Install OpenWorks 5000.0.0 Database Schemas on an Existing Oracle Database. Perform

these steps if you already have a database created and want to run OpenWorks schemas on that

10 Oracle Installation: Linux 32-bit Server Release 5000.0.0.2

Landmark OpenWorks® Software Installation Procedures

Run Pre-Oracle: Linux 32-bit Server 运行Pre-Oracle:Linux 32位服务器

Landmark recommends using the Pre-Oracle Installer to set up your environment for Oracle and
to create the Oracle user that is used to install Oracle and the OpenWorks database.

The Pre-Oracle Installer also prompts you to modify the kernel parameters if the machine is an
Oracle server.

1. Log on as root.

2. Navigate to the location where Pre-Oracle was downloaded.

3. Double-click setup.exe.

The Pre-Oracle Installer: Introduction screen opens.

4. Click Next.

The Choose Install Folder screen opens.

5. Enter the directory where you want to install the Oracle files.

6. Click Next.

The Pre-Installation Summary screen opens.

7. Verify that all settings are correct. If necessary, click Previous to correct settings.

8. Click Install.

The Oracle Setup Installation opens in an xterm.

9. Press Enter.

10. When prompted, enter the Oracle user name. “ora10g” is used throughout this document.

11. When prompted, enter the home directory for the Oracle user. “<drive>/ora10g/OraHome1” is
used throughout this document.

This becomes ORACLE_HOME= ${ORACLE_BASE}/OraHome1 in the ora10g .login file.

12. When prompted, enter Dba as the group.

13. When prompted, enter 7777 as the uid.

The Linux Configuration Utility opens in the xterm.

Release 5000.0.0.2 Oracle Installation: Linux 32-bit Server 11

OpenWorks® Software Installation Procedures Landmark

14. Enter 1 to update the kernel configuration.

The script creates the Oracle user and updates the kernel.

15. Enter 3 to quit the configuration utility.

Modify the Linux 32-bit Release File 修改Linux 32位版本文件

The operating system update version should be:

Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server or Workstation release 5

Change the release file so the Oracle Universal Installer can install the Oracle Software

1. Open the /etc/redhat-release file in a text editor.

2. Change the release version from 5 to 4 as follows:

Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server release 4 (Tikanga)

You will reverse this change later in the installation procedure.

Install Oracle Database Software ( 安装Oracle数据库软件(

1. Log on as root and cd /tmp.

2. Get the Oracle Software file.

3. Extract the contents in to a temporary directory.

4. Log on as the Oracle user, e.g., ora10g.

5. Set the display, if you are running remotely:

setenv DISPLAY <hostname>:0.0

6. Run the installer command:


The Oracle Universal Installer: Welcome screen opens.

12 Oracle Installation: Linux 32-bit Server Release 5000.0.0.2
Landmark OpenWorks® Software Installation Procedures

7. Click Next.

The Installation Method screen opens.

8. Verify that Basic Installation is selected.

9. Verify that the default Oracle Home Location is the same as the ORACLE_HOME value in
the ora10g .login file. “<drive>/ora10g/OraHome1” is used throughout this document.

10. Set Installation Type to Enterprise Edition.

11. Uncheck the Create Starter Database checkbox.

12. Click Next.

The Specify Inventory directory and credentials screen opens.

13. Accept the inventory directory and group name defaults or make appropriate changes.

14. Click Next.

The Product-Specific Prerequisite Checks screen opens.

15. Verify that the overall result of the check is “Passed.”

If any of the tests fail, you must correct the problem(s) before proceeding with the installation.

a. If the test for kernel parameters fails, Configure Kernel Parameters on Linux 32-bit
Servers and rerun the Prerequisite Checks by clicking Back and Next.

b. If the test for swap space fails, exit the installer, perform the steps in Check Swap
Space on Linux 32-bit Servers and run the installer again.

16. Click Next.

The Summary screen opens.

17. Verify that all settings are correct.

18. Click Install.

The Execute Configuration scripts window opens, instructing you to execute two scripts, and

19. Execute the configuration scripts:

Release 5000.0.0.2 Oracle Installation: Linux 32-bit Server 13

OpenWorks® Software Installation Procedures Landmark

a. Open another xterm on the same host machine.

b. Log on as root.
c. Execute the and scripts.

20. Click OK in the Execute Configuration scripts window only after successfully executing the and scripts.

The End of Installation screen opens.

21. Click Exit.

An Exit window opens.

22. Click Yes.

The installer closes.

安装Oracle 10g Release 2 Patch Set 2(

Install Oracle 10g Release 2 Patch Set 2 (

1. Get the Oracle Software Patch file.

2. Extract the zip file in to a temporary directory.

3. Log on as the Oracle user (e.g. ora10g).

4. Set the display, if you are running remotely:

setenv DISPLAY <hostname>:0.0

5. Run the installer command:


The Oracle Universal Installer: Welcome screen opens.

6. Click Next.

The Specify Home Details screen opens.

7. Accept the default name (OraDb10g_home1) for the installation.

8. Verify that the default Oracle Home Location is the same as the ORACLE_HOME value in
the ora10g .login file. “<drive>/ora10g/OraHome1” is used throughout this document.

14 Oracle Installation: Linux 32-bit Server Release 5000.0.0.2

Landmark OpenWorks® Software Installation Procedures

The patch is applied in this path.

9. Click Next.

The Summary screen opens.

10. Click Install and wait for the Oracle Software Patch installation to complete.

The Execute Configuration scripts window opens, instructing you to execute one script,

11. Execute the configuration script:

a. Open another xterm on the same host machine.

b. Log on as root.
c. Execute the script.

12. Click OK in the Execute Configuration scripts window only after successfully executing the script.

The End of Installation screen opens.

13. Click Exit.

An Exit window opens.

14. Click Yes.

The installer closes.

Fix Directory Permission Problem 修复目录权限问题

Execute the following command as the Oracle user (e.g., ora10g):

chmod -R 775 $ORACLE_HOME

You will get error messages that it is not possible to alter the permissions on certain files in
$ORACLE_HOME. These errors can be ignored. The ownership of these files was changed to
root when you ran the configuration script earlier in the installation procedure.

Release 5000.0.0.2 Oracle Installation: Linux 32-bit Server 15

OpenWorks® Software Installation Procedures Landmark

Restore Linux Release File 恢复Linux版本文件

Return the Linux release file to its original state.

1. Open the /etc/redhat-release file in a text editor.

2. Change the version number from 4 to 5 as follows:

Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server release 5 (Tikanga)

Install OpenWorks 5000.0.0 Database 安装OpenWorks 5000.0.0数据库

1. Get the OpenWorks 5000.0.0 Database zip file.

2. Extract the zip file in to a temporary directory.

3. Log on as the Oracle user (e.g. ora10g).

4. Set the display, if you are running remotely:

setenv DISPLAY <hostname>:0.0

Important note about installing remotely:

Exceed 2007 is required if you are installing remotely on Linux or Solaris from
Windows. Exceed 2008 will not work.

5. Run the installer:


The Introduction screen opens.

6. Click Next.

The Choose Install Folder screen opens.

7. Enter the directory where you want to install the OpenWorks Database files. “<drive>/ora10g/
Landmark/OpenWorksDatabase” is used throughout this document.

8. Click Next.

The Installation Options screen opens.

9. Choose the default “OpenWorks Database and Schemas.”

16 Oracle Installation: Linux 32-bit Server Release 5000.0.0.2

Landmark OpenWorks® Software Installation Procedures

10. Click Next.

The Get Oracle Information screen opens.

11. Enter the directory where you installed the Oracle Database software and patch. “<drive>/
ora10g/OraHome1” is used throughout this document.

12. Enter the appropriate Oracle Sid using a maximum of eight alphanumeric characters; for
example, owskip. Do not use any special characters. Do not use a number at the beginning of
the Sid name.

13. Click Next.

The Get Database Domain screen opens.

14. Optional. Perform this step if you will use the database within a particular domain and want
the domain name to be part of the database name.

• To use a domain name as part of the database name, enter the domain name in the
DB_DOMAIN field. The domain name can be any ASCII characters, separated by
periods. For example, to make the owskip database in the domain “”, enter in the DB_DOMAIN field.

• If you choose not to use a domain name as part of the database name, leave this field

15. Click Next.

The First Set of Datafiles screen opens.

16. Accept the default or enter the directory where you want to install the first set of database
files. “<drive>/ora10g/OraHome1/oradata/<Sid>/” is used throughout this document.

17. Select a Datablock Size. The default is 16 KB.

18. Set the System and SysAux tablespace sizes. The defaults are 1024MB and 256 MB,

19. Click Next.

The Second Set of Datafiles screen opens.

20. Accept the default or enter the directory where you want to install the second set of database

21. Set the Undo Tablespace size. The default is 1024 MB.

Release 5000.0.0.2 Oracle Installation: Linux 32-bit Server 17

OpenWorks® Software Installation Procedures Landmark

22. Set the Redo Logs size. The default is 16 MB.

23. Click Next.

The Third Set of Datafiles screen opens.

24. Accept the default or enter the directory where you want to install the third set of database

25. Set the Temp Tablespace size. The default is 512 MB.

26. Set the Users Tablespace size. The default is 5 MB.

27. Click Next.

The Schemas Directory screen opens.

28. Accept the default or enter the directory where you want to create OpenWorks schemas
database files.

29. Click Next.

The Projects Directories screen opens.

30. Enter the directory where you want to create project database files.

31. If desired, enter additional directories for project database files.

32. Click Next.

The Pre-Installation Summary screen opens.

33. Verify that all settings are correct. If necessary, click Previous to correct settings.

34. Click Install when all settings are correct.

The Database Configuration Assistant window opens.

35. Click OK in the Database Configuration Assistant window after the database is successfully

36. Check for Oracle Error messages in the Log file.

Note: Some Oracle errors are acceptable; e.g., errors that occur because of drop user
statements, IMP_FULL_DATABASE, EXP_FULL_DATABASE role conflicts,
v$compatibility table or view does not exist, and imp7uec table or view does not exist.

18 Oracle Installation: Linux 32-bit Server Release 5000.0.0.2

Landmark OpenWorks® Software Installation Procedures

The OpenWorks Schemas Creation Output screen opens.

37. Click Next.

A Modified SQLNET.ORA popup opens.

38. Click OK in the Modified SQLNET.ORA popup.

The Shutdown and Startup <dbname> and Listener screen opens.

39. Accept the default of Yes.

40. Click Next.

The Shutdown and Startup instance and Listener Output screen opens.

41. Click Next.

If you supplied a domain name, a Modified TNSNAMES.ORA option opens.

42. Click OK.

The Landmark OpenWorks Database R5000 message box opens.

The default passwords for the database users “system” and “sys” are “system” and “sys”
respectively. Change these default passwords after the installation.

43. Click OK.

The Install Complete screen opens.

44. Click Done.

Install OpenWorks 5000.0.0 Database Schemas on an Existing Oracle

Database 在现有Oracle数据库上安装OpenWorks 5000.0.0数据库结构

1. Get the OpenWorks 5000.0.0 Database zip file.

2. Extract the zip file in to a temporary directory.

3. Log on as the Oracle user, e.g. ora10g.

Release 5000.0.0.2 Oracle Installation: Linux 32-bit Server 19

OpenWorks® Software Installation Procedures Landmark

4. Set the display, if you are running remotely: 上通过Windows远程安
setenv DISPLAY <hostname>:0.0 2007。Exceed 2008将无

Important note about installing remotely:

Exceed 2007 is required if you are installing remotely on Linux or Solaris from
Windows. Exceed 2008 will not work.

5. Run the installer:


The Introduction screen opens.

6. Click Next.

The Choose Install Folder screen opens.

7. Enter the directory where you want to install the OpenWorks Database files. “<drive>/ora10g/
Landmark/OpenWorksDatabase” is used throughout this document.

8. Click Next.

The Installation Options screen opens.

9. Choose the “OpenWorks Schemas” option.

10. Click Next.

The Get Oracle Information screen opens.

11. Enter the Oracle Home directory where you installed the Oracle Database software. “<drive>/
ora10g/OraHome1” is used throughout this document.

12. Enter the appropriate Oracle Sid using a maximum of eight alphanumeric characters. Do not
use any special characters.

• If you used the domain name as part of the database name when you created the
database, include the domain in the Oracle Sid field.

• If you did not use a domain name then the Oracle Sid Alias is the same value as Oracle

13. Click Next.

20 Oracle Installation: Linux 32-bit Server Release 5000.0.0.2

Landmark OpenWorks® Software Installation Procedures

The Existing Oracle database/instance Connection Testing screen opens.

14. Enter the password for the system user.

15. Click Next.

The Schemas Directory screen opens.

16. Select the directory where you want to create the OpenWorks schema database files.

17. Click Next.

The Projects Directories screen opens.

18. Select the directory where you want to create project database files.

19. If desired, enter additional directories for project database files.

20. Click Next.

The Pre-Installation Summary screen opens.

21. Verify that all settings are correct. If necessary, click Previous to correct settings.

22. Click Install when all settings are correct.

The OpenWorks Schemas Creation Output screen opens.

23. Check for Oracle Error messages in the Log file.

Note: Some Oracle errors are acceptable; e.g., errors that occur because of the drop user
statements, IMP_FULL_DATABASE, EXP_FULL_DATABASE role conflicts,
v$compatibility table or view does not exist, and imp7uec table or view does not exist.

24. Click Next.

A Database Initialization Parameters Check window opens.

You are instructed to set the initialization parameter “recyclebin” (which keeps the deleted
objects in a bin) to “off.”

25. Click OK.

The Install Complete screen opens.

26. Click Done.

Release 5000.0.0.2 Oracle Installation: Linux 32-bit Server 21

OpenWorks® Software Installation Procedures Landmark

27. Check the initialization parameter using the following SQL commands:

sqlplus <dba_user>/<dba_password>@sid

SQL> show parameters recyclebin

28. If necessary, set the initialization parameter to “off:”

SQL>alter system set recyclebin=off scope=both;


What’s Next? 下一步做什么?

Install OpenWorks using the procedures in OpenWorks Installation.

22 Oracle Installation: Linux 32-bit Server Release 5000.0.0.2

Landmark OpenWorks® Software Installation Procedures

Linux 32-bit Client Linux32位客户端

Prerequisites and Procedures 要求和步骤

1. Check Software Packages (RPMs) on Linux 32-bit Servers and Clients

2. Create the Oracle user:

• Run Pre-Oracle: Linux 32-bit Client (Recommended)

• Linux & Solaris: Create Oracle User Manually

3. Modify the Linux 32-bit Release File

4. Install Oracle Client Software (

5. Install Oracle 10g Release 2 Patch Set 2 (

6. Fix Directory Permission Problem

7. Restore Linux Release File

Run Pre-Oracle: Linux 32-bit Client 运行 Pre-Oracle: Linux 32位客户端

Landmark recommends using the Pre-Oracle Installer to set up your environment for Oracle and
to create the Oracle user that is used to install the Oracle client software.

1. Log on as root.

2. Navigate to the location where Pre-Oracle was downloaded.

3. Double-click setup.exe.

The Pre-Oracle Installer: Introduction screen opens.

4. Click Next.

The Choose Install Folder screen opens.

5. Enter the directory where you want to install the Oracle files.

6. Click Next.

Release 5000.0.0.2 Oracle Installation: Linux 32-bit Client 23

OpenWorks® Software Installation Procedures Landmark

The Pre-Installation Summary screen opens.

7. Verify that all settings are correct. If necessary, click Previous to correct settings.

8. Click Install.

The Oracle Setup Installation opens in an xterm.

9. Press Enter.

10. When prompted, enter the home directory for the Oracle user. “<drive>/ora10g/OraHome1” is
used throughout this document.

This becomes ORACLE_HOME= ${ORACLE_BASE}/OraHome1 in the ora10g .login file.

11. When prompted, enter dba as the group.

12. When prompted, enter 7777 as the uid.

The Linux Configuration Utility opens in the xterm.

It is not necessary to modify the kernel on clients.

13. Enter 3 to quit the configuration utility.

The script creates the Oracle user.

Modify the Linux 32-bit Release File 修改Linux32位版本文件

The operating system update version should be:

Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server or Workstation release 5

Change the release file so the Oracle Universal Installer can install the Oracle Software

1. Open the /etc/redhat-release file in a text editor.

2. Change the release version from 5 to 4 as follows:

Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server release 4 (Tikanga)

24 Oracle Installation: Linux 32-bit Client Release 5000.0.0.2

Landmark OpenWorks® Software Installation Procedures

You will reverse this change later in the installation procedure.

Install Oracle Client Software ( 安装Oralce 客户端软件(

1. Log on as root and cd /tmp.

2. Get the Oracle Software file.

3. Extract the zip file in to a temporary directory.

4. Log on as the Oracle user, e.g. ora10g.

5. Set the display, if you are running remotely:

setenv DISPLAY <hostname>:0.0

6. Run the installer command:


The Oracle Universal Installer: Welcome screen opens.

7. Click Next.

The Specify Inventory directory and credentials screen opens.

8. Accept the defaults or make appropriate changes.

9. Click Next.

The Select Installation Type screen opens.

10. Select Administrator.

11. Click Next.

The Specify Home Details screen opens.

12. Accept the default name for the installation or type a new name.

13. Verify that the default Oracle Home Location is the same as the ORACLE_HOME value in
the ora10g .login file. “<drive>/ora10g/OraHome1” is used throughout this document.

14. Click Next.

Release 5000.0.0.2 Oracle Installation: Linux 32-bit Client 25

OpenWorks® Software Installation Procedures Landmark

The Product-Specific Prerequisite Checks screen opens.

15. Verify that the overall result of the check is “Passed.”

Note: If any of the tests fail, cancel the install, set the recommended value of the parameter
mentioned on the host, and run the installer again.

16. Click Next.

The Summary screen opens.

17. Verify that all settings are correct.

18. Click Install.

The Oracle Net Configuration Assistant opens.

19. Check the “Perform typical configuration” box.

20. Click Next.

The Oracle Net Configuration Assistant: Done screen opens.

21. Click Finish.

The Execute Configuration scripts window opens, instructing you to execute two scripts, and

22. Execute the configuration scripts:

a. Open another xterm on the same host machine.

b. Log on as root.
c. Execute the and scripts.

23. Click OK in the Execute Configuration scripts window only after successfully executing the and scripts.

The End of Installation screen opens.

24. Click Exit.

An Exit window opens.

25. Click Yes.

The installer closes.

26 Oracle Installation: Linux 32-bit Client Release 5000.0.0.2

Landmark OpenWorks® Software Installation Procedures

安装Oracle 10g Release 2 Patch Set 2 (

Install Oracle 10g Release 2 Patch Set 2 (

1. Get the Oracle Software Patch file.

2. Extract the zip file in to a temporary directory.

3. Log on as the Oracle user (e.g. ora10g) if you are not currently logged as the Oracle user.

4. Set the display, if you are running remotely:

setenv DISPLAY <hostname>:0.0

5. Run the installer:


The Oracle Universal Installer: Welcome screen opens.

6. Click Next.

The Specify Home Details screen opens.

7. Accept the default name for the installation.

8. Verify that the default Oracle Home Location is the same as the ORACLE_HOME value in
the ora10g .login file.

The patch is applied in this path.

9. Click Next.

The Summary screen opens.

10. Click Install and wait for the Oracle Software Patch installation to complete.

The End of Installation screen opens.

11. Click Exit.

The Exit window opens.

12. Click Yes.

Release 5000.0.0.2 Oracle Installation: Linux 32-bit Client 27

OpenWorks® Software Installation Procedures Landmark

Fix Directory Permission Problem 修复目录权限问题

Execute the following command as the Oracle user (e.g., ora10g):

chmod -R 775 $ORACLE_HOME

You will get error messages that it is not possible to alter the permissions on certain files in
$ORACLE_HOME. These errors can be ignored. The ownership of these files was changed to
root when you ran the configuration script earlier in the installation procedure.

Restore Linux Release File 恢复Linux版本文件

Return the Linux release file to its original state.

1. Open the /etc/redhat-release file in a text editor.

2. Change the version number from 4 to 5 as follows:

Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server release 5 (Tikanga)

What’s Next? 下一步做什么?

Install OpenWorks using the procedures in OpenWorks Installation.

28 Oracle Installation: Linux 32-bit Client Release 5000.0.0.2

Landmark OpenWorks® Software Installation Procedures

Linux 64-bit Server Linux 64 位服务器

Prerequisites and Procedures 要求和步骤

1. Linux 64-bit Prerequisites

a. Check Software Packages (RPMs) on Linux 64-bit Servers and Clients

b. Check Swap Space on Linux 64-bit Servers

c. Set Shell Limits for the Oracle User on Linux 64-bit Servers

2. Configure the kernel parameters and create the Oracle user:

a. Run Pre-Oracle: Linux 64-bit Server (Recommended)

b. Linux & Solaris: Create Oracle User Manually
c. Configure Kernel Parameters on Linux 64-bit Servers

3. Modify the Linux 64-bit Release File

4. Install Oracle Database Software (

5. Install Oracle 10g Release 2 Patch Set 2 (

6. Fix Directory Permission Problem

7. Restore Linux Release File

8. Install OpenWorks 5000.0.0 Database (Perform these steps if you are creating a new Oracle
database for OpenWorks.)

9. Install OpenWorks 5000.0.0 Database Schemas on an Existing Oracle Database (Perform

these steps if you already have a database created and want to run OpenWorks schemas on that

Run Pre-Oracle: Linux 64-bit Server 运行Pre-Oracle: Linux 64位服务器

Landmark recommends using the Pre-Oracle Installer to set up your environment for Oracle and
to create the Oracle user that is used to install Oracle and the OpenWorks database.

The Pre-Oracle Installer also prompts you to modify the kernel parameters if the machine is an
Oracle server.

Release 5000.0.0.2 Oracle Installation: Linux 64-bit Server 29

OpenWorks® Software Installation Procedures Landmark

1. Log on as root.

2. Navigate to the location where Pre-Oracle was downloaded.

3. Double-click setup.exe.

The Pre-Oracle Installer: Introduction screen opens.

4. Click Next.

The Choose Install Folder screen opens.

5. Enter the directory where you want to install the Oracle files.

6. Click Next.

The Pre-Installation Summary screen opens.

7. Verify that all settings are correct. If necessary, click Previous to correct settings.

8. Click Install.

The Oracle Setup Installation opens in an xterm.

9. Press Enter.

10. When prompted, enter the Oracle user name. “ora10g” is used throughout this document.

11. When prompted, enter the home directory for the Oracle user. “<drive>/ora10g/OraHome1” is
used throughout this document.

This becomes ORACLE_HOME= ${ORACLE_BASE}/OraHome1 in the ora10g .login file.

12. When prompted, enter Dba as the group.

13. When prompted, enter 7777 as the uid.

The Linux Configuration Utility opens in the xterm.

14. Enter 1 to update the kernel configuration.

The script creates the Oracle user and updates the kernel.

15. Enter 3 to quit the configuration utility.

30 Oracle Installation: Linux 64-bit Server Release 5000.0.0.2

Landmark OpenWorks® Software Installation Procedures

Modify the Linux 64-bit Release File 修改Linux 64位版本文件

The operating system update version should be:

Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server or Workstation release 5

However, you must change the release file so the Oracle Universal Installer can install the Oracle
Software successfully.

1. Open the /etc/redhat-release file in a text editor.

2. Change the release version from 5 to 4 as follows:

Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server release 4 (Tikanga)

You will reverse this change later in the installation procedure.

Install Oracle Database Software ( 安装Oracle 数据库软件(

1. Log on as root and cd /tmp.

2. Get the Oracle Software 10201_database_linux_x86_64cpio.gz zip file.

3. Extract the zip file in to a temporary directory:

gunzip /tmp /10201_database_linux_x86_64.cpio.gz

cpio -imdv < 10201_database_linux_x86_64.cpio

4. Log on as the Oracle user, e.g. ora10g.

5. Set the display, if you are running remotely:

setenv DISPLAY <hostname>:0.0

6. Run the installer:


The Oracle Universal Installer: Welcome screen opens.

7. Click Next.

The Installation Method screen opens.

8. Verify that Basic Installation is selected.

Release 5000.0.0.2 Oracle Installation: Linux 64-bit Server 31

OpenWorks® Software Installation Procedures Landmark

9. Verify that the default Oracle Home Location is the same as the ORACLE_HOME value in
the ora10g .login file. “<drive>/ora10g/OraHome1” is used throughout this document.

10. Set Installation Type to Enterprise Edition.

11. Uncheck the Create Starter Database checkbox.

12. Click Next.

The Specify Inventory directory and credentials screen opens.

13. Accept the inventory directory and group name defaults or make appropriate changes.

14. Click Next.

The Product-Specific Prerequisite Checks screen opens.

15. Verify that the overall result of the check is “Passed.”

If any of the tests fail, you must correct the problem(s) before proceeding with the installation.

• Configure Kernel Parameters on Linux 64-bit Servers and run the Prerequisite
Checks by clicking Back then Next.

• If the test for swap space fails, exit the installer, perform the steps in Check Swap
Space on Linux 64-bit Servers to create the recommended value of swap space on
the host, and run the installer again.
如果交换空间不足,需按要求创建Swap Space。
16. Click Next.

The Summary screen opens.

17. Verify that all settings are correct.

18. Click Install.

The Execute Configuration scripts window opens, instructing you to execute two scripts, and

19. Execute the configuration scripts:

a. Open another xterm on the same host machine.

b. Log on as root.

c. Execute the and scripts.

32 Oracle Installation: Linux 64-bit Server Release 5000.0.0.2

Landmark OpenWorks® Software Installation Procedures

20. Click OK in the Execute Configuration scripts window only after successfully executing the and scripts.

The End of Installation screen opens.

21. Click Exit.

An Exit window opens.

22. Click Yes.

The installer closes.

安装Oracle 10g Release 2 Patch Set 2 (

Install Oracle 10g Release 2 Patch Set 2 (

1. Get the Oracle Software Patch file.

2. Extract the zip file in to a temporary directory.

3. Log on as the Oracle user, e.g. ora10g.

4. Set the display, if you are running remotely:


5. Run the installer:


The Oracle Universal Installer: Welcome screen opens.

6. Click Next.

The Specify Home Details screen opens.

7. Accept the default name for the installation.

8. Verify that the default Oracle Home Location is the same as the ORACLE_HOME value in
the ora10g .login file. “<drive>/ora10g/OraHome1” is used throughout this document.

The patch is applied in this path.

9. Click Next.

Release 5000.0.0.2 Oracle Installation: Linux 64-bit Server 33

OpenWorks® Software Installation Procedures Landmark

The Summary screen opens.

10. Click Install and wait for the Oracle Software Patch installation to complete.

The Execute Configuration scripts window opens, instructing you to execute one script,

11. Execute the configuration script:

a. Open another xterm on the same host machine.

b. Log on as root.
c. Execute the script.

12. Click OK in the Execute Configuration scripts window only after successfully executing the script.

The End of Installation screen opens.

13. Click Exit.

An Exit window opens.

14. Click Yes.

The installer closes.

Fix Directory Permission Problem 修复目录权限问题

Execute the following command as the Oracle user (e.g., ora10g):

chmod -R 775 $ORACLE_HOME

You will get error messages that it is not possible to alter the permissions on certain files in
$ORACLE_HOME. These errors can be ignored. The ownership of these files was changed to
root when you ran the configuration script earlier in the installation procedure.

Restore Linux Release File 恢复Linux版本文件

Return the Linux release file to its original state.

1. Open the /etc/redhat-release file in a text editor.

2. Change the version number from 4 back to 5 as follows:

34 Oracle Installation: Linux 64-bit Server Release 5000.0.0.2

Landmark OpenWorks® Software Installation Procedures

Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server release 5 (Tikanga)

Install OpenWorks 5000.0.0 Database 安装OpenWorks 5000.0.0数据库

1. Get the OpenWorks 5000.0.0 Database zip file.

2. Extract the zip file in to a temporary directory.

3. Log on as the Oracle user, e.g., ora10g.

4. Set the display, if you are running remotely:

setenv DISPLAY <hostname>:0.0

Important note about installing remotely:

Exceed 2007 is required if you are installing remotely on Linux or Solaris from
Windows. Exceed 2008 will not work.

5. Run the installer:


The Introduction screen opens.

6. Click Next.

The Choose Install Folder screen opens.

7. Enter the directory where you want to install the OpenWorks Database files. “<drive>/ora10g/
Landmark/OpenWorksDatabase” is used throughout this document.

8. Click Next.

The Installation Options screen opens.

9. Choose the default “OpenWorks Database and Schemas.”

10. Click Next.

The Get Oracle Information screen opens.

Release 5000.0.0.2 Oracle Installation: Linux 64-bit Server 35

OpenWorks® Software Installation Procedures Landmark

11. Enter the directory where you installed the Oracle Database software and patch. “<drive>/
ora10g/OraHome1” is used throughout this document.

12. Enter the appropriate Oracle Sid using a maximum of eight alphanumeric characters. Do not
use any special characters.

13. Click Next.

The Get Database Domain screen opens.

14. Optional. Perform this step if you will use the database within a particular domain and want
the domain name to be part of the database name.

• Enter the domain name in the DB_DOMAIN field. The domain name can be any
ASCII characters, separated by periods. For example, to make the owskip database in
the domain “,” enter in the DB_DOMAIN field.

• If you choose not to use a domain name as part of the database name, leave this field

15. Click Next.

The First Set of Datafiles screen opens.

16. Accept the default or enter the directory where you want to install the first set of database
files. “<drive>/ora10g/OraHome1/oradata/<Sid>/” is used throughout this document.

17. Select a Datablock Size. The default is 16 KB.

18. Set the System and SysAux tablespace sizes. The defaults are 1024MB and 256 MB,

19. Click Next.

The Second Set of Datafiles screen opens.

20. Accept the default or enter the directory where you want to install the second set of database

21. Set the Undo Tablespace size. The default is 1024 MB.

22. Set the Redo Logs size. The default is 16 MB.

23. Click Next.

The Third Set of Datafiles screen opens.

36 Oracle Installation: Linux 64-bit Server Release 5000.0.0.2

Landmark OpenWorks® Software Installation Procedures

24. Accept the default or enter the directory where you want to install the third set of database

25. Set the Temp Tablespace size. The default is 512 MB.

26. Set the Users Tablespace size. The default is 5 MB.

27. Click Next.

The Schemas Directory screen opens.

28. Enter the directory where you want to create OpenWorks schemas database files.

29. Click Next.

The Projects Directories screen opens.

30. Enter the directory where you want to create project database files.

31. If desired, enter additional directories for project database files.

32. Click Next.

The Pre-Installation Summary screen opens.

33. Verify that all settings are correct. If necessary, click Previous to correct settings.

34. Click Install when all settings are correct.

The Database Configuration Assistant window opens.

35. Click OK in the Database Configuration Assistant window after the database is successfully

36. Check for Oracle Error messages in the Log file.

Note: Some Oracle errors are acceptable; e.g., errors that occur because of the drop user
statements, IMP_FULL_DATABASE, EXP_FULL_DATABASE role conflicts,
v$compatibility table or view does not exist, and imp7uec table or view does not exist.

The OpenWorks Schemas Creation Output screen opens.

37. Click Next.

A Modified SQLNET.ORA popup opens.

Release 5000.0.0.2 Oracle Installation: Linux 64-bit Server 37

OpenWorks® Software Installation Procedures Landmark

38. Click OK in the Modified SQLNET.ORA popup.

The Shutdown and Startup <dbname> and Listener screen opens.

39. Accept the default of Yes.

40. Click Next.

The Shutdown and Startup instance and Listener Output screen opens.

41. Click Next.

If you supplied a domain name, a Modified TNSNAMES.ORA option opens.

42. Click OK.

The Landmark OpenWorks Database R5000 message box opens.

The default passwords for the database users “system” and “sys” are “system” and “sys”
respectively. Change these default passwords after the installation.

43. Click OK.

The Install Complete screen opens.

44. Click Done.

Install OpenWorks 5000.0.0 Database Schemas on an Existing Oracle

Database 在当前Oracle数据库上安装OpenWorks5000.0.0数据库模式

1. Get the OpenWorks 5000.0.0 Database zip file.

2. Extract the zip file in to a temporary directory.

3. Log on as the Oracle user, e.g. ora10g.

4. Set the display, if you are running remotely:

38 Oracle Installation: Linux 64-bit Server Release 5000.0.0.2

Landmark OpenWorks® Software Installation Procedures

setenv DISPLAY <hostname>:0.0

Important note about installing remotely:

Exceed 2007 is required if you are installing remotely on Linux or Solaris from
Windows. Exceed 2008 will not work.

5. On Linux 64-bit and Solaris 64-bit, verify that Oracle lib32 is in the LD_LIBRARY_PATH:


6. Run the installer:


The Introduction screen opens.

7. Click Next.

The Choose Install Folder screen opens.

8. Enter the directory where you want to install the OpenWorks Database files. “<drive>/ora10g/
Landmark/OpenWorksDatabase” is used throughout this document.

9. Click Next.

The Installation Options screen opens.

10. Choose the “OpenWorks Schemas” option.

11. Click Next.

The Get Oracle Information screen opens.

12. Enter the directory where you installed the Oracle Database software and patch. “<drive>/
ora10g/OraHome1” is used throughout this document.

13. Enter the appropriate Oracle Sid using a maximum of eight alphanumeric characters. Do not
use any special characters.

• If you used the domain name as part of the database name when you created the
database, include the domain in the Oracle Sid field.

• If you did not use a domain name, the Oracle Sid Alias is the same value as Oracle Sid.

Release 5000.0.0.2 Oracle Installation: Linux 64-bit Server 39

OpenWorks® Software Installation Procedures Landmark

14. Click Next.

The Existing Oracle database/instance Connection Testing screen opens.

15. Enter the password for the system user. The default is “system.”

16. Click Next.

The Schemas Directory screen opens.

17. Select the directory where you want to create the OpenWorks schema database files.

18. Click Next.

The Projects Directories screen opens.

19. Select the directory where you want to create project database files.

20. If desired, enter additional directories for project database files.

21. Click Next.

The Pre-Installation Summary screen opens.

22. Verify that all settings are correct. If necessary, click Previous to correct settings.

23. Click Install when all settings are correct.

The OpenWorks Schemas Creation Output screen opens.

24. Check for Oracle Error messages in the Log file.

Note: Some Oracle errors are acceptable; e.g., errors that occur because of the drop user
statements, IMP_FULL_DATABASE, EXP_FULL_DATABASE role conflicts,
v$compatibility table or view does not exist, and imp7uec table or view does not exist.

25. Click Next.

A Database Initialization Parameters Check window opens.

You are instructed to set the initialization parameter “recyclebin” that keeps the deleted
objects in a bin.

26. Click OK.

The Install Complete screen opens.

40 Oracle Installation: Linux 64-bit Server Release 5000.0.0.2

Landmark OpenWorks® Software Installation Procedures

27. Click Done.

28. Check the initialization parameter using the following SQL commands:

sqlplus <dba_user>/<dba_password>@sid

SQL> show parameters recyclebin

29. If necessary, set the initialization parameter to “off:”

SQL>alter system set recyclebin=off scope=both;


What’s Next?

Install OpenWorks using the procedures in OpenWorks Installation.

Release 5000.0.0.2 Oracle Installation: Linux 64-bit Server 41

OpenWorks® Software Installation Procedures Landmark

Linux 64-bit Client Linux64位客户端

Prerequisites and Procedures 要求及步骤

1. Check Software Packages (RPMs) on Linux 64-bit Servers and Clients

2. Create the Oracle user:

• Run Pre-Oracle: Linux 64-bit Client (Recommended)

• Linux & Solaris: Create Oracle User Manually

3. Modify the Linux 64-bit Release File

4. Install Oracle Client Software (

5. Install Oracle 10g Release 2 Patch Set 2 (

6. Fix Directory Permission Problem

7. Restore Linux Release File

Run Pre-Oracle: Linux 64-bit Client 运行Pre-Oracle: Linux 64-bit客户端

Landmark recommends using the Pre-Oracle Installer to set up your environment for Oracle and
to create the Oracle user that is used to install the Oracle client software.

1. Log on as root.

2. Navigate to the location where Pre-Oracle was downloaded.

3. Double-click setup.exe.

The Pre-Oracle Installer: Introduction screen opens.

4. Click Next.

The Choose Install Folder screen opens.

5. Enter the directory where you want to install the Oracle files.

6. Click Next.

The Pre-Installation Summary screen opens.

42 Oracle Installation: Linux 64-bit Client Release 5000.0.0.2
Landmark OpenWorks® Software Installation Procedures

7. Verify that all settings are correct. If necessary, click Previous to correct settings.

8. Click Install.

The Oracle Setup Installation opens in an xterm.

9. Press Enter.

10. When prompted, enter the Oracle user name. “ora10g” is used throughout this document.

11. When prompted, enter the home directory for the Oracle user. “<drive>/ora10g/OraHome1” is
used throughout this document.

This becomes ORACLE_HOME= ${ORACLE_BASE}/OraHome1 in the ora10g .login file.

12. When prompted, enter Dba as the group.

13. When prompted, enter 7777 as the uid.

The Linux Configuration Utility opens in the xterm.

It is not necessary to modify the kernel on clients.

14. Enter 3 to quit the configuration utility.

The script creates the Oracle user.

Modify the Linux 64-bit Release File 修改Linux 64-bit Release File

The operating system update version should be:

Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server or Workstation release 5

However, you must change the release file so the Oracle Universal Installer can install the Oracle
Software successfully.

1. Open the /etc/redhat-release file in a text editor.

2. Change the release version from 5 to 4 as follows:

Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server release 4 (Tikanga)

You will reverse this change later in the installation procedure.

Release 5000.0.0.2 Oracle Installation: Linux 64-bit Client 43

OpenWorks® Software Installation Procedures Landmark

Install Oracle Client Software ( 安装Oracle客户端软件(

1. Get the Oracle Software 10201_client_linux_x86_64.cpio.gz file.

2. Log on as root and cd /tmp.

3. Extract the zip file in to a temporary directory:

gunzip /tmp /10201_database_linux_x86_64.cpio.gz

cpio -imdv < 10201_client_linux_x86_64.cpio

4. Log on as the Oracle user, e.g., ora10g.

5. Set the display, if you are running remotely:

setenv DISPLAY <hostname>:0.0

6. Run the installer:


The Oracle Universal Installer: Welcome screen opens.

7. Click Next.

The Select Installation Method screen opens.

8. Verify that Basic Installation is selected.

9. Verify that the default Oracle Home Location is the same as the ORACLE_HOME value in
the ora10g .login file. “<drive>/ora10g/OraHome1” is used throughout this document.

10. Select the Installation Type as Enterprise Edition.

11. Uncheck the Create Starter Database checkbox.

12. Click Next.

The Specify Inventory directory and credentials screen opens.

13. Accept the inventory directory and group name defaults or make appropriate changes.

The Select Installation Type screen opens.

44 Oracle Installation: Linux 64-bit Client Release 5000.0.0.2

Landmark OpenWorks® Software Installation Procedures

14. Select Administrator.

15. Click Next.

The Product-Specific Prerequisite Checks screen opens.

16. Verify that the overall result of the check is “Passed.”

Note: If any of the tests fail, you must exit, set the recommended value of the parameter
mentioned on the host, and run the installer again.

17. Click Next.

The Summary screen opens.

18. Verify that all settings are correct.

19. Click Install.

The Oracle Net Configuration Assistant opens.

20. Check the “Perform typical configuration” box.

21. Click Next.

A second Oracle Net Configuration Assistant opens.

22. Click Next.

The Oracle Net Configuration Assistant: Done screen opens.

23. Click Finish.

The Execute Configuration scripts window opens, instructing you to execute two scripts, and

24. Execute the configuration scripts:

a. Open another xterm on the same host machine.

b. Log on as root.
c. Execute the and scripts.

25. Click OK in the Execute Configuration scripts window only after successfully executing and scripts.

The End of Installation screen opens.

Release 5000.0.0.2 Oracle Installation: Linux 64-bit Client 45

OpenWorks® Software Installation Procedures Landmark

26. Click Exit.

An Exit window opens.

27. Click Yes.

The installer closes.

安装Oracle 10g Release 2 Patch Set 2 (

Install Oracle 10g Release 2 Patch Set 2 (

1. Get the Oracle Software Patch file.

2. Extract the zip file in to a temporary directory using the unzip command:

unzip /tmp /

3. Log on as the Oracle user, e.g., ora10g, if you are not currently logged as Oracle user.

4. Set the display, if you are running remotely:


5. Run the installer:


The Oracle Universal Installer: Welcome screen opens.

6. Click Next.

7. Accept the default name for the installation.

8. Verify that the default Oracle Home Location is the same as the ORACLE_HOME value in
the ora10g .login file. “<drive>/ora10g/OraHome1” is used throughout this document.

9. Click Next.

10. Click Install.

The End of Installation screen opens.

11. Click Exit.

An Exit window opens.

46 Oracle Installation: Linux 64-bit Client Release 5000.0.0.2

Landmark OpenWorks® Software Installation Procedures

12. Click Yes.

Fix Directory Permission Problem 修复目录权限问题

Execute the following command as the Oracle user, (e.g., ora10g):

chmod -R 775 $ORACLE_HOME

You will get error messages that it is not possible to alter the permissions on certain files in
$ORACLE_HOME. These errors can be ignored. The ownership of these files was changed to
root when you ran the configuration script earlier in the installation procedure.

Restore Linux Release File 恢复Linux Release File

Return the Linux release file to its original state.

1. Open the /etc/redhat-release file in a text editor.

2. Change the version number from 4 back to 5 as follows:

Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server release 5 (Tikanga)

What’s Next?

Install OpenWorks using the procedures in OpenWorks Installation.

Release 5000.0.0.2 Oracle Installation: Linux 64-bit Client 47

OpenWorks® Software Installation Procedures Landmark

Solaris 10 (SPARC) 64-bit Server Solaris 10 (SPARC) 64-bit服务器

Prerequisites and Procedures 要求及步骤

1. Check Swap Space on Solaris 10 Servers

2. Configure the kernel parameters and create the Oracle user:

a. Run Pre-Oracle: Solaris 64-bit Server (Recommended)

b. Linux & Solaris: Create Oracle User Manually
c. Configure Kernel Parameters on Solaris 10 Servers

3. Install Oracle Database Software (

4. Install Oracle 10g Release 2 Patch Set 2 (

5. Fix Directory Permission Problem

6. Install OpenWorks 5000.0.0 Database (Perform these steps to create a new Oracle database
for OpenWorks.)

7. Install OpenWorks 5000.0.0 Database Schemas on an Existing Oracle Database (Perform

these steps to add OpenWorks schemas to an existing Oracle database.)

Run Pre-Oracle: Solaris 64-bit Server 运行Pre-Oracle: Solaris 64-bit服务器

Landmark recommends using the Pre-Oracle Installer to set up your environment for Oracle and
to create the Oracle user that is used to install Oracle and the OpenWorks database.

The Pre-Oracle Installer also prompts you to modify the kernel parameters if the machine is an
Oracle server.

1. Log on as root.

2. Navigate to the location where Pre-Oracle was downloaded.

3. Double-click setup.exe.

The Pre-Oracle Installer: Introduction screen opens.

4. Click Next.

48 Oracle Installation: Solaris 10 (SPARC) 64-bit Server Release 5000.0.0.2

Landmark OpenWorks® Software Installation Procedures

The Choose Install Folder screen opens.

5. Enter the directory where you want to install the Oracle files.

6. Click Next.

The Pre-Installation Summary screen opens.

7. Verify that all settings are correct. If necessary, click Previous to correct settings.

8. Click Install.

The Oracle Setup Installation opens in an xterm.

9. Press Enter.

10. When prompted, enter the Oracle user name. “ora10g” is used throughout this document.

11. When prompted, enter the home directory for the Oracle user. “<drive>/ora10g/OraHome1” is
used throughout this document.

This becomes ORACLE_HOME= ${ORACLE_BASE}/OraHome1 in the ora10g .login file.

12. When prompted, enter Dba as the group.

13. When prompted, enter 7777 as the uid.

The Solaris Configuration Utility opens in the xterm.

14. Enter 1 to update the kernel configuration.

The script creates the Oracle user and updates the kernel.

15. Enter 3 to quit the configuration utility.

Install Oracle Database Software ( 安装Oracle数据库软件(

1. Log on as root and cd /tmp.

2. Get the Oracle Software 10gr2_db_sol.cpio.gz zip file.

3. Extract the zip file in to /tmp/database using the gunzip and cpio commands:

gunzip /tmp/database/10gr2_db_sol.cpio.gz

cpio -imdv < 10gr2_db_sol.cpio

Release 5000.0.0.2 Oracle Installation: Solaris 10 (SPARC) 64-bit Server 49

OpenWorks® Software Installation Procedures Landmark

4. Log on as the Oracle user, e.g. ora10g.

5. Set the display, if you are running remotely:

setenv DISPLAY <hostname>:0.0

6. Run the installer:


The Oracle Universal Installer: Welcome screen opens.

7. Click Next.

The Installation Method screen opens.

8. Verify that Basic Installation is selected.

9. Verify that the default Oracle Home Location is the same as the ORACLE_HOME value in
the ora10g .login file. “<drive>/ora10g/OraHome1” is used throughout this document.

10. Set Installation Type to Enterprise Edition.

11. Uncheck the Create Starter Database checkbox.

12. Click Next.

The Specify Inventory directory and credentials screen opens.

13. Accept the inventory directory and group name defaults or make appropriate changes.

14. Click Next.

The Product-Specific Prerequisite Checks screen opens.

15. Verify that the overall result of the check is “Passed.”

Note: If any of the tests fail, cancel the install, set the recommended value of the parameter
mentioned on the host, and run the installer again.

• Set the kernel parameters as required and run the Prerequisite Checks by clicking Back
then Next.
• If the test for swap space fails, exit the installer, perform the steps in Check Swap
Space on Solaris 10 Servers and run the installer again.

16. Click Next.

50 Oracle Installation: Solaris 10 (SPARC) 64-bit Server Release 5000.0.0.2

Landmark OpenWorks® Software Installation Procedures

The Select Configuration Option screen opens.

17. Select the Install database Software only option.

18. Click Next.

The Summary screen opens.

19. Verify that all settings are correct.

20. Click Install.

The Execute Configuration scripts window opens, instructing you to execute two scripts, and

21. Execute the configuration scripts:

a. Open another xterm on the same host machine.

b. Log on as root.
c. Execute the and scripts.

22. Click OK in the Execute Configuration scripts window only after successfully executing the and scripts.

The End of Installation screen opens.

23. Click Exit.

An Exit window opens.

24. Click Yes.

The installer closes. 安装Oracle 10g Release 2 Patch Set 2 (

Install Oracle 10g Release 2 Patch Set 2 (

1. Get the Oracle Software Patch file.

2. Extract the zip file in /tmp using the unzip command:

unzip /tmp /

3. Log on as the Oracle user, e.g. ora10g.

4. Set the display, if you are running remotely:


Release 5000.0.0.2 Oracle Installation: Solaris 10 (SPARC) 64-bit Server 51

OpenWorks® Software Installation Procedures Landmark

5. Run the installer:


The Oracle Universal Installer: Welcome screen opens.

6. Click Next.

The Specify Home Details screen opens.

7. Accept the default name (OraDb10g_home1) for the installation.

8. Verify that the default Oracle Home Location is the same as the ORACLE_HOME value in
the ora10g .login file. “<drive>/ora10g/OraHome1” is used throughout this document.

The patch is applied in this path.

9. Click Next.

The Summary screen opens.

10. Click Install and wait for the Oracle Software Patch installation to complete.

The Execute Configuration scripts window opens, instructing you to execute one script,

11. Execute the configuration script:

a. Open another xterm on the same host machine.

b. Log on as root.
c. Execute the script.

12. Click OK in the Execute Configuration scripts window only after successfully executing the script.

The End of Installation screen opens.

13. Click Exit.

An Exit window opens.

14. Click Yes.

The installer closes.

52 Oracle Installation: Solaris 10 (SPARC) 64-bit Server Release 5000.0.0.2

Landmark OpenWorks® Software Installation Procedures

Fix Directory Permission Problem 修复目录权限问题

Execute the following command as the Oracle user, e.g., ora10g:

chmod -R 775 $ORACLE_HOME

You will get error messages that it is not possible to alter the permissions on certain files in
$ORACLE_HOME. These errors can be ignored. The ownership of these files was changed to
root when you ran the configuration script earlier in the installation procedure.

Install OpenWorks 5000.0.0 Database 安装OpenWorks 5000.0.0 Database

1. Log on as the Oracle user, e.g. ora10g.

2. Get the OpenWorks 5000.0.0 Database zip file and extract it in to the temporary directory.

3. Set the display, if you are running remotely:

setenv DISPLAY <hostname>:0.0

Important note about installing remotely:

Exceed 2007 is required if you are installing remotely on Linux or Solaris from
Windows. Exceed 2008 will not work.

4. Run the installer:


The Introduction screen opens.

5. Click Next.

The Choose Install Folder screen opens.

6. Enter the directory where you want to install the OpenWorks Database files. “<drive>/ora10g/
Landmark/OpenWorksDatabase” is used throughout this document.

7. Click Next.

The Installation Options screen opens.

8. Choose the default “OpenWorks Database and Schemas.”

Release 5000.0.0.2 Oracle Installation: Solaris 10 (SPARC) 64-bit Server 53

OpenWorks® Software Installation Procedures Landmark

9. Click Next.

The Get Oracle Information screen opens.

10. Enter the directory where you installed the Oracle Database software and patch. “<drive>/
ora10g/OraHome1” is used throughout this document.

11. Enter the appropriate Oracle Sid using a maximum of eight alphanumeric characters. Do not
use any special characters.

12. Click Next.

The Get Database Domain screen opens.

13. Optional. Perform this step to use the database within a particular domain and have the
domain name be part of the database name. Enter the domain of your choice or leave it blank.

14. Click Next.

The First Set of Datafiles screen opens.

15. Accept the default or enter the directory where you want to install the first set of database
files. “<drive>/ora10g/OraHome1/oradata/<Sid>/” is used throughout this document.

16. Select a Datablock Size. The default is 16 KB.

17. Set the System and SysAux tablespace sizes. The defaults are 1024MB and 256 MB,

18. Click Next.

The Second Set of Datafiles screen opens.

19. Accept the default or enter the directory where you want to install the second set of database

20. Set the Undo Tablespace size. The default is 1024 MB.

21. Set the Redo Logs size. The default is 16 MB.

22. Click Next.

The Third Set of Datafiles screen opens.

23. Accept the default or enter the directory where you want to install the third set of database

54 Oracle Installation: Solaris 10 (SPARC) 64-bit Server Release 5000.0.0.2

Landmark OpenWorks® Software Installation Procedures

24. Set the Temp Tablespace size. The default is 512 MB.

25. Set the Users Tablespace size. The default is 5 MB.

26. Click Next.

The Schemas Directory screen opens.

27. Enter the directory where you want to create OpenWorks schemas database files.

28. Click Next.

The Projects Directories screen opens.

29. Enter the directory where you want to create project database files.

30. If desired, enter additional directories for project database files.

31. Click Next.

The Pre-Installation Summary screen opens.

32. Verify that all settings are correct. If necessary, click Previous to correct settings.

33. Click Install.

The Database Configuration Assistant window opens.

34. Click OK in the Database Configuration Assistant window after the database is successfully

35. Check for Oracle Error messages in the Log file .

Note: Some Oracle errors are acceptable; e.g., errors that occur because of the drop user
statements, IMP_FULL_DATABASE, EXP_FULL_DATABASE role conflicts, etc.
However, TNS- errors are installation failure indicators.

The OpenWorks Schemas Creation Output screen opens.

36. Click Next.

The Landmark OpenWorks5000.0.0 Database message box opens.

The default passwords for database user “system” and “sys” are “system” and “sys”
respectively. Change these default passwords after the installation.

Release 5000.0.0.2 Oracle Installation: Solaris 10 (SPARC) 64-bit Server 55

OpenWorks® Software Installation Procedures Landmark

37. Click OK.

The Install Complete screen opens.

38. Click Done.

Install OpenWorks 5000.0.0 Database Schemas on an Existing Oracle

Database 在当前Oracle数据库上安装OpenWorks 5000.0.0 Database模式

1. Log on as the Oracle user, e.g. ora10g.

2. Set the display, if you are running remotely:

setenv DISPLAY <hostname>:0.0

Important note about installing remotely:

Exceed 2007 is required if you are installing remotely on Linux or Solaris from
Windows. Exceed 2008 will not work.

3. On Linux 64-bit and Solaris 64-bit, verify that Oracle lib32 is in the LD_LIBRARY_PATH:


4. Get the OpenWorks 5000.0.0 Database zip file.

5. Extract the zip file in the temporary directory using the unzip command.

6. Run the installer:


The Introduction screen opens.

7. Click Next.

The Choose Install Folder screen opens.

8. Enter the directory where you want to install the OpenWorks Database files. “<drive>/ora10g/
Landmark/OpenWorksDatabase” is used throughout this document.

9. Click Next.

56 Oracle Installation: Solaris 10 (SPARC) 64-bit Server Release 5000.0.0.2

Landmark OpenWorks® Software Installation Procedures

The Installation Options screen opens.

10. Choose the “OpenWorks Schemas” option.

11. Click Next.

The Get Oracle Information screen opens.

12. Enter the directory where you installed the Oracle Database software and patch. “<drive>/
ora10g/OraHome1” is used throughout this document.

13. Enter the appropriate Oracle Sid using a maximum of eight alphanumeric characters. Do not
use any special characters.

• If you used a domain name as part of the database name when you created the
database, enter

• If you did not use a domain name the Oracle Sid Alias is the same value as Oracle Sid.

14. Click Next.

The Existing Oracle database/instance Connection Testing screen opens.

15. Enter the Oracle user name “system.”

16. Enter the password for the Oracle system user. The default is “system.”

17. Click Next.

The Schemas Directory screen opens.

18. Enter the directory where you want to create the OpenWorks schema database files.

19. Click Next.

The Projects Directories screen opens.

20. Enter the directory where you want to create project database files.

21. If desired, enter additional directories for project database files.

22. Click Next.

The Pre-Installation Summary screen opens.

23. Click Install.

Release 5000.0.0.2 Oracle Installation: Solaris 10 (SPARC) 64-bit Server 57

OpenWorks® Software Installation Procedures Landmark

The OpenWorks Schemas Creation Output screen opens.

24. Check for Oracle Error messages in the Log file.

Note: Some Oracle errors are acceptable; e.g., errors that occur because of the drop user
statements and IMP_FULL_DATABASE, EXP_FULL_DATABASE role conflicts, etc.

However, TNS- errors are installation failure indicators.

25. Click Next.

A Database Initialization Parameters Check window opens.

You are instructed to set the initialization parameter “recyclebin” (which keeps the deleted
objects in a bin) to “off.”

26. Click OK.

The Install Complete screen opens.

27. Click Done.

28. Check the initialization parameter using the following SQL commands:

sqlplus <dba_user>/<dba_password>@sid

SQL> show parameters recyclebin

29. If necessary, set the initialization parameter to “off:”

SQL>alter system set recyclebin=off scope=both;


What’s Next?

Install OpenWorks using the procedures in OpenWorks Installation.

58 Oracle Installation: Solaris 10 (SPARC) 64-bit Server Release 5000.0.0.2

Landmark OpenWorks® Software Installation Procedures

Solaris 10 (SPARC) 64-bit Client Solaris 10 (SPARC) 64-bit客户端

Prerequisites and Procedures 要求及步骤

1. Solaris 10 (SPARC) 64-bit Prerequisites

2. Create the Oracle user:

• Run Pre-Oracle: Solaris 64-bit Client (Recommended)

• Linux & Solaris: Create Oracle User Manually

3. Install Oracle Client Software (

4. Install Oracle 10g Release 2 Patch Set 2 (

5. Fix Directory Permission Problem

Run Pre-Oracle: Solaris 64-bit Client 运行Pre-Oracle: Solaris 64-bit客户端

Landmark recommends using the Pre-Oracle Installer to set up your environment for Oracle and
to create the Oracle user that is used to install the Oracle client software.

1. Log on as root.

2. Navigate to the location where Pre-Oracle was downloaded.

3. Double-click setup.exe.

The Pre-Oracle Installer: Introduction screen opens.

4. Click Next.

The Choose Install Folder screen opens.

5. Enter the directory where you want to install the Oracle files.

6. Click Next.

The Pre-Installation Summary screen opens.

7. Verify that all settings are correct. If necessary, click Previous to correct settings.

8. Click Install.

Release 5000.0.0.2 Oracle Installation: Solaris 10 (SPARC) 64-bit Client 59

OpenWorks® Software Installation Procedures Landmark

The Oracle Setup Installation opens in an xterm.

9. Press Enter.

10. When prompted, enter the Oracle user name. “ora10g” is used throughout this document.

11. When prompted, enter the home directory for the Oracle user. “<drive>/ora10g/OraHome1” is
used throughout this document.

This becomes ORACLE_HOME= ${ORACLE_BASE}/OraHome1 in the ora10g .login file.

12. When prompted, enter Dba as the group.

13. When prompted, enter 7777 as the uid.

The script creates the Oracle user.

14. Enter 3 to quit the configuration utility.

Install Oracle Client Software ( 安装Oracle Client Software (

1. Get the Oracle Software 10gr2_client_sol.cpio.gz zip file.

2. Log on as root and cd /tmp.

3. Extract the zip file in to /tmp/client using the gunzip and cpio commands:

gunzip /tmp/client/10gr2_client_sol.cpio.gz

cpio -imdv < 10gr2_client_sol.cpio

4. Log on as the Oracle user, e.g., ora10g.

5. Set the display, if you are running remotely:

setenv DISPLAY <hostname>:0.0

6. Run the installer:


The Oracle Universal Installer: Welcome screen opens.

7. Click Next.

The Specify Inventory directory and credentials screen opens.

60 Oracle Installation: Solaris 10 (SPARC) 64-bit Client Release 5000.0.0.2

Landmark OpenWorks® Software Installation Procedures

8. Accept the defaults or make appropriate changes.

9. Click Next.

The Select Installation Type screen opens.

10. Select Administrator.

11. Click Next.

The Specify Home Details screen opens.

12. Accept the default name for the installation or type a new name.

13. Verify that the default Oracle Home Location is the same as the ORACLE_HOME value in
the ora10g .login file.

14. Click Next.

The Product-Specific Prerequisite Checks screen opens.

15. Verify that the overall result of the check is “Passed.”

• If the kernel parameters check fails, set the kernel parameters as required and run the
Prerequisite Checks by Clicking on Back and Next.

• If any of the other tests fail, cancel the install, set the recommended value of the
parameter mentioned on the host, and run the installer again.

16. Click Next.

The Summary screen opens.

17. Verify that all settings are correct.

18. Click Install.

The Oracle Net Configuration Assistant opens.

19. Check the “Perform typical configuration” box.

20. Click Next.

A second Oracle Net Configuration Assistant opens.

21. Click Next.

Release 5000.0.0.2 Oracle Installation: Solaris 10 (SPARC) 64-bit Client 61

OpenWorks® Software Installation Procedures Landmark

The Oracle Net Configuration Assistant: Done screen opens.

22. Click Finish.

The Execute Configuration scripts window opens, instructing you to execute two scripts, and

23. Execute the configuration scripts:

a. Open another xterm on the same host machine.

b. Log on as root.
c. Execute the and scripts.

24. Click OK in the Execute Configuration scripts window only after successfully executing the and scripts.

The End of Installation screen opens.

25. Click Exit.

An Exit window opens.

26. Click Yes.

The installer closes.

安装Oracle 10g Release 2 Patch Set 2 (

Install Oracle 10g Release 2 Patch Set 2 (

1. Get the Oracle Software Patch file.

2. Extract the zip file in to /tmp using the unzip command:

unzip /tmp /

3. Log on as the Oracle user, e.g. ora10g.

4. Set the display, if you are running remotely:


5. Run the installer:


62 Oracle Installation: Solaris 10 (SPARC) 64-bit Client Release 5000.0.0.2

Landmark OpenWorks® Software Installation Procedures

The Oracle Universal Installer: Welcome screen opens.

6. Click Next.

The Specify Home Details screen opens.

7. Accept the default name for the installation.

8. Verify that the default Oracle Home Location is the same as the ORACLE_HOME value in
the ora10g .login file.

The patch is applied in this path.

9. Click Next.

The Summary screen opens.

10. Click Install and wait for the Oracle Software Patch installation to complete.

The End of Installation screen opens.

11. Click Exit.

An Exit window opens.

12. Click Yes.

Fix Directory Permission Problem 修复目录权限问题

Execute the following command as the Oracle user, e.g., ora10g:

chmod -R 775 $ORACLE_HOME

You will get error messages that it is not possible to alter the permissions on certain files in
$ORACLE_HOME. These errors can be ignored. The ownership of these files was changed to
root when you ran the configuration script earlier in the installation procedure.

What’s Next?

Install OpenWorks using the procedures in OpenWorks Installation.

Release 5000.0.0.2 Oracle Installation: Solaris 10 (SPARC) 64-bit Client 63

OpenWorks® Software Installation Procedures Landmark

Windows XP/2003 SP2 32-bit Server Windows XP/2003 SP2 32-bit服务器

Prerequisites and Procedures 要求及步骤

1. Prerequisites for Installing Oracle on DHCP Computers

2. Windows: Create Oracle User

3. Install Oracle Database Software (

4. Install Oracle 10g Software Patch 2 (

5. Install OpenWorks 5000.0.0 Database (Perform these steps to create a new Oracle database
for OpenWorks.)

6. Install OpenWorks 5000.0.0 Database Schemas on an Existing Oracle Database (Perform

these steps if you already have a database created and want to install OpenWorks schemas on
that database.)

Install Oracle Database Software ( 安装Oracle数据库软件(

1. Log on as the Oracle user, e.g., ora10g, with administrator privileges. Do not install as
Administrator or using your personal account.

2. Get the Oracle Software file.

3. Extract the zip file in to a temporary directory.

4. Run the installer:


The Oracle Universal Installer: Welcome screen opens.

5. Click Next.

The Select Installation Method screen opens.

6. Select Basic Installation.

7. Accept the default path for the Oracle Home Location or select a new location. The default
path is C:\oracle\product\10.2.0\db_1.

64 Oracle Installation: Windows XP/2003 SP2 32-bit Server Release 5000.0.0.2

Landmark OpenWorks® Software Installation Procedures

8. Set Installation Type to Enterprise Edition.

9. Uncheck the Create Starter Database checkbox.

10. Click Next.

The Product-Specific Prerequisite Checks screen opens.

11. Verify that the overall result of the check is “Passed.”

• If any of the tests fail, cancel the install, set the recommended value of the parameter
mentioned on the host, and run the installer again.

• If you get the Checking Network Configuration requirements warning, cancel the
install, follow the Prerequisites for Installing Oracle on DHCP Computers, and run
the installer again.

12. Click Next, if the overall result of the check is “Passed.”

The Summary screen opens.

13. Verify that all settings are correct.

14. Click Install.

The End of Installation screen opens.

15. Click Exit.

安装Oracle 10g Software Patch 2 (

Install Oracle 10g Software Patch 2 (

1. Log on as the Oracle user, e.g., ora10g, with administrator privileges. Do not install as
Administrator or using your personal account.

2. Get the Oracle Software file.

3. Extract the zip file in to a temporary directory.

4. Run the installer:


The Oracle Universal Installer: Welcome screen opens.

Release 5000.0.0.2 Oracle Installation: Windows XP/2003 SP2 32-bit Server 65

OpenWorks® Software Installation Procedures Landmark

5. Click Next.

The Specify Home Details screen opens.

6. Verify that the default name for the installation is the same as the name used when the
software was installed.

7. Verify that the default path is the same as the location used when the software was installed.

8. Click Next.

The Summary screen opens.

9. Click Install and wait for the Oracle Software Patch installation to complete.

The End of Installation screen opens.

10. Click Exit.

11. When prompted “Do you really want to exit?” click OK.

Install OpenWorks 5000.0.0 Database 安装OpenWorks 5000.0.0数据库

1. Log on as the Oracle user, e.g., ora10g, with administrator privileges. Do not install as
Administrator or using your personal account.

2. Create a directory for the OW_HOME_DIR System variable:


3. Set OW_HOME_DIR as a SYSTEM variable with

C:\oracle\product\10.2.0\db_1\users\ora10g as the variable value.

4. Get the OpenWorks 5000.0.0 Database zip file.

5. Extract the zip file in to a temporary directory.

6. Run the installer:


The Introduction screen opens.

7. Click Next.

The Choose Install Folder screen opens.

66 Oracle Installation: Windows XP/2003 SP2 32-bit Server Release 5000.0.0.2

Landmark OpenWorks® Software Installation Procedures

8. Enter the directory where you want to install the OpenWorks Database files.

9. Click Next.

The Installation Options screen opens.

10. Choose the default “OpenWorks Database and Schemas.”

11. Click Next.

The Get Oracle Information screen opens.

12. Verify that the default Oracle Home directory is where you installed Oracle.

13. Accept the machine name as the default Oracle Sid or enter an Oracle Sid using a maximum
of eight alphanumeric characters. Do not use any special characters.

14. Click Next.

The First Set of Datafiles screen opens.

15. Accept the default directory or enter the directory where you want to install the first set of
database files.

16. Accept the default Datablock Size of 16 KB.

17. Accept the default System size of 1024 MB and the default SysAux tablespace size of 256

18. Click Next.

The Second Set of Datafiles screen opens.

19. Accept the default directory or enter the directory where you want to install the second set of
database files.

20. Accept the default Undo Tablespace size of 1024 MB and the default Redo Logs size of 16

21. Click Next.

The Third Set of Datafiles screen opens.

22. Accept the default directory or enter the directory where you want to install the third set of
database files.

Release 5000.0.0.2 Oracle Installation: Windows XP/2003 SP2 32-bit Server 67

OpenWorks® Software Installation Procedures Landmark

23. Accept the default Temp size of 512 MB and the default Users Tablespaces size of 5 MB.

24. Click Next.

The Schemas Directory screen opens.

25. Accept the default directory or enter the directory where you want to create OpenWorks
schemas database files.

26. Click Next.

The Projects Directories screen opens.

27. Accept the default directory or enter the directory where you want to create OpenWorks
schemas database files. If desired, enter additional directories for project database files.

28. Click Next.

The Pre-Installation Summary screen opens.

29. Verify that all settings are correct. If necessary, click Previous to correct settings.

30. Click Install when all settings are correct.

The Database Configuration Assistant window opens.

This step takes about 20 minutes. The Oracle instance is created and started, database files and
data dictionary views are created, and the Oracle JVM and Enterprise Manager Repositry are

31. Click OK in the Database Configuration Assistant window after the database is successfully

32. Check for Oracle Error messages in the Log file.

Note: Some Oracle errors are acceptable; e.g., errors that occur because of the drop user
statements, IMP_FULL_DATABASE, EXP_FULL_DATABASE role conflicts,
v$compatibility table or view does not exist, and imp7uec table or view does not exist.

The Landmark OpenWorks 5000.0.0 Database message box opens.

The default passwords for the database users “system,” “sys,” “sysman,” and “dbsnmp” are
“system,” “sys,” “sysman,” and “dbsnmp” respectively. Change these default passwords after
the installation.

33. Click OK.

68 Oracle Installation: Windows XP/2003 SP2 32-bit Server Release 5000.0.0.2

Landmark OpenWorks® Software Installation Procedures

The OpenWorks Schemas Creation Output screen opens.

34. Click Next.

The Modified SQLNET.ORA window opens.

35. Click OK.

The Shutdown and Startup <SID> & Listener screen opens.

36. Accept the default Yes to shutdown and startup the instance and listener and click Next.

The Shutdown and Startup instance and Listener Output screen opens.

37. Verify that the commands completed successfully, then click Next.

The Install Complete screen opens.

38. Click Done.

Install OpenWorks 5000.0.0 Database Schemas on an Existing Oracle

Database 在当前Oracle数据库上安装

1. Log on as the Oracle user, e.g., ora10g, with administrator privileges. Do not install as
Administrator or using your personal account.

2. Create a directory for the OW_HOME_DIR System variable:


3. Set OW_HOME_DIR as a System variable with C:\oracle\product\10.2.0\db_1\users\ora10g

as the variable value.

4. Get the OpenWorks 5000.0.0 Database zip file.

5. Extract the zip file in to a temporary directory.

6. Run the installer:


The Introduction screen opens.

7. Click Next.

The Choose Install Folder screen opens.

Release 5000.0.0.2 Oracle Installation: Windows XP/2003 SP2 32-bit Server 69

OpenWorks® Software Installation Procedures Landmark

8. Enter the directory where you want to install the OpenWorks Database files.

9. Click Next.

The Installation Options screen opens.

10. Choose the “OpenWorks Schemas” option.

11. Click Next.

The Get Oracle Information screen opens.

12. Verify that the default Oracle Home directory is where you installed Oracle.

13. Accept the machine name as the default Oracle Sid or enter an Oracle Sid using a maximum
of eight alphanumeric characters. Do not use any special characters.

14. Click Next.

The Existing Oracle database/instance Connection Testing screen opens.

15. Enter the password for the system user.

16. Click Next.

The Schemas Directory screen opens.

17. Select the directory where you want to create OpenWorks schema database files.

18. Click Next.

The Projects Directories screen opens.

19. Select the directory where you want to create project database files.

20. If desired, enter additional directories for project database files.

21. Click Next.

The Pre-Installation Summary screen opens.

22. Verify that all settings are correct. If necessary, click Previous to correct settings.

23. Click Install when all settings are correct.

The OpenWorks Schemas Creation Output screen opens.

70 Oracle Installation: Windows XP/2003 SP2 32-bit Server Release 5000.0.0.2

Landmark OpenWorks® Software Installation Procedures

24. Check for Oracle Error messages in the Log file.

Note: Some Oracle errors are acceptable; e.g., errors that occur because of drop user
statements and IMP_FULL_DATABASE, EXP_FULL_DATABASE role conflicts.

25. Click Next.

A Database Initialization Parameters Check window opens.

You are instructed to set the initialization parameter “recyclebin” (which keeps the deleted
objects in a bin) to “off.”

26. Click OK.

The Install Complete screen opens.

27. Click Done.

28. Check the initialization parameter using the following SQL commands:

sqlplus <dba_user>/<dba_password>@sid

SQL> show parameters recyclebin

29. If necessary, set the initialization parameter to “off:”

SQL>alter system set recyclebin=off scope=both;

What’s Next?

Install OpenWorks using the procedures in OpenWorks Installation.

Release 5000.0.0.2 Oracle Installation: Windows XP/2003 SP2 32-bit Server 71

OpenWorks® Software Installation Procedures Landmark

Windows XP/2003 SP2 32-bit Client Windows XP/2003 SP2 32-bit客户端

Prerequisites and Procedures 要求与步骤

1. Windows: Create Oracle User

2. Install Oracle Client Software 32 bit (

3. Install Oracle 10g Patch Set 2 32 bit (

Install Oracle Client Software 32 bit (

1. Log on as the Oracle user, e.g., ora10g, with administrator privileges. Do not install as
Administrator or using your personal account.

2. Get the Oracle Software file.

3. Extract the zip file in to a temporary directory.

4. Run the installer:


The Oracle Universal Installer: Welcome screen opens.

5. Click Next.

The Select Installation Type screen opens.

Installation Type and OpenWorks Basic 安装类型和OpenWorks Basic

For OpenWorks Basic, the Oracle client can be installed with the Runtime or Administrator
installation type; however, if OpenWorks will be used with the DiscoveryTM software from
GeoGraphix®, the Oracle client must be installed with the Administrator installation type, because
that installation type includes the SQL Plus and the Oracle Database Utilities components. The
Custom installation type can be selected for the OpenWorks Basic version, but the SQL PLus and
Oracle Database Utility components must be selected among the other components selected for the
Oracle client.

6. Select Administrator.

7. Click Next.

The Specify Home Details screen opens.

72 Oracle Installation: Windows XP/2003 SP2 32-bit Client Release 5000.0.0.2

Landmark OpenWorks® Software Installation Procedures

8. Accept the default name of the installation, oraClient10g_home1, or enter a new name.

9. Accept the default path for the Oracle Home Location,

<drive>:\oracle\product\10.2.0\client_1, or select a new location

10. Click Next.

The Product-Specific Prerequisite Checks screen opens.

11. Verify that the overall result of the check is “Passed.”

• If any of the tests fail, cancel the install, set the recommended value of the parameter
mentioned on the host, and run the installer again.

• If you get the Checking Network Configuration requirements warning, cancel the
install, follow the Prerequisites for Installing Oracle on DHCP Computers, and run
the installer again.

12. Click Next if the overall result of the check is “Passed.”

The Summary screen opens.

13. Verify that all settings are correct.

14. Click Install.

The Oracle Net Configuration Assistant opens.

15. Check the “Perform typical configuration” box.

16. Click Next.

A second Oracle Net Configuration Assistant opens.

17. Click Next.

The Oracle Net Configuration Assistant: Done screen opens.

18. Click Finish.

The End of Installation screen opens.

19. Click Exit.

An Exit window opens.

Release 5000.0.0.2 Oracle Installation: Windows XP/2003 SP2 32-bit Client 73

OpenWorks® Software Installation Procedures Landmark

20. Click Yes.

安装Oracle 10g Patch Set 2 32 bit (

Install Oracle 10g Patch Set 2 32 bit (

1. Log on as the Oracle user, e.g., ora10g, with administrator privileges. Do not install as
Administrator or using your personal account.

2. Get the Oracle Software file.

3. Extract the zip file in to a temporary directory.

4. Run the installer:


The Oracle Universal Installer: Welcome screen opens.

5. Click Next.

The Specify Home Details screen opens.

6. Change the default name for the installation to the name used when the Oracle 32-bit client
was installed; i.e., OraClient10g_home1.

7. Change the default path to the same location used the Oracle 32-bit client was installed; i.e.,

8. Click Next.

The Summary screen opens.

9. Click Install and wait for the Oracle Software Patch installation to complete.

The End of Installation screen opens.

10. Click Exit.

An Exit window opens.

11. Click Yes.

74 Oracle Installation: Windows XP/2003 SP2 32-bit Client Release 5000.0.0.2

Landmark OpenWorks® Software Installation Procedures

What’s Next?

Install OpenWorks using the procedures in OpenWorks Installation.

Release 5000.0.0.2 Oracle Installation: Windows XP/2003 SP2 32-bit Client 75

OpenWorks® Software Installation Procedures Landmark

Windows 2003 SP2 64-bit Server 服务器

Prerequisites and Procedures 要求与步骤

1. Prerequisites for Installing Oracle on DHCP Computers

2. Windows: Create Oracle User

3. Install Oracle Database Software 64 bit (

4. Install Oracle 10g Software Patch 2 64 bit (

5. Install Oracle Client Software 32 bit (

6. Install Oracle 10g Patch Set 2 32 bit (

7. Install OpenWorks 5000.0.0 Database (Perform these steps to create a new Oracle database
for OpenWorks.)

8. Install OpenWorks 5000.0.0 Database Schemas on an Existing Oracle Database (Perform

these steps if you already have a database created and want to run OpenWorks schemas only
on that database.)

Install Oracle Database Software 64 bit ( 安装Oracle数据库软件

1. Log on as the Oracle user, e.g., ora10g, with administrator privileges. Do not install as
Administrator or using your personal account.

2. Get the Oracle Software file.

3. Extract the zip file in to a temporary directory.

4. Run the installer:


The Oracle Universal Installer: Welcome screen opens.

5. Click Next.

The Select Installation Method screen opens.

6. Select Basic Installation.

76 Oracle Installation: Windows 2003 SP2 64-bit Server Release 5000.0.0.2
Landmark OpenWorks® Software Installation Procedures

7. Accept the default path for the Oracle Home Location or select a new location. The default
path is:


8. Set Installation Type to Enterprise Edition.

9. Uncheck the Create Starter Database checkbox.

10. Click Next.

The Product-Specific Prerequisite Checks screen opens.

11. Verify that the overall result of the check is “Passed.”

If you receive a Checking Network Configuration requirements warning, cancel the install,
follow the Prerequisites for Installing Oracle on DHCP Computers, and run the installer

12. Click Next if the overall result of the check is “Passed.”

The Summary screen opens.

13. Verify that all settings are correct.

14. Click Install.

The End of Installation screen opens.

15. Click Exit.

An Exit window opens.

16. Click Yes.

安装Oracle 10g Software Patch 2 64 bit (
Install Oracle 10g Software Patch 2 64 bit (

1. Log on as the Oracle user, e.g., ora10g, with administrator privileges. Do not install as
Administrator or using your personal account.

2. Get the Oracle Software file.

3. Extract the zip file in to a temporary directory.

4. Run the installer:

Release 5000.0.0.2 Oracle Installation: Windows 2003 SP2 64-bit Server 77

OpenWorks® Software Installation Procedures Landmark

C:\Temp\ p5337014_10203_MSWIN-x86-64\Disk1\setup.exe

The Oracle Universal Installer: Welcome screen opens.

5. Click Next.

The Specify Home Details screen opens.

6. Change the default name for the installation to the same name used when the software was
installed; i.e., OraDb10g_home1.

7. Change the default path to the same location used when the software was installed; i.e.,
<drive>:\oracle\product\10.2.0\db_1. The patch is applied in this path.

8. Click Next.

The Summary screen opens.

9. Click Install and wait for the Oracle Software Patch installation to complete.

The Configuration Assistants screen opens briefly, then the End of Installation screen opens.

10. Click Exit.

An Exit window opens.

11. Click Yes.

Install Oracle Client Software 32 bit ( 安装Oracle Client Software 32 bit
1. Log on as the Oracle user, e.g., ora10g, with administrator privileges. Do not install as
Administrator or using your personal account.

2. Get the Oracle Software file.

3. Extract the zip file in to a temporary directory.

4. Run the installer:


The Oracle Universal Installer: Welcome screen opens.

5. Click Next.

78 Oracle Installation: Windows 2003 SP2 64-bit Server Release 5000.0.0.2

Landmark OpenWorks® Software Installation Procedures

The Select Installation Type screen opens.

6. Select Administrator.

7. Click Next.

The Specify Home Details screen opens.

8. Accept the default name of the installation, oraClient10g_home1, or enter a new name.

9. Accept the default path for the Oracle Home Location,

<drive>:\oracle\product\10.2.0\client_1, or select a new location

10. Click Next.

The Product-Specific Prerequisite Checks screen opens.

11. Verify that the overall result of the check is “Passed.”

• If any of the tests fail, cancel the install, set the recommended value of the parameter
mentioned on the host, and run the installer again.

• If you get the Checking Network Configuration requirements warning, cancel the
install, follow the Prerequisites for Installing Oracle on DHCP Computers, and run
the installer again.

12. Click Next if the overall result of the check is “Passed.”

The Summary screen opens.

13. Verify that all settings are correct.

14. Click Install.

The Oracle Net Configuration Assistant opens.

15. Check the “Perform typical configuration” box.

16. Click Next.

A second Oracle Net Configuration Assistant opens.

17. Click Next.

The Oracle Net Configuration Assistant: Done screen opens.

Release 5000.0.0.2 Oracle Installation: Windows 2003 SP2 64-bit Server 79

OpenWorks® Software Installation Procedures Landmark

18. Click Finish.

The End of Installation screen opens.

19. Click Exit.

An Exit window opens.

20. Click Yes.

安装Oracle 10g Patch Set 2 32 bit (

Install Oracle 10g Patch Set 2 32 bit (

1. Log on as the Oracle user, e.g., ora10g, with administrator privileges. Do not install as
Administrator or using your personal account.

2. Get the Oracle Software file.

3. Extract the zip file in to a temporary directory.

4. Run the installer:


The Oracle Universal Installer: Welcome screen opens.

5. Click Next.

The Specify Home Details screen opens.

6. Change the default name for the installation to the name used when the Oracle 32-bit client
was installed; i.e., OraClient10g_home1.

7. Change the default path to the same location used when the Oracle 32-bit client was installed;
i.e., <drive>:\oracle\product\10.2.0\client_1. The patch is applied in this path.

8. Click Next.

The Summary screen opens.

9. Click Install and wait for the Oracle Software Patch installation to complete.

The End of Installation screen opens.

10. Click Exit.

80 Oracle Installation: Windows 2003 SP2 64-bit Server Release 5000.0.0.2

Landmark OpenWorks® Software Installation Procedures

An Exit window opens.

11. Click Yes.

Install OpenWorks 5000.0.0 Database 安装OpenWorks 5000.0.0 Database

1. Log on as the Oracle user, e.g., ora10g, with administrator privileges. Do not install as
Administrator or using your personal account.

2. Create a directory for the OW_HOME_DIR System variable:


3. Set OW_HOME_DIR as a System variable with C:\oracle\product\10.2.0\db_1\users\ora10g

as the variable value.

4. Get the OpenWorks 5000.0.0 Database zip file.

5. Extract the zip file in to a temporary directory.

6. Run the installer:


The Introduction screen opens.

7. Click Next.

The Choose Install Folder screen opens.

8. Enter the directory where you want to install the OpenWorks Database files. The default path
is C:\Landmark\OpenWorks.

9. Click Next.

The Installation Options screen opens.

10. Choose the default “OpenWorks Database and Schemas.”

11. Click Next.

The Get Oracle Information screen opens.

Release 5000.0.0.2 Oracle Installation: Windows 2003 SP2 64-bit Server 81

OpenWorks® Software Installation Procedures Landmark

12. Verify that the default Oracle Home directory is where you installed Oracle 64-bit; i.e.,

13. Accept the machine name as the default Oracle Sid or enter an Oracle Sid using a maximum
of eight alphanumeric characters. Do not use any special characters.

14. Click Next.

The First Set of Datafiles screen opens.

15. Accept the default directory or enter the directory where you want to install the first set of
database files.

16. Accept the default Datablock Size of 16 KB.

17. Accept the default System size of 1024 MB and the default SysAux tablespace size of 256

18. Click Next.

The Second Set of Datafiles screen opens.

19. Accept the default directory or enter the directory where you want to install the second set of
database files.

20. Accept the default Undo Tablespace size of 1024 MB and the default Redo Logs size of 16

21. Click Next.

The Third Set of Datafiles screen opens.

22. Accept the default directory or enter the directory where you want to install the third set of
database files.

23. Accept the default Temp size of 512 MB and the default Users Tablespaces size of 5 MB.

24. Click Next.

The Schemas Directory screen opens.

25. Accept the default directory or enter the directory where you want to create OpenWorks
schemas database files.

26. Click Next.

82 Oracle Installation: Windows 2003 SP2 64-bit Server Release 5000.0.0.2

Landmark OpenWorks® Software Installation Procedures

The Projects Directories screen opens.

27. Accept the default directory or enter the directory where you want to create project database

28. If desired, enter additional directories for project database files.

29. Click Next.

The Pre-Installation Summary screen opens.

30. Verify that all settings are correct. If necessary, click Previous to correct settings.

31. Click Install when all settings are correct. The Oracle Wallet and a number of other settings
are configured.

The Database Configuration Assistant window opens.

This step takes about 20 minutes. The Oracle instance is created and started, database files and
data dictionary views are created, and the Oracle JVM and Enterprise Manager Repositry are

32. Click OK in the Database Configuration Assistant window after the database is successfully

The Landmark OpenWorks 5000.0.0 Database message box opens.

The default passwords for the database users “system,” “sys,” “sysman,” and “dbsnmp” are
“system,” “sys,” “sysman,” and “dbsnmp” respectively. Change these default passwords after
the installation.

33. Click OK.

34. Check for Oracle Error messages in the Log file.

Note: Some Oracle errors are acceptable; e.g., errors that occur because of the drop user
statements and IMP_FULL_DATABASE, EXP_FULL_DATABASE role conflicts.

The OpenWorks Schemas Creation Output screen opens.

35. Click Next.

36. The Modified SQLNET.ORA window opens. Click OK.

The Shutdown and Startup <SID> & Listener screen opens.

Release 5000.0.0.2 Oracle Installation: Windows 2003 SP2 64-bit Server 83

OpenWorks® Software Installation Procedures Landmark

37. Accept the default Yes to shutdown and startup the instance and listener and click Next.

The Shutdown and Startup instance and Listener Output screen opens.

38. Verify that the commands completed successfully, then click Next.

The Install Complete screen opens.

39. Click Done.

Install OpenWorks 5000.0.0 Database Schemas on an Existing Oracle

Database 在当前Oracle数据库上安装OpenWorks 5000.0.0 Database Schemas

1. Log on as the Oracle user, e.g., ora10g, with administrator privileges. Do not install as
Administrator or using your personal account.

2. Create a directory for the OW_HOME_DIR System variable:


3. Set OW_HOME_DIR as a System variable with C:\oracle\product\10.2.0\db_1\users\ora10g

as the variable value.

4. Get the OpenWorks 5000.0.0 Database zip file.

5. Extract the zip file in to a temporary directory.

6. Run the installer:


The Introduction screen opens.

7. Click Next.

The Choose Install Folder screen opens.

8. Enter the directory where you want to install the OpenWorks Database files.

9. Click Next.

The Installation Options screen opens.

10. Choose the “OpenWorks Schemas” option.

11. Click Next.

84 Oracle Installation: Windows 2003 SP2 64-bit Server Release 5000.0.0.2
Landmark OpenWorks® Software Installation Procedures

The Get Oracle Information screen opens.

12. Verify that the default Oracle Home directory is where you installed Oracle 64-bit.

13. Accept the machine name as the default Oracle Sid or enter an Oracle Sid using a maximum
of eight alphanumeric characters. Do not use any special characters.

14. Click Next.

The Existing Oracle database/instance Connection Testing screen opens.

15. Enter the password for the system user.

16. Click Next.

The Schemas Directory screen opens.

17. Accept the default directory or enter the directory where you want to create OpenWorks
schema database files,

18. Click Next.

The Projects Directories screen opens.

19. Accept the default directory or enter the directory where you want to create project database

20. If desired, enter additional directories for project database files.

21. Click Next.

The Pre-Installation Summary screen opens.

22. Verify that all settings are correct. If necessary, click Previous to correct settings.

23. Click Install when all settings are correct.

The OpenWorks Schemas Creation Output screen opens.

24. Check for Oracle Error messages in the log file.

Note: Some Oracle errors are acceptable; e.g., errors that occur because of the drop user
statements and IMP_FULL_DATABASE, EXP_FULL_DATABASE role conflicts.

25. Click Next.

Release 5000.0.0.2 Oracle Installation: Windows 2003 SP2 64-bit Server 85

OpenWorks® Software Installation Procedures Landmark

A Database Initialization Parameters Check window opens.

You are instructed to set the initialization parameter “recyclebin” (which keeps the deleted
objects) to “off.”

26. Click OK.

The Install Complete screen opens.

27. Click Done.

28. Check the initialization parameter using the following SQL commands:

sqlplus <dba_user>/<dba_password>@sid

SQL> show parameters recyclebin

29. If necessary, set the initialization parameter to “off:”

SQL>alter system set recyclebin=off scope=both;


Install Windows 2003 SP2 32-bit Client 安装Windows 2003 SP2 32-bit Client

Because there is no Windows 64-bit Client version of Oracle, you must install the Windows XP/
2003 SP2 32-bit Client.

What’s Next?

Install OpenWorks using the procedures in OpenWorks Installation.

86 Oracle Installation: Windows 2003 SP2 64-bit Server Release 5000.0.0.2

Landmark OpenWorks® Software Installation Procedures

OpenWorks Installation
Use the steps in this section to install OpenWorks.

Before Installing on Linux & Solaris 在Linux & Solaris上安装前的准备工作

1. On Linux or Solaris, simply remove the $OWHOME directory and its contents.

2. If you install remotely on Linux or Solaris from Windows verify that Exceed 2007 is installed
on the Windows computer. Exceed 2008 will not work.

Before Installing on Windows 在Windows上安装前的准备工作

1. Verify that Exceed 2007 is installed by checking the version using the “About” box on Exceed
or checking the “About” option in an Exceed window. If you have an old version of Exceed
installed, uninstall it, reboot, and install Exceed 2007 before continuing.

2. Uninstall any previous version of MKS:

a. In the Add or Remove Programs window, select MKS Platform Components.

b. Click Remove.
c. Reboot.

3. Uninstall any previous version of GeoDataLoad:

a. In the Add or Remove Programs window, select GeoDataLoad.

b. Click Remove.
c. When the uninstaller launches, select Complete Uninstall and click Next, and Next
again. It is not necessary to reboot.

4. Uninstall any previous version of OpenWorks:

a. In the Add or Remove Programs window, select OpenWorks.

b. Click Remove.
c. When the uninstaller launches, select Complete Uninstall and click Next, and Next
again. It is not necessary to reboot.

5. Set the OW_HOME_DIR variable for the user who will install OpenWorks:

Release 5000.0.0.2 OpenWorks Installation: Before Installing on Linux & Solaris 87

OpenWorks® Software Installation Procedures Landmark

Important: The user who installs OpenWorks must have administrator privileges.

a. Log on as the user with administrator privileges who will install OpenWorks. Do not
log on as Administrator.

b. Create an installation directory; for example, C:\Landmark\OpenWorks.

c. Launch System from the Control Panel.

The System Properties window opens.

d. On the Advanced tab, click Environment Variables.

e. When the Environment Variables window opens, click New in the User variables pane.

When the New User Variable window opens:

• Type OW_HOME_DIR in the Variable name text box.

• Type the path where OpenWorks will be installed in the Variable value text box;
for example, C:\Landmark\OpenWorks.

• Click OK.

f. In the Environment Variables window, click OK.

g. In the System Properties window, click OK.

h. Close the Control Panel.


Note concerning multiple users on a Windows installation:

The OpenWorks Database installer creates a wallet folder in the

OW_HOME_DIR directory.

Each user who will run OpenWorks on this system must set the
OW_HOME_DIR User variable and create their own folder under
Openworks\users for their Oracle wallet. See the post-installation section
Windows Servers and Clients: Oracle Wallet and Multiple

88 OpenWorks Installation: Before Installing on Windows Release 5000.0.0.2

Landmark OpenWorks® Software Installation Procedures

Install OpenWorks 安装OpenWorks

1. Log on as a user with administrator privileges who will install OpenWorks and who has set the
OW_HOME_DIR User variable.

• Do not install as Administrator.

• Do not install if the OW_HOME_DIR User variable has not been set.

2. Navigate to the location where OpenWorks was downloaded.

3. Set the display, if you are running remotely:

setenv DISPLAY <hostname>:0.0

Important note about installing remotely:

Exceed 2007 is required if you are installing remotely on Linux or Solaris from
Windows. Exceed 2008 will not work.

4. Launch the installer.

The OpenWorks Introduction screen opens.

5. Click Next.

The Enter User and Company Name screen opens.

6. Type the name of the OpenWorks user and company.

7. Click Next.

The Choose Install Folder screen opens.

8. Enter the directory where you want to install OpenWorks.

9. Click Next.

The OpenWorks Flat File Setup screen opens.

• This step creates the OW_SYS_DATA and OS_PROJ_DATA directories.

• Flat files will be stored in the directories specified in this step.

Release 5000.0.0.2 OpenWorks Installation: Install OpenWorks 89

OpenWorks® Software Installation Procedures Landmark

• After installation, you can change where flat files are stored. Edit the owdir.dat file in
the system directory.

10. Enter the system directory.

11. Enter the project directory.

12. Click Next.

The Get Oracle Information screen opens.

13. Accept the default directory or enter the directory where you installed Oracle (see the Oracle
Software Installation section).

14. Enter the appropriate Oracle Sid using a maximum of eight alphanumeric characters. Do not
use any special characters.

15. Click Next.

Windows 64-bit only. The Get Oracle 32bit Client Information screen opens.

16. Enter the directory where the Oracle 32bit client was installed; i.e.,

17. Enter the Oracle Sid using a maximum of eight alphanumeric characters. Do not use any
special characters.

18. Click Next.

All platforms. The District.dat screen opens.

19. Choose a method for configuring a district.dat file.

• Recommended. Select “Create a district.dat from TNSNAMES.ORA” to get started

quickly. This will create a district for each SID entry in the tnsnames.ora file.

• If you select “Create an empty district.dat,” the district.dat file must be configured
before any OpenWorks application is launched. See the OpenWorks Post-Installation
Configuration section for more information.

20. Click Next.

90 OpenWorks Installation: Install OpenWorks Release 5000.0.0.2

Landmark OpenWorks® Software Installation Procedures

Windows only. The Redistributable Package screen opens.

21. Click Yes to install the Microsoft Visual C++ 2005 SP1 Redistributable Package.

22. Click Next.

Windows only. The MKS Installation screen opens.

23. Click Yes to install MKS.

24. Click Next.

All platforms. The Pre-Installation Summary screen opens.

25. Verify that all settings are correct. If necessary, click Previous to correct settings.

26. Click Install.

All platforms: The License screen opens.

27. Click Next.

Windows only. The Microsoft Visual C++ 2005 SP1 Redistributable Package License Agreement
window opens.

28. Click Yes.

Linux 64-bit only. If the installer cannot find the libg2c library, the Missing library window
opens. You will install the library after the OpenWorks installation.

29. Click OK.

Linux only. The RedHat 5 specific screen opens, instructing you to run the script after the
OpenWorks installation.

30. Click Next.

Release 5000.0.0.2 OpenWorks Installation: Install OpenWorks 91

OpenWorks® Software Installation Procedures Landmark

All platforms: The Install Complete screen opens.

31. Select Yes, restart my system.

32. Click Done.

What’s Next?

Perform the platform-specific procedures in Post-Installation

92 OpenWorks Installation: Install OpenWorks Release 5000.0.0.2

Landmark OpenWorks® Software Installation Procedures


Overview 简介

Perform the configuration steps in this section after installing Oracle and OpenWorks. See the
OpenWorks Project Administration manual and online help for more detailed information.

• Linux Only

• Linux & Solaris

• All Platforms

• Windows

• District Configuration

Release 5000.0.0.2 Post-Installation: Overview 93

OpenWorks® Software Installation Procedures Landmark

Linux Only

64-bit Servers: Install an Additional Library 64位服务器:安装附加库

Perform this procedure if the OpenWorks installer could not find the libg2c library and the
Missing library window opened at the end of the OpenWorks installation.

You can download the rpm from the RedHat web site,, or contact RedHat
customer support.

As root, install the library using the following command:

rpm -ivh compat-libf2c-34-3.4.6-4.i386.rpm

64-bit Servers: Selinux 64位服务器:Selinux

Perform this procedure if instructed to do so via a RedHat 5 specific screen at the end of the
OpenWorks installation.

As root, run the script:

sh $OWHOME/bin/

The script content is as follows:

# This script needs to be executed as root
to change the security context
# This file was auto-generated
chcon -c -v -R -u system_u -r object_r -t lib_t /d01/ow_nc/ow_nc/lib/
chcon -c -v -R -u system_u -r object_r -t lib_t /d01/ow_nc/ow_nc/lib64/
chcon -t texrel_shlib_t /d01/ow_nc/ow_nc/lib/*
chcon -t texrel_shlib_t /d01/ow_nc/ow_nc/lib64/*
# For oracle:
#chcon -c -v -R -u system_u -r object_r -t lib_t /d01/ora10g/OraHome1//lib32
#chcon -t texrel_shlib_t chcon -t texrel_shlib_t /d01/ora10g/OraHome1//lib32/*

94 Post-Installation: Linux Only Release 5000.0.0.2

Landmark OpenWorks® Software Installation Procedures

Linux & Solaris

Linux & Solaris Clients: Create a Local OS User

Linux & Solaris客户端:创建本地OS用户
Skip this section if you do not need to create a local user.

1. As root, set $OWHOME to the location of the OpenWorks installation.

2. Launch $OWHOME/bin/lgcuser.

3. Select create user (#2) and follow the instructions on the screen.

4. Select Update User (#4) and follow the instructions on the screen.

Linux & Solaris Servers: Update Users Linux & Solaris服务器:更新用户

Perform the following procedure if the local user exists or you need to update a network user.

1. As root, launch $OWHOME/bin/lgcuser.

2. Select Update User (#4) and follow the instructions on the screen.

Linux & Solaris LAM Servers: Update OS Users’ .lgclogin

Linux & Solaris LAM服务器:更新OS用户的.lgclogin
If you ran the lgcuser update option on a user, change the license server information.

Open .lgclogin in a text editor and change the line:


to, for example:

setenv LM_LICENSE_FILE Linux & Solaris服务器

Linux & Solaris Servers and Clients: Run owsetup Script 角本

The owsetup script performs a number of configuration steps such as setting permissions and
adding startup commands so that OpenWorks will run properly.

1. Log in as root.

2. Launch $OWHOME/install/owsetup –o $OWHOME.

3. When the OpenWorks Set Up utility opens, select the appropriate option:

Release 5000.0.0.2 Post-Installation: Linux & Solaris 95

OpenWorks® Software Installation Procedures Landmark

• Clients: choose option 2.

• OpenWorks/Oracle servers: choose option 3.

• LAM servers: choose option 4.

96 Post-Installation: Linux & Solaris Release 5000.0.0.2

Landmark OpenWorks® Software Installation Procedures

All Platforms 所有平台

Grant Database Access to the OpenWorks User 为OpenWorks用户赋予数据库访问权限

OpenWorks now uses the Oracle Secure Enterprise Password Store (Oracle Wallet) to store
passwords to the database and to handle the security of the passwords.

A user in OpenWorks 5000.0.0 is now associated with both an Operating System (OS) user and an
Oracle internally identified user. The Oracle user will have the same name as the OS user, but will
now be required to provide a user name and a password to access the OpenWorks database. Users
can now change their Oracle password from the Command Menu. For detailed information and
procedures to manage project databases and access, refer to the OpenWorks Online Help

For the purposes of installation however, the steps to grant database access to the OpenWorks user
are provided here.

Note: The Modify Database Users utility in this procedure replaces the orauser utility from
previous releases of OpenWorks.

1. Log in as an OpenWorks user.

2. Launch the Modify Database Users utility:

Linux & Solaris: Launch the OpenWorks Command Menu: ${OWHOME}/bin/startow -i $$

From the OpenWorks Command Menu, select Project > Modify Database Users.

Windows: From the Start menu, select All Programs > Landmark > OpenWorks >Project
Administration > Modify Database Users.

3. If prompted, select a district to get to the correct SID.

The DBA Logon window opens.

4. In User Name, enter the name of a database administrator (DBA) who has sufficient privileges
to allow users to access the OpenWorks database. For example, the SYSTEM user (one of the
internal Oracle database administrators) with SYSDBA privileges is such a user.

5. In Password, enter the DBA's password.

6. Click Login. If the correct credentials are entered, the Database Users window opens.

Release 5000.0.0.2 Post-Installation: All Platforms 97

OpenWorks® Software Installation Procedures Landmark

If the Database Users window does not display, the Login Failed dialog displays asking you to
try to log in again. Click OK to reassert the DBA Logon dialog. The login process allows
three login attempts. After three attempts, you must repeat step 2 to try to log in again.

7. Enter the OpenWorks user name and password in the User Details area.

8. Check OW_Admin if the user will be allowed to create and delete projects and create, change,
or delete tables in a project or the OWSys schema. The default state of the box is checked.

9. Check OWSys_Admin if the user will be allowed to alter the OWSys schema in the
OpenWorks database. The default state of the box is unchecked.

Note: For more information about OW_Admin and OWSys_Admin, see Project
Management > Project Administration > OpenWorks Security in the OpenWorks Online
Help (ow_online_help.htm).

10. Click Add.

11. Close the Database Users dialog.

Change Default Passwords 更改默认口令

The default passwords assigned during installation for the database users “system,” “sys,”
“sysman,” and “dbsnmp” are “system,” “sys,” “sysman,” and “dbsnmp” respectively.

Use the Modify Database Users utility described in the procedure above to change these default
passwords after installation.

AutoExtend is on by Default for SYSTEM and Project Table Spaces

Oracle’s autoextend feature is turned on by default to extend system tables spaces. To turn it off
for the project table space, edit the following files: $OWHOME/ or

98 Post-Installation: All Platforms Release 5000.0.0.2

Landmark OpenWorks® Software Installation Procedures

Windows Windows服务器和客户端:Oracle Wallet和多用户

Windows Servers and Clients: Oracle Wallet and Multiple Users

In order to configure the Oracle Wallet configuration set up properly, each user who will run
OpenWorks on this computer must have the OW_HOME_DIR User variable set and an
OpenWorks\users folder for their Oracle wallet.

The OpenWorks installation creates a directory in the OpenWorks installation location

(OWHOME) called users. Under the users directory, create a directory for each user that will be
using OpenWorks on this machine. Each user must have a unique directory so that the Oracle
wallet files can be stored.

For example, if three users (user1, user2 and user3) will be using this Windows machine, create
the following directories:


1. Log on using your typical user account.

2. Launch System from the Control Panel.

The System Properties window opens.

3. On the Advanced tab, click Environment Variables.

4. When the Environment Variables window opens, click New in the User variables pane.

5. When the New User Variable window opens:

a. Type OW_HOME_DIR in the Variable name text box.

b. Type the path where OpenWorks was installed in the Variable value text box; for
example, C:\Landmark\OpenWorks\users\<user name>.
c. Click OK.

6. In the Environment Variables window, click OK.

7. In the System Properties window, click OK.

8. Close the Control Panel.

9. Create an OpenWorks folder for your use:

Release 5000.0.0.2 Post-Installation: Windows 99

OpenWorks® Software Installation Procedures Landmark

a. Navigate to the OpenWorks users folder; for example,


c. Create a folder for your use; for example,

C:\Landmark\OpenWorks\users\<your login>

The first time you access an OpenWorks project, you will be prompted for your password. The
wallet information will be automatically created after you input your password.

Configure the MKS Toolkit and Hummingbird Exceed

配制MKS Toolkit和Hummingbird Exceed
1. On the Control Panel, select Configure MKS Toolkit.

The Configure MKS Toolkit window opens.

2. In the Runtime Settings tab, choose XWindow System Settings, then click OK.

X Server Settings appear in the window.

3. Choose Registered.

4. Click Hummingbird Exceed. A green check mark appears to the left.

5. Ensure that the Use Network Connection box is checked.

6. Click OK.

The Configure MKS Toolkit window closes.

7. Reboot.

100 Post-Installation: Windows Release 5000.0.0.2

Landmark OpenWorks® Software Installation Procedures

District Configuration 区块配制

A Brief Overview of the District Concept 区块概念简介

SeisWorks projects as separate entities have been replaced by the new project structure of
OpenWorks. But, OpenWorks 5000.0.0 may contain large numbers of projects and may still refer
to directories containing seismic data. Districts allow a company to break up large lists of
projects, and allow the company to separate data by business unit for better data security or disk

Support for districts has become a part of the framework of OpenWorks. In an installation of
OpenWorks, a company can decide whether it will implement districts or not. To implement
districts, dir.dat and owdir.dat must be configured for each district, as before, but additionally,
district.dat must be configured with the name of each district and the directory of each district's
dir.dat and owdir.dat. Utilities, such as Project Administration and Project Status Tool, support
districts in their interfaces. For example, when a user of OpenWorks creates a new project in
Project Administration, part of the project configuration includes selecting the district to which it
will belong.

Is Configuration Necessary? 必需配制吗?

If the recommended OpenWorks installation option “Create a district.dat from TNSNAMES.ora”

was selected, and a valid SID was created for each district, no additional district-related
configuration is required to run OpenWorks and proceed with new projects.

If the OpenWorks installation option “Create empty district.dat” was selected, you must configure
district.dat before you can run OpenWorks. The default location of the district.dat file is
$OWHOME/conf. You can change the default location by adding the environment variable
OW_CONF_DIR to the .lgclogin file. The default location of OW_CONF_DIR is $OWHOME/
conf. See Project Management > Districts in the OpenWorks Online Help
(ow_online_help.htm) for detailed procedures to perform district configuration tasks.

If you are restoring an OpenWorks project and its SeisWorks data from a version before Release
5000.0.0, it is especially important to refer to the topics in Project Management > Districts in
the OpenWorks Online Help (ow_online_help.htm) before proceeding because the lines for the
restoring data must follow the syntax of the previous version and a properly configured plist.dat
must reside in the same location as dir.dat.

Release 5000.0.0.2 Post-Installation: District Configuration 101

OpenWorks® Software Installation Procedures Landmark

GeoDataLoad Installation

If you have a GeoDataLoad license, follow the installation steps in this section.

Uninstall Previous Versions of GeoDataLoad 卸载老版本GeoDataLoad


1. On the Control Panel, launch Add/Remove Programs.

2. Click the GeoDataLoad Remove button.

3. When the uninstaller launches, select Complete Uninstall and click Next, and Next again. It is
not necessary to reboot.

Linux or Solaris

Simply remove the $OWHOME directory and its contents.

Install GeoDataLoad

1. Set the display, if you are running remotely: setenv DISPLAY <hostname>:0.0

2. Launch the GeoDataLoad installer:

Linux or Solaris: <PATH>/IA/CDROM_Installers/<OS>/Disk1/InstData/VM/setup.bin

Windows: <PATH>/IA/CDROM_Installers/Windows/Disk1/InstData/VM/setup.exe

The GeoDataLoad Introduction screen opens.

3. Click Next.

The choose Install Folder screen opens.

4. Accept the default or enter the directory where you want to install GeoDataLoad.

5. Click Next.

102 GeoDataLoad Installation: Uninstall Previous Versions of GeoDataLoad Release 5000.0.0.2

Landmark OpenWorks® Software Installation Procedures

The Pre-Installation Summary screen opens.

6. Verify that all settings are correct. If necessary, click Previous to correct settings.

The Install Complete screen opens.

7. Click Done.

Release 5000.0.0.2 GeoDataLoad Installation: Install GeoDataLoad 103

OpenWorks® Software Installation Procedures Landmark

104 GeoDataLoad Installation: Install GeoDataLoad Release 5000.0.0.2

Landmark OpenWorks® Software Installation Procedures

Upgrading the OpenWorks Software


This chapter contains information about upgrading an installation of the OpenWorks software
version 5000.x to a higher version of the OpenWorks software.

Upgrading to Version 5000.0.0.2 升级到版本5000.0.0.2

If you are installing the patch over an existing 5000.0.0.x installation, the installer will not prompt
you for district.dat, flat file setup, and default ORACLE_HOME configurations. These
configurations will be saved during patching. The installation process has the following parts:

• Installing the New Version of the Software

• Upgrading the Projects in the OpenWorks Database

• Post-installation Steps for Linux and Solaris

OWSYS and Restored Projects OWSYS和恢复后的工区

Version 5000.0.0.2 of the OpenWorks database does not require an OWSYS upgrade.

Projects from version 5000.0.0.0 or 5000.0.0.1 that are restored to an OpenWorks database with the
5000.0.0.2 update are automatically upgraded to 5000.0.0.2 when restored.

Projects from releases before version 5000.0.0.0 that are restored to an OpenWorks database with the
5000.0.0.2 update are upgraded to version 5000.0.0.2 after the restoration of the project, when you
upgrade the project in Project Administration.

Installing the New Version of the Software 安装新版本软件

To patch an existing installation of the OpenWorks software, do the following:

1. Backup all of your OpenWorks projects.

Note: Recommended since the project upgrade script will be run.

2. Make sure all OpenWorks sessions and launchers are closed

Note: If you do not close out all of the running OpenWorks processes, you may receive “file
busy” messages in the installation log file. These messages can be safely ignored.

Release 5000.0.0.2 Upgrading the OpenWorks Software: Upgrading to Version 5000.0.0.2 105
OpenWorks® Software Installation Procedures Landmark

3. For Linux and Solaris, in a terminal window, type the following:



4. Install the update.

For Linux and Solaris, in a terminal window, type the following:

sh setup.bin

For Windows, double-click the installation program:


5. Upgrade existing projects:

Upgrading the Projects in the OpenWorks Database 更新OpenWorks数据库中的工区

After installing version 5000.0.0.2, you must upgrade any 5000.0.0.x projects in the database to
version 5000.0.0.2.

Upgrading One Project Database 更新一个工区数据库

To patch the data model of a project database and its interpretation projects, execute the following
script in a terminal window:

$OWHOME/bin/ RunPatchSqlScripts OW_SID

ProjectDBName LogDir

where OW_SID is the system identifier of the OpenWorks database where the project database is

ProjectDBName is the name of the project database that needs to be upgraded

LogDir is the location where the script should store its logs.
Upgrading All Project Databases in an OpenWorks Database
To upgrade all projects in an OpenWorks database, run the script with the ProjectDBName
argument set to the ALL keyword. For example:

%owhome%\bin\OWRuntimeLauncher.bat RunPatchSqlScripts OW5000 ALL


106 Upgrading the OpenWorks Software: Upgrading to Version 5000.0.0.2 Release 5000.0.0.2
Landmark OpenWorks® Software Installation Procedures


$OWHOME/bin/ RunPatchSqlScripts OW5000 ALL

用Project Administration更新多个工区
Upgrading Multiple Projects With Project Administration

Project Administration allows you to upgrade project databases. After the OpenWorks software
has been updated, you need to update all the projects already in the database. For project
databases of version 5000.0.0.0 or greater, you can select more than one project database, and
upgrade all the selected projects at one time.

To upgrade multiple project databases:

1. Right-click the name of a project database that should be upgraded to the current version of
the OpenWorks software. The pop-up menu displays

2. Select the Upgrade option in the menu. The Project Upgrade dialog displays.

3. In the list of project databases, use Ctrl+Select to select a discontiguous set of project
databases, or Shift+Select to select a contiguous set of project databases, or check the Select
All box to select all project databases in the list.

4. Click Start.

Post Installation Steps for Linux and Solaris 在Linux和Solaris平台上安装后的步骤

Update the User Profile (launcher.dat and .lgclogin) 更新用户预置文件(launcher.da和.lgclogin)

After upgrading the OpenWorks software (for instance, from version 5000.0.0.0 or 5000.0.0.1 to
5000.0.0.2), you should update the user profile of the users of the database. Specifically,
launcher.dat and .lgclogin must be updated. The default versions of the files are in $OWHOME/

Update the files by do the following:

1. Close any OpenWorks applications, including the OpenWorks Command Menu.

2. Move launcher.dat and .lgclogin in your home directory to another location. For example:

mv launcher.dat launcher_old.dat

mv .lgclogin .lgclogin.old

3. Copy launcher.dat and .lgclogin from the templates directory in the OpenWorks home
directory to your home directory. For example:

Release 5000.0.0.2 Upgrading the OpenWorks Software: Upgrading to Version 5000.0.0.2 107
OpenWorks® Software Installation Procedures Landmark

cp $OWHOME/templates/launcher.dat ~/.

cp $OWHOME/templates/.lgclogin ~/.

4. If you have edited the files, compare your old files with the new file, and make appropriate
changes to the new file.

You can now run the OpenWorks software with the new profile.

108 Upgrading the OpenWorks Software: Upgrading to Version 5000.0.0.2 Release 5000.0.0.2
Landmark OpenWorks® Software Installation Procedures

Appendix: Full Oracle Instance Upgrade

附录:Oracle Instance完全更新

This appendix describes how to upgrade an OpenWorks® database (R2003.12) residing in an

Oracle version or Oracle instance to an OpenWorks database (Release 5000.0.x) in
an Oracle 10g instance.

Before Upgrading 更新前

This section provides some basic information you should know before you begin upgrading and
migrating your data to a new OpenWorks database instance of Release 5000.0.x.

Differences in the Oracle Databases Oracle数据库中的差别

The major differences in the Oracle databases between the OpenWorks software R2003 and
version 5000.0.x are:

• The OpenWorks software R2003.12 uses Oracle or Oracle The
OpenWorks software version 5000.0.0 uses Oracle 10g Release 2 (

• The projects in the OpenWorks software R2003.12 use dictionary-managed

tablespaces. Starting with the OpenWorks software version 5000.0, projects use
locally-managed tablespaces.

• The OpenWorks sotware R2003.12 uses externally identified Oracle users. The
OpenWorks software version 5000.0.0 uses internally identified Oracle users.

Assumptions for Uprgrading 更新操作的一些假设条件

Verify that the following conditions are met:

1. The runtime environment and database of the OpenWorks software R2003.12 exist.

2. The runtime environment of the OpenWorks software version 5000.0.0.2 exists. For
information about installing, see “Quick Start” on page 7.

3. The OWSYSSID (for example, ow2003) of the R2003.12 instance has been added to
tnsnames.ora (located in $ORACLE_HOME/network/admin) on the machine where the
runtime environment of the OpenWorks software version 5000.0.0.2 is installed.

5000.0.0.2 Appendix: Full Oracle Instance Upgrade: Before Upgrading 109

OpenWorks® Software Installation Procedures Landmark

4. A database connection to the OWSYSSID of the R2003.12 instance can be made from the
runtime environment of the OpenWorks software version 5000.0.0.2 using SQLPlus.

5. The Oracle server, where version 5000.x of the OpenWorks database is located, is on the same
machine as the installation of version 5000.x of the OpenWorks software.

Upgrade Workflow 更新流程

Pre Migration Steps 迁移前的操作步骤

• Perform a full backup of the data in the R2003.12 OpenWorks database. This step is a
safety measure.

• Install a database server for the OpenWorks software version 5000.0. For more
information, see “Quick Start” on page 7. The installation workflow is on the same
page (“Installation Workflow”).

— Installation checklist

— Installing the Oracle database server on a supported operating system.

— Installing the OpenWorks software.

— Post-installation steps

• In tnsnames.ora of the Oracle installation for the OpenWorks software version 5000.0,
include the connection information for the OpenWorks database (OWSYSSID) of

• Using SQLPlus on the system where version 5000.0, test the connect to the R2003.12

110 Appendix: Full Oracle Instance Upgrade: Upgrade Workflow 5000.0.0.2

Landmark OpenWorks® Software Installation Procedures

Upgrading an R2003.12 Database 更新R2003.12数据库

Because the OpenWorks database in R2003.12.x.x used Oracle 8i or 9i as its data management
system an existing R2003.12.x.x cannot be upgraded in place. In it most basic terms, the data in a
database for R2003.12.x.x must be exported from that database and imported into an OpenWorks
database of version 5000.0.0.2. The procedures below delineate that procedure.

Preparing the R2003.12 Database for Export 准备输出R2003.12数据库

To prepare the data for exporting from an R2003 database, you must remove any remote projects
and generate a database schema configuration files for the R2003.12 database. The steps below
will help you in those tasks.

These steps should be performed in the environment of version 5000.0.0.2 of the OpenWorks

1. Check for remote projects.

a. Run the check_remote_projects.sql script (located in $OWHOME/dat/

project5000.0) as the database user (for example, system) of the R2003.12
database to determine if there are any remote projects on the database.

cd $OWHOME/dat/project5000.0
sqlplus system/Password@OW_DB_SID
SQL>@check_remote_projects.sql "OW_DB_SID"

b. If there are no remote projects on the ow2003 instance, go to step 2. Otherwise,

perform the following step to handle the remote projects before proceeding to step 2.

If there are remote projects, the result will look similar to the following. Perform the
steps shown in the results.

Project FLOUNDER is a remote project on sid LATEST

Project GOM is a remote project on sid OWBLACK.LGC.COM

In R5000, the remote project functionality is no longer supported.

Please go back to the R2003.12 instance and use Project Admin to

backup the remote projects, delete them from ow2003 instance and
restore them in the R5000 instance.

If you have further questions, please contact Landmark Customer


5000.0.0.2 Appendix: Full Oracle Instance Upgrade: Upgrading an R2003.12 Database 111
OpenWorks® Software Installation Procedures Landmark

2. Generate a schema definition file for the existing OpenWorks R2003.12 database.

Run the $OWHOME/dat/project5000.0/process_ow2003_tablespaces.sql script as the

database user (e.g., system) against the R2003.12 OWSYSSID ow2003 to generate an
OpenWorks R2003.12 schema definition (tablespaces and users) SQL file called

cd $OWHOME/dat/ project5000.0

sqlplus system/<password>@ow2003

SQL>@ process_ow2003_tablespaces.sql /<directory_path>/


The result will look similar to the following:

create tablespace FLOUNDER datafile '/d01/ora9i/OraHome1/

owprojects/FLOUNDER02090191891A.dbs' size 200M autoextend on
extent management local;

create user FLOUNDER identified by values 'DDC631FBD8763204'

default tablespace FLOUNDER temporary tablespace TEMP;

grant create session, connect to FLOUNDER;

3. Run the $OWHOME/dat/project5000.0/process_ow2003_users.sql script as the database user

(e.g., system) against the R2003.12 OWSYSSID ow2003 to grant roles to the OpenWorks
project users. The script generates an SQL file called ow2003_users.sql.

For example:

Continuing the SQL session in Step 2:

SQL>@process_ow2003_users.sql /<directory_path>/


Starting a new SQL session:

cd $OWHOME/dat/project5000.0

sqlplus system/<password>@ow2003

SQL>@process_ow2003_users.sql /< directory_path >/


112 Appendix: Full Oracle Instance Upgrade: Upgrading an R2003.12 Database 5000.0.0.2
Landmark OpenWorks® Software Installation Procedures

The result will look similar to the following:

alter user owjune identified by owjune;

alter user owtest identified by owtest;




insert into owsys.ow_sys_user (user_id) values ('OWJUNE');

insert into owsys.ow_sys_user (user_id) values ('OWTEST');


4. Copy $OWHOME/dat/project5000.0/fullexport.cntl from the OpenWorks 5000.0.0 runtime to

the R2003.12 image.

5000.0.0.2 Appendix: Full Oracle Instance Upgrade: Upgrading an R2003.12 Database 113
OpenWorks® Software Installation Procedures Landmark

Exporting the Database from OpenWorks R2003.12 从OpenWorks R2003.12中输出数据库

Perform the following steps as an Oracle database user (such as the SYSTEM user) in the
environment of Release 2003.12 of the OpenWorks 2003.12 software.

5. Run a full Oracle database export as the database user (e.g., system) against the R2003.12
OWSYSSID ow2003. Modify the settings of the following variables in the fullexport.cntl
configuration file, that was copied in step 4 from the environment of version 5000.0.0.2.


Where Password is the password of the System user.

OW_DB_SID is the OWSYSSID of the database.

FullPath is the full path to the location of the dmp and log files.

FileNameOfExportFile is the name of the export file. This file must have a dmp extension (or
file suffix).

FileNameOfLogFile is the name of the log file. This file name must have a log extension (or
file suffix).

6. Execute the export command:

Note: It is very important to use the matching Oracle export utility to the correct
version of Oracle server. You must use an Oracle 8 export utility for an Oracle 8 server
and use an Oracle 9 export utility for an Oracle 9 server.

For an Oracle 8 server:

su - oracle8
$ORACLE_HOME/bin/exp parfile = fullexport.cntl

Note: Ensure this is the Oracle 8 ORACLE_HOME.

For an Oracle 9 server:

su - oracle9
$ORACLE_HOME/bin/exp parfile = fullexport.cntl

Note: Ensure this is the Oracle 9 ORACLE_HOME.

114 Appendix: Full Oracle Instance Upgrade: Upgrading an R2003.12 Database 5000.0.0.2
Landmark OpenWorks® Software Installation Procedures

c. Copy the export file from the R2003.12 installation to the installatin of OpenWorks
version 5000.0.0.
在OpenWorks 5000.0.0运行环境中的操作步骤
Procedures in the OpenWorks 5000.0.0 Runtime Environment

Run Steps 7 through 15 in the OpenWorks 5000.0.0 runtime environment.

7. Create the directory structure for the new datafiles.

The tablespace data file structure will be kept the same as your OpenWorks R2003.12
instance, make sure you pre-create these data file directories in your ow5000 installation with
oracle as the directories' owner. If you want to change the data file structure, edit the
ow2003_tablespace.sql file and create the directories as the Oracle user (e.g. ora10g), the
directories' owner.

8. Rename sqlnet.ora if wallet is configured in the file.

If you have sqlnet.ora file similar to the following example in $ORACLE_HOME/network/

admin, rename it to sqlnet.ora_orig, otherwise, skip this step.



9. Run the ow2003_tablespace.sql script (created in Step 2 on page 112) to create the tablespaces
and OpenWorks project users in the OpenWorks 5000.0.0 instance (ow5000).

sqlplus system/<system password>@ow5000


For a list of possible errors, see “Possible Errors During the Import” on page 122.

10. Run a full Oracle database import as the database user (e.g., system) using the ow2003.dmp
file (created in Step 5.b.) in the ow5000 instance. Modify the parameter values in the file
based on your configuration.

Note: The Oracle import process will change the system password to match the password in
the OW2003 database.

Assumption: You already copied ow2003.dmp (created in Step 6 on page 114 ) from the
OpenWorks R2003.12 runtime image to an OpenWorks 5000.0.0 runtime image.

5000.0.0.2 Appendix: Full Oracle Instance Upgrade: Upgrading an R2003.12 Database 115
OpenWorks® Software Installation Procedures Landmark

a. su - ora10g

b. Modify $OWHOME/dat/project5000.0/fullimport.cntl as follows:


c. Execute the following command:

imp parfile = fullimport.cntl

Note: See Possible Errors During the Import.

11. Rename sqlnet.ora_orig back to sqlnet.ora (renamed in Step 8 on page 115).

If you do not have sqlnet.ora_orig in $ORACLE_HOME/network/admin, create a sqlnet.ora

file like this as Oracle user (e.g., ora10g) in the $ORACLE_HOME/network/admin directory:



12. Upgrade the OpenWorks schemas owsys and ow_admin_utils.

Assumption: This step assumes that both the OpenWorks database and the OpenWorks
software are installed on the same machine.

a. As the database user (e.g., system), create an internal account for the Oracle user (e.g.,
ora10g) in the ow5000 database.

sqlplus system/<ow2003_password>@ow5000

SQL>create user ora10g identified by ora10g;

SQL>grant connect, create session to ora10g;

116 Appendix: Full Oracle Instance Upgrade: Upgrading an R2003.12 Database 5000.0.0.2
Landmark OpenWorks® Software Installation Procedures

b. As the Oracle user (e.g., ora10g), set the following environment variable. For

su - ora10g

setenv ORACLE_SID ow5000

Note: ow5000 is OpenWorks database SID name, for example: ow5000


Note: is the alias name in $ORACLE_HOME/network/admin/


setenv OW_USER ora10g

setenv OW_PASSWORD ora10g
setenv OWHOME /d01/ow_nc
setenv ORACLE_HOME /d01/ora10g/OraHome1
setenv PATH ${OWHOME}/bin:${ORACLE_HOME}/bin:${PATH}
setenv LM_LICENSE_FILE 2014@owlic5

c. Set the LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable based on the Oracle server:

For 32-bit Oracle:



For 64-bit Oracle:



d. Make sure an entry is made in $OWHOME/conf/district.dat for sid ow5000, otherwise

you will receive an “ERROR: No entry found for <SID_NAME>.”

OW5000 /d01/owhome/conf "OW5000" OW5000

d. Run the following upgrade command as the Oracle owner (ora10g):

$OWHOME/bin/owsysUpgradeR5000 <owsyssid> <log file directory>

For example:

$OWHOME/bin/owsysUpgradeR5000 ow5000 /d01/owjune/

5000.0.0.2 Appendix: Full Oracle Instance Upgrade: Upgrading an R2003.12 Database 117
OpenWorks® Software Installation Procedures Landmark

13. If the tablespace data file structure in the ow2003_tablespace.sql file is NOT modified, skip
this step and go to Step 14. Otherwise, remove the invalid entries from the
LMSYS.OW_LMSYS_DB_DIR table as follows.

sqlplus system/<ow2003_password>@ow5000

SQL>select dir_path from lmsys.OW_LMSYS_DB_DIR;



Asssume the database data file is modified from

/d01/ora9i/OraHome1/owprojects to

/d01/ora10g/OraHome1/owprojects in ow2003_tablespace.sql.

SQL>delete from lmsys.OW_LMSYS_DB_DIR where dir_path='/d01/ora9i/


Note: If the entry “/d01/ora10g/OraHome1/owprojects/” already exists in the

LMSYS.OW_LMSYS_DB_DIR table go to Step 14.

SQL>insert into lmsys.OW_LMSYS_DB_DIR values ('DATA', '/d01/



Note: Use the $OWHOME/bin/dboradir script to maintain the Oracle database locations.

14. Run the ow2003_users.sql script (created in step 2) to create the OpenWorks project users and
populate the project privileges for each OpenWorks project user.


118 Appendix: Full Oracle Instance Upgrade: Upgrading an R2003.12 Database 5000.0.0.2
Landmark OpenWorks® Software Installation Procedures

The result of ow2003_users.sql will look similar to the following:

create user owjune identified by owjune;

create user owtest identified by owtest;
insert into owsys.ow_sys_user (user_id) values ('OWJUNE');
insert into owsys.ow_sys_user (user_id) values ('OWTEST');


Optionally, to change the password for OpenWorks project user “owjune,” do the following:

sqlplus system/<ow2003_password>@ow5000

SQL>alter user owjune identified by xxxxxx;

where "xxxxxx" is the new password for OpenWorks user “owjune.”

Exit SQL*Plus.

15. Upgrade each OpenWorks project using the OpenWorks ProjectAdmin or the command line.

Note: You must have an lgcuser and an Oracle internal user first and the usernames of lgcuser
and the Oracle internal user must match.

a. Create/update a user of the OpenWorks database in the R5000 environment that

matches the owner of your projects in the 2003 environment that was created during
the ow2003_users.sql process, in this case OWJUNE.

i. If you already have an OpenWorks R2003 lgcuser, do the following:

su - root
OWHOME=<OpenWorks home directory>
export OWHOME
cd ${OWHOME}/bin
Select option 4 to update an existing user's profile
Select option 7 to quit

ii. To create a new lgcuser, do the following:

su - root

OWHOME=<OpenWorks home directory>

5000.0.0.2 Appendix: Full Oracle Instance Upgrade: Upgrading an R2003.12 Database 119
OpenWorks® Software Installation Procedures Landmark

export OWHOME

cd ${OWHOME}/bin


Select option 2 to create a new user account

Select option 7 to quit

b. Assign the OW_ADMINISTRATOR role to the Oracle internal user:

i. Login as lgcuser.

ii. Launch the OpenWorks Command Menu: ${OWHOME}/bin/startow.

iii. From the OpenWorks Command Menu, select Project > Modify Database Users.

iv. When prompted, enter the dba user and password; for example, system and
<system password>.

v. Select the OW_ADMINISTRATOR option.

c. If the Oracle internal user does not have MANAGE role of the project which will be
upgraded, assign MANAGE_<project name> access to the Oracle internal user.

i. From the OpenWorks Command Menu, select Project > Project Admin.

ii. From the Project Administration dialog menu, select ProjectAdmin > User >
Project Access.

iii. Select all the projects you wish to upgrade and click Manage.

d. Upgrade the project from the GUI:

i. From the OpenWorks Command Menu, select Project > Project Admin.

ii. In the Project Administration dialog, select the project you want to upgrade to
OpenWorks 5000.0.0.

iii. From the Project Administration dialog menu, select Project > Project Database.

v. Click Upgrade.

120 Appendix: Full Oracle Instance Upgrade: Upgrading an R2003.12 Database 5000.0.0.2
Landmark OpenWorks® Software Installation Procedures

e. Or, upgrade the project in batch mode:

Note: Before upgrading an OpenWorks project in batch mode, set these two environment
variables first:

setenv OW_USER owjune

setenv OW_PASSWORD owjune

where owjune is the OpenWorks project user and password.

• If there is no seismic project to upgrade, do the following:

$OWHOME/bin/projectUpgradeR5000 <Project Name> <OWSYSSID> <User

Specified Log Directory> <Create Directory Flag>

• If there is a seismic project to upgrade, do the following:

$OWHOME/bin/ OwBatchUpgrade ALL

5000.0.0.2 Appendix: Full Oracle Instance Upgrade: Upgrading an R2003.12 Database 121
OpenWorks® Software Installation Procedures Landmark

Possible Errors During the Import 在Import期间可能出现的错误

1. In the Oracle 10g database, the UNDO tablespace will replace the old Oracle 8.1.7 RBS
tablespace, and a locally managed TEMP tablespace will replace the old dictionary-managed
tablespace TEMP. If you encounter an error in this step like the examples below, it can be
safely ignored.

IMP-00017: following statement failed with ORACLE error 12913:

"CREATE TABLESPACE "RBS" DATAFILE '/pa/oracle/dbs_2/database/


"nders/rbsflanders.dbf' SIZE 209715200 DEFAULT





IMP-00003: ORACLE error 12913 encountered

ORA-12913: Cannot create dictionary managed tablespace

IMP-00017: following statement failed with ORACLE error 12913:

"CREATE TABLESPACE "TEMP" DATAFILE '/pa/oracle/dbs_3/database/


"nders/tempflanders.dbf' SIZE 104857600 DEFAULT





IMP-00003: ORACLE error 12913 encountered

ORA-12913: Cannot create dictionary managed tablespace

122 Appendix: Full Oracle Instance Upgrade: Upgrading an R2003.12 Database 5000.0.0.2
Landmark OpenWorks® Software Installation Procedures

2. The GLOBAL_NAME in R2003 does not match the GLOBAL_NAME in OpenWorks

5000.0.0. The following error can be safely ignored. For more information on this Oracle
error, contact Landmark Customer Support and reference Solution Document 140760.

IMP-00017: following statement failed with ORACLE error 23327:


"e-8.1.0'); END;"

IMP-00003: ORACLE error 23327 encountered

ORA-23327: imported deferred rpc data does not match GLOBAL NAME
and platform of importing db

ORA-06512: at "SYS.DBMS_SYS_ERROR", line 86


ORA-06512: at line 1

3. The following error can be safely ignored. For more information on this Oracle error, contact
Landmark Customer Support and reference Solution Document 140676.

IMP-00019: row rejected due to ORACLE error 1

IMP-00003: ORACLE error 1 encountered

ORA-00001: unique constraint (SYSTEM.HELP_TOPIC_SEQ) violated

Column 1 @

Column 2 1

Column 3

4. The following errors can be safely ignored. For more information on this Oracle error, please
contact Landmark Customer Support and reference Solution Document 140677.

5000.0.0.2 Appendix: Full Oracle Instance Upgrade: Upgrading an R2003.12 Database 123
OpenWorks® Software Installation Procedures Landmark

IMP-00017: following statement failed with ORACLE error 2264:



"_C1" CHECK (data_type_id in (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7)) ENABLE


IMP-00003: ORACLE error 2264 encountered

ORA-02264: name already used by an existing constraint

IMP-00019: row rejected due to ORACLE error 1

IMP-00003: ORACLE error 1 encountered

ORA-00001: unique constraint (SYSTEM.REPCAT$_RESOL_METHOD_PK)


Column 1 1

Column 2 MINIMUM

5. The following errors can be safely ignored. For more information on this Oracle error, contact
Landmark Customer Support and reference Solution Document 140758.

IMP-00017: following statement failed with ORACLE error 2270:





IMP-00003: ORACLE error 2270 encountered

ORA-02270: no matching unique or primary key for this column-list

124 Appendix: Full Oracle Instance Upgrade: Upgrading an R2003.12 Database 5000.0.0.2
Landmark OpenWorks® Software Installation Procedures

Appendix: Prerequisites and

Oracle Configurations

This appendix contains the procedures to prepare Linux and Solaris machines for Oracle and
OpenWorks. It also contains other configuration information.

• Linux & Solaris: Create Oracle User Manually

• Linux 32-bit Prerequisites

• Linux 64-bit Prerequisites

• Solaris 10 (SPARC) 64-bit Prerequisites

• Windows: Installing Oracle on DHCP Computers

Release 5000.0.0.2 Appendix: Prerequisites and Oracle Configurations: 125

OpenWorks® Software Installation Procedures Landmark

Linux & Solaris: Create Oracle User Manually 手动创建Oracle用户

Note: Skip this section if you will use Landmark’s Pre-Oracle utility to create the Oracle user and
set the kernel parameters.

1. Create the dba group if it does not exist:

• Log on as root.

• Execute the command: “/usr/sbin/groupadd -g 501 dba” or

• Add the line “dba:x:501:” line to the /etc/group file

2. Create the new Oracle user (e.g., ora10g):

• Log on as root.

• Execute the following command:

/usr/sbin/useradd -d /d01/ora10g -g dba -s /bin/csh -u 7777 ora10g

where /d01/ora10g is the home directory of ora10g, dba is the group name, and 7777 is the uid
(user id)

• Execute the command: chmod -R 775 /d01/ora10g

3. Edit the new Oracle user’s login script:

• Log on as the Oracle user (e.g., ora10g).

• Add the following lines to the ora10g .login file, if they do not exist. Use values
appropriate to your setup:

Linux 32-bit

setenv ORACLE_SID owmarlin

setenv ORACLE_OWNER ora10g
setenv ORACLE_BASE /d01/ora10g
umask 022
setenv PATH /usr/bin:${PATH}:${ORACLE_HOME}/bin
if ($?LD_LIBRARY_PATH == 0) then

126 Appendix: Prerequisites and Oracle Configurations: Linux & Solaris: Create Oracle User Man-
Landmark OpenWorks® Software Installation Procedures



Linux 64-bit

setenv ORACLE_SID owmarlin

setenv ORACLE_OWNER ora10g
setenv ORACLE_BASE /d01/ora10g
umask 022
setenv PATH /usr/bin:${PATH}:${ORACLE_HOME}/bin
if ($?LD_LIBRARY_PATH == 0) then

Solaris 10 (SPARC) 64-bit

setenv ORACLE_SID owmarlin

setenv ORACLE_OWNER ora10g
setenv ORACLE_BASE /d01/ora10g
umask 022
setenv PATH /usr/bin:${PATH}:${ORACLE_HOME}/bin
if ($?LD_LIBRARY_PATH == 0) then

Release 5000.0.0.2Appendix: Prerequisites and Oracle Configurations: Linux & Solaris: Create Oracle
OpenWorks® Software Installation Procedures Landmark

Windows: Create Oracle User 创建 Oracle用户

1. Launch User Accounts from the Control Panel.

The User Accounts window opens.

2. On the Advanced tab, click Advanced.

The Local Userrs and Groups window opens.

3. Click the Users folder in the Local Users and Groups (Local) pane.

4. Select Action > New User.

The New User window opens.

5. In the User Name field, type ora10g.

6. In the Full Name field, type ora10g.

7. In the Description field, type “User created to install Oracle 10g and patch.”

8. In the Password field, type a password that conforms to your organization’s password policy.
For example, 04Apr08.

9. In the Confirm Password field, retype the password.

10.Uncheck the “User must change password at next logon” box.

11.Click Create.

12.Close the Local Users and Groups window.

13.In the User Accounts window, select ora10g, then click Properties.

The <DOMAIN>/ora10g Properties window opens.

14.Click the Group Membership tab, then click Other, then select Administrators from the list.

15.Click OK. The <DOMAIN>/ora10g Properties window closes.

16.Click OK in the User Accounts window.

17.Close the Control Panel.

128 Appendix: Prerequisites and Oracle Configurations: Windows: Create Oracle User
Landmark OpenWorks® Software Installation Procedures

Linux 32-bit Prerequisites

检查Linux 32位服务器和客户端软件包(RPMs)
Check Software Packages (RPMs) on Linux 32-bit Servers and Clients

For 10g R2 (32-bit) on RHEL 5 x86, the document “Oracle Database Installation Guide 10g
Release 2 (10.2) for Linux x86” lists the following required package versions or higher:

glibc-2.5-12 (i686)

Check the RPMs using the following command:

rpm -q binutils compat-db control-center gcc gcc-c++ glibc glibc-

common libstdc++ libstdc++-devel make sysstat libaio

Check Swap Space on Linux 32-bit Servers 检查Linux 32位服务器Swap空间

Oracle requires approximately 3GB of swap space. Check the swap space using the following

# grep SwapTotal /proc/meminfo

For a host with 2GB of RAM, Oracle suggests 3GB of swap. If the machine has more memory,
the Oracle installer may recommend more swap. If you have at least 3GB of swap space, the
installation will be successful and this message in the installer can be safely ignored. However,
ensure that you have enough swap for your host configuration based on the following table.

The following table describes the relationship between installed RAM and the configured swap
space requirement.

Release 5000.0.0.2Appendix: Prerequisites and Oracle Configurations: Linux 32-bit Prerequisites 129
OpenWorks® Software Installation Procedures Landmark

RAM Swap Space

Between 1024 MB and 2048 MB 1.5 times the size of RAM

Between 2049 MB and 8192 MB Equal to the size of RAM

More than 8192 MB 0.75 times the size of RAM

You may need to add swap space. If so, use the procedure in the following example of adding
1GB of swap space on the system. Based on your configuration, calculate how much swap space
you need to add.

To add a 1GB swap file:

1. Determine the size of the new swap file and multiple by 1024 to determine the block size. For
example, the block size of a 1024 MB swap file is 1048576.

2. As root, type the following command in an xterm, with count being equal to the desired block

dd if=/dev/zero of=/swapfile bs=1024 count=1048576

3. Setup the swap file with the command:

/sbin/mkswap /swapfile

• To enable the swap file immediately but not automatically at boot time:

/sbin/swapon /swapfile

• To enable it at boot time, edit /etc/fstab to include:

/swapfile swap swap defaults 0 0

The next time the system boots, it will enable the new swap file.

4. After adding the new swap file and enabling it, make sure it is enabled by viewing the output
of the command:

cat /proc/swaps or free

130 Appendix: Prerequisites and Oracle Configurations: Linux 32-bit Prerequisites

Landmark OpenWorks® Software Installation Procedures

Set Shell Limits for the Oracle User on Linux 32-bit Servers
在Linux 32位服务器上设置shell限制条件
To improve the performance of the software on Linux systems, you must increase the following
shell limits for the Oracle user (e.g., ora10g):

Shell Limit Item in Hard Limit

Maximum number of open file descriptors nofile 65536

Maximum number of processes available to a single user nproc 16384

To increase the shell limits:

1. Add the following lines to the /etc/security/limits.conf file:

ora10g soft nproc 2047

ora10g hard nproc 16384
ora10g soft nofile 1024
ora10g hard nofile 65536

2. Add or edit the following line in the /etc/pam.d/login file:

session required /lib/security/

3. Depending on the Oracle user's default shell, make the following changes to the default shell
start-up file:

For C shell (csh or tcsh), add the following lines to the /etc/csh.login file:

if ( $USER == "ora10g" ) then

limit maxproc 16384
limit descriptors 65536

Release 5000.0.0.2Appendix: Prerequisites and Oracle Configurations: Linux 32-bit Prerequisites 131
OpenWorks® Software Installation Procedures Landmark

Configure Kernel Parameters on Linux 32-bit Servers

在Linux 32位服务器上配制内核参数
Note: Skip this section if you will use Landmark’s Pre-Oracle utility to create the Oracle user and
set the kernel parameters.

1. Verify that the kernel parameters shown in the following table are set to values greater than or
equal to the recommended value shown. The procedure following the table describes how to
verify and set the values.

Parameter Value File

semmsl semmns semopm 250 32000 100 /proc/sys/kernel/sem

semmni 128

shmall 2097152 /proc/sys/kernel/shmall

shmmax Half the size of /proc/sys/kernel/shmmax

memory (in
shmmni 4096 /proc/sys/kernel/shmmni

file-max 65536 /proc/sys/fs/file-max

ip_local_port_range 1024 65000 /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_local_port_range

Note: If the current value for any parameter is higher than the value listed in this table, do not
change the value of that parameter.

To view the current value specified for these kernel parameters, and to change them if necessary,
follow these steps:

1. Enter the commands shown in the following table to view the current values of the kernel


Make a note of the current values and identify any values that you must change.

132 Appendix: Prerequisites and Oracle Configurations: Linux 32-bit Prerequisites

Landmark OpenWorks® Software Installation Procedures

Parameter Command
semmsl, semmns, semopm, and # /sbin/sysctl -a | grep sem
This command displays the value of the semaphore parameters in
the order listed.

shmall, shmmax, and shmmni # /sbin/sysctl -a | grep shm

file-max # /sbin/sysctl -a | grep file-max

ip_local_port_range # /sbin/sysctl -a | grep ip_local_port_range

This command displays a range of port numbers.

2. If the value of any kernel parameter is different than the recommended value, complete the
following steps:

• Using any text editor, create or edit the /etc/sysctl.conf file and add or edit lines similar to
the following:


Include lines only for the kernel parameter values that you want to change. For the semaphore
parameters (kernel.sem), you must specify all four values. However, if any of the current
values are larger than the recommended value, specify the larger value.

kernel.shmall = 2097152
kernel.shmmax = 2147483648
kernel.shmmni = 4096
kernel.sem = 250 32000 100 128
fs.file-max = 65536
net.ipv4.ip_local_port_range = 1024 65000
net.core.rmem_default = 262144
net.core.rmem_max = 262144
net.core.wmem_default = 262144
net.core.wmem_max = 262144

By specifying the values in the /etc/sysctl.conf file, they persist when you reboot the system.

• Enter the following command to change the current values of the kernel parameters:

# /sbin/sysctl -p

• Review the output from this command to verify that the values are correct. If the values
are incorrect, edit the /etc/sysctl.conf file, then enter this command again.

Release 5000.0.0.2Appendix: Prerequisites and Oracle Configurations: Linux 32-bit Prerequisites 133
OpenWorks® Software Installation Procedures Landmark

Linux 64-bit Prerequisites Linux64位安装条件

Check Software Packages (RPMs) on Linux 64-bit Servers and Clients

检查Linux 32位服务器和客户端软件包(RPMs)
For 10g R2 (64-bit) on RHEL 5 x86_64, the document “Oracle Database Release Notes 10g
Release 2 (10.2) for Linux x86-64” lists the following required package versions or higher:

binutils- (x86_64)
compat-db-4.2.52-5.1 (i386)
compat-db-4.2.52-5.1 (x86_64)
control-center-2.16.0-14.el5 (i386)
control-center-2.16.0-14.el5 (x86_64)
gcc-4.1.1-52.el5 (x86_64)
gcc-c++-4.1.1-52.el5 (x86_64)
glibc-2.5-12 (i686)
glibc-2.5-12 (x86_64)
glibc-common-2.5-12 (x86_64)
libstdc++-4.1.1-52.el5 (x86_64)
libstdc++-4.1.1-52.el5 (i386)
libstdc++-devel-4.1.1-52.el5 (x86_64)
make-3.81-1.1 (x86_64)
sysstat-7.0.0-3.el5 (x86_64)
libaio-0.3.106-3.2 (x86_64)
libaio-0.3.106-3.2 (i386)

1. Verify that you are running the x86_64 kernel on a x86_64 platform:

# uname -mi

The result should be: “x86_64 x86_64”

2. Check the RPMs using the following command:

rpm -q --qf '%{NAME}-%{VERSION}-%{RELEASE} (%{ARCH})\n' binutils

compat-db control-center gcc gcc-c++ glibc glibc-common libstdc++
libstdc++-devel make sysstat libaio

Note: It is important to have these x86_64 RPMs installed. The above command will list the
architecture of each binary package. You will see that some RPMs are installed twice when you
run this command (x86 RPM and x86_64 RPM). You must ensure that all required x86-64 RPMs
listed here are installed.

134 Appendix: Prerequisites and Oracle Configurations: Linux 64-bit Prerequisites

Landmark OpenWorks® Software Installation Procedures

Check Swap Space on Linux 64-bit Servers 检查Linux64位服务器上的swap空间

Oracle requires approximately 3GB of swap space. Check the swap space using the following

# grep SwapTotal /proc/meminfo

For a host with 2GB of RAM, Oracle suggests 3GB of swap. If the machine has more memory,
the Oracle installer may recommend more swap. If you have at least 3GB of swap space, the
installation will be successful and this message in the installer can be safely ignored. However,
ensure that you have enough swap for your host configuration based on the following table.

The following table describes the relationship between installed RAM and the configured swap
space requirement.

RAM Swap Space

Between 1024 MB and 2048 MB 1.5 times the size of RAM

Between 2049 MB and 8192 MB Equal to the size of RAM

More than 8192 MB 0.75 times the size of RAM

You may need to add swap space. If so, use the procedure in the following example of adding
1GB of swap space on the system. Based on your configuration, calculate how much swap space
you need to add.

To add a 1GB swap file:

1. Determine the size of the new swap file and multiple by 1024 to determine the block size. For
example, the block size of a 1024 MB swap file is 1048576.

2. At a shell prompt as root, type the following command with count being equal to the desired
block size:

dd if=/dev/zero of=/swapfile bs=1024 count=1048576

3. Setup the swap file with the command:

/sbin/mkswap /swapfile

• To enable the swap file immediately but not automatically at boot time:

Release 5000.0.0.2Appendix: Prerequisites and Oracle Configurations: Linux 64-bit Prerequisites 135
OpenWorks® Software Installation Procedures Landmark

/sbin/swapon /swapfile

• To enable the swap file at boot time, edit /etc/fstab to include:

/swapfile swap swap defaults 0 0

The next time the system boots, it will enable the new swap file.

4. After adding the new swap file and enabling it, make sure it is enabled by viewing the output
of the commands

cat /proc/swaps or free

136 Appendix: Prerequisites and Oracle Configurations: Linux 64-bit Prerequisites

Landmark OpenWorks® Software Installation Procedures

Set Shell Limits for the Oracle User on Linux 64-bit Servers
To improve the performance of the software on Linux systems, you must increase the following
shell limits for the Oracle user (e.g. ora10g):

Shell Limit Item in limits.conf Hard Limit

Maximum number of open file descriptors nofile 65536

Maximum number of processes available to a single user nproc 16384

To increase the shell limits:

1. Add the following lines to the /etc/security/limits.conf file:

ora10g soft nproc 2047

ora10g hard nproc 16384
ora10g soft nofile 1024
ora10g hard nofile 65536

2. Add or edit the following line in the /etc/pam.d/login file, if it does not already exist:

session required /lib/security/

3. Depending on the Oracle (e.g. ora10g) user's default shell, make the following changes to the
default shell start-up file:

For C shell (csh or tcsh), add the following lines to the /etc/csh.login file:

if ( $USER == "ora10g" ) then

limit maxproc 16384
limit descriptors 65536

Release 5000.0.0.2Appendix: Prerequisites and Oracle Configurations: Linux 64-bit Prerequisites 137
OpenWorks® Software Installation Procedures Landmark

Configure Kernel Parameters on Linux 64-bit Servers

Note: Skip this section if you will use Landmark’s Pre-Oracle utility to create the Oracle user and
set the kernel parameters.

Verify that the kernel parameters shown in the following table are set to values greater than or
equal to the recommended value shown. The procedure following the table describes how to
verify and set the values.

Parameter Value File

semmsl semmns semopm 250 32000 100 128 /proc/sys/kernel/sem


shmall 2097152 /proc/sys/kernel/shmall

shmmax Half the size of /proc/sys/kernel/shmmax

physical memory (in
shmmni 4096 /proc/sys/kernel/shmmni

file-max 65536 /proc/sys/fs/file-max

ip_local_port_range 1024 65000 /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_local_port_range

Note: If the current value for any parameter is higher than the value listed in this table, do not
change the value of that parameter.

To view the current value specified for these kernel parameters, and to change them if necessary,
follow these steps:

1. Enter the commands shown in the following table to view the current values of the kernel


Make a note of the current values and identify any values that you must change.

138 Appendix: Prerequisites and Oracle Configurations: Linux 64-bit Prerequisites

Landmark OpenWorks® Software Installation Procedures

Parameter 参数 Command 命令
semmsl, semmns, semopm, and # /sbin/sysctl -a | grep sem
This command displays the value of the semaphore parameters in
the order listed.

shmall, shmmax, and shmmni # /sbin/sysctl -a | grep shm

file-max # /sbin/sysctl -a | grep file-max

ip_local_port_range # /sbin/sysctl -a | grep ip_local_port_range

This command displays a range of port numbers.

2. If the value of any kernel parameter is different than the recommended value, complete the
following steps:

• Using any text editor, create or edit the /etc/sysctl.conf file and add or edit lines similar to
the following:


Include lines only for the kernel parameter values that you want to change. For the semaphore
parameters (kernel.sem), you must specify all four values. However, if any of the current
values are larger than the recommended value, specify the larger value.

kernel.shmall = 2097152
kernel.shmmax = 2147483648
kernel.shmmni = 4096
kernel.sem = 250 32000 100 128
fs.file-max = 65536
net.ipv4.ip_local_port_range = 1024 65000
net.core.rmem_default = 262144
net.core.rmem_max = 262144
net.core.wmem_default = 262144
net.core.wmem_max = 262144

By specifying the values in the /etc/sysctl.conf file, they persist when you reboot the system.

• Enter the following command to change the current values of the kernel parameters:

# /sbin/sysctl -p

• Review the output from this command to verify that the values are correct. If the values
are incorrect, edit the /etc/sysctl.conf file, then enter this command again.

Release 5000.0.0.2Appendix: Prerequisites and Oracle Configurations: Linux 64-bit Prerequisites 139
OpenWorks® Software Installation Procedures Landmark

Solaris 10 (SPARC) 64-bit Prerequisites 要求

Configure Kernel Parameters on Solaris 10 Servers 配制Solaris 10内核参数

Note: Skip this section if you will use Landmark’s Pre-Oracle utility to create the Oracle user and
set the kernel parameters.

1. Log on as root.

2. Verify that the kernel parameters shown in the following table are set to values greater than or
equal to the recommended value shown. The table also contains the resource controls that
replace the /etc/system file for a specific kernel parameter.

Parameter Resource Control Recommended Value

noexec_user_stack NA 1

semsys:seminfo_semmni project.max-sem-ids 100

shmsys:shminfo_shmmax project.max-shm-memory 4294967295

shmsys:shminfo_shmni project.max-shm-ids 100


On Solaris 10, you are not required to make changes to the /etc/system file to
implement the System V TPC. Solaris 10 uses the resource control facility for its

Use the following procedures to view the current value specified for resource controls, and to
change them if necessary:

To view the current values of the resource control, enter the following commands:

# id -p // to verify the project id

uid=0(root) gid=0(root) projid=1 (user.root)
# prctl -n project.max-shm-memory -i project user.root
# prctl -n project.max-sem-ids -i project user.root

If you must change any of the current values, do so as follows:

140 Appendix: Prerequisites and Oracle Configurations: Solaris 10 (SPARC) 64-bit Prerequisites
Landmark OpenWorks® Software Installation Procedures

1. To modify the value of max-shm-memory to 4 GB:

# prctl -n project.max-shm-memory -v 4gb -r -i project user.root

2. To modify the value of max-sem-ids to 256:

# prctl -n project.max-sem-ids -v 256 -r -i project user.root

3. Open the /etc/system file in any text editor, and if required, add lines similar to the following
(edit the lines if the file already contains them):

set noexec_user_stack=1

4. Save the /etc/system file.

5. As root, add the value of max-shm-memory for the Oracle user, e.g., ora10g:

#projadd –c “ora10g” user.ora10g

#projmod –K “project.max-shm-memory=(privileged,4GB,deny)” user.ora10g

Check Swap Space on Solaris 10 Servers 检查Solaris 10 Swap空间

For a host with 2GB of RAM, Oracle suggests 3GB of swap. If the machine has more memory,
the Oracle installer may recommend more swap. If you have at least 3GB of swap space, the
installation will be successful and this message can be safely ignored.

Ensure that you have enough swap for your host configuration based on the following table. If
you do not have enough swap, exit the installer, create the recommended value of swap space on
the host, and run the installer again.

The following table describes the relationship between installed RAM and the configured swap
space requirement.

RAM Swap Space

Between 1024 MB and 2048 MB 1.5 times the size of RAM

Between 2049 MB and 8192 MB Equal to the size of RAM

More than 8192 MB 0.75 times the size of RAM

Release 5000.0.0.2Appendix: Prerequisites and Oracle Configurations: Solaris 10 (SPARC) 64-bit Prereq-
OpenWorks® Software Installation Procedures Landmark

Disable Screen and Power Managers on Solaris 10 禁用Solaris 10屏保和电源管理

During the installation process, it is good practice to turn off any screen savers or power managers
that might lock the screen or might turn off the system during the installation. Screen savers
which lock the screen can prevent access to a command window, forcing a reboot of the system to
regain control of the system and a restart of the installation. The xlock command in SunOS
and the Screen and Power Managers in Common Desktop Environment (CDE) are examples of
processes which can have a negative effect during installation.

Disabling the Screen Manager in CDE 禁用CDE中的屏保

To disable the activity of the Screen Manager, do the following:

1. In the Front Panel, click the Applications icon to display the Application Manager window.

2. Double-click the Desktop Controls item in the Applications window to display the Application
Manager - Desktop Controls window.

3. Double-click the Style Manager item to display the Style Manager (/usr/dt/bin/dtstyle)

4. Click the Screen icon to display the Style Manager - Screen dialog.

5. Select the Off radio button for the Screen Saver item.

6. Select the Off radio button for the Screen lock item.

7. Click OK.

8. Close other unnecessary windows.

Disabling the Power Manager in CDE 禁用CDE中的电源管理

To disable the activity of the Power Manager (dtpower), do the following:

1. Log on as a user who is able to modify the power management parameters. The parameters that
a user is allowed to change depend upon the contents of the file /etc/default/power . For more
information, see the man page for dtpower (such as /usr/dt/share/man/man1m/dtpower.1m).

2. To display the Dtpower dialog:

• Enter the following command in an xterm:

/usr/openwin/bin/dtpower &


142 Appendix: Prerequisites and Oracle Configurations: Solaris 10 (SPARC) 64-bit Prerequisites
Landmark OpenWorks® Software Installation Procedures

• In the Front Panel, click the Applications icon to display the Application Manager

• Double-click the System Admin item in the Applications window to display the
Application Manager - System Admin window.

• Double-click the Power Manager item to display the Dtpower dialog.

3. In the Current Power Saving Scheme, click the down arrow to display the drop-down list.

4. Select Disabled in the list. Selecting this item turns off all power saving activities.

5. Click OK. The new configuration is saved, and the Dtpower dialog closes.

Remember to reset the power management parameters to your preferences after you have finished
all of the installations.

Release 5000.0.0.2Appendix: Prerequisites and Oracle Configurations: Solaris 10 (SPARC) 64-bit Prereq-
OpenWorks® Software Installation Procedures Landmark

Windows: Installing Oracle on DHCP Computers

Prerequisites for Installing Oracle on DHCP Computers 要求

Check if a Loopback Adapter is Installed on the Computer 检查机器中是否安装了Loopback适配器

To check if a loopback adapter is installed on your computer, run the ipconfig /all command:

SYSTEM_DRIVE:\> ipconfig /all

If there is a loopback adapter installed, you will see a section that lists the values for the loopback
adapter. For example:

Ethernet adapter Local Area Connection 2:

Connection-specific DNS Suffix . :

Description . . . . . . . . . . . : Microsoft Loopback Adapter
Physical Address. . . . . . . . . : 02-00-4C-4F-4F-50
DHCP Enabled. . . . . . . . . . . : Yes
Autoconfiguration Enabled . . . . : Yes
Autoconfiguration IP Address. . . : 199.999.99.999
Subnet Mask . . . . . . . . . . . :

Installing a Loopback Adapter on Windows 2003 or Windows XP

在Windows 2003或Windows XP上安装loopback适配器
To install a loopback adapter on Windows 2003 or Windows XP:

1. Open the Windows Control Panel.

2. Double-click Add Hardware to start the Add Hardware wizard.

3. In the “Welcome” window, click Next.

4. In the “Is the hardware connected?” window, select “Yes, I have already connected the
hardware” and click Next.

5. In the “The following hardware is already installed on your computer” window, in the list of
installed hardware, select “Add a new hardware device,” and click Next.

6. In the “The wizard can help you install other hardware” window, select “Install the hardware
that I manually select from a list,” and click Next.

7. From the list of hardware types, select the “Type of hardware you are installing” window,
select “Network adapters” and click Next.

144 Appendix: Prerequisites and Oracle Configurations: Windows: Installing Oracle on DHCP
Landmark OpenWorks® Software Installation Procedures

8. In the “Select Network Adapter” window, make the following selections:

• Manufacturer: Select Microsoft.

• Network Adapter: Select Microsoft Loopback Adapter.

9. Click Next.

10.In the “The wizard is ready to install your hardware” window, click Next.

11.In the “Completing the Add Hardware Wizard” window, click Finish.

12.If you are using Windows 2003, restart your computer.

13.Right-click My Network Places on the desktop and choose Properties. This displays the
Network Connections Control Panel.

14.Right-click the connection that was just created. This is usually named “Local Area
Connection 2.” Choose Properties.

15.On the General tab, select Internet Protocol (TCP/IP), and click Properties.

16.In the Properties dialog box, click Use the following IP address and do the following:

• IP Address: Enter a non-routable IP for the loopback adapter. Oracle recommends the
following non-routable addresses:

• 192.168.x.x (x is any value between 0 and 255)


• Subnet mask: Enter

• Record the values you entered; you will them need later in this procedure.

• Leave all other fields empty.

• Click OK.

17.Click OK.

18.Close Network Connections.

19.Restart the computer.

Release 5000.0.0.2Appendix: Prerequisites and Oracle Configurations: Windows: Installing Oracle on

OpenWorks® Software Installation Procedures Landmark

20.Add a line to the SYSTEM_DRIVE:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\etc\hosts file with the

following format, after the localhost line:

IP_address hostname.domainname hostname


• IP_address is the non-routable IP address you entered in step 16.

• hostname is the name of the computer.
• domainname is the name of the domain.

For example: mycomputer

21.Check the network configuration:

• Open System in the Control Panel, and select the Computer Name tab. In Full computer
name, make sure you see the host name and the domain name, for example,

• Click Change. In Computer name, you should see the hostname, and in Full computer
name, you should see the host name and domain name. Using the previous example, the
host name would be sales and the domain would be

• Click More. In Primary DNS suffix of this computer, you should see the domain name, for

146 Appendix: Prerequisites and Oracle Configurations: Windows: Installing Oracle on DHCP
Landmark OpenWorks® Software Installation Procedures

Appendix: About Oracle Wallet

附录:Oracle Wallet简介

Note: The steps in this section are not necessary if you installed Oracle and OpenWorks using the
instructions in this manual to install and configure Oracle, the OpenWorks database, and

Overview 简介

Prior to Release 5000.0.0, Landmark stored passwords in an encrypted file in the user’s home
directory. Landmark now uses an Oracle utility called “Oracle Secure Password Store” or “Oracle
Wallet” for this purpose. The primary advantage of this scheme is that “Oracle Wallet” is tightly
integrated with Oracle itself. Once a wallet is configured you can connect to any Oracle utility or
from any client program with a blank user name. The first time you run an OpenWorks program
against an Oracle instance you will be prompted for a password. The password will be stored in
the wallet and you will not be prompted again. There is also a “Change Password” option on the
“Project Menu” where users can change their own password. This will store the new password in
the wallet. This change improves the security of the overall system.

On servers, the OpenWorks 5000.0.0 Database Installation process configures everything

necessary for Oracle Wallet. On clients, the OpenWorks 5000.0.0 Installation process configures
everything necessary for Oracle Wallet.

However, in non-standard installs or development environments, you must be aware of the

requirements of the Oracle Wallet system.

Environment Changes 环境变量设置

The OpenWorks user must set the OW_HOME_DIR environment variable; for example:
OW_HOME_DIR=C:\Landmark\OpenWorks\users\hbl9999. This is typically set to your home
directory and it controls the location of the wallet file. In a standard install it will be set in
.lgclogin or by the installer on Windows. Make sure that the OW_HOME_DIR exists and does
not contain any spaces in it.

Make sure the $ORACLE_HOME/network/admin/sqlnet.ora file contains the text shown below.
This new environment variable is necessary because Oracle Wallet will not work if there are
spaces in the directory path. If there are spaces in your home directory path choose another

Release 5000.0.0.2 Appendix: About Oracle Wallet: Overview 147

OpenWorks® Software Installation Procedures Landmark

On Windows

On Linux/Solaris



• The OW_USER and OW_PASSWORD environment settings are obsolete.

• Once cached in the wallet password will not expire. Password prompts will not occur in
batch applications. Once the password is set it will not expire unless the underlying Oracle
password changes. However, to ensure that no GUI is set, then set the environment

• The cached password in encrypted format in a file created by OpenWorks on a client

machine is obsolete.

• Users are able to connect as “sqlplus /@sidname” (Note: The / means check that correct
credential exists in wallet) as well as “sqlplus usename/password@sidname”

148 Appendix: About Oracle Wallet: Environment Changes Release 5000.0.0.2

Landmark OpenWorks® Software Installation Procedures

OpenWorks Database Installer Configures Oracle Wallet

OpenWorks数据库安装程序配制Oracle Wallet
OW_HOME_DIR must be set before running the OpenWorks Database installer. If
OW_HOME_DIR is not set, the following error dialog will open:

The OpenWorks Database installer uses OW_HOME_DIR when creating an Oracle wallet for the
Oracle owner account. The installer will also automatically configure sqlnet.ora as described
above. Then sqlnet.ora is configured. To enable Oracle wallet support, the Oracle owner must
have a wallet.

OpenWorks Installation and sqlnet.ora on Client Machines

客户机上的OpenWorks Installation和sqlnet.ora
The OpenWorks installation configures the wallet entry in the sqlnet.ora file on client machines. If
you change the location pointed to by the TNSADMIN variable after the install you must ensure
that a valid sqlnet.ora is in the new location.

If you create a default district.dat during the install, the directory will be
“__Directory_Is_Not_Set_Yet__” instead of $OWHOME/conf. This simplifies diagnosing a
problem with the district.dat.

If you leave the directory as $OWHOME/conf, while it is a valid directory, it typically is not the
correct location for the dir.dat for seismic data. The default owdir.dat is still created in
$OWHOME/conf. This means that OpenWorks flat file access will not function correctly. Even if
you are not using SeisWorks you must edit district.dat and set the directories to the location of

Release 5000.0.0.2 Appendix: About Oracle Wallet: Environment Changes 149

OpenWorks® Software Installation Procedures Landmark

150 Appendix: About Oracle Wallet: Environment Changes Release 5000.0.0.2

Landmark OpenWorks® Software Installation Procedures

Appendix: Troubleshooting

Deleting or Creating a Second SID 删除或创建一个附加SID

Background 背景

In OpenWorks 5000.0.0 the Oracle wallet functionality is used to store internal Oracle passwords.
Wallet entries in the sqlnet.ora file will cause the Oracle dbca utility to function improperly, and
you may not be able to delete or create a second SID on an OpenWorks server.

Repeat the workaround steps for each SID you need to delete or add.

Workaround to Delete an Existing Instance 执行下列步骤来删除已存在的实例

1. Log on to the Oracle server as the Oracle user, e.g., ora10g.

2. Create a temporary TNS_ADMIN directory to contain backup sqlnet.ora and tnsnames.ora

files; e.g.,

mkdir -p /d01/ora10g/temp/network/admin

3. Copy the original sqlnet.ora and tnsnames.ora files from $ORACLE_HOME/network/admin

to the new directory, e.g.,

cp $ORACLE_HOME/network/admin/sqlnet.ora /d01/ora10g/temp/network/admin

cp $ORACLE_HOME/network/admin/tnsnames.ora /d01/ora10g/temp/network/

4. Edit /d01/ora10g/temp/network/admin/sqlnet.ora and remove the following wallet text:


5. Save the /d01/ora10g/temp/network/admin/sqlnet.ora file after removing the wallet text.

Release 5000.0.0.2 Appendix: Troubleshooting: Deleting or Creating a Second SID 151

OpenWorks® Software Installation Procedures Landmark

6. Set the TNS_ADMIN environment variable to point to the new directory, e.g.,

setenv TNS_ADMIN /d01/ora10g/temp/network/admin

7. Run the Oracle dbca utility and delete the existing database.

Workaround to Create an Additional OpenWorks Instance

1. Log on as the Oracle user, e.g., ora10g.

2. Create a temporary TNS_ADMIN directory to contain backup sqlnet.ora and tnsnames.ora

files, e.g.,

mkdir -p /d01/ora10g/temp/network/admin

3. Copy the original sqlnet.ora and tnsnames.ora files from $ORACLE_HOME/network/admin

to the new directory; e.g.,

cp $ORACLE_HOME/network/admin/sqlnet.ora /d01/ora10g/temp/network/admin

cp $ORACLE_HOME/network/admin/tnsnames.ora /d01/ora10g/temp/network/

4. Edit /d01/ora10g/temp/network/admin/sqlnet.ora and remove the following wallet text:


5. Save the /d01/ora10g/temp/network/admin/sqlnet.ora file after removing the wallet text.

6. Set the TNS_ADMIN environment variable to point to the new directory, e.g.,

setenv TNS_ADMIN /d01/ora10g/temp/network/admin

7. Verify that the OW_HOME_DIR environment variable is already set to the existing wallet
subdirectory that was created by the first instance, e.g.,


152 Appendix: Troubleshooting: Deleting or Creating a Second SID Release 5000.0.0.2

Landmark OpenWorks® Software Installation Procedures

If the OW_HOME_DIR environment variable is not set, set it the appropriate directory where
the wallet exists for the Oracle user, e.g.,

setenv OW_HOME_DIR ${HOME}

8. Set the ORACLE_SID to the new value that you want to create, e.g.,

setenv ORACLE_SID owtest

9. Run the OpenWorksDatabaseInstaller and create the instance. However, when prompted, do
not automatically restart the instance and listener even though it is recommended. Choose to
restart manually.

10.Copy the entry for the newly created instance in $TNS_ADMIN/tnsnames.ora to the master
tnsnames.ora file in $ORACLE_HOME/network/admin/tnsnames.ora., i.e.,

(ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = <hostname> =
(SERVICE_NAME = owtest)

11.Save the $ORACLE_HOME/network/admin/tnsnames.ora file with the changes.

12.Unset the TNS_ADMIN environment variable.

unsetenv TNS_ADMIN

13.Remove the temporary TNS_ADMIN directory that you created earlier.

rm -rf /d01/ora10g/temp/network/admin

14.Test the connection to the database.

sqlplus system/system@owtest

15.If there are any connection problems, try connecting with the full host name, port number and

sqlplus system/system@hostname:portnumber/alias

Release 5000.0.0.2 Appendix: Troubleshooting: Deleting or Creating a Second SID 153

OpenWorks® Software Installation Procedures Landmark

For example,

e.g., system/system@<hostname>

If this connection attempt succeeds there may be something wrong with the entry in the
tnsnames.ora file.

154 Appendix: Troubleshooting: Deleting or Creating a Second SID Release 5000.0.0.2

Landmark OpenWorks® Software Installation Procedures

Adobe Reader

Possible GTK Errors on Solaris 在Solaris上可能出现的GTK错误

On Solaris, Acrobat Reader version 7 comes with the operating system so it is not necessary to
install the reader.

However, if you upgrade to Acrobat Reader version 8.1.1, you may encounter GTK errors which
prevent the reader from launching. This is a known Acrobat issue.

The 8.x Readers require a minimum 2.6 GTK level. Solaris 10 OCT contains GTK 2.4.x.
Therefore, if you must install an 8.x Reader, you must patch to GTK 2.6 or hiher.

The following is taken from the Adobe 801 Launch file:

• Adobe Reader 8.1.1 doesn't launch on Solaris

By default, Solaris 10 comes bundled with GTK 2.4.9, whereas Adobe Reader 8.1.1 requires a
minimum GTK version 2.6 to run properly (refer point 5 on the Known Issues Page). So if you
try to run acroread on such a system you may observe a host of GTK related warnings on the
console and acroread may not launch. To fix this issue, you can update the GTK version on the
Solaris machine (read the steps below for one way in which the GTK libraries can be updated

Updating the GTK Libraries on Solaris, from

1. You need pkg-get on your system. If you do not have pkg-get, you can install it using the
following command:

pkgadd -d

2. Edit the pkg-get configuration file in order to download from the nearest mirror (
lists all mirrors at:

vi /opt/csw/etc/pkg-get.conf

3. Install the wget package (along with all its dependencies) using pkg-get

/opt/csw/bin/pkg-get -i wget

4. Install gtk+ using pkg-get

/opt/csw/bin/pkg-get -i gtk2

5. Set the LD_LIBRARY_PATH appropriately before running acroread

Release 5000.0.0.2 Appendix: Troubleshooting: Adobe Reader 155

OpenWorks® Software Installation Procedures Landmark

export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/opt/csw/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH

PS: The above listed method is just one way of updating the GTK libraries, and other methods
may exist. Irrespective of the method used, before launching acroread, remember to set the
LD_LIBRARY_PATH appropriately to the directory which contains the correct GTK libraries.

Linux: Other Readers Linux:其它阅读器

Red Hat Linux has a number of viewers for PDF files. In the Gnome desktop, Linux has gv,
ggv, and xpdf. In the K Desktop Environment (KDE), Linux has kghostview. Each viewer
is available from the command line, and xpdf and kghostview are available from the
Gnome panel. For example, to start xpdf:

Main Menu > Programs > Graphics > xpdf

To start kghostview:

Main Menu > Programs > KDE menus > Graphics > PS/PDF Viewer

These viewers usually display PDF files adequately, but they do not have all of the features of
Acrobat Reader and are not used by Landmark Graphics applications. Among many differences,
these viewers do not have a bookmark pane, or if a viewer does have a bookmark pane, the viewer
does not recognize the named bookmarks, which allow the bookmark pane to act as a table of
contents to the document.

Linux: Opening Acrobat Files in the Nautilus File Manager

The Adobe installation program installs the Acrobat Reader files so that you can run Acrobat
Reader from the command line (for example,
/usr/local/Acrobat5/bin/acroread ). The Gnome desktop provides more than a
terminal window and a command line to start a program and open a file. A Nautilus window
allows you to double-click on a file and open it.

To be able to double-click an Acrobat file (PDF) and open it with Acrobat Reader, do the

1. Select Main Menu > Programs > Settings > File Types and Programs in the Gnome Panel.
The File Types And Programs dialog opens.

2. In the list box, select the line with PDF document in the Description column.

3. Click Edit List. The Edit Application List dialog opens.

4. Click Add Application in the Add Application List dialog. The Edit Application dialog opens.

5. In the Add Application dialog, do the following:

156 Appendix: Troubleshooting: Adobe Reader Release 5000.0.0.2
Landmark OpenWorks® Software Installation Procedures

• In Application Name, enter a name for the application. For example:

Adobe Acrobat Reader 7

• In Application Command, enter the path name for acroread . Assuming a location of
Acrobat Reader,
/usr/local/Acrobat5 , you would enter:


• Check both check boxes: Can Open Multiple Files, and Can Open From URI.

6. Click OK in the Add Application and the Edit Application List dialogs.

7. In the Default Action group box of the Files Types And Programs dialog, select the Open With
Application radio button.

8. Also in the Default Action box, click the Arrows button to display a list of names of
applications, and select the name you entered in the Application Name text box in Step 5.

9. Click OK in the File Types And Programs dialog.

10.In Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5.0, set the LANG environment variable to C in your shell
initialization file. For example, in the Bash shell, you would include the following line in the


Linux: Running Acrobat Reader from the Gnome Panel

Linux:从Gnome面板运行Acrobat Reader
If you want to run Acrobat Reader before attempting to open an Acrobat file, you can run
acroread from the command line, or you can insert it in the menu in the Gnome panel.

To insert an Acrobat Reader item in the menu of the Gnome panel, do the following:

1. In a terminal window, log in as Super User

su - (su followed by a dash)


2. Enter gmenu to open the GNOME Menu Editor window.

3. In the tree in the left list box, choose the name of a menu (branch) from which you want to be
able to start Acrobat Reader. For instance, you might choose the menus: Programs (System
Menus), and then the Applications submenu.

Release 5000.0.0.2 Appendix: Troubleshooting: Adobe Reader 157

OpenWorks® Software Installation Procedures Landmark

4. Select File >New Item. A untitled item (leaf) appears at the bottom of the list of items for the
menu, and default tabs appear on the right.

5. In the Basic tab, do the following:

• In Name, enter a name for Acrobat Reader. For example:

Acrobat Reader 7

• In Comment, you may enter information about the item, but a comment is not required.
The comment appears in a pop-up when the menu is displayed, and your mouse cursor
hovers over the item.

• In Command, enter the full path name for acroread . For example:

/usr/local/Acrobat5/bin/acroread &

• In Type, select Application.

• If you want to associate an icon with Acrobat Reader, do the following:

—Click the Icon button to open the Choose An Icon dialog.

—Browse for an icon file. For example, an icon file for Acrobat Reader
( acroread.png ) is located in the following directory:


—Click OK in the Choose An Icon dialog.

• Uncheck Run In Terminal.

6. Click the Save button under the Basic tab.

7. If you want the new item somewhere else in the menu, you can drag and drop the item to a new
location, or you can use the Move Up and Move Down tool bar buttons to move the selected
item to a new location in the menu.

8. In Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5.0, set the LANG environment variable to C in your shell
initialization file. For example, in the Bash shell, you would include the following line in the


158 Appendix: Troubleshooting: Adobe Reader Release 5000.0.0.2

Landmark OpenWorks® Software Installation Procedures

Possible Syntax Error in Linux 在Linux上可能出现的语法错误

After installing Adobe Reader in Linux, you may see the following error :

expr: syntax error

expr: syntax error
expr: syntax error
expr: syntax error
expr: syntax error
expr: syntax error
expr: syntax error
expr: syntax error
expr: syntax error
expr: syntax error

[2]+ Killed ./acroread

[root@owhp64 bin]#

It doesn't appear to stop until you use the kill command in another terminal window.

To fix it, you must edit ReaderHome/bin/acroread. Basically, a line just needs an asterisk.

Fix Adobe Acrobat Reader's "expr: syntax error" message

Find acroread (it is a shell script, probably in /usr/local/bin or under whichever-directoy-you-

specified-during-installation/bin) and apply this patch:

--- acroread.old 2007-06-01 18:18:49.000000000 -0500

+++ acroread 2007-06-01 18:20:57.000000000 -0500
@@ -415,7 +415,7 @@
return 1

- echo $mfile| sed 's/libgtk-x11-\([0-

+ echo $mfile| sed 's/libgtk-x11-\([0-
return 0
Alternatively, edit acroread using a text editor such as vi(1) and add an asterisk after the second
[0-9] block in line 418.

Release 5000.0.0.2 Appendix: Troubleshooting: Adobe Reader 159

OpenWorks® Software Installation Procedures Linux & Solaris:进程资源限制 Landmark

Linux & Solaris: Process Resource Limits

The default for file process limits vary from operating system to operating system; however, some
limits on some systems have posed a problem for the applications that use the OpenWorks
database and for Oracle itself. Generally, it is best to give these process (and the users of the
system) unlimited resources or up to the hard limits for the system.

All systems have hard and soft limits. If the hard limits are too low, a user of OpenWorks may or
may not have a resource. Some system limits may have been set by the system administrator to
keep the system within parameters important in the system environment, but which can still be
raised. Other limits may be the actual limits of the system and cannot be raised. Only a user with
root privileges can change hard limits.

On Solaris, some limits can be changed with the ulimit command. However, on Solaris it is
sometimes best to change the kernel settings in /etc/system .

On Linux, it is best to change the system limits by changing /etc/sysctl.conf . To some

extent, changing the limits in the bash interpreter with the ulimit built-in command can be

For information about any concerns about process limits for a Landmark application, see the
documentation for the application. For more information on the system commands or changing
the system, consult the documentation for the operating system.

Changing a Process Resource Limit with ulimit (or limit)

用ulimit (或limit)命令改变进程资源限制
The number of file descriptors allowed for a process and its subprocesses must be sufficiently
high. If not, a system error may occur. The error indicates the system cannot open any more files
or create new processes. This error occurs when all the available file descriptors have been used.

For instance, on a Solaris system the number of file descriptors for a user (the soft limit) maybe
set at sixty-four; however, the hard limit for the system maybe set at 1024. To set the soft limit to
the hard limit, do the following:

csh (Solaris)

limit descriptors 1024


unlimit descriptors (sets the limit to the hard limit, which is

1024 in this case)

160 Appendix: Troubleshooting: Linux & Solaris: Process Resource Limits Release 5000.0.0.2
Landmark OpenWorks® Software Installation Procedures

sh (Solaris)

ulimit -n 1024

These commands can be executed at the command line in a terminal window to configure a shell
or can be entered in .profile or .login to configure the user’s environment.

Large Files 大文件

Oracle and OpenWorks can manipulate very large files on the order of two gigabytes or more.
When users of OpenWorks back up projects, the backup files can be hundreds of megabytes or
even gigabytes. If the operating system imposes a limit on the file size that is too small,
OpenWorks may incur an error and not be allowed to back up or restore a project.

Limits on processes, especially the file size allowed on the system, can be defined by a number of
means: hard limits, set in the kernel of the operating system or by the configurations of the system
administrator; and soft limits, which can be set by the user. Generally, a user is able to change soft
limits, and may lower hard limits for his account, but a user is not allowed to raise hard limits.

Besides allowing you to changed the limits on the system, the ulimit command can display
the current limits on the system. For instance on Solaris, the ulimit command displays all the
hard limits (the a switch displays all the limits, and the H switch displays the hard limits):

# ulimit -aH
time(seconds) unlimited
file(blocks) unlimited
data(kbytes) unlimited
stack(kbytes) unlimited
coredump(blocks) unlimited
nofiles(descriptors) 1024
memory(kbytes) unlimited

The command can display all the soft limits (the a switch displays all the limits, and the S
switch displays the soft limits):

# ulimit -aS
time(seconds) unlimited
file(blocks) unlimited
data(kbytes) unlimited
stack(kbytes) 8192
coredump(blocks) unlimited
nofiles(descriptors) 256
memory(kbytes) unlimited

The set of limits differ from operating system to operating system: Solaris to Linux and Linux to
Solaris, and the values of the limits can differ from implementation to implementation of an
operating system.

Release 5000.0.0.2 Appendix: Troubleshooting: Linux & Solaris: Process Resource Limits 161
OpenWorks® Software Installation Procedures Landmark

As indicated above, the limits on file size ( file (blocks) ) are set to unlimited. In this
case, the hard and soft limits are the same. If the soft limit were lower than the hard limit (lower
than 2 gigabytes for example), the ulimit command would allow you to raise the file size
limit to the hard limit as the file descriptors limits were raised in the section above, “Changing a
Process Resource Limit with ulimit (or limit)” on page 160.

162 Appendix: Troubleshooting: Linux & Solaris: Process Resource Limits Release 5000.0.0.2
Landmark OpenWorks® Software Installation Procedures

Appendix: Removing Oracle &


Use the procedures in this appendix to uninstall Oracle server and then to uninstall OpenWorks.

Removing Oracle Server 卸载Oracle服务器

Sometimes before installing Oracle you may want to completely remove all vestiges of a previous
installation of Oracle. The steps in this section will guide you through the process of completely
removing Oracle Server.

This procedure has the following assumptions:

• All data in the database has been backed up in a location other than the database.

• You have backed up certain other files such as SQL configuration files, database files, and
scripts you have written. These files may be stored in Oracle’s home directory as well as
other places.

• You want to cleanly uninstall Oracle.

• You want to delete all Oracle instances and databases.

Warnings 注意事项

Some of the steps in this procedure can cause trouble for the operating system if they are
performed incorrectly or incompletely.

• Aborting the uninstall procedure in the middle of the procedure may leave the system in
an undetermined condition.

• Some of the steps (such as removing a home directory or user) must be executed as Super
User. There is no undo for these steps.

Release 5000.0.0.2 Appendix: Removing Oracle & OpenWorks: Removing Oracle Server 163
OpenWorks® Software Installation Procedures Landmark

Deleting Oracle 10g 删除Oracle 10g

Use the Oracle Universal Installer to delete an Oracle 10g installation.

1. Log in as an OpenWorks user.

2. Run orastat . Note the data file and project locations. You may need to know these
location if the Oracle Universal Installer does not remove these data files. The data file and
project locations might look similar to the following: {OpenWorks}% orastat

… …
… …
… …
# ORACLE tablespace files on this machine are ...
File Total MBytes Remaining MBytes
---------------------------------------- ------------ ------------
/d01/ora10g/OraHome1/databa 5 4.953125
/d01/ora10g/OraHome1/databa 20 13.78125
… …
… …
… …
# project location list on this machine is ...
Project Locations

3. Log out from the OpenWorks user account.

4. Log in as the Oracle user (ora10g).

5. Set the DISPLAY environment variable. For example:

setenv DISPLAY hostname:0.0

6. Check that no users are logged into the Oracle database instances. For example, you might
execute the following with SQL*Plus (sqlplus):

164 Appendix: Removing Oracle & OpenWorks: Removing Oracle Server Release 5000.0.0.2
Landmark OpenWorks® Software Installation Procedures

[oracle@sealy ~]$ sqlplus internal

SQL> select sid, serial#, user#, username, machine, program, server,
2 status, command, type
3 from v$session
4 order by username;

This command will display all of the active users of the database which include the Oracle
processes like pmon, dbw0, lgwr, ckpt, smon, reco, snp0, and snp1 as well as
system (the user name logged into sqlplus in this case).

If you see other users listed in the command’s output, ask them to log out of Oracle before
continuing with the next step.

7. Remove the database instances with dbca (the Oracle Database Configuration Assistant).

• For instance, to start dbca .


The Oracle Database Configuration Assistant dialog displays.

• Select the Delete A Database radio button.

• Click Next.

• In the Available Instances list box, select all the names in the list box.

• To delete all of the database files (and all the data in the database), click Finish.

• Click Yes to confirm your desire to delete the databases.

• After the databases are deleted, click OK.

8. In a terminal window, check whether any database processes are still running. For example:

ps –ef | grep –i OracleSID

9. If database processes exist, do the following:

setenv ORACLE_SID OracleSID

SVRMGR> connect internal
SVRMGR> shutdown abort
SVRMGR> exit

10.Stop the listener by entering the following:

Release 5000.0.0.2 Appendix: Removing Oracle & OpenWorks: Removing Oracle Server 165
OpenWorks® Software Installation Procedures Landmark

lsnrctl stop

11.Use the Oracle Universal Installer to remove the Oracle software. For example:

• Start the Oracle Universal Installer.


The Oracle Universal Installer dialog displays.

• Click Deinstall Products. The Inventory dialog displays.

• In the list box, click the plus signs next to the Independent Products and /d01/ora10g/
OraHome1 items in the list.

• Check the boxes in the lines for Oracle Universal Installer, Oracle Enterprise Edition, and
OpenWorks database.

• Click Remove to delete all of the installed Oracle products.

• Click Yes to confirm your desire to delete the software.

• Click Close in the Inventory dialog.

• Click Exit in the Oracle Universal Installer dialog.

12.Exit from the Oracle user account. For example, enter Exit in the terminal window.

13.Log on as Super User (or root). For example, su - root .

14.Remove the following directories and files:

• Remove any remaining project and data files and directories (as noted in step 2).

• Remove oraInst.loc (contains the group and inventory location), and oratab
(lists of the databases on the system). For example:

rm -f /etc/oraInst.loc /etc/oratabDefault Location in Linux

rm -f /var/opt/oracle/oraInst.loc /var/opt/oracle/oratabDefault Location

in Solaris

• Remove the Oracle home directory. For example:

rm –rf OracleUserHomeDir

166 Appendix: Removing Oracle & OpenWorks: Removing Oracle Server Release 5000.0.0.2
Landmark OpenWorks® Software Installation Procedures

• In /usr/local/bin , remove coraenv, dbhome, and oraenv . For example:

cd /usr/local/bin
rm –f coraenv dbhome oraenv

15.With a text editor (such as vi), delete the line for the Oracle user (oracle) in /etc/passwd
and the line for the DBA group (dba) in /etc/group . Alternatively, in Linux, use the Red
Hat User Manager ( /usr/bin/redhat-config-users ) to delete the Oracle user and
DBA group.

16.It is good practice, but not required, to reboot your operating system.

Release 5000.0.0.2 Appendix: Removing Oracle & OpenWorks: Removing Oracle Server 167
OpenWorks® Software Installation Procedures Landmark

Removing OpenWorks Server 卸载OpenWorks服务器

The procedure outlined below will delete anything in the OpenWorks home directory (as well as
other files), including any other applications or files installed in the OpenWorks directory.

1. Log on as root.

2. Set the OpenWorks home environment variable, OWHOME. For example:

export OWHOME

3. Stop the NetD, PD, and license manager processes. Enter the following commands in the
OpenWorks home directory:


4. Run owremove , located in the install subdirectory in the OpenWorks home directory. For


5. After owremove has finished, delete the OpenWorks home directory if it still exists. For

rm -rf /Landmark/programs/OpenWorks

168 Appendix: Removing Oracle & OpenWorks: Removing OpenWorks Server

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