Adverbs Rules II

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Adverbs which modify verbs

The following table gives examples of six different types of adverb which can be used
to modify verbs.

Adverbs of Adverbs of Adverbs of Adverbs of Connecting Negative

Frequency Manner Location Time Adverbs Adverbs
always carefully ahead again also barely
ever correctly back early consequently hardly
frequently eagerly forward late furthermore little
generally easily here now hence never
never fast high sometime however not
often loudly low then moreover nowhere
rarely patiently near today nevertheless rarely
seldom quickly outside tomorrow otherwise scarcely
sometimes quietly somewhere tonight therefore seldom
usually well there yesterday thus

The most usual Position of Adverbs following a Verb

Order of Adverbs following Order of Adverbs following a Verb

a Verb of Motion which is not a Verb of Motion
Adverb of Location Adverb of Manner
Adverb of Manner Adverb of Location
Adverb of Time Adverb of Time
Adverb of Purpose Adverb of Purpose


Adverbs are the words that tell us more about the actual verb that is being used. It is the
adverb that changes the verb, and they can also change adjectives.

We are taught to recognise adverbs by the three following characteristics:

• Function
• Form
• Position

The Adverbs Function

The main job of the adverb is to give us more detailed information about the adjective,
verb and other adverbs being used.

Changing A Verb

• Daniel speaks quietly – The adverb in this sentence is quietly, and the word it is
changing is speaks.
• Sarah lives locally – the adverb is locally and the word being changed is lives.
The adverbs have many other functions such as changing an entire sentence or changing
certain phrases.

The Adverbs Form

You may notice that many of the adverbs end in –ly. Adverbs are actually formed by
adding –ly to the end of an adjective:

• Softly
• Quickly
• Honestly
• Strongly

Don’t think though, that all words that end in –ly must be adverbs. Some words such as
“friendly” are actually adjectives.

The Adverbs Position

The adverb can be found in three places in a sentence: the beginning, the middle and the
end. When the adverb is at the beginning, it will come before the subject. When it is in
the middle, it will come between the subject and then the main verb. When at the end of
a sentence, the adverb will be after either the verb or the subject.

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