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Working in 4 3 2 1

Groups Rubric

Cooperation Student worked Student worked Student worked Student had

well with all well with most well with some difficulty
students in his students in his students in his getting along
or her group or her group or her group. with all
and was able to and members of his
avoid conflict demonstrated a or her group
by using his or high degree of and was unable
her leadership leadership and to resolve
skills. responsibility. conflicts that
Empathy and Student was Student was Student Student was not
Respect able to able to participated able to
empathize with empathize, to a actively but not empathize with
the opinions of degree, with the always what other
others and opinions of constructively. members of the
either disagree others, and group had to
respectfully or participated say.
agree actively.
with what
others had to
Focus Student Student There were Student was
remained remained on several rarely focused
focused and on task most of the moments where on the task at
task while time during the student was hand.
engaged in group work. not on task
group work. during group

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